Retards, Rise Up
Can i get an "RRU"?
I really respect how confident and cocky this guy sounds. i couldn't do what he does and not sound like a nervous lame nerd desperate to not bore people. he must be some kind of Chad.
He has a big titty asian gf who he made cum live on stream once so he is definitely a chad.
ok jim
He's been doing this shit for decades at this point.
Retards Rise Up
He means his fanbase right? They are pretty severely handicapped.
Whatever you say James.
post proof
Jade, get back to the fucking ricefield.
Jim streams are the most cozy. He knows just when to talk and his jokes hit 7.5/10 of the time.
Hearing his superchats are really really cringy though. I have no doubt he hates the majority of his fanbase, and I don't understand how they don't have the self awareness to know that.
>gets tens of thousands of viewers each live stream
When did this guy blow up?
It was a livestream during gamergate.
how convenient
Years ago. He just keeps channel bombing himself whenever he gets famous. Though given he's fucking sick all the time now, I don't think he'll be bombing his channel any time soon since he still needs cash.
>I have no doubt he hates the majority of his fanbase
Okay Josh
Not hard to see why, he's been making fun of every internet drama he comes across, as well as adding fuel to the fire.
I don't have the link, you'll have to look for it yourself. His name was "InternetAristocrat" during those days.
Jim, how much money do I have to give you for you to never "uwuu" again?
>This nigga used be in a trolling group with Hbomberguy
Love his streams
>1 hour of content
>3 hours of reading super chats
>obnoxious laughter
so good
>agree with all his views
>still find him cringy
>relentlessly talks shit on people actually trying to do things
>sits on his ass collecting superchats and whining
He panders to /pol/ and the kind of insecure faggots who unironically watch Jordan Peterson. Daily reminder that Jim encouraged his fanbase to actively harass Terry A. Davis, leading to his death. Jim deserves worse.
Good luck finding it, but it was the one where King of Pol forgot to hide his power level and started going nuts with conspiracy theories, then suddenly Jayde started moaning and Jim said "yeah we're gonna go fuck, see ya"
Not fucking video games.
Okay Sargon
nobody that could make him look like a complete retard ever challanges him
retards like sargon and milo only revealed themselves as pathetic fucks to their fans because they confronted reality
jim is just slightly less retarded enough that he might as well be someone's character
Only 10% of what you said is true.
Sargon, you weren't going to win the election. No-one with a youtube channel that has ever said anything edgy is ever going to win.
Don't get upset someone laughs at you for thinking otherwise.
>Made an entire video crying about Spoony getting patreon money but not doing anything
>Does the exact same thing
I don't know whose worse, him or his fanbase of actual children and twenty something incels.
>boomer is going to be an hour late
at least we don't have to listen to rama rama again
>He panders to /pol/
Is it pandering when he is one of them? I remember when he dropped his vocaroo when he quit GG, calling /pol/ glorious bastards and what not.
>"panders to Jordan Peterson fans"
>makes fun of Jordan Peterson multiple times and doesn't like him
ok goy
I'll do you one better:
Am I wrong though? Does his fanbase not seemed filled with redditors?
If you have people giving you so much money that it takes over an hour to read all of their messages, you'd be pretty confident.
Literally the only times he has ever said he hasn't liked Peterson are when his own fucking fans asked him to comment on their ebin 'clean ur room xD' daddy.
>run of the mill SJW reactionary
cringe shit, it's gotten pathetic at this point
Somehow made some random old dude kill himself and that brought him some attention for a while
honestly i think its just his big titty shovelface gf
>Somehow made some random old dude kill himself
That damned Jim. I bet he fucking pushed Terry off that train platform.
He's even worse than that now though, all he does is release videos about shitty random /pol/ channels and the 'drama' he's having with them and his fans actually pay him to do this, it's hilarious.