Sakurai said he was working on two figher's pass characters at the same time

>Sakurai said he was working on two figher's pass characters at the same time
>fake smash ball implies all leaks are fake
>all leaks included video game characters
i'm thinking they're in

Attached: 1559834466609.png (1024x731, 386K)

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Wow. Literally the two characters Sakurai explicitly stated will never get in

If you think they're in, then your brain is not working correctly.
You may want to call a technician to fix it.

Guys, those yellow and purple chairs might mean something!


Jokes have to have a bit of logic to them, user

Never said he wouldn't get in.

Attached: Nope.png (699x423, 20K)

>Sakurai said he was working on two figher's pass characters at the same time

These are literally the two characters Sakurai name drops very frequently as never evers, because they don't originate from a video game.

I really doubt he knows who spongebob is

fake smash balls make an X when they explode. Means that it is going to be a third party collaboration.

>taking the bait this hard
You’re the reason these threads exist

>Implying Sakurai solely designed this item and game mechanic around revealing a microshit character a year and a half later

Spongebob would actually be a great fit for smash but it's tooo bad he's a cartoon character

Literally better picks than Joker

Spongebob isn't exactly obscure you know...

I'm not about to let people pretend to be retards


Attached: spongebob_and_goku_as_newcomers_for_ssb5_by_cristiandarkradx2496_dc5ceub.png (1310x1310, 369K)

Why do they do this?

Only as long as he uses the Hydro-dynamic spatula with port and starboard attachments, turbo-drive included.

japanese rove to raugh haha

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