>Slew of new Banjo merch is revealed days before E3
>Shinobi hopes we are in for a "smashing good time" regarding how its been so long since Banjo's been in anything
>Other leakers are quick to throw all their chips on Banjo
>One of them, Sabi, accurately leaks Microsoft and Bethesda conferences.
>Gets mysterious Cease and Desist from Nintendo just as she's about to do the same for their conference
>Hints to Kotaku that its possible he along with Nintendo's upcoming Direct will be leaked anyway in some form.
>I'm thinking Banjo is a lock in for tomorrow's Nintendo Direct
>Screencap this for tomorrow Yea Forums when the Stevoids are kicking and screaming as they are dragged into the depths of Yea Forums hell for all eternity! ;)

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Other urls found in this thread:


Proof of the Kotaku comment in OP post

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What if his design is shit though

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.73M)

Banjo pretty much HAS to be the main event of Nintendo's E3 presentation tomorrow. Them silencing a prominent leaker who was leaking shit left and right yesterday who is also backing Banjo in Smash Bros just confirms that they know that the leakers know that we know he's a guarentee tomorrow.

What were the leaks?

Sakurai better pull a Pac Man and opt for classic

Attached: pacster.png (631x500, 218K)

What OP mentioned. Sabi leaked Microsoft and Bethesda's conferences yesterday with scary accuracy therefore making Banjo a 99.9 percent lock in for tomorrow's Direct.



Man this reminds me of everyone posting all the dozens of evidence for the Grinch lean and how it had to be a sure thing

Since you also care about the roster, doesn't that make you a rosterfag too?
>No I just enter threads for things I don't care about

Reminder that the Grinch Leak had insiders and leakers BTFO'ing it from the start. Banjo being in Smash Bros does not and after Sabi getting a C&D last night, Banjo is a lock in at this point.

And then CONVENIENTLY got a cease and desist when about to leak Nintendo stuff...

Attached: the doomguy.jpg (3000x3000, 523K)

Don't jynx it I wanna stop caring about this rosterfaggotry

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He's be so BORING though. He just has a gun and Yea Forums only wants him because he's shilled constantly here and because they love edgy gun buff guys. Banjo would at least have a fun wacky moveset (more fitting for Smash too)

Attached: peepe.jpg (400x400, 16K)

>He just has a gun
lots of guns
>doomguy isn't whacky
check again

Attached: this is just silly.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

I just want this madness to end

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Holy basedola

The tears from Banjocucks when their irrelevant bear isn't announced tomorrow is going to be amazing.

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based. fuck banjo

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I hope you Banjo fucks win and BTFO the Erdrick nation for good.


Why are you all so obsessed with this gay bear? Oh right...

Seethe harder Stevefag! You'll be lucky to be a costume for Mii Swordfighter if even that tomorrow! ;)

Rent free


banjo is like grinch leak, absolutely FAKE

Has joker taught you fags nothing? It won't be rosterfag picks. It'll be surprising characters.

Pick one and only one


absolute brainlet if you think he just uses guns

Honestly banjofags are delusional.
"ITS TOTALLY BANJO, SEE THIS ONE LEAKER SAID SO" but they fail to mention literally the only mention of banjo from their revered leaker was Virginben saying his "source" said banjo was in.

*what Nintendo though would be surprising 2 years ago


it's an updated classic look. but counter to both your statements i'd like to play as fat banjo. he can be smash version of super meatboy's tofu boy or dan

Yeah because a cereal box mascot is so much more interesting and FUN xD

I feel like at least half of these >HE'S IN threads if not 75% are all falseflags from Steveposters so that they have enough fuel to shitpost with in the case that Banjo isn't announced.

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If he gets in he's just gonna be a duck hunt echo fighter

Attached: 551D036C-747C-495B-B84F-5F47ECF0FBC1.jpg (1024x686, 60K)

Somebody posted this in a (quickly archived) thread.

Attached: 1560197395176.jpg (628x463, 30K)



All new products featuring Banjo recently have been of his classic design. The last time N&B Banjo turned up was Rare Replay, and then only as recycled promo art.

wow his looks so shitty

You don’t know what rosterfagging is

Sabi never said Banjo is in dotard.


that IS what video games are for

LMAO how fucking fake looking.

Oh a bloo bloo bloo poor banjofags always the victim why can't they understand that they're poor bois who never did anything wrong it was all the big bad Steve's fault

this but unironically

that's an edit of Banjo from the 90's commercial.

Someone's projecting.

Attached: 1560080174833.gif (390x340, 1.99M)

It'll end, one way or another although that one autistic Stevefag that does the shitty 3D modeling might keep it going for awhile even after tomorrow

What did Sabi leak that got him the C&D? Or was it preemptively?

What if they only show Erdrick?
What if Banjo doesn't get confirmed or deconfirmed?
This shit will continue until who knows when.

He gloated about leaking the conference on the day before a week ago

Shut up about this bear for one second and u delusional fuck holy shit
Can’t wait for banjokes to comit sudoku tomorrow
€muh leakers said it’s In so it’s true
Actually fuck off that’s literally all u retards have been spamming for last couple days just shut up for a bit

Sabi is only trying to dismiss Banjo right now because she's trying to avoid anymore legal actions from Nintendo.

He’s in, he’s in, he’s in... WE GET IT HES FUCKING IN.
Is this really what you do all day. Sit around and contemplate the possibility of a video game character you like being in a fucking party game? You’re fucking pathetic to sit around making speculations about something that you can’t change and 100% won’t know the result of until the next dlc reveal. Why do you feel the need to sit around obsessing over the roster like it’s the only reason you even play the fucking game. As if a characters inclusion will effect whether or not you fucking play smash.
If you sit around and have fucking autistic fights over which character should be in a party game then you deserve to get cancer. You are not only worse than consolewarfags but you are actually a black mark on the smash community you so love to call yourself a part of. Rosterfagging is the single gayest thing in the history of smash bros and if you take part in it then you should be officially registered as severely autistic.

I love the original Bajo games and I really want him to get in Smash, but I will honestly laugh my ass off if they go with the fat bear design.
wouldn't even be mad

I honestly don't want either Banjo or Steve to have a chance until theirs only one dlc spot left. I want to see the glorious dumpster fire that is Yea Forums when there can only be one.

>that one autistic Stevefag that does the shitty 3D modeling
Isn't it multiple? Didn't the model get released?

>constantly act like annoying retards
>won’t shut up about ur bear
>push it in everyone’s face
>constantly keep showing same few fan polls over and over
>get called out
>reee nuuu actually it was a falseflaggwr I swear it’s just x Making us look bad
If ur going to shit up for board for months and act like annoying Faggotts ur gunna get called out on it
Stop playing the Victim card

Hi ESLkun

Since when did Banjokes become the same as insufferable as Genofags?

Attached: 3EA93366-BA24-460A-9F7A-CBE4E08717A3.jpg (586x439, 224K)

>remembers Banjo's English
>Him getting in Smash is basically a reunion with his long lost Nintendo senpai

>banjokes keep jerking off sabi hurr durr he is totally in
>sabi actually I never said that
>muh he is lying I swear guyise, he totally did to
Besides there’s no proof of this c&d

Someone find that screenshot of her on discord posting a pic of a bear and a witch

This is pathetic now


Attached: englishsteve.gif (1920x1478, 595K)

>just a gun
>wacky = fun

Attached: 1475456364912 (1).gif (300x290, 1.74M)

is this a meme. people dont actually care this much about some old platformer appearing in a third rate beatemup do they?

>what if they use Boom Sonic
>what if yhey use Ghostly Pac Man (when Sakurai wound up straight up refusing to even include him if they couldn't use the classic design, against Namco's initial wishes)
>what if they use any of the shitty Simon designs that have piled up over the years
>what if they use banana Ken

>people believed Banjo was in after the Grinch leak
>Ken, Incineroar and Plant revealed instead
>people believe Banjo is in because of Shinobi
>? revealed instead

Attached: reallymagesyouthing.png (1024x900, 78K)

Did Sabi actually say or even hint anything about Banjo though?

Master Chief is the one who will be finishing the fight.

Attached: Halo_Infinite_Master_Chief_Transparent.png (460x619, 518K)

>didnt even have a game at Microsoft's conference


will BTFO the relevancy argument even more if he does get in

I don't even know why you want them so badly. Remember for years Sakurai wouldn't put in K Rool or Ridley even though they were super popular, and when he finally put them in they were both a huge disappointment? I have no idea why you expect anything more from Banjo & Kazooie. you people can make all the movesets you want but it doesn't change the fact that they have nothing unique and no clear archetype. they had Phil Spencer's blessing in the last game and were rejected by Sakurai. now he isn't the one picking the DLC, it's Nintendo who don't understand the game and what makes a good character. prepare to get exactly what you asked for tomorrow and prepare to be disappointed.

the new merch is a graphically updated version of the classic design though

People just want another Banjo game. They believe if he appears in Smash his chance for getting a game will be heightened. "MegaMan got a new game after Smash happened so why not Banjo?" is probably the hive mind's thinking.

Why would he? He's not Microsoft anymore.


Megaman had a game come out 2 years before He was added retard
Also him being in smash isn’t what made Megaman 11 happen
Why do u retards think
Hurr durr if autism bear in smash he new game




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Your view of rosterfags is way too kind. Maybe like 1% of these guys actually just want a banjo game and arent in it just to see banjo in smah
Less than that actually

I don't care who gets it, I just want to see one "side" get blown the fuck out and see the other "side" gloats about it to extreme levels. It's a shitload of nothing but the autism over everything is just too good to not enjoy.


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When Kuck Droolies got their precious fat ass tranny gator in Smash

Sabi was hinting at Monokuma all along you dolts


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Literally cant think of a more faggot chice if i tried

i keep seeing all this leak shit, but where is it? is there a compilation of the leaks?

King K. Rool’s moveset was exactly how a lot of people thought his moveset was gonna be, and he actually feels like you’re playing as a boss from DKC. As as someone who wanted both K. Rool and Banjo for years, King K. Rool has been one of my favorite smash characters ever.

Die, Erdrickscum.

Attached: fuckrick.png (1299x1181, 437K)

Watch out frogboy, youre going to trigger the little doomfaglets

If the fat bear is an alternative costume, it'd be my favorite costume for sure

I doubt it. It's more likely that there's a bunch of Anons posting images of those creations, but it's no doubt his handiwork that's making it a meme in the first place.

Besides, only the work of one truly autistic individual could devise something as cringe and stupid as that video he made

>A new game

No one has learned their lesson from nuts and bolts it seems. Heck, even Banjos replacement , Yooka Laylee, seems to have dumped it's 3d platformer gameplay for a safe 2d platformer which has been done to death. Their no guarantee that if the Banjo threeie game came out, it would have the same play style as it's predecessors. Banjo fags are truly deserving of the name "banjokes".

>still assblasted

BanJOKES are truly pathetic whelps.

i cant believe it, its fucking almost over

you smash fags are almost done with your stupid character reveal fights. god i hope none of you get what you want and they bring in something dumb like sam fisher as an echo fighter or a battle toad in the new art style

Attached: giphy.gif (200x149, 408K)

Smash does third party characters very well and people just wnat to see him implemented.

I don't think you know what wacky is.Because while that was a crazy idea, it's not really wacky.

Absolute Zoomer piece of trash.

>almost over
We still got three DLC characters left after this pal. Strap yourself in.

>you smash fags are almost done with your stupid character reveal fights.
February 2020

Attached: 1554840344861.png (2000x1429, 695K)

>wacky: funny or amusing in a slightly odd or peculiar way.
Doom guy launching himself out of a cannon in space is pretty fucking wacky if you ask me

The guy uploaded the model yesterday to mediafire so everyone can make their own steve OC now.

It's Grinch leak all over again. It's gonna be fun tomorrow, for me.

Yup. The shitposting shall be grand.

Hope you know the guy that drew that has given up on Banjo.

Who else is ready to unite and slay Erdrickfags?

Attached: The World unites against the malignant cancer.png (513x767, 508K)

Muh cartoon bear

Banjo would be even more boring to have.

Sad but redpilled. He had to accept the awful reality eventually or else he would have committed Sudoku to keep living in his blue pill fantasy.

Sorafag here, fuck Erdrick, take my energy

I am ready for anti-Erdrick OC. I hope someone depicts Erdrick getting torn and shred into bloody chunks by Banjo or Sora or Crash.

See you in the trench, user. Bring your collages and have fun.

the last ones probably aren't being revealed until winter ;)

Fuck Erdrick, fuck Erdrickfags and fuck Dragon Quest.

Attached: Banjo takes care of the problem.jpg (698x824, 352K)

Uh oh banjies..............

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Erdrick and Erdrickfags deserves death.

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I like Dragon Quest I just know Erdrick is a retarded choice with a lot going against him and if DQ ever gets a rep just to shill it it'll be Luminary at best.

Dunno why but i one time had the idea of beat in smash

Maybe cause if he got added a Rob Zombie track would be in the smash OST and i find that funny

Attached: lostcause.png (600x630, 322K)

I trusted Sakurai to give Simon his original soulful NES appearance and he delivered. I can trust him to do the same again with Banjo.

I fucking hate Erdrickfags, I hope they all die.

Then why did you post the first Erdrick?

Attached: heehee.jpg (433x650, 54K)

Yep, I'm thinking they're in.

Attached: spanish inquisition.png (600x450, 352K)

Yeah, banjo can punch and kick, just like in his games!!!1

Crash banidoot
Any ugly cereal box mascot is worse
Then doomwhy

You are already dead, refusteve.

Attached: 408.png (986x553, 344K)

Luminary isn't called Erdrick.

If anyone from DQ gets in then we also get shitty DQ music too. Which is bad.


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U never expect the Spanish Inquisition

Based. Erdrickfags must suffer for all the harm they've inflicted on Smash threads.

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preemptive is what I'd bet if they were telling the truth, because they were saying the whole damn time "I'm totally going to leak Nintendo's E3 direct as soon as I know."
That or Sabi is making shit up and actually just doesn't know whats going on with Nintendo's E3 direct because either their sources couldn't pull through for them, or they just didn't have one.
I say this because leading up to E3 they never actually leaked anything in relation to Nintendo's E3 direct, always said they'd do it as soon as they knew, only to get a CnD from Nintendo suddenly.

I think we all know who it's going to be

Attached: SolaireAmiibo.jpg (800x1124, 231K)

Based Doomchad

his final smash better be the jinjonator

I'm honestly concerned for you guys tomorrow. Gonna blow your gaskets

What does Matt know

I wouldn't hate minecraft posters if they just used his actual face instead of this disgusting image

I usually love being in the middle of the shitstorms that come when someone is confirmed/deconfirmed, but I'll be staying away tomorrow. I won't have the energy to watch you all react to Byleth being your one and only reveal.

Just a gun would be immensely unique and never before seen in smash. He’d be mega man dialed up to 11.

Alright Edgelords, give me Doom Guy's Special moves then, if he HAS any! BAHAHA

Attached: Komugi.png (80x81, 3K)

The true Dragon Quest fans are standing by to give you all our energy to slay the cancer backed only by fake fans. Slay them all.

Attached: Slime_(Dragon_Quest).jpg (200x197, 8K)

>Journalists unironically trying to make smash is darksouls memes

I love him and think he would be a fun pick, but the cost is too high a price to pay. Practically a cringepocalypse.

>Just a gun would be immensely unique and never before seen in smash
Joker has "just a gun" in his moveset.

gonna repost this from the other thread.

Last night as I was drifting to sleep, I had a wonderful dream:
>Banjo wasn't at microsoft because he's instead gonna steal the show at Nintendo's direct
>Microsoft made a deal with Nintendo to allow them to use Banjo and Kazooie freely
>Starts with new classic Banjo game announced for Switch
>Teaser of that game ends with a reveal for Banjo in Smash (similar to the Isabelle/Animal Crossing reveal)
>New Animal Crossing announced to have special guest characters that can show up, the first being Banjo and Kazooie
>Banjo cameos in other games
>Banjo not just coming home, but coming with uproarious fanfare
It was pure delusion, but it was a lovely dream.

Attached: Banjo_Kazooie.png (770x803, 560K)

Joker already has a gun

Excuse me, I have a declaration to make.
Fuck Doomgayfags.
That is all, you may continue your discussion.

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I, myself, am doubling down on the possibility that the new character is Tracer from Overwatch. I don't know why, but something about that just seems to be exactly the type of thing Blizzard would pay through the nose to make a reality in attempt to immortalize their game.

Plus, the way that one user earlier today leaked it just seemed way more genuine than most other potential leaks. He didn't just predict the new character, he predicted all of Nintendo's lineup, which is way more ballsy than any other thread has been since those threads even started.

I'll take my lumps if I'm wrong. But I just can't shake the feeling that that user was telling the truth

Boy do I think I'm smelling a btfo the size of the grinch coming on

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>inb4 banjo's in
>as an assist trophy

And it’s just one gun compared to Doomguy’s dozen gun arsenal w/ weapon mods and several melee methods. He’d also be range/speed which is an odd as fuck combo.

I’ll enjoy my new and high quality game, thank you.

Attached: 7D1552B8-6815-41C9-A028-DC57F3D98C26.jpg (2480x1748, 531K)

I'm not arguing against Doomguy being a cool idea due to his variety in guns, but I'm saying "just a gun is unheard of in smash!" isn't true technically speaking since Joker actually has just a straight up gun in him.

I get that. Have a nice day, man.

Facing the horde of normies with pride

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>Journalists unironically trying to make smash is darksouls memes


Fake fans are the true normies, and you will suffer for everything you've done.

Cheap bait

Plasma Gun
Gauss Cannon
Assault Rifle Rocket Span
Rocket Launcher shenanigans
Super Shotgun
That new crossbow thing
Grappling Hook into Super Shotgun
Soul Cube
Glory Kill-style grabs (censored)
And too much to list

>being mad if characters get into a game

Attached: relax.jpg (1191x900, 95K)

Real banjofag here. Good luck to you too erdrick. Hope you make it with us.

What game are we talking about? Ah yeah, Nintendo mascot central platform fighting game.
Get out with this stupid argument : Toon Link, Pikachu,Megaman & Mario in the same game and you think this is valid.

thats just snake with guns and a few new things?

Make a fucking moveset for Doomguy right now
No guns that use real bullets (Joker and Bayonetta are MAAAAGIC), no RIP N' TEAR, no demons with red blood, and make sure it's all true to character

You faggots just want him for the fucking sake of wanting things with literally no consideration towards making it work, if Sakurai even added him there'd be non-stop "WOOOOW HE FUCKING SUCKS" and "OH NO NO NO NO" threads, absolute cancer

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Game Journalists are bad at being funny and yet they try to be funny in the most cringiest way. If sunbro is revealed as a the next dlc candidate, they most likely will make dark souls puns which will most likely make you cringe.

Apparently, while Sabi didn't directly said Banjo was in, she was given cryptic hints (witch puzzle pic, bear and bird pic, etc) to Banjo by her source. She says this is from the same source that leaked Link's Awakening with the crab pic.

Attached: 1560199859220m.jpg (929x1024, 132K)

DLC isn’t getting items or assist trophies.
Only a stage, music, and a spirit pack.

Attached: 6802FF36-6D47-441B-86FC-57A8C4F38709.jpg (433x427, 32K)


I doubt the gun thing matters now, Jokers gun looks pretty legit and to a general audience it’s just a straight up gun.

Fake fans such as you has no right to say anything. Shut your mouth and stay out of smash threads.

>implying they wouldn't do it as a "bonus" to the real fighter

Yea Forums is a hivemind sometimes, if you want Doom Guy youre BASED if you dont, youre a ZOOMER

You cant win

>he bitches while Joker's neutral B is literally just called "gun", no magic or anything
Unbased retard.
>Implying people wouldn't be hype to see an actually iconic gaming character in Smash

People have started latching onto anything that doesn’t have a sword it’s pathetic.

"Slew of new merch"

Jesus Christ.

>muh bullets n BLUHD
Doom 1 & 2 had about as much muzzleflash as Joker has with his gun.
You don’t need gore to get Doomguy’s gameplay down. Stop with the muh violence garbage, no one cares and I’m not going to argue within your arbitrary frame.

But he does have a sword though...

No user. We all know it's going to be the Terminator that's going to be in Smash. It's in damn near every presentation so far.

domt act like either banjo or steve fags arent gonna be like
>w-w-ell he'll be the third slot
fuck off this shit wont end till next year

No future.

People couldn’t possibly like him because he comes from a classic and influential game that has a new installment coming out plus Nintendo history.
No, it’s just bandwagoners and anti-swordfags.

What if he was fed false info? For smash specifically as no leaker even knew joker was a possibility

That doesn't mean shit. But I'd be happy for you Banjobros.

Didn’t finish the game then

Yeah it is because “Doomguy” doesn’t fit the aesthetic of Smash at all.

>Muh Snake

Comes from a game series with a guy who reads your memory card and looks at the games you play.

people who say anything against him are always hated on though, not everyone wants Doom guy


>Erdrick isnt Goku
Stopped watching immediately

He fits in just as much as Bayo does
>Bayo kills demons and angels (very violently too)
>Doomguy kills demons

So when she says no, it means nothing. But when she says this garbage, it's confirmation? That comment means nothing. Plus that does prove she would have broke a NDA.

>muh aesthetic and fit
No one cares about any of this, Doom also doesn’t take itself nearly as seriously as you think it does and has always been ”gamey” aside from maybe Doom 3.
Refer to

It's context to the story. Plus I didn't make this.

>Is actually in a video game now, making him eligible for Smash
This would be the best pick if only because it would cause the board to have a meltdown

Attached: keanuboys.jpg (656x640, 48K)

What happened to "UH... UH... SHE WOULDN'T KNOW ANYTHING!" Claim?

You could want someone else and that’s fine. Doom is unquestionably an important game though, so I don’t really get how it isn’t obvious why someone might like him. Doesn’t help that rulefags created a hundred hurdles.

That's the Crux of the joke. Steve posting wouldn't be nearly as obnoxious if they were using the regular model

And Stevefags are worse.

>still trying
Oh, I thought she didn't know anything.


Attached: shin leak.png (421x209, 30K)

Wait wait wait. Stevefags were screaming Audrey wouldn't know shit, now she says his name once and they follow her like stray cats? Lmfao

I'm going to say the N word


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What will his final smash be? That invincibility mode that uses up golden feathers? Mumbo turning banjo into a huge t-rex?

Shinobi doesn't post like that

Shut the fuck up Ashleyfag. Pedo scum like you deserves to be gassed.

Attached: dap.png (1200x1200, 1.15M)

It’d be the intro of the game with them playing music so loud

Fucking banjoniggers will ever beat the likes of erdrick. HE'S FUCKING IN FAGGOTS

Attached: erdrick always win.png (261x305, 64K)

Banjofags shouldn't be talking about messing up smash threads Erdrickfags are annoying but banjokes are on another level.

>using himself as ammunition in a giant cartoon gun isn't wacky
shut up dipshit

Attached: fwjgfbkqziqy.png (1024x768, 361K)

They are hypocrates. Plain and simple minded. She's stirring a drama pot because it's fun.



Attached: med_hipocrates.jpg (222x268, 19K)

Absolutely based.

Attached: Porky 404.png (1084x675, 412K)

Banjobros has never actively shat on Sorabros, smash fans who has been nothing but polite and well-mannered. That makes Erdrickfags worse by default.

I don’t want any of those characters to be in

Banjofags shouldn't be talking about ruining smash threads Erdrickfags are annoying but banjokes are on another level.

Why did my comment come out twice?

I'm flattered you always have us on your mind

Attached: Steve Minecraft.jpg (1920x1080, 88K)

Tick tock.

Attached: based artorias.jpg (945x870, 146K)

He looks like a dog that got stung by a bee lmao

+150 buzzword points
He's a crocodile

Pretty sure I saw this when Grinch leak was still a thing so FAKE.


Attached: shhh.gif (310x262, 260K)

Considering it's this close to e3 don't you think they'd know by now? Put two and two together you retard.

People realize aubrey is trolling right? If anything that's a deconfirmation for steve since we all know how serious nintendo is about leaks and ndas