What do these normies like about skyrim so much?

what do these normies like about skyrim so much?
game´s fucking boring, all npcs act like braindead robots and there is no depth in classes
srsly wtf

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It's about using your imagination. Something zoomers won't understand.

its a videogame

When It came out it was one of the best games on the market. Casual and easy to play normies love that shit braindead npc they could fuck with etc.

>what do these normies like about skyrim so much?
Massive advertising and hype. They'll play anything, no matter how crap it is, if it reaches a certain popularity threshold.

>When It came out it was one of the best games on the market.
It really wasn't. There were games that did everything Skyrim did, but better. And Skyrim even removed/ruined features the previous two Elder Scrolls games did.

Meme's they like meme's


Skyrim is exclusively loved by zoomers

Fallout New Vegas is the better Skyrim

It's literally only liked by Zoomers or people too stupid to install Morrowind or Oblivion.

its a game don't overthink too hard you might hurt yourself

Skyrim is a millennial game. How is it a zoomer game?

True man of culture and mods

>what do these normies like about skyrim so much?
Because it was popular. People don't play games to play games anymore, they play whats popular so they can talk about whats popular so they feel like they fit in.

Its accessible, simple as that.
You dont have to worry about stats, there arent any.
Just pick all the perks you want untill you have them all and be the god like character you wanted.
Nothing is locked from you, you will be able to join and rule every faction without any sort of conflict.
The world stays the same and doesnt challenge you in any other way than maybe killing you if you stand in one spot for too long.
It is simply such a basic bitch open world """"rpg"""" that any could play it and everyone pretty much has.

Zoomers grew up with this game

whenever you hear people say "zoomer" just replace it with "millenial" and everything will suddenly make sense

Zoomers (born after 1998) had Skyrim and Minecraft as their childhood defining games. Usually some variant of COD forms the holy Trinity of why Zoomers have shit taste in video games.

It’s the comfiest game of all time

because everybody knows the home of the white man is heaven on earth

Probably was their first experience with a video game that wasn't on their cell phone so they have nostalgia for it and can't see the faults.

unironically this

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The setting really sold it for me.

The only people I know who rave about Skyrim as if none of the other ES games exist were all born on or after the year 2000.

skyrim was an rpg made for the call of duty brodudes. its their babbys first rpg.

Because its a very casual rpg and its pretty buggy so lots of wacky things can happen, also mods

Don't talk shit about minecraft you whore.

>mfw to intelligent to enjoy skyrim

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And yet those braindead NPCs objectively have more life & functionality to them than any similar titles, except for Oblivion/s.t.a.l.k.e.r.

Other open world RPGs like Witcher 3 have literal cardboard cutouts for NPCs. Yes they have pretty animations but there's nothing going on beneath the hood.

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it's the sandboxiest game out there

Well it is time to let the cat out of the bag.
We all hate you and know how much it bugs you that we like Skyrim.
The more you hate it the more we love it.

We like seeing you cry.

people rave about skyrim (with mods) cause it is the best most customizable sex power fantasy game available and probably will be the only one at this rate since Todd isnt going to release the new one in the next century

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Do people still mod Bethesda games?

you don't play EVE Online do you ?

pretty sure its the only game getting mods at all anymore.

because with mods its one of the best games ever made

lurk moar

because its Oblivion but built even more around rouge style classes, people really underestimate how powerful Oblivion style looting and item placement is in an RPG and how much it can carry the other parts of a game being weak

Of all the TES games it's by far the most accessible to normalfags.

I would have had more fun even if the only thing different had been the inclusion of stats, birthsign, and race specific stat bonuses. Characters are all exactly the fucking same.

It's premium comfy. 100% stress free
Previous Elder Scrolls games require you to level in a particular way and monitor your stats to not ruin your character, no one likes that shit

>Previous Elder Scrolls games require you to level in a particular way and monitor your stats to not ruin your character,
not really, in Morrowind by the time you hit level 15-20 you are ridiculously OP and can kill anything even if you are levelling like a complete braindead moron

any mods that make this game play like dark souls?

there's a mod that makes all the inventory menus, reading books, pick-pocketing, lockpicking etc real-time so the world doesn't pause around you. Makes things much more immersive and you need to plan.

There's also a DaS combat mod but I haven't tried it.

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oblivion is literally an xbox 360 game you fucking idiot
how is that not also a "zoomer" game

this thread is about skyrim not morrowind

1999 Zoomer here, hated it.
>implying any Bugthesda game is good
I hate CoD. DMC is my favorite game series ever.

Why cant you make your own spells in this game,fuck this.

I think this is the reason why I keep coming back to this game. It’s just very easy to breeze through and there’s not a lot of planning required. I love FNV and Morrowind but they both have at least a decent amount of cognizance required to play through them with so many different choices. Skyrim is big, the world and music are supreme comfy, and you know you’ll rarely if ever come to a point that stops you in your tracks in terms of difficulty or character progression. It’s brainless, but sometimes that’s not a bad thing.

>There were games that did everything Skyrim did, but better
Name some

Being a contrarian does not make you interesting nor does it make you superior.

Oblivion was released in 2006, it's literally peak fucking millenniall era when the mid-range Gen Y'er was turning ~18.

fuck people on Yea Forums are dumb as fuck

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good customization, decent story.

It's zoomer. It came out in 2011 which was firmly part of the Core Zoomer childhood era.

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In terms of children who were playing oblivion on release in 2006, early zoomers (born late 90s) were the primary audience

It's the ideal game to waste a bajillion hours RPing as your character and making up your own story (because the actual story is pretty meh).
The world is huge, the story is entirely skipable, the game is easy as shit and you can play as any "class" or skillset you want with little issue.
Skyrim itself is also a nice place to just walk around doing nothing.


There were literally zero children under the age of 10 playing Oblivion. It's entire audience was teenagers aged 13-18. (1993-1988 AKA GEN Y MILLENNIALS)

it's like MMO, just without other people to bother you

>decent story.

Fuck you

I have a confession to make.

I've been playing Skyrim off and on for almost 2 years modding it with tons of mods. I've even gone as far as to join the /tesg/ discord and other various discord to collect hard to find mods.

Please help me friends

>le arrow in le knee