Other urls found in this thread:
i want her to adopt me
why the FUCK isn't she my gf
she kinda looks like a skinnier version of my aunt, and that's why i can't find her attractive.
Yellow fever is a mental illness.
White woman can not compete
because you suck
so these threads are just Yea Forums's version of Yea Forums's alita battle angel ones right?
my fucking wife
holy fuck i've never seen teeth look so good
im from uk btw
>he doesn't want to fuck his aunt
I'm glad mods are getting fast at deleting these.
Lets clean up Yea Forums of pussy worshippers.
why do white women get angry, instead of just fixing their attitudes?
she has some thick thighs
Yeah. Instead we should worship drawings of cartoon girls! Am I right, Yea Forumsros????
Why is she so precious?
3D is PD.
this isn't like my animes
The flaws are just proof she's real and not some insidious hologram!
Glad to see she took care if her dental health
Because she is with me pal
How is it okay for women to be able to discriminate against short guys and non-white guys but the second a man has a preference it’s a bad thing? Problematic much?
Does this bitch think she's in tiktok or some shit lmao.
An hologram, such randumb ebin millennial humor
very quirky xD
Yellow fever is a mental illness.
>3D is PD
>Time to go jack off to cartoon girls drawn by sweaty, ugly nip neckbeards!!!!!!!!!
If it's an illness, I don't want to be cured.
But they can, white women, like all white people, are the most desired demographic of all.
Even the asians fight amongst each other to try to get a white parnter.
The rest of the world can't compete.
because she spent her 20s drawing, not sucking dick
This but with no irony and even more excitement
Where can I even find gf with a personality as nice as her's bros
Are you fucking brain damaged?
>wears a choker
>not sucking dick
lmao no
I wish more girls spent their youth drawing and being girly instead of turning into little whores.
your comparison makes no sense. blacks are seen as inferior thats why.
Don't worry, racemixing is a symptom of amerimuttness, and the only solution to the illness of being American is a bullet to the head.
I had no idea she designed Bayonetta.
>nobody likes Latino men
moon landing is fake and gay
Finding a girl like her must be like winning the lottery, so you pretty much can't.
>3D game developer: old, busted, already married, and hides behind makeup
>2D game developer: gif related
Literally has no sex appeal just like all Japanese women. Weebs are stupid subhuman beta males. What else is new.
Women should spent their 20s on battlefields.
Women are lesser beings, as such they need to be forced into hardship to build character.
It's happening. You can't stop it.
Sorry puto
on the contrary, most white american women in interracial marriages are with latino men
It could be worse, you could be a poo in the loo.
>literally every thread about this girl turns into race baiting shitflinging
Been to Yea Forums or /int/ lately? Many europoors salivating over negresses there.
>45%+ white women
we'll be okay
at least you aren't an asian male
Damn, threads in Yea Forums, I completely change my opinion.
it was so cringe,she reminded tak fujii
So many pee poo
Dangerous or peacferu
I can only imagine how buttflustered the anti asian poster guy is after all his work has been undone by one smole asian girl and a million more white men just got yellow fever.
roasties only think about sex. that's why they can't keep a man
because they're mostly brown guys themselves
step aside!
The names on the left are the demographic, the bars represent that the ones on the left think of other demographics.
>trusting dating site statistics and any online poll
I'm Mexican and I have a Japanese wife AMA.
I want to grasp her thighs
Whats her game anyway?
Snaggleteeth are cute. Imagine this girl smiling up at you with a big, genuine smile and her crooked teeth showing, saying "I rove you user!"
Unless I'm reading that chart completely wrong, only 5% of white women voted for Latino men.
Why do fans go crazy with a cute Japanese woman?
do your psychological treatment
>Literally has no sex appeal
Shit taste
take your meds schizo. and speak english
cute cute cute
>discriminate against short guys
And they want us to like lazy fat fuck women. I can't grow up but they can stop eating.
How the fuck are fucked up teeth cute?
also her and day9 blow other e3 presenters out of the water
Yea Forums likes Alita? They have good taste.
What do you call stalking from thread to thread to empty folders of unnattractive women and tired mspaint comics in order to decry other people's preferences? Ya know, other than pathetic, you hideous fuck.
japanese literally get dental work done to make their teeth more crooked cause they think it's cute. look it up.
Because they're real. I'd much rather date a girl with slightly fucked up teeth than one with obviously fake veneers.
Why does Yea Forums think Yea Forums affects the real world?
The only people in this website who can affect real life are /pol/, the true Yea Forums.
Weebshits are secondaries here.
And in time, you will all be pushed out.
do they? i know Yea Forums hated it for some reason*
*they're all gay and trannies
Imagining her as a far more attractive anime character doesn't count.
Oh my fucking god, not even /pol/ is this obsessed with race.
White-Asian interbreeding is nature.
>All people who like asians are /pol/,
How about someone who takes care of herself and doesn't develop fucked up teeth in the first place?
At least they're on the list, I'm mixed race.
Small imperfections can be cute.
cope whit*id
That's pretty much the only good kind of racemixing, so good for you, man.
Ask me how I know you are an American.
someone should combine her with Keanu Joestar
What's that move she did when walking up on stage? I think I've seen it done by a vidya character before.
They fucking love it. Those guys have nonstop general up.
Nope, I like her looks and personality. She reminds me of my crush back in college.
that was surprisingly cute.
This is what imperfect people tell themselves.
Perfection should always be the goal.
Why shouldn't it be?
>white guy dates asian girl: OMG BASED COLONIZE THEM FRIEND YEAHHHHH
>literally any one else dates an asian girl: ummmm what the fuck is this, race mixing is disgusting, keep japan japanese.
Flaws are attractive.
Hardly the same.
the volleyball player was actually gorgeous.
Developer lady just acted cute.
Because there's no such thing as perfection, user
No they aren't.
A flaw is a mistake, an error, something that shouldn't be there.
Not as long as people who praise imperfection exist.
La creatura
But i am white and i have jungle fever.
Reminder that shes literally an old hag 35 year old
Then do the world a favor and castrate yourself.
how you know im american?
Latino men are pretty popular except mexicans
>Perfection should always be the goal.
This is what flawed people who have not realized their flaws tell themselves. People who have flaws yet continue despite them are genuine. People who pretend everything is perfect are people who are not.
Kintsugi. The bowl is more beautiful for having been broken and repaired with gold.
I do not understand why people get mad with the worship worthy of an Asian woman, she just wants to play and be recognized.
How can you be so mean?
>She's been able to keep her smile for that long in this world
have you seen jap women in their 40s? still hot
>People who have flaws yet continue despite them are genuine
No, they have just given up, which is another flaw to the pile.
>The bowl is more beautiful for having been broken and repaired with gold.
Complete nonsense.
Name ONE thing wrong with perfection.
>Kintsugi. The bowl is more beautiful for having been broken and repaired with gold.
Except when the bowl was really a sword
>true Yea Forums
Keep dreaming. Anime will always be allowed here.
Take a picture of yourself and post it here then faggot.
You sound like a very cliche villain
this thread is literally not video games, even if she's a developer, this thread has nothing to do with her work.
>t. is a zoomie who jacks off to pictures of vaporwave greek statues and thinks he's cultured
>Name ONE thing wrong with perfection.
It doesn't exist.
I still tell people i've never had a relationship because i'm not interested.
Shit hurts.
>Name ONE thing wrong with perfection.
Couldn't beat Goku's bratty kid.
For now.
But the moment we get people in the admin team, things will get done.
For now, we only have mods, but it's something.
mixed race children have a harder time finding organ donors and are more likely to develop mental illnesses
Why? What do you care what people fap to?
Shit my teeth are exactly the same except i'm not a cute japanese woman
total infection is imminent
>It doesn't exist.
Because everyone just says
It's pathetic.
No, perfection should be the goal. An unachievable goal that keeps you putting one foot in front of the other. The ladder that has no end but you keep climbing anyways.
Go to bed Jarett.
>Race-mix X and Y from 2 different continents
>Neither 100% X nor 100% Y
>Will never truly be accepted from either side
I'm going to call Demiya a bowl from now on.
I hope in the future anyone that talks about attractiveness online is forced by law to provide a full profile of themselves. Would shut up 90% of 4tards.
Not gonna happen.
No they aren't. They're short, they're greasy, they're poor. Three strikes you're out.
I know one place where they will be accepted.
Hey, we already kicked moot out.
her ancestors have clearly done some fiddling around with chinese slaves though. She clearly has some chinese admixture.
Why does your American strawman speak in an English accent
In USA half blacks just become radical black activists so reality is that mixed race people get accepted into the militant PoC socialist movements
If another white guy does it, it gives hope for us all.
If it's a black guy, we all lose a bit of hope.
I doubt youd pass in your profile
If only she had a translator rather than speak english with marbles in her mouth.
Even the greeks you jack off over didn't think perfection was possible. Utopia is an oxymoron.
This is an incorrect understanding of what it means to have a goal. Goals are achievable. Perfection cannot be achieved, so it will never be a goal. Improvement is a goal that can always be achieved even in small increments.
what do you want me to build user
I had to skip through the thumbnails to make sure it's not NTR.
This site has tainted me.
English are mutts of low IQ Irish, ugly Scots, French and Arabs and Jews
keep fighting the good fight
You didn't kick anyone out. Moot mostly left because of Fappening.
stop fetishizing women
There is literally nothing wrong with racemixing.
It's also the inevitable result of whenever two human populations mingle.
I don't understand you retarded /pol/fags anyway, you'd be more offended at a black guy fucking a random white woman than another white guy fucking your wife.
>race-mixing is only okay when white men do it
the hypocrisy with this line of thinking is fucking ridiculous, you can't bash the concept of race-mixing and then praise it whenever certain groups do it.
Well, the greeks were certainly not perfect, after all, those subhumans brought about the cancer of democracy.
>If it's white = good
>If it's black = bad
>Interracial is only good when white men are doing it
The absolute state
>Ugly people can't have opinions.
>you can't call people ugly unless you're a gigachad REEEEEE
Who's conference was this from?
They are amerimutts, they can't comprehend the concept of race loyalty because they have no race whatsoever.
Their hope is that they'll continue racemixing and suddenly, an aryan kid will pop from RNG.
I wouldn't talk about attractiveness online retard. That's the point. More than half of you fags are completely delusional thinking you are even remotely desirable to women.
Built for my cock not yours. She'll fuck me in bed cowgirl style while we lock hands with each other and stare into each others eyes.
I wish I could see her face when she dies alone surrounded by fucking cats.
That's actually exactly how it works. I bet you disregard someone's opinion for being a nigger.
t. both will remain virgins
look up ghostwire tokyo presentation
it gives character
Hispanic/Latinos have the advantage of being romantic, but no one really acknowledges it and just think of the french
too bad most people repair themselves with shit
Nice buzzword for "it makes you look weird as fuck".
>y-you're just a /pol/ nazi!
holy coping strawman, batman!
Received pronunciation is literally an artificial ENGLISH accent, not a natural one born of their predecessors. So yes it is English
which is character
it's stupid too because they bash mixed children while still endorsing MORE race mixing... basically the gist of this is that everyone on this site is retarded
>He didn't lose his virginity in 10th grade in the high school marching band.
Sex is common when you live in a town with nothing to do.
Every thread filled with people calling Asians hideous insectoids. Every thread said posters have their self-awareness tested, and yet not one has posted a picture of their own. You'd think if it were a large pool of people spitting venom, you'd have at least one 7/10...but lol no.
>I bet you disregard someone's opinion for being a nigger.
You don't?
I want to dump my extremely voluminous seed into her
Everyone saying this is cute or attractive is fucking overweight lmao
It's not about hating race mixing, it's about winning or losing.
If you find asians cute, but they are generally not attracted to your ethnicity, that's bad.
If they are, it's good.
So i, a white guy, want them to be generally more attracted to white guys instead of blacks or latinos.
Not hard to comprehend.
>race loyalty
Come on with this shit.
don't argue with whit*id logic
they aren't.
Nothing even remotely related to /pol/. Glad you've never disregarded anyone's opinion for being a nigger or a kike.
I have. That's why I suggested the ugly people law, moron.
>no source
>why have fewer kids when you can just not bother at all
so this is the power of white people....
Mixes more white into their line.
Don't give the racist his (you)s
Don't worry american, you won't understand it, that's why you are all brown skinned, Jose Manuel Tyrone Parker.
>tfw no short haired nip gf
What is Pucci doing in Kingdom hearts?
>See-through shirt
>Thick thighs
>Thigh gap
>Nice hips and waistline
>Cute smile and mannerisms
I would give an arm to impregnate this woman
americans have to take a DNA test just to find out how mixed they are
Most American post in this thread.
Who cares about white women though?
wonder how old she will get when she finally regrets it.
>You can see her ass between her thigh gap
This person is the same.
An obese american cuckold who watches nothing but BLACKED.
This is why Americans need to be put down like the racemixed dogs they all are.
Not even close. I am finnish and just because i am white doesn't mean i am gonna like every white person.
The vast majority of the world, according to stats.
White people rule this planet.
After all, niggers have been our slaves, the Japanese were hilariously defeated through WWII and turned into a culture of autistic manchildren, and now sandnigger countries are all burned into the ground for the sake of our war economy.
this was the best part of E3. And that' fuck video games.
Oh, that means you liking japs is not racemixing at all.
You're so gay
>vast majority of the world, according to stats.
but that's from a US survey. vast majority of world prefer their own
>Implying Cuban isn't the master race of hispanics
You steal black women from black men. They get so mad.
No they don't, everyone prefers whites.
Hell, in Europe it'll be even more pronounced because America is peak racemixing shithole, while Europe has no such degeneracy.
>tomboy girl
Can you be a tomboy boy?
Maybe if you were to transition to female and then become a tomboy, but that would make you a tomboy(male) and not a tomboy boy
Americans care more about being white than Europeans, go figure.
She's only 35, i'm 34 why do people keep acting like she's old?
because japs can try but they never escape their extremely stiff body language
It isn't incorrect at all. Improvements have the purpose of getting you closer to perfection. Perfection is still the ultimate goal, and even if it's impossible to achieve it it remains as an ideal to which you get closer by achieving smaller goals.
Of course they do.
They are not whites.
Europeans are, so it's not a big deal to us.
F-Fuck...I didn’t even notice that...
>being over 30
Hey, grandpa.
>Goals are achievable.
You can have an unachievable goal. It doesn't mean you can't strive to reach it.
She's old, and so are you.
I think I missed this lady, when did she show up?
Why strive for a goal you'll never achieve? You strive for the goals you know you'll achieve. That's why improvement, not perfection, is the goal.
Thick Thighs are highly underrated
If perfection isn't your goal, your improvements will be aimless.
Depends if you're a true spaniard or one of those amerimutts
bethesda ghostsomething tokyo
Hey, it's about time you accepted that you are old. I'm 32, I know, it sucks. But it is what it is, not much you can do about it.
but i am already perfect
lmao shut the fuck up boomers
Then bend over.
that's not fair though, Denpa Onna's aunt was obscenely fuckable, as was her daughter.
>I don't have a qt japanese gf right now
Can't get sad, I gotta work harder into improving myself.
Absolutely FUCKING based, white roasties and low-test faggots can stay mad.
She's cute in a normal person way, not in a 'upper echelon of women' way.
>these are the people whining about ikumiposting
it all makes sense now
you know what? i'll say it. based
>he doesn't exclusively jerk it to 2D porn drawn by cute Japanese girls.
still cute nice try fag
High test faggots don't lose their minds over old hags on the internet, they are right now getting laid.
Trannies seething.
I love how this chick's popularity alone is weeding out all the seething roasties, fags and trannies on Yea Forums right now.
Fucking all the Japanese are from China (or, god forbid, Korea) if you go back far enough.
God I need to breed her with my superior white genetics
>democracy is bad
how is it any worse than any other system of government?
how do you fags keep falling for the insufferable cute shit these asian chicks pull?
they know it panders to autists like you and chicks like that are almost always high maintenance and demanding
You strive to perfection by improving yourself as best as you can. Maybe you won't reach the ultimate goal of being perfect, but getting close to it is a worthy effort.
>improving, not for yourself, but for a woman
Never gonna make it.
If you do not respect yourself, no one will respect you.
The way people are talking in these screenshots, sentences like "No one even said she's sexy, just cute!" really makes me angry. They are avoiding the issue. They are trying to compromise against extremists, which doesn't work. By adopting an extreme position (like "It's not okay to show any preference for asian women") the extremists are favored in any compromise - a middle-of-the-argument resolution will always favor the extremist, since it will be further toward the extremist's true position. Essentially, moderate arguments always lose.
I think there needs to be a new culture of arguing against socjus. A culture of "radical it's-okayism." Don't half-heartedly say, "It's okay to say asian girls are cute but not to say they're sexy." Say, "Who I find desirable is 100% down to my personal preference and you have zero say."
Be an extremist when asserting your personal liberties. Socjus doctrine revolves around restricting the power of individuals. By loudly asserting yours, you defeat them.
>25+ year olds browse Yea Forums
my teeth are so similar. i wish i was dead. i curse my childhood self for putting up such a fit at getting braces and hardly ever taking care of my teeth
I came here when I was still a teenager, there has to be more people my age here that stayed than newer younger posters.
Imagine being this fucking gay
Do you watch DBZ together
this graph doesn't actually tell us which race is considered the most desirable, it just tells us what % of each race's fans are which race.
t. 24.9 year old
She is a 9.9 on my boner scale and checks all the boxes except one.
Tonight and for the next couple of weeks I will masturbate furiously, fantasizing about her.
Definitely the best thing to come out of E3 since Bloodborne.
jesus christ.
Improvement for its own sake is the goal. You will never be perfect because perfect is a concept that doesn't exist. Nothing is perfect.
I would advise you never to advise anyone. You will tell them to set an unreachable, high standard for themselves, and when they fall short of it (they will, because perfection is impossible), they will get discouraged and quit. If you want someone to improve, you don't tell them "try to be perfect" you tell them "try to be better than yesterday"
Yea Forums is now a zoomer board grandpa, your time has passed
Jealousy is hilarious.
fuck off esl
she has nice hipsu, and surely a perfect gap-o
Democracy is cancer because it allows stupid civilians to have a say in the government.
It allows every hick, every idiot, every stupid millennial to have a say in how nations are ruled.
It's an inherently flawed system that has produced nothing but cancer, and it's also extremely easy to manipulate.
Civilians are simply not fit for politics, look at modern activism, look at civilian activism in general, it's all a massive joke.
The average person is not fit to be a leader, 99% of people aren't fit to be leaders.
As such, they shouldn't make choices that a leader should make.
What’s the unchecked box
Made for headpats!
Have sex.
you do realise that our women used to act like that before cultural marxism and third wave feminism rotted the brains of western women?
>tfw thinking about all the anons that died over the last decade and a half
when does high school start back up again retard?
Based Cubano
Removed face so I can only see Ikumi.
Based AngryJoe
Mow the lawn
>muh cultural marxism
No, it's before you betas took over.
In fact, now that Japan is also full of betas, japanese women behave more and more like this.
Incidents like this make me wonder how far off are we from another Cleopatra scenario.
>be a 5/10 chink
>put on makeup, do a cute pose
Beta men are pathetic.
Self Penetrate
every thread until you stop
Let me guess, you are a millennial.
Go ahead, tell me a benefit democracy has brought to the world, lets have a hard laugh.
Try being a pajeet.
No one can convince me she isnt a 10/10
>wahh wahhh women don't want to do cutesy shit to amuse me
western women have realised that most western man are nothing but whinging manbabies who blame feminism for not being attractive enough to women.
yeah it is too cute. t.t i want snaggletooth gf so bad
That a woman takes over and she ruins a once prosperous empire because she's a stupid woman?
guys, I am 6.25% nigger
fuck off boomer faggot, millennials and boomers are pratically the same
This is why i'm glad /pol/ is removing the weebshit cancer from Yea Forums.
>I'd rather get fucked in the ass by one person or a small group of people than fucking myself in the ass with a bunch of other retards
like I said, it's no fucking worse than other systems
she isn't ugly, but certainly not that cute
As a 21 year old, I completely agree, you millennials and boomers are the same kind of trash.
What the fuck is wrong with millenials?
is there a single white nation worth a shit anymore?
This. She's a 2/10 man face on a 4/10 boyish body.
just cut something off and that should fix it
Me2 user, but in my % I got 8" dick
first off
secondly he just sounds like an incel that got burned by some asian roastie and is just projecting
I'm sure some of it is true but he's clearly too biased to be taken seriously
Fuck off
They are a generation of autistic manchildren.
They are incapable of holding normal relationships.
The mongrels are too busy either not having kids, or racemixing, or, mostly, watching superhero movies and playing videogames in their 30s.
A generation of betas.
sad to know there are retarded faggots like you within my age group really.
dw if you're an amerimutt you don't leave in a democracy either way. keep licking the boot faggot
>tfw no cute, asian goth gf that likes video games
god i wish that was me
Zoomers you mean. She's 22 years old.
This, some imperfections show they're human.
I am aplha as fyck
I am the chadest
>h-he's too biased
Yeah, he's too biasted because he actually went to Japan.
And lets not even look outside of Japan, you don't want to look at Korea.
Gender swapped Hideo Kojima.
she is from starship troopers.
Daily reminder that if you fit into more than three of these categories:
>are fat
>like and watch anime/manga
>abstain from voting
>are a stormfag
>are an atheist
>are unironically a nazi
>are gay
>are into disgusting fetishes like loli and traps
>are not attending a school in any form
>dropped out of school
>are a NEET
>play video games for longer than an hour a day
>use the internet for more than 2 hours a day
>have a fucked up sleep schedule/are nocturnal
>are an edgy shitlord who can't blend into society
>are faiiling any classes
>unironically distinguish yourself from society by deeming them all as normies
>have no friends
>unironically doubt the holocaust
>are autistic
>masturbate to porn
Then you are the very fucking degeneracy that you claim to hate and """actively""" (let's face it, you're not active at anything) oppose. Why haven't you killed yourself?
They don't exist.
Goths have always been either white or latinas.
The rest are all larpers.
I remember her tits. Pretty hot.
Ubishit what the hell is you doing?
No, with a proper leader you can make a worthwhile nation.
Hitler did that until the filthy allies intervened.
>Dyed hair
She's missing the glasses.
imagine thinking your autist Yea Forums lurking ass would be able to pull a nipponese or korean girl especially when their highly social cultures where your social status means everything.
keep dreaming and drawing betas
>baka gaijin going to Japan expecting to be treated the same regardless of it's a guy or girl
lmfao like I said, biased
is this that girl that stabbed her boyfriend?
I don’t know if she has nice feet or not.
I'm not, i'm from Norway.
t. never played The Evil Within
Ghostwire is going to be based.
do you think he lasts four hours in bed?
Look everyone, We have a bootlicker here
>>use the internet for more than 2 hours a day
>>have a fucked up sleep schedule/are nocturnal
I only fit into those two. Am I a normalfaggot?
No one here should have a facebook and if they do they don't belong. Crippled your own argument.
Im currently making her in Honey Select
>doubting the holocaust
What's wrong with any of this?
Are you some kind of liberal or something?
subhumans don't need to do anything
whites will just vanish on their own
what's the point
t. angry roasties who mistake themselves for having a dick
She has amazing legs/proportions. Ideal, even.
>a corrupt government run by both men and women is somehow the SJWs fault
based retard
No, Maho would never do something like this.
sex is meant to be quick, like 2 minutes at most, user
>y-you are a bootlicker
Oh yeah, you are completely free because you voted between two sets of traitors.
Status quo bootlicker.
Better lock up your fridges Yea Forums.
>4ching-chong anecdotal evidence screencaps
get the fuck out of here, you clown
Keep coping you whiteoid cucks, Japanese women only date Japanese men because they actually value their racial purity, sorry white bois haha
i love crazy women
Yeah, ignore the pic posted, better keep living in your dreams.
And better not step into Japan, otherwise the illusion might break.
Please, abstain from talking like a redditor.
If you're a Spaniard, then you're not a Latino, fucknuts. You may have noticed that Spain is nowhere fucking near Latin America.
You're right user, I much more prefer the absolute corrosive bitch attitude of western cunts. You have me convinced.
Bullshit. Latinas only date Latinos
i dont get you people. They both look fine. Not gorgeous but they're fine
>like and watch anime/manga
>abstain from voting
>are an atheist
>play video games for longer than an hour a day
>use the internet for more than 2 hours a day
>have a fucked up sleep schedule/are nocturnal
>are an edgy shitlord who can't blend into society
>are faiiling any classes
>unironically distinguish yourself from society by deeming them all as normies
>have no friends
>unironically doubt the holocaust
>masturbate to porn
12 of 21. Could be worse. But yeah, I'm aware I'm a degenerate.
Also, doubting the holocaust, being an stormfag, or a nazi, are exactly the opposite of being a degenerate. Trust me I would know, as I am a degenerate myself.
>American Nazi
HAHAHAHAHA. What a disgrace.
damm noemi is cute af
Anime and other japanese stuff will always be here.
>all the salty roasties and trannies trying to trash her
You were asking for more, I think.
where does his post claim he's american?
Because if you don't aim for perfection your practice will be worthless. Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.
That's a chink and a gook, not a supreme Nippon goddess
>now imagine how hot she'd look in braces
Indeed, what a disgrace what all those traitors went through.
At least there's still some WWII veterans around we can still mock and abuse.
Spain is basically a brown shithole just like south America, you're not white
>Are you some kind of liberal or something?
I didn't know she's a cactuar
Let me guess, you are American.
I only have seven, so i am now better than you.
>people unironically give Japan shit about "being obsessed with youth" when Americans believe the moment you hit 30 you're an old person
your memory is shit
>supreme Nippon goddess
oh no no no
>American WWII veteran
Neck yourself.
>killing murderers
based nigger
Follow the code of harry, bro
Asian women (specifically Japanese women) will never date any of you whiteoid dirty cucks, so keep coping hahaha
No one told them "no" when they were growing up.
>only 30
Kind of feel bad for the girls of other races desu
Oh shit, i definitely don't remember them being like that.
Yes they are.
They doomed the world and gave it to the jews.
All who fought against the nazis in WWII are enemies of the west.
Thankfully most of them are dead.
Yeah, should have been given a medal for his services to the west.
Even though the spanish helped push the color coded race one except spanish and other self hating spanish speaking brown people consider spanish or mexican or south american people white on any level.
you like this?
you love the attention from having a politically incorrect point of view don't you? that's really what this is about
I'm actually British, and I've traveled to Spain once, and I couldn't tell who was native Spanish and who was arab
nah, everyone loves latinas
Hey, i would fuck black girl too.
i don't
But ive already
Bro... a lot of them are cute. Front left is a qt
Different strokes man...
then shut the fuck up and read more eurotrash idiot. did you just watch babys first guide to politics or something
>Kind of feel bad for the girls of other races desu
why cause a bunch of Yea Forumsrigins argue about them online?
If I wanted to attention whore about having politically incorrect views, i'd go to places where that isn't common, not Yea Forums
It's easier to blame a generation of people for inheriting the fucked up system actual Boomers and Gen Xers gave them. What's that? Can't afford a home with skyrocketing inflation and depressed wages coupled with companies outsourcing jobs to foreign countries? Just work harder millennial! It's a system that is high unsustainable and there will NEVER, EVER be a generation as profitable as baby boomers ever again.
But hey instead of actually fighting the international banking cartels that literally own the fucking country let's just blame faceless people for inheriting a shitty economic system.
you like this dont you?
this counts iberians as euros
only retards would do that
might as well call slavs civilized
not their fault you're a retarded beta that can't handle assertiveness. go get hooked to asian chick and you'll see just how bitchy they can get compared to western girls
Ikumi can hold my cock any time.
Damn Kanye West is a freaky dude
Read more about what?
All I see about democracy is that it's been an incredibly harmful system to the west, one that's up to the highest bidder.
/r/ someone make this a gif, im too low iq for that
>She's only 35, i'm 34 why do people keep acting like she's old?
She's practically middle aged.
Japanese women belong to Japanese men, your whitoid genes will never pollute our Yamato master race
It's never too late, buddy. Just got mine out a couple months ago and I'm 25+.
I love milfs
Yeah, if they were actual Europeans they would have let muslims invade them unopposed.
The 2nd best E3 girl was a mutt and the 3rd was black, so white foids are very low in the tiers
Male attention is not a right, it is a privilege. Feel bad for people who have actual problems, instead of being sad over anonymous dudes at a videogame forum not lusting after their races.
wheres the rule34
There's nothing wrong with Ikumi, she's cute but if you think its all roasties and trannies laughing at you, then you're deluded. The cringe comes from you fags arguing if chinks or whites in general make better waifus.
>a mutt
Felt represnted by her, american?
no one belongs to anyone. Fuck off with that shit
My teeth are perfect. My new dentist was impressed the first time she saw them. she was lik "oh, your teeth are so beautiful".
Fucking teeth whore.
>this much effort
What the actual fuck requires this much projection?
Needs more porn.
Reminder that you yellow fever soiboys don't know any asian language
You're virgin
You can barely hold a conversation even with women of your race
You work brainlet job
You still live with your parents
You're physically and mentally weak
You don't know how to dress well
No woman will ever look at you, let alone asian
Is that the worst you can do? Pathetic
At some point, milfs are all you can get and you have to learn to love them or remain an incel forever.
Why do you like dried up whores?
No woman, hell, no person older than 30 is worth anything.
So is being LGBT, so...
it's like natalie dromers tits kinda sad to see a hot girl with shit tits
>b-but im white
Shut up Bio Jade
i am 25
I literally have an Asian gf. She’s cute as fuck and short but has a great body. Keep seething
Let me guess, you are spanish
Asian women belong to Asian males only, keep coping you wh*teoid cucks
Nobody cares about your boner. Fuck off.
Know fellow Europeans who have been on a trip through southeast Asia, only to be showered in pussy, but as soon as you get home you're met with a cold shoulder and a list of demands from a blown out cunt with a copy-paste personality. But yeah, let's pretend it's "muh beta white males fault" you collosal faggot. I hope when the whole clown system finally collapses on itself, that the likes of you will be among the first that get necked in the streets.
I don't have anything to say, I'm just replying so that it's not just cavemen who replied.
You are not white manolo, keep coping
Out of all those ethnicities, which ones had empires that spanned the entire globe?
It's mediterraneans, it's always been mediterraneans.
The only exception is the brits, the rest are the nordics, who didn't do anything at all, and Germany, a country known for periodically ruining all of Europe.
This. Based spaniards were the only ones to kill off the invaders during the crusades and the muslim invasions
mmm celtic genes all the way
Relax. We can't all be white men. But some of us pass really well.
Let's see your face, handsome. Really interested to see the disparity between a 1/10 and 2/10.
Someone sounds mad they aren't the one getting the attention. Maybe this (you) will ease the pain while you keep your gaping wound from healing.
>buh muh greentext made up stories that gotta be true
It won't, it's just we will filter the betas out.
It's about time we do some clean up in the west.
>that the likes of you will be among the first that get necked in the streets.
By whom?
By betas?
What are you gonna do, throw your keyboard at him?
Betas are obese dogs who need to be put down.
>you can't call someone ugly if you're ugly
she kind of reminds me of my old crush's mom and the fact that I never got over that crush
So what, I got mine in with 24. And I even needed surgery because my jaw was too thin. Took barely 2 years until everything was done. They're not even that noticeable if you pick white brackets.
>T. Falseflagging cuck mad at himself with how wmaf is the most common and easiest racemixing couple, he still can't get a gf.
Chinks want white guys for for sure, but they still want the good ones lol.
>tfw be a Mexican-Japanese
They all look the same to me
You guys ever get tired of being retards instead of just enjoying things?
Yea Forums, do your thing and fuck him up.
Of course we are not, if we were white when the muslims invaded we would have let them invade and ensured they were comfy.
Nice projection, but the only one right in there is the dress well stuff. I don't like to follow trends, so I use social shirt and all-star shoes to hell and beyond.
I love coming to these threads to see the seething r9k fags
Adult virgins calling people out for what they're attracted to lmfao
>implying that's a bad thing
Fuck you you underage fuck.
>I like money & Dogs
Retarded seething cuck virgin mod moved the last thread to Yea Forums. How salty can you get?
You can, but then non-uggos get to laugh at your lack of self-awareness.
thats only the majority of Yea Forums. Normalfags can date any girl.