Don't forget your drinking cards for Ubisoft, Sony, and Square Enix tonight!
Don't forget your drinking cards for Ubisoft, Sony, and Square Enix tonight!
Sony card (starting after Ubisoft)
And Nintendo's card. Watching Spongebob on stream right now.
Where's the ubisoft card?
We doing this again lads
Use the global driinking rules for Square and Ubisoft
what's on the 'za
Wait sony has their own event for e3?
Read the Sony card. There isn't one so a bootleg one is being done instead
Krusty Krab Training Video now
What time is Sony on?
2hr 30m from now, 10pm UTC
post ubi drinking card
Ham, Pineapple and Aura Blue cheese~
Where's the ubisoft card?
>Aura blue cheese
based Finnish user
looks comfy
the fuck is this tumblr art shit?
when do the streams start?
Ubisoft in 20 minutes
Sony is 30 minuites after Ubisoft ends to fit Band Geeks in
what are you going to watch? ubisoft?
i have the same saber figure