Now that it's summer, you do remember to check your headset and battlestation for uninvited guests, right?

Now that it's summer, you do remember to check your headset and battlestation for uninvited guests, right?

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Other urls found in this thread:äsaivartaja

Fuck you, this kind of posts always make me paranoid.

>live in the UK
>literally no fuck off animals at all

feels good

I live in Finland and it's mostly the same, but there are ticks and moose botflies that, with extremely bad luck, might shoot it's larvae to your eye mistaking it for nostril of a moose.

yea but the muslims though

I had an ant in my headphones once while wearing them. Felt like something was tickling my ear so I took off the headphone and out it came. Luckily I got it before it burrowed into my brain forever and controlled me like a puppet. Also, remember to breathe.

This is fucking awful. Thank god i live in italy, where there are lots of cool bugs but not dangerous ones. Except for mosquitos, ticks, wasps, and two species of spiders.

>padding on headphones rip
>deal with it because I was too lazy to order replacements
>finally did
>headphones feel brand new

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You got off easy.

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Reminder to NEVER click on webms or gifs in these threads!

I really want to know what happens in this, but every molecule in my body is fighting against my urge to click it.

Reminder that if this ever happens to you, submerge your head in water.

Stop overreacting. We can't hurt your ears.

They flush a Syrian refugee out of his ear.

It's just an earwax cleaning

He drips some sort of fluid into the kid's ear, a centipede nopes the fuck out of said ear.

Based spiders defending me from mosquitos

Wait, fuck, which spiders fellow italanon?

I found a cockroach in my bed a week back or so. Haven't seen any others since. I threw him in a spiderweb to feed my spiderbros.


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It's extremely rare, the larvae can't survive in human eye and fall off eventually and as far as I've read it feels more irritating than painful, but the idea of dozens of microscopic larvae hooking themselves to your eyes and doctor having to remove them to prevent infection is quite unpleasant.
Not a real Yea Forumsirgin problem luckily, you'd have to spend summer outside to be in danger.

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I remember this scene from Sekiro.

I dont use a headset

that must feel so good tho

I got bedbugs thanks to my neighbors and I want to both kill them and kill myself

Vaffanculo ai ragni dio cane

I live in a north Russia, literally no insects.



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thats fucked up
do you live in a rented property or apartment? if so it's their prerogative to deal with shit like that

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I've yet to find a muslim in my headphones.

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Malmignatta and ragno violino

You now feel your left ear starting to tickle.

I like spiders and generally let them hang out. Except for brown recluses. They can get fucked.

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>just lets it crawl away to continue hiding in his house instead of fucking killing it

>except for brown

Fuck user, I'm sorry. I got them in my first apartment after I moved out to go to uni. Tossed out all my shit, started living in a single room of my place with everything stored in bags. Really shitty time in my life, still check my bed and walls like a crazy person because of how awful it is.

>uninvited guest
Now those fucking centipedes...
I swear to god I kill several a day and they keep coming, big ones too. Had one jump on my crotch when showering. At least I don't have ants like my neighbor

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>live in a newer house that’s actually sealed against pests
>in the desert where we don’t have many bugs anyway
Shits cash

How do you know you got bedbugs? I swear I get itchy late at night in my bed and I don't know why.

>no fuck off animals
>british women


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It's most likely you're allergic to either somethign you wash your sheets with or have lots of dust mites and sensitivity to them, bed bugs can often be discovered by finding crushed bugs in your bed and blood on white sheets.
Also, they leave behind small black feces that smear.

Europe has easymode with wasps and hornets.

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Moved from Italy to the MidWest. Fuck the gnats but everybody has central air and nobody opens the window so it's not that bad.
maledette zanzare tigre africane del caxxo. Aiutiamole a casa loroooo

That huge fucker looks like it would be slow and easy to smash to shit. I hate the little ones, they're too agile.

Pull your sheets off an look at the mattress. Look on the walls around your mattress too. They are small, but you'll be able to see the bugs. Check underneath the mattress as well. You might also notice the bites on your body, around your feet and hands and stuff. Just being itchy doesn't necessarily mean you have them, you should go check your bed and bedroom for them.


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these are fast

God dammit, it's cute. Why does it have to be cute? It lays eggs in people's eyes and I want to gently pet it.

Your pic related do no harm in your house, they also eat other bugs, if you have some in your house it means it feeds itself on something worse (like roaches, termites or silverfish)

Ok bros, now I know what I'm doing for the next two hours.


why are bugs so scary?

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It was 55 degrees fahrenheit over here yesterday.

>tfw ants living under my concrete floor
>the moment one speck of food is dropped they drill a hole and swarm it

> moose botflies that, with extremely bad luck, might shoot it's larvae to your eye mistaking it for nostril of a moose.
Please tell me you are joking t. another finn

What are you on about?
We have plenty of fucking toxic spiders running around out there.
Not to mention some eco-wanks released a species of large spider in to the UK wilds.
Expect those cunts in your shoes in a few years.

I kinda thought that already, but I had one jump on my crotch while I was in the shower (he was on the ceiling I guess) and I found an absolutely massive one stuck in one of the nozzles underneath the rim of the toilet. These experiences where enough to make me go genocidal.äsaivartaja

>jumping on you
what did you do to that poor animal jesus christ

Try to get rid off other bugs if you can find them and the centipedes will probably leave
If not good luck bro

They're not. It's our primal monkey brains that make us scared of them.

Thank God I'm part of the speaker masterrace

Thank goodness the worse I've had is a carpet beetle fly into my eye and get stuck in that part of your eye that leads into the tear ducts. Was easy to push out.

Think he just fell off from the wall or ceiling, I screamed like a banshee. god knows I already have enough penis complexes
That's the thing, if there are any other bugs I sure haven't seen any and can't find them. Guess they are really good at eating them.

Can this be fixed with do it yourself meme magic?

Also reminder to not buy PlayStation headphones. This is after one year of use and they also broke in two places 5 months after I bought it twice (because got replacement after the first time).

Forgot pic

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Congrats you destroyed all natural habitats and hunter all animals on your shitty Little Rock

You can get knitted headband covers. Can you remove the earpads? I use a beyerdynamic headphones and replace my earpdas every 2 years with brainwavz.

They like to be under damp towels and such too, so don't leave those around.

I can remove them. Nice, I didnt know that something like that existed.

Every spider is welcome in my household who wishes to live there. Everything else, not so much.

I always hated spiders, but now I welcome spiderbros, because they eat those fucking ants.

There's no way spiders can keep up with an ant infestation. They'll just become ant food eventually.

It's not really an infestation, they are coming from my neighbours place, which is abandoned. It's more like ant expeditionary force at this point. Spiderbros are handling it like champs so far. I will intervene if those small black niggers will get too greedy.

>live in germanistan
>in the middle of a big city
>on the second floor
>with every window having a fly screen
imagine being a pleb that has to deal with insects in his house

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>thinking living in a city is something to brag about

Every now and then I see pseudoscorpions in my place, they are total bros. I believe they are instrumental in keeping silverfish population plaguing me at minimum.

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>haha I'm going to die 10 years earlier just so I don't have to deal with flies, haha

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you have ticks in finland? do you guys have cases of lyme's disease too?

i almost broke my phone

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Yeah, but you have those hounds on the moors or some shit. I some a documentary about it once.

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>Runs into other ear

Yup. There are adverts around warning residents of this. Wife had to take some antibiotics a few years ago because of a tick.

Yes and yes. They are shitty little things, but problem mostly just in southern coast. I've never had any, but our dog staying with my parents has several every year.

>Yea Forums is full of country bumpkins
this makes more sense than it should

>wanting to live 10 years longer
Hard pass.

Thank god I don't fucking live in japan with these hellspawn.

>he actually thinks this
user we still have fuck off spiders and snakes and shit. venomous too.


enjoy your ban


>scare it out of your ear
>it crawls up your ass

the stitches in my mouth prevent me from screaming as loud as I wanted to when I saw this

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>being afraid of the ear centipede
enjoy going deaf

Make underrail thread i'm rangebanned from posting picture. Thx

They come around every start of the summer for me. I fucking hate them, especially because deep in the summer they like doing shit like swarming on the side of a McDonalds' building

This. Spiders pay rent and are generally quite content to live and let live with humans.

>aggro-ass fucking seagulls nesting in the middle of residential areas that go just crazy at everybody walking outside
Summer's the worst
Can't wait for the nigger swans that park their ass with their litter of swanlets in the middle of the fucking road and will try to kill you if you pass by

>country bumpkins don't have higher average IQs

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that little buggo is cute af

Bees don't exist here. Neither do wasps. Seriously, it's true.


>Bees don't exist here
Nice sterile rock

>most country bumpkin americans aren't germans

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If you dumbass hicks had any reading comprehension at all, you could see the original poster that got your poor feathers all a-rusltled said he lives in the middle of a city in Germany.

Uh, yeah. I know. That's why I implied he's a faggot for being afraid of bugs.

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>put on headset
>feel something moving
>take them off
>see this jump out of headset and fall into keyboard

I made sure it did not survive.

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They're that crusty stuff you keep scraping out of your earpiece.

You actually implied that y'all country folk had higher IQ, come on, Billy.

Jokes on you i don't which one is left and which one is right

Dragonflies are the most based bugs.
Prove me wrong

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Jesus christ. Don't be an idiot like this guy:

I was too busy spending 13000 dollars on a brand new central air setup because the summer finally murdered the old one.

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