I’m a RPG gamer, and so like...
I’m a RPG gamer, and so like
That's a very astute observation.
Loading screens don't exist
what game did she play?
Please remove loading screens so I don't have to contemplate suicide for my mental illness
You aren't an RPG Gamer?
Mass Effect.
Hey bro, you a gamer?
We got the ES ES DEE
We will use the SSD as virtual RAM even though SSD is slower than RAM........
That haircut looks like it came out of the 1950s. How fucking old is she? You can't tell. Probably due to waiting at loading screens.
>I'm a tranny, and so like...dilating...IS A THING!
This is a 33 year old white woman.
The asian woman at bethesdas con was 35.
No one actually cares that much about loading. Check your phone, take a drink, etc
The only game that was ever ruined by loading screens for me was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for PS2. I don't even notice them in most games but I swear to god it was like a minute at least per load in that game.
>loading screen bad
She actually is an RPG gamer and cosplays.
Why does Yea Forumseddit find it extremely hard to believe women can have a passion for video games?
She's cute
>thotplay selfies with a barely distinguishable Skyrim session in the blurry background
Nice bait
The rest of the conference was a blur after this single quote.
Because females are literally incapable of passion or hobbies. They are soulless automatons constantly glued to their phones.
Unironically have sex and go outside.
How is she wrong?
RPGs do tend to have WAY long load times in comparison to other genres.
I remember the fucking elevators in Mass Effect.
Or is your issue that she's an older average looking woman talking about gaming?
Bethesda rpgs
Does the Xbone even have any good exclusive RPGs?
pathfinder kingmaker pre 1.10
absolutely based
It's as a supplement to the RAM you dipshit.
excuse me, it Jrpg gamer
The frustration will never subside.
>tfw loading times got longer and longer the more the game runs until you're forced to reopen
bitch looks 75 already
based gay chan i love you
>black loading screen
>forced to see fat loser for 10 seconds
loading screens suck
based beyond belief
I'll take longer loading screens and smaller locations if it means lesser game size and more rich interactible environments.
Problem of that quote is sign of them trying to fix problem by pouring more TERRAFLOPS on it instead of actually writing efficient game engine. Like if you were to buy new shelf instead of cleaning up old one.
how will incels ever recover?
This entire video was A+ unbearable, the pseudo tech was painful to listen to. Also they're literally just on about the console having an SSD, a feature us PC gamers have been enjoying for the past ten years or so.
Why does she look like a "young" grandma?
doubt. She´s probably in her 40s
I seriously can't tell if she's 32 or 49
Do you guys make fun of everything because you were made fun of so much during your childhood? Is this what that cope meme is all about?
OK this is based
They're inventing imaginary problems to appear to have solved it (ergo: done you a favor). It's a common tactic in marketing.
>floors are dusty, here's a broom (legit)
>brooms are hard work, here's a vacuum (legit)
>emptying the vacuum is such hard work, here's one easier to empty (made up problem).
She most likely doesn't even play games. If she does, she started this gen and plays once a year.
probably played skryim for 5 hours once and that's it.
As a gamer mom
I think they don't believe it not because she's a girl, but because she says that one of the big frustrations in RPGs is loading screens
That is a legitimate complaint of modern games though.
Instead of having loading screens they just flat-out hide loading screens in the environment. Once you know they're there it's impossible to not see them everywhere. Every convenient crack for the protagonist to squeeze through, every elevator, every cutscene, every walk-and-talk segment, etc. Even in PC games because most of them are console ports.
You mean write out to the SSD when ram is full?
That's what every computer with an SSD does I'm pretty sure.
I'm getting tired of it too, this place is becoming a caricature of itself.
>made up problem
If anything you're the one that doesn't play games.
Wow, what a fucking miracle! Another dumb roastie cosplaying for attention.
Drink arsenide.
Well I bet she likes Bethesda's 'RPGs' and loading screen are a fucking thing.
One loading screen to enter a town, another to enter a house, fakes doors and windows that remind you you're not actually in the house but you were teleported elsewhere. Honestly getting rid of loading screens would do wonders for immersion.
Good devs already understood that though.
>It's as a supplement to the RAM you dipshit.
pc does this since forever lmao you console plebs are amazed with 2013 technology
Do people really prefer crawling through a tight space for like 10-15 seconds instead of just getting a loading screen? Cause I hate that shit.
definitely fallout 4
loading screen used to be comfy
i can smell this post from here
>unironically defending loading screens to be contrarian
You guys continue to amaze me
Probably Path of Exile because it's unplayable without an SSD
Is this the level of marketing needed to sway millennials? This whole "were so relatable fellow gamers XD" shtick is so painfully disingenuous and coated in corporate bullshit I'm amazed it works.
Sonic 06
what the fuck is this
It's only "painfully disingenuous" to brainlet zoomers and incels
do you even have hair?
how does this make any sense?
Help Loading Screens are violating my safe space
just sex with her
Oh my god this girl plays games I'm so triggered I bet she plays fake games (aka games that I don't like) since she's female and they can't be gamers god I'm so mad.
Dragon Warrior I on GBC
link to vid?