He pledges allegiance to a single console or pc

>he pledges allegiance to a single console or pc

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What would happen if he just cut his whole stomach out of his body?

It would hurt a lot

People who consolewar are all faggots and shills.

He's a big guy

PC/Switch alliance is the most godtier prove me wrong.

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what would expect from nostalgia retards
they will SUCk any corporation that gives them tingles

For you.

Why would I want a console? Every game on them makes its way to PC in way or another.

Nintendo's gimmick consoles are some of the few I forced myself to buy.
Can't really emulate certain DS or Wii games very well.

I like playing games on my couch/bed

>shit port in your path

There are multiple ways of doing that with a PC, and I also don't give a fuck about what you want when making my decisions.


There's still lots of Xbox original and Dreamcast games that have never left their platforms. That's and Nintendo.

So how's the pc gaming show going??

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It has baffled me for two decades how consumers stand up in arms against each other in defense of their choice of platform without even getting paid for it.

Some games you want to play now when most people are playing them. And you don't have the time to play every game, so why wait with potentialy a great experience now versus an ok experience in 10 years. If you even want to go back to olders games that is

They are either children whose parents don't want to buy them more than one video game system, or adults with the mentalities of children.

So 90% of fags who came here during the 2016 election

This, i used to act like that in when i was in 6th grade and then i realized how fucking retarded i was, adults doing this are literally brain damaged

I have one

Has this guy passed on yet