What vidya are you getting?

What vidya are you getting?

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Out of those, just DOOM Eternal

All of them and not paying a dime

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Cyberpunk and Dying Light 2.

Doom, Cyberpunk, and VTMB. Pirating all three, obviously.

>Pirating all three
Enjoy mining.

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so far cyberpunk and doom. vampire looks like ass. I need to see what the baldurs gate 3 gameplay is first before deciding

Cyberpunk and VTMB2 for sure.

Should probably finish Baldur's Gate 2 someday before getting excited for more.

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wait why is resident evil 2 on here, game came out 2 years ago

enjoy Doom with no invasions LMAO

all of them
for free

>buying single player PC games

LMAO@your life faggot

all of them except for the outer worlds.

I will pirate all of them.

>game came out 2 years ago

The game came out 6 months ago.

Out of those, absolutely none. Not even worth pirating.

Romancing saga 3 remake

Doom, Cyberpunk, Halo

Who is this cunny honey?

Outer Worlds, Cyberpunk, and VTMB2

And you'll curse video game companies for ruining these games due to the damage done by piracy but blame everyone but yourself for effectively stealing from game companies

Rank em, bros.
1. RE: 2
2. DOOM Eternal
3. Baldur's Gate III
4. Cyberpunk 2077
5. Bloodlines
6. Dying Light 2
7. The Outer Worlds

Vampire mage girl.

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Bought Bloodlines 2 already for $20 on Steam.

>VTMB2 and Cyberpunk releasing within a month of each other

Fuck. I can't wait. Please no delays.

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still, why is it there? It's not an upcoming game, everyone who wanted to play it probably has

1: Cyberpunk
3: Dying Light
Who cares: The rest

2. Cyberpunk
Maybe Bloodlines 2, I'll wait for a while after release to see if it's actually good

bloodlines and cyberpunk

cyber, baldur's, maybe dying light

> Cyberpunk
> VtMB2
> Outer Worlds (GamePass)
> BG3
> Disco Elysium
It's a golden age of RPGs yet again. For nonRPG vidya.

> MS Flight Simulator (GamePass)
> Gears5 (GamePass)
> Halo Infinite (GamePass)
> Dying Light
> Doom Eternal

Baldur's Gate, Cyberpunk 2077, and VTMB2. Pretty much the only games I care about in terms of purchasing to be honest, the rest I have no interest and will probably pirate just to see what the games are about.

Cyberpunk and Outer Worlds.

I just got Pillars of Eternity so I can wait on Baldur's Gate.

I'll wait for reviews on the others. After New Vegas and Witcher III I trust Cyberpunk and Worlds to be good.

All of those except Doom and RE2

I didn't get Doom 2016 because it didn't look too good, but Doom Eternal looks great. I think I will get it.

Don't know how Baldur gate will turn out, but I hoping its not a turn based rpg

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Do you buy all the games that interests you on day one ? Even those you have nothing more than a slight interest in and would definitely not buy at full price ? Is it so strange to put some games in your wishlist to buy them later ?

You guys are the reason we can't have good AAA games anymore. Now they all have to be loaded with microtransactions to stay profitable, instead of actually being good, because most of their players aren't actually buying the games.

only cyberpunk 2077 on GOG and pirate Doom, Dying light and the outer worlds

I have no will for anything anymore. Including videogames.

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Shenmue 3
The Goose Game
The Sojourn

why not wait until they're cheaper at least?

I'm not saying anything about that, just that RE2 is the odd duck out of all those games, it's out already and the others aren't

I don't care, lol. Firstworlders will pay for everything, anyway. Why even worry about that.

>Not buying cyberpunk 2077 on gog


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Cyberpunk 2077, Baldur's Gate 3, VTMB2 and Dying Light 2.
I'm preordering all 4 if they are on GOG.
It's my money so fuck off.

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All of them except for The Outer Worlds. Looks like absolute shit and the setting doesn't interest me in the least. RE2 I'll probably get on a heavy discount since I suck at horror games.

Steel division any good?

VTMB2 is confirmed for GoG, BG3 and DL2 is most likely laubching there as well.

Cyberpunk and Dying Light 2 on Steam for me. Not interested in any of the other games. Maybe Baldur's Gate.

Pretty much what this user said, but with DOOM and Baldur's Gate 3 on the maybe pile

this. Definitely Doom. and im getting it for Xbox One

>You guys are the reason we can't have good AAA games anymore
sure, tell you that

based as fuck

try living in a shithole country where 60€ is like 20% of a paycheck

yeah I'm sure the microtransactions are because their games aren't profitable :^)

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Doom Eternal, Outer Worlds, Songs of Conquest

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Holy fucking based

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Cyberpunk 2077, VTMB2, BG3 almost certainly, DOOM Eternal very likely as well.



Microtransactions still would be there, suits will never go away in AAA part of the industry. But the games would have more budget for ports and content.

I too have paypigs that will buy me whatever games I want.

:D heh

Doom Eternal.
VtMB2 is already preordered.
Thats all I'm sure about. I'll get outer worlds if it ever hits a platform I don't hate and its actually decent.

hope you have fun though user, the game looks great

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Cyberpunk, BG3 and VTMB2 are all on GOG. I don't think Dying Light 2 is, at least not yet. Dying Light 1 is on GOG though, so maybe there's hope. I'll be getting Cyberpunk, BG3 and VTMB2 on GOG as well, DRM-free and the ability to make backups of my games are worth too much for me, despite Steam otherwise having a superior feature set to GOG.

fucken based ive also been accumulating quite the collection on GOG

games are the best they've been for a long fucking time and if you can't find at least a handful of games to like you need a new hobby

>Oddworld: Soulstorm
>Bloodlines 2
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Doom Eternal
>The Outer Worlds
>Dying Light 2
>Shovel Knight: King of Cards
>Hollow Knight: Silksong
>Ori sequel
>M&B: Bannerlord
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Caves of Qud
>Psychonauts 2
>Baldur's Gate III
>Disco Elysium
>UFO 50
>Hylics 2
>Streets of Rogue

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You pay almost $100 for what costs me $80 in Canada.

>tfw the last game I enjoyed ir cared about was Dark Souls
I need a new hobby.

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It'll probably be like Pillars with pausable real time combat where it is designed to be paused often.

It's the only way to get the huge DND spell books and many abilities to work right. You can't hot key 80 spells.


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Likely 2077, skeptical of VtMB2 but there's a chance it could turn out good I mean the first one fell apart halfway through and it's still GOAT.

>playing FPS games on consoles


>still, why is it there? It's not an upcoming game, everyone who wanted to play it probably has
It's in my own list, I didn't buy it yet because I have an old GPU and I doubt that it would handle it well in 3440x1440. I'll get it later after upgrading to some meme 2080ti.

Baldur's Gate
CyberPunk 2077
The Outer Worlds

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>he thinks that Cyberpunk won't get delayed for at least 4 months.

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Cristale has cute girls. I hope they get porn.

Preach my main man

Doom Eternal
Already pre-ordered Cyberpunk

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never ever