Why don't you guys like him? He seems pretty based

Why don't you guys like him? He seems pretty based.

Attached: 1549448846021.png (621x737, 495K)

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Huh i seem to have trouble remembering? What's his name again?

Peturbated Pedro

100% expected flowchart posts.
also Angry Joe is not an alliteration, you dense mutts.

This is cringe but also exactly what I'm thinking
Fuck off Frustrated Fernando

He writes like an absolute faggot.

Geena Davis looking good.

Lighten up, Pissed Pablo.

alright i wrote a script, i think we might be able to crack his name with this

Attached: 1558773504748.png (570x602, 147K)

Why do you faggots continue to shit on social media retardation while still using social media? Do you just like to actively do things to make yourselves angry?

Seething Jose

ahahaha what a faggot

Calm down, Annoyed Paco!

Salty Sanches

Expected him to be repulsed by an actual cute girl.

Attached: 554753735.png (773x317, 40K)

I'd say he's more peeved than annoyed

>wanna to
Can't even into English.

>all those white men shitting on him for saying a women is beautiful
What fuck is wrong with white "men"

the blood ent don from his brain to his pants, don't blame him

Liberalism is a mental disorder