For me, it's Veronica

For me, it's Veronica.

Attached: 562478976.jpg (1225x875, 436K)

That looks terrible

I’m dumb, she’s a lesbian
I thought I had found the one
We were good as married in my mind
But married in my mind’s no good
Oh, power fist on her hand
Let me know the truth
Let me know the truth

That's a funny way to spell Arcade, op.

He’s alright but I ain’t gay

>shitting on vanilla
Ok. I found the GUN nigger.

Here's your Veronica bro.

Attached: v.jpg (1920x1080, 900K)

For me, it's Sunny Smiles.

Shame you can't make her and Chyenne companions.

Attached: sunny.png (1200x675, 1.25M)

this actually would look kind of cool if not for her hair and the shitty terrain lighting

think I'm gonna replay vanilla vros. it's too much work to spend 8 hours configuring mods

Based, my first mission in every playthrough is to get her a dress.

I like both Veronica and Arcade even if they are both faggots
Craig "muh ptsd" Boone is shit.


That's a funny way to spell Boone, user.

I love V she's awesome, melee so I never have to give her more ammo and a mobile workbench so I can have more ammo plus she's a follower that can wear power armor? she's pretty much always my go to.

>not using fco

Attached: 3199513-1508759928.jpg (1920x1080, 337K)

Attached: 1321374196742.jpg (208x156, 5K)

The only good, perfect and flawless companion in not only the game but the entire series.

Attached: ED-E-trailer.jpg (1280x720, 383K)

How can a mod do exactly the opposite of what it intends?

Attached: 1557845322836.jpg (500x447, 55K)

Oh shit, that's vanilla? I've been playing modded for way too long. That haircut makes her look middle-aged.

theres a million mods for that tho

>This is what a 37 year old woman looks like in an irradiated wasteland

Attached: Rose_of_Sharon_Cassidy.jpg (900x643, 161K)

Man the AI upscaled textures look so much better than the original n64 tier textures, specially for armors.

Attached: FalloutNV 2019-06-10 17-32-57.jpg (1920x1080, 914K)

I want a mod that combines Sunny with Chyenne in 1 body/creature, kinda Nina from FMA.

>Lesbian uses powerfist

>not using FCO with NVR

Attached: 56312-4-1404553426.jpg (1722x768, 280K)

>that horrible retexture
>that garbage bloom
>that face

Attached: f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg (680x680, 85K)

the middle combo is the best and canon Cass

Attached: 1369284-1405397158.jpg (1920x1200, 282K)

>le cookie cutter lesbian

>t. seething incel

what are some actual graphics overhauls that wont make the game look like boiled piss and wont take 14 days of configuration to get working?
