Wake the fuck up, Yea Forums.
We have a board to burn.
Wake the fuck up, Yea Forums
Based x1000
why do you keep making threads subhuman?
I liked the 2018 version of the Chippin' In song better.
/pol/tards are first on DOTR
wow wtf i'd have thought keanu would be the last person to become penetrated by the long nose of kikery? tell me this is bait.
Wtf, I love Israel now
Does anyone agree with me that Jackie is the one who causes all that shit to go wrong? He is the one holding the chip and says "I'm sorry" to Yea Forums before he dies. The chip obviously has some connection to cyberpychosis, my bet is that Jackie inserted the chip and went crazy prompting the firefight. It also makes sense when you realize that the black guys says "what you and your psycho friend did". He could just be using it as a turn of phrase but if you link all the stuff together it makes a certain sort of sense.
Is this how he became immortal?
I got the impression that what happens there was a possible outcome of the mission of last year's gameplay showing. Like, what if the All Foods Plant job went south.
has CDPR said anything about the chipping in song? i really want the full thing
Nothing yet
I want the full version of the version from last year. 30 seconds of it was way too little.
>assignment to get rare chip from militech, arasaka or some other big corpo
>take the guns blazing pathway
that's all there is to it.
the chip is probably only some generic 'key to the big stash' hacker type of shit.
pondsmith made a point that the cyberpsychosis only occurs when someone goes full borg and begins viewing normal humans and anyone that isn't full-scale augmented as beneath them, and that they become extremely anti-social and violent towards these people.
no you need a special one-of.the-kind implant for it.
A kippa ?
does anyone else want the go on who these creepy niggers are?
shabbat shalom
they look like literal npcs
>the future censorship militia coming to get you since you said nigger on the internet
Literally Vox in the future