
Attached: Tim_Sweeney.jpg (593x800, 105K)

Name a more cunty name than Sweeney

People named Tim are 99% of the time assholes.

saving the industry honestly, all Valve has to do is just give devs more but they're too greedy, Tim himself said if Valve just ponied up EPIC goes "poof" practically.

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Until this day I had never been done dirty by EGS...I suppose even I was not immune.

this kills the steamcell

>Tim Sweeney
>Tim Schäfer

Yeah confirmed

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he looks like a serial killer


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that's not what I meant when I say cunty but I guess you're right

And they said white men don't ruin everything.

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I have question, does Tim Sweeney personally hate steam and/or gaben?
It really doesn't seem to just be business for him.


>all Valve has to do is just give devs more but they're too greedy
Why should they listen to Sweeneys arbitrary demands?

I thought this was Video Games
why is Stephen King a thread?

Tim is the man I wish I could be. I spend my all my time on here trying to piss off Yea Forumsermin with limited success, but if I had the money I like to think I could succeed on the same scale as him. Truly an inspiration.

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literally a serial killer's name
fucker probably rapes and kills a prostitute every meeting

He is just a money-hungry cunt. He talks about how bad Steam is for having had "le monopoly boogeyman" in the industry for a decade but uses even worse business practices to ensure his launcher has exclusive games

ur not an anime girl, dude. you’ll never be.

Something tells me you've never wanted to be a man your entire life.

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Imagine how bad Cliffy B must regret having left Epic and their infinite money by now.


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because he is right

it's fucking bullshit taking 1/3 of the money from other people's hard work and risky investment for the glorious act of offering a fucking download link

it's literally a middle man tax, and a very heavy one, but the gaymer community is way too fucking retarded and naive to realize what a greedy bullshit this tax is. Just because it is the "standard" it doesn't mean it's right and couldn't be much better if some people just stopped being greedy

Umm Sweeney nice nosehairs.

What's this from?

Looks a bit like the girl from Made in Abyss.

If Steam is just a middle-man, how come Epic has to buy exclusive rights to even have a chance to compete? Lmao

maybe because everyone is already using steam and people have zero point in using another launcher when they can just keep using steam?

I mean it's not that hard to figure it out

Yeah yeah, but if it's "just a launcher" then surely releasing a new launcher won't be that hard to compete with Steam. I mean after all, it's *just* a launcher

What about competitive pricing to lure in customers? The thing Epic fans keep droning about?

>California Polytechnic
Still the best part desu

It's called use saucenao


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>creator of Unreal Engine
>lead programmer behind Unreal Tournament
>UE4 which is better and bigger than ever, literally the world leading game engine
>is trying to lower taxes on game distribution 3 times
>would even make UE4 completely free through egs

>the only thing pc gaymers know about him is that "he is that fortnite company boss", and how he forces us to click on a different icon to buy games, this is enough to make him the most hated guy on the planet on Yea Forumseddit

>is owned by china

Why is 12% the correct value?

Youjo Senki.

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Valve deserves the money for constantly adding features the developers need. Take a look at a Hat in Time; I think Valve added multiplayer that is hosted on their end that basically made MP possible and even Gears for Breakfast acknowledged that. That, and achievements, social features, big picture, controller configurations, workshops, reviews, etc. The reason Epic takes less away from developers is because they don't have any features the developers can make use of and instead have nothing to upkeep.

that's literally it,
you really underestimate how much people do to save some minor convenience. People go to extremes to shittalk epic and praise valve, even though the only direct difference to costumers is having to click on a different icon, and maybe using google for the few missing "features" like checking reviews or mods.

what people don't realize is the long term benefits. It is generally better to give your money to the people behind the games than it is to give it to an unproductive middle man. Even if the people behind the games are greedy to an extent too, they are still much less greedier than people who just leech on other people's work just because they legally can. Even the crappier companies like EA push out a decent game every couple of years, but giving the money to Valve is straight up like flushing it down the toilet.

Tim also said that the same revenue share he is asking steam to adopt is unsustainable in the long term, even when passing extra costs on to the customer.

>the few missing "features"

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Sweeney is single handedly the major shareholder of Epic. Tencent is a minority share owner.

Holy shit really? That boring ass looking anime? Why does the manga look 100x better? What the fuck happened?

if you had a good product you wouldn't need to use your chinese government investor money to buy out the market ;)

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Your average "PC gamer" in 2019 is a 15 year old who had his mom buy him the prebuilt his favorite stream shilled, and thinks editing .ini files is complicated hacker shit.
PC gaming is literally just consolefags who want prettier graphics now.

Tencent has 30% shareholder stake, what are you talking about?

Because the director had some beef with the mangakas style and forced the studio to change it according to how he wanted it to look like. Ask Yea Forums for more, that's where I have it from.

Damn that sucks, well thanks for enlightening me user. Will check it out

devs have to pay for multiplayer servers on steam, it's not something Valve freely provides them. It's something they have to pay beside the already huge steam taxes.

steam's social features are fucking shit. You can't group chat with f2p players, and the voice chat in general is horrible. Noone fucking uses it, that's why Discord is popular.

epic launched their store half assedly, but they are already working on features like achivements, reviews, etc. Sweeney already talked about how the upkeep of these things doesn't actually cost jackshit, it just takes time to make them

what you also have to take into consideration that Valve is a fucking small company, only around 200 people. Them making something new like Linux compatibility or some VR stuff is nice, but they really don't need this ridiculous money for any of that at all, they don't have big operating costs. They just take this much money because they can, not because they reinvest it into the industry in any form.

I missed the PC conference, can anyone fill me up?

Honestly he's been JUST'd so hard that even the EPICdrones aren't defending him.

What went so right Yea Forumsros?

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yes, you can use the internet for pretty much 90% of these features

that's what Steam is, it's a browser based launcher. Checking steam reviews is no different than checking any review website like metacritic.

the only thing steam offers is shortcuts, like you don't have to manually download mods and put them into their folders/install them with nexus but can just select and install them in one place.

It's nice to have a convenience like this /not having to wait for it till epic finally shits out these features, but people should stop acting like it's the end of the world to not have them. 12% cut and free UE4 usage pays off in the long run much more for everyone.


>No Bloodborne
>No RDR2
>The only major game that was announced as EGS exclusive was Shenmue 3 (which will probably show up on Xbox game pass a few months after release)
How is he so fucking incompetent?

Dude stop coping. You are asserting so many retarded things that obviously don't fit with reality. People use Steam not just as a way to launch their games but many of their other features.
Separetely sure they aren't that impressive as they exist via other sources aswell, like reviews. But together they make Steam more than just a launcher. People use it for groups, friends, mods, buying games, reviews etc together which makes Steam more of a hub than just a launcher.
Epic Games Store is a joke compared to this. They have pretty much nothing other than a bunch of links to games and somewhere to pay for them. They have exclusive rights now which makes them impossible to ignore but on the feature side they are severely lacking.
>b-but muh roadmap
Yeah, whats happening with it? What have they added since they released the store? They have acquired more exclusive rights but other than that, nothing. It's a joke, they dont even have
>a fucking shopping cart
Jesus Christ man

> maybe using google for the few missing "features" like checking reviews or mods

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