Worst E3 I can remember

Worst E3 I can remember
What went wrong?

Attached: download.jpg (256x197, 11K)

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if you genuinely believe this to be the worst then you're a newfag

Nice buzzword

Yea it was the worst there was no Banjo. How stupid is Microsoft.

actual newfag

It's not the worst since past years have had way cringier shit. But it's certainly one of the more forgettable ones.
Literally all I remember from the xbox conference was Keanu Reeves and a new Tales game.

So far it's the best E3 we've had in years. I attribute that to Sony's absence.

Probably your memory turbotard


It's so fucking boring. At least the kinect shit was funny to watch.

EA was EA and microshit was above average. The problem is bethesda

Bethesda put on such a bad conference the negative vibes permeated every conference since. It made DD less funny and it’s not like they had actual videogames to show.

We've had worse but this is up there on the shittyness scale so far.

Thankfully Nintendo will save it.

the whole point of e3 is to either cringe or find a game to look to forward to. this e3 had neither and was fucking boring.

t. OP butthurt over being called out

Honestly, because it's the end of a console generation and all the good shit is in development for the next gen, and Sony is totally absent anyways. Nintendo will probably have something of substance since the switch is newer. Hopefully next year we get to see more stuff.

>OP is asshurt that he accidentally revealed that he doesn't remember any E3 behind 2015

Can we expect anything from Square Enix other than FF7? They can win with a good announcement.

Bethesda never should have started having their own thing.
They had one year where they thought they had enough to warrant their own conf. But forgot they literally only have 2 major IPs to show.

Been out of town, what all have I missed and where can I watch a recap?

>Worst E3 I can remember
>What went wrong?
Being a newfag is what went wrong. Come back when you have actually watched enough E3s to know what is the worst

nothing memorable and a fucktonne of politics

>side-project RPGs from various teams
>mobile shit
>more FF spin-offs nobody wants

Probably not the worst, but definitely one of the most boring. At least in old bad E3s you could laugh at terrible shit like Pele wandering about confused and #girlwood

Even then Bethesda wasn't that awful this year

We have doom eternal gameplay and Keen, even though everyone except myself think its shit. Could be worse.

Attached: Dem_stairs.png (145x173, 44K)

>and Keen
Beth shill please fuck off.

>dude Nazi's are bad
>paid shills
>paid shill shills so hard he's removed by the company who sent him
>hot mic todd flip out
>display crashes in the lobby

worst e3 yet, It's not even over and I am forgotten.

Attached: Goga Gola and Pidser Bepe..jpg (680x734, 46K)

E3 is changing because gaming is changing

I'll be kind of sad when E3 ends with every company realizing Directs are end-game.

the couple of seconds of gameplay they showed looked like a shitspray early 2000's flash game. I refuse to believe there are actual gamers who are looking forward to this.

If I was in charge of an E3 presentation, I would make the first half of it nothing but breakdancing. So like 45 minutes straight of it.

It all started when Nintendo stopped doing Spaceworld

M$ was okay.
Let's see what SE and Nin have to show.

Yeah it does look like shit, but at least the characters look okay.

can't be worse than Doom RPG.

we'll be hearing about ROUTINE any day now bros...

dont associate pidser and koler with this shitty e3

is this the comfy thread?

its the ded thred

are we dead, lars?

Nah it is unless Nintendo saves us.
Nothing entertaining, nothing good.

At least 2010 had a lot of memeable moments

E3 seems lackluster now because big announcements are spread evenly throughout the year, rather than everyone saving their shit for E3 or Gamescom. The Direct format has made E3 slowly obsolete: why compete for attention with hundreds of other games when you can get a press cycle dedicated solely to you whenever you want?

e3 sucks every other year, it's been this way since 2006

A bunch of cgi trailers with no gameplay is one of them.