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literally the only good game is Evil genius


it was Epic

>no bannerlord

bingo update

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>ebin games store sponsor
>all those shit games and games that are EGS exclusive

Wasted 2 hours of my life/10

Better than anything I expected/10

utter shit

the ghost hunter game might be fun

there were video games

Skipped Terraria Trailer, which was the only thing worth staying for, 0/10

for anyone looking for it, here


Baby Elephants/10
There was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING remotely exciting about this conference and they did show a lot of games.
Only shit ones though. How can this industry remain alive is beyond me.

Hmm... 3/10.

+Evil Genius 2
+Planet Zoo
+that Heroes of Might and Magic style game
+Maneater the shark GTA might be cool
+maybe Chivalry 2

For the record I rated

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Was it worse than Bethseda?

Epic cencored games/10

Okay serious talk.
People were memeing about Bloodborne or RDR2.

But the biggest announcement this side of E3 was Epic getting Auto Chess. Pay close attention to that shit Yea Forums because Riot, Valve, and Epic are all going head to head.



Indie games were a mistake

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Worse than MS better than Bethesda
Showed more gameplay than both conferences combined.

Best pc show to date. Also showed actual gameplay for most games unlike microsoft.

TaleWorlds doesn't do E3 they do Gamescom


>No Yakuza PC announcements
>Shenmue III will be EGS exclusive
It's garbage

Worse than Xbox, holy shit.

daily reminder sonychongs, based china is going to bring every playstation exclusive to the epic store, tick tock dweebs. PC wins again

Probably the best conference so far. Surprisingly few Epic exclusives.

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Is Auto Chess that much fun?
If Valve, Riot and Epic are all going in on it hard now there must be something to it.


It was never good but somehow gets worse every year

This tbqh

How dare they show video games

>shenmue epic exclusive
Puts it into 0/10
>frankie being cute
Saves it to a 3/10.

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abysmal conference that was bogged down by epic shilling, garbage games, and technical difficulties
had some good shit though, but it wasn't nearly enough to make up for how terrible and dragged out this was
>Evil Genius 2
>Planet Zoo
>Shenmue 3
>Man Eater aka ShaR(k)PG
>Terraria. Got cut off because EGS is mad that the terraria devs told them to fuck off publically, here's full trailer youtube.com/watch?v=cV3Cfed4RBU

Anything that was remotely good was either steam exclusive, or is on steam.

>B+ for this garbage
What is wrong with you?

Frankie was the only reason to stick around.

It was actually fun compared to MS and Bethesda.

Lost interest and abandoned it. Didn't show anything interesting except Shenmue and it was just a short preview

egs on suicide watch

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Frankie really saved the show.

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No. It's basically addictive gacha tower defense.

But it's the next big thing without a doubt.


Only cared about Telling Lies.
And maybe that Root game, but would play it on console.

shark girl/10

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Not for much longer

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>Only cared about Telling Lies.
You aren't allowed to speak unless spoken to.

Only interested the Zoo game, the Shark game, and CrisTales.

Even though I've never played Shenmue, I feel for the Shenmue III Steam backers. It got snubbed from under them. There is no honor here. Guess millions of dollars under 24 hours from their kickstarter wasn't enough for them.

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>Only shit ones
There were a few games that look a little interesting, but there was nothing to get really excited about.

I'd rate it a 4/10. Would've been 5/10 without the embarrassing chink advertisement in the middle.

We /frankie/ now

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Pc gaming is irrelevant Who fuckin knew?

She's a pretty good host.

not as much cringe but they showed about the same amount of games. the rest were...not games. idk what they were...toaster apps or something and a few movies

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I wanna poke those dimples.

It's not the PC Gaming Show anymore.

It's been hijacked and turned into the Epic Games Conference.

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i missed it and need a quick rundown

reminder that she has a nice porn lookalike

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6/10 - just alright. Maybe less interviews next time. Less chinks would be better.

>+that Heroes of Might and Magic style game
It's going to be a vapid indie cashgrab and you know it.

Maneater was the only worthwhile thing in that show.

No yakuza remasters coming to west, 0/10

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go on

PC gaming is dead. It's nothing but Indies and no-soul AAA titles. I don't know when everyone will move past the PC meme, but it sucks... It's MUCH better to own a laptop for work and switch / ps4 for gaming.

Stop lying to yourselves, user. If someone things I'm wrong, prove it by posting some great PC games released in 2018+

I remember this game on newgrounds. Good times

Can someone give the quick rundown on this zoomer shit that's now an EGS exclusive? Wasn't it a dota mod?

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Only watched it for Terraria 2, got a pretty meh looking update instead. Extremely disappointed/10

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>No silksong nor ctremake/10

unrear fow, bess engine for good video game!

Ea: 3/10
Microshit: 6/10
Bethesda: -10/10
DD: 4/10
Epic: 2/10

same as every year


Dota mod.
Was a massive success attracting tens of thousands of people.
Valve struck a deal with the chink devs but it was a wash.
Chink devs made a mobile version that now has a PC version via Epic.
Riot releases their own Autochess as well in two weeks time for the league client.
Valve is developing their own stand alone with a mobile version already leaked.
It's going to be a three front war between Riot, Valve, and Epic.

Also what we don't realize is that this is prime time for Nintendo to release a fucking Pokemon version of it.


So it's literally the new BR?


It's a dota mod.

here's whats going on:
1. dota mod gets really popular
2. valve meets the chink devs because they want to secure the rights and make a standalone game
3. the chinks tell valve that they already signed a contract with epic for millions of dollars
4. valve decides to start developing their own version under a different name without the chink devs
5. league of legends also copies the mod and ports it into their game


>tfw open world video... game
>literal game of videos
had to have been some kind of sick joke

>Xbox game show is more "PC" centric
>PC game show is literally just Epic game show

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>we lost ARURF for a fucking attempt to cashin on a chinese minigame
what the fuck?

Riot is making one too? Well, that's all you need to know. Riot already won this three-way "war".

Why the fuck did they cut off the terraria trailer?

More Steam games than Epic/10

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>their brand is front and center on the sponsors outtro


Who even cares about 2D Minecraft?

I'm catching up on last night.

Did they show Untitled Goose Game? Literally only game I'm looking forward to

absolutely fucking awful, literally the only compelling thing was terraria

It's funny you mention Pokemon cause autochess is just a shitty ripoff of a decent WC3 custom game called Pokemon Defence.

I know. That's the best part.

Not much of it, there's a longer trailer just up on Youtube.

at least the shark game had gameplay, character, and wholesome enthusiasm while being quick so it didnt overstay its welcome
everything else was pure miserable

Sheep Tag standalone game when? Why are there so many great WC3 customs that people haven't made into games? Why do the most boring ones get the most popular?

A new one?

oh well, free game for me.

>people like pressing buttons but not thinking or don't believe difficulty or challenge is fun
If i had to guess at least

Chinks being shameless hacks and thieves, what a surprise.

Shenmue's EGS exclusive
Fucking faggots made me sit through 90 minutes of slop for a Terraria trailer they cut off

I dunno, why are you following a silly goose game this intently? Just wait till it comes out.

The games looked original and interesting for the most part, and they showcased a lot of gameplay in the trailers. Better than AAA CGI marketing that seems to be the usual.

It's pretty fucking bad when the only game I saw during the entire E3 so far that I MIGHT play is fucking Flight Simulator...

Got to see lots of gameplay compared to other conferences, each game presentation was fairly short so even if one game looked boring you'd see another game soon enough and a few interesting looking games here and there throughout the show.
The bad part was that there were not any big reveals or amazing games.

Bloodborne/Rdr2 out of 10.
You lying fucking idiots!

>Got to see lots of gameplay
>if one game looked boring you'd see another game soon enough
Too bad 99% of them were boring.

Did you also clap every time the EGS logo popped up?

>he actually believed the shills

Anyone else HYPE for Evil Genius 2? I Loved the original back in the day

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While Microsoft did show off quite a number of games, they only had cinematic trailers for them. I think it's fair to say that PC gaming show had a lot more gameplay in comparison.
Bethesda showed off updates to an awful game like Fallout 76, mobile shit and raping old classic IPs.
Fuck Chankoro and fuck EGS.

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Made me yawn hard

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I do, but where is Alexis? Unless that old hag? ugh

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Is there a link for the whole thing? i missed it ;_;

Tiananmen Square/10

I'm not hyped as much as I'm cautiously optimistic. Loved the original.

MS had a better PC gaming show.

>i missed it ;_;
that's a good thing

here's why

Wayne June/10



Valve tried to buy it but the devs told them to get dabbed on and move away.

>Chink dev refused money from American company
>take money from spying chink company instead
And people said Epic wasn't owned by chink.

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