Ms just handed next gen to Sony (PS5 more powerful)

>ms just handed next gen to Sony (PS5 more powerful)
>pc gaming dead
>Nintendo isn’t even competition
Can we stop winning

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Other urls found in this thread:

>PC: Shovelware
>Bethesda: Paid audience
>Microsoft: Multiplats
Sony won lmao

what is it about sony that attracts so many shitposters? do these people even play sony games or is it just for shitposting's sake?

>PS5 more powerful
bullshit, i bet it doesn't even have an SSD AND a Solid State Drive!

>PS5: 12.9TF
>Xbox Scarlett: 14.336TF


lol kek

Sony entrance in gaming was a shit from nintendo, know your history

notice how these images are always linked to a phone file name 100% of the time?

>No E3 conference
>Has no games to play and nothing else to do but shitpost
This is getting kind of pathetic to watch.

learn english first

South Americans who can't afford more than one device and have to act smug and defend their purchase to not feel bad about being poor.

I can't wait for Nintendo Sony and Xbox to join forces and smite you console war filth. Then the age of idort will truly begin.

>Terraflops = power meme
Another generation another idiot

The majority of PS4 owners has been confirmed to be FIFA fillipino niggas

Sony just keep winning...

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PC: Shovelware
Bethesda: Paid audience
Microsoft: Multiplats
Sony: Movies
Nintendo won lmao

Sony is ABAP

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It's just one anglo. Look at the iphone filename in literally every thread

When reggie retired so did nintendo

>Nintendo won lmao
just you wait, someone will reply to this with a wojak that will completely own you

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Every gamer should own more than one platform. Why limit yourself to just one?

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Nothing wrong with it.

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>Can we stop winning
When you get back on your meds and stop living in whatever fantasy world you're in right now.


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I feel bad for sonybros. It's hard being ignored when everyone is having a good time

>Sony won
yeah the censorship and VR competition

PS5 will be nothing but censored movie games and VR trash
absolute YIKES!

no wonder they censor everything

>can we stop winning
In 2006 you did. PlayStation already peaked, from 1994-2006. Since 2006 they have only had a few good exclusives, like Bloodborne.

I doubt that many PS4 owners are LGBT. That's like 80 million people. More likely Sony is trying to virtue signal.

my god, even MORE powerful?
Imagine all the sunrays it will be able to render to hide anime tiddy.

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>still caring about console wars
Are you guys 14 still?

Imagine being this upset that your company literally abandoned you during E3 and MS comes over and completely takes the house with their show.

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Console wars are stupid. I mean, Nintendo is my favorite of the 3 but I can still admit it when Nintendo does something wrong or PlayStation/Xbox does something right.

Nintendo is winning before the E3 just because of Pokemon lmao

the scarlet is more powerful than ps5. not only that but it's confirmed back compatible with all previous xbox gens while ps5 has so far only been confirmed for ps4.

back compat is a feature sony is going to talk about a lot so having the xbox dunk on them with that will be a bit hard espiecially since at this point whatever difference in power will probably be negligible to begin with

>Black man with estrogen tits
The headcanon is so unrealistic. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously?

based af


Attached: snoy4.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

No no no delete this!!!

>Microsoft and Nintendo: Not censored
>Sony: Censored


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that's clearly a women you racist bigot




>pc free games

pc won.

>censorship, mobies, Fifa
Woah..... so this.. could it be... the power of the PS4?
PC gaming's skeleton is still orders of magnitude better than SNOYfag shit. Nintendo styles on SNOY every day of the week. Enjoy DS though, could be pretty good.

i meant male

Sonyfags got bullied for an entire generation with the PS3 and now with this current hyperbolic era where Xbox dropped the ball with the Bone and Nintendo wasn’t even in the discussion until the Switch, they kinda feel the need to shit on everyone because the tides turned.

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>(PS5 more powerful)
ahahahaha get a load of this guy
Not only was xbox scarlett ananconda leaked to have significantly higher specs than the ps5, but it also has vastly superior software support. Between visual studio and DX12 DXR, it will be easier to get games looking and running well on Xbox, and once again it will be a nightmare developing on gaystation

Can I get some actual confirmation on this "80% of PS4 is LBGT" literally sounds made up on the spot.

Like, the numbers make no damn sense. Is it just a narrative lie or some clickbait?

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>wake up in the morning after nightmare of me playing xbone
>remember that I wouldn't touch an xbone with a 50 ft pole

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based and gaypilled

What's the point of more power if they're just going to censor?

>it will be easier to get games looking and running well on Xbox
What games?

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Thats not mathematically possible in the US when the entire lgbt community is about 5% of the US. Maybe 1 specific game is 80% lgbt

Its LGBT month. Think about it.

But I thought both consoles were waiting for Navi, so to speak...

You gotta admit Sony did pull a brilliant move.

They know they have shit to show this year, only indie games and AAA titles that we know about, so they just made some BS about how E3 is shit and they wont show up, which is way better than going on there and showing nothing and getting laughed at.

I bet my ass they will show up next year showing the PS5 and pretending they didn't talk shit about E3.

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your all retarded, both ms and sony did this last gen too, throw a lot of fake info around to fuck with the competition.

SJWs have a tradition of destroying themselves from the inside
Just wait and see


PS Chad's win again.

PS player

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>have to make this thread every hour as a coping mechanism for snoy not even having a show at E3
Fucking sad mate.

>Microsoft has a banner and a handful of employees wearing cheap t-shirts and silly hats
>Sony has a multi-million dollar float and a group of enemy stand users tongue fucking each other in public
Yes, these two are inherently comparable.

It's probably like

>do you support LGBT? y/n

normalfags would say yes

Must be really boring to be a Sony fan right now huh?