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Animefags are the new bronies.

have sex


Wojak is the anthesis of soul

>Replaced Stadia's face with Wojak
Don't do that, her face is what makes the image.

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I really fucking despise these pictures and the entire aesthetic they go for

Holy fucking kek

Fucking cringe

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>me and boys posting leddid memes on Yea Forums xD

Now this is Soul!

More soul

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>sony pony posts cringe wojak edits

The pictures only show how insecure sony fans are, they're little teenager baby boys.
Everyone else has a dumb silly caricature, except for them who keep drawing themselves as masculine overlords. It's like /pol/ and that pill meme where they deleted the redpill caricature and replaced him with a blonde cool guy, calling him true red pill.

>he knows it's from Reddit

Attached: um6ijro.jpg (3192x2124, 678K)

>pull pants down
>all are looking up at her
clearly fake news

>me and anons calling anyone leddit on Yea Forums

Frogposters must go

It's actually you mouthbreathing jaw dragging mongoloid

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based chads
shit anime OCs


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I wanna fuck that rhino

cringe and redditpilled

based and 4chanpilled


This is one of the silliest memes I'm trully enjoying lately



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Is this what autism feels like?

Gee, why don't I get into my sex suit and do the sex hop all the way to the sex beach and jump into the sex ocean which is made up not of water but pure sexual fluids and swim with all the sex fishes and meet a mersexmaid and sexplore the undersexwater sex kingdom of Sexlanta and learn to breath sex fluids and become the sex king of Sexlanta and get a magic sexdent (like a trident but with six points instead of three also sex) and become a founding member of the Sextice League along with Sexerman, Batsex, WondersexWoman, Sex Lantern, The Sex, and Martian Mansexer and we can all have sex in the Sex Hall of Sextice in between times we fight for sex, sextice, and the American sex?


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>spamming Snapchat-tier normie memes on Yea Forums

Immediately kill yourselves

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No Fun Allowed

Why anime can't into facial expressions?

Why can’t you speak English, plebbitor?

Autism? You mean the thing you need to have to fap over waifus?

>being this new

>spamming literally 9gag memes on Yea Forums.
What's the deal with this board and E3? Why do suddenly all the redditor and people from sites like 9gag come here to post?

>Futa on female
>oh bas-
>"its maam"

sorry i forgot fun is not allowed here

Why does plebbit hate anime so much?


I'm sure this picture is unoriginal, but I would just like to defend miku, touhou, kf, and watamote as true weeb and not ironic weeb.


What the hell is this piece of shit?

Ask /qa/ddit.


This is a twitter meme though.


Plebbit loves anime. Everyone with working brain cells hates anime.

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Dilate. Tranny

I genuinely love this meme and don’t want to see it die

>new "meme" gets a "coyute animu gril" drawing by some weeb artist dying for attention
i blame bowsette for this

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Rhino wasn't even in that episode, this meme sucks ass.

>seething tranny can only repeat words
Based me working (You) into a dilating seethe.

no one cares weaboo go back to your containment board


This image is outdated, there is no universe where a Gaystation fan would be the Chad and the liberal soiboy.

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Based weebchads working plebbitfugees into a seethe

/r/anime has more than 1 million users, not counting the hundreds of spinoffs. Reddit has more anime fans than modern Yea Forums.

Sonyfags are insecure
Water is wet

I've been studying the effect of anime for a couple of years now and I'm come to one conclusion.
Anime is a brain fungus.
It drains your thoughts so all you can see and think of is anime.

Not only that, the Anime Brain Fungus (ABF) has one goal, spreading. That's why faggot weebs try to make everything they see into anime, it's the ABF in control.
The ABF wants to spread, and it spreads by telling it's host to make more anime, change whatever it sees into anime, then post it and hope it spread.
It's kind of sad really, but what can you do?

kys reddit memer. it's so fucking reddit pewdiepie has referenced it

Shut up fatty

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>this reddit shit has a million users
Go back there then

I would if I watched anime.

This is one of the best memes to come out in ages.

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Post more

frogposters are the new bronies

not really, plebbits hates anime because its misogynist and/or stupid and/or racist
they like rick and morty better

Why does Goblin look like that pepper grinding nigrochef?

I unironically enjoy JoJo but I agree with the picture.

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I was already posting Pepe before you were born faget

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I hate how infected anime is by normalfags now.

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I want trannies to leave, why would I be a tranny you retard. Did you even reply to the correct post?