>Death Stranding
>TLoU 2
>Nioh 2
>Ghost of Tushima
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Granblue Fantasy Versus
>Catherine Fullbody
>Trails of Cold Steel 3
>Project Sakura Wars
Death Stranding
FF7R is a timed exclusive
>he's gonna wait 1-2 years to play each episode of a remake of a 20 year old game
Never Ever on Switch though
Why would I want to play the game on a switch when I can play it on my PC? Anyone who pays for and plays a port on switch that is the inferior version is an irredeemable retard.
I shouldn't think it will be a 2 year contract. Sony literally thought of Destiny as a first party game internally and the exclusivities for that only lasted around a year ultimately.
I'm fine waiting six/twelve months if it means I don't have to play it on a console.
>PC and censored
cope/seething/have sex
I love you too resetera.
Cool pc game + fag propaganda
The worst thing is that medievil being shit isn't shitposting
>uhhh they didn't say it was not coming to PC, so it will come to PC
>uhhh they didn't say it was not coming to PC, so it will come to PC
It has been like this since the beginning of the gen. Have you been living under a rock?
we won pretty of everything, bro
literally only tlou 2 and medievil
the rest are either trash or multiplats
who cares when the only games worth playing are on PC
I'll be honest, I never played it and I have no idea if it's gonna be good or not, but considering own Sony has been treating their classic IPs in general, I don't see how anyone has any hopes for it
I'm a former Sonyfag though. Cope.
I literally never played Mario.
>still hasn't gotten RDR2
Your list contains one good game. Catherine Fullbody.
I have to say that while I was angry after MS e3, both consoles exclusives department sucks dick.
Love these Sony gold face edits. They trigger Yea Forums so easily
>I literally never played Mario.
It shows
PlayStation already peaked, from 1994-2006. They are now WatchStation.
Rockstart takes like 2 years
Also we are talking about Sony supposed "exclusives" like Nioh or Nier
Death Stranding is the only one that looks cool, and even that will probably just be a boring stealth-fest like MGS.
Also a movie game with pretentious writing
The crazy thing is these games are just leftovers
Imagine what the Ps5 is going to get
>all censored
>He is gonna pay full price for an unfinished game then wait a decade for episode 2
Anyone excited for the remake is a bubbling retard
Back to circlejerking, snoy boy
Why not have sex already?
>a bunch of resetera tranny movie games
yeah totally winning right sony fags?
Nier was never an exclusive, the PC version was announced long before release.