Oh fuck me. They just cannot can they?

oh fuck me. They just cannot can they?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Why are you on resetera in the first place fuckhead

I'm amazed people like this exist.

They're right. Intentionally interpreting her personality as le uguu kawaii is infantile and demeans her. People fawning over how "cute" she is because she stumbled over a foreign language are hurting her and her professional image. Look at that Russian reporter or whatever she was, for example.

I'm not even joking.
ResetEra people like this are genuinely evil

what's the problem here

>Intentionally interpreting her personality as le uguu kawaii is infantile and demeans her

Except she intentionally PROJECTED her personality as such right there on stage

Awful bait, but someone will take it.

She wasn't "stumbling", she was acting cute on purpose.

>Anyone see a familiar piece of fanart in there?
No. What am i supposed to see?

>like being called cute
>get called cute
At the end of the day, their agenda is your agenda.

And I thought there were nothing more retarded than Yea Forums... goddammit

They've been replaced.

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Resetera often beings cringe af

>she's clearly very happy and enjoying the fanart and attention
Of course only trannies would get mad. They're jealous.

Gotta walk on eggshells every single moment of your life bro.
Before you say anything about anyone you gotta do a background check to see if what you're going to say is offensive in any possible way.
Wouldn't want to be insensitive.

She tried to talk about her game.

Ah! yes... the ol' "I don't agree so you couldn't possibly actually think that!". Haven't seen that one for a few hours.

No? She appeared nervous as she tried to talk in a foreign language about a game she made and is passionate about, the internet did the rest.

It's a dangerous precedent.

I can understand telling an asian girl she's cute or telling a black person they are well articulated, but absolutely nobody fucking asks to touch a black person's hair. It is, literally, the ugliest hair that all of mankind can offer. Statistically I bet there are ten times more people asking to touch an horse's asshole or the armpit hair of an hairy italian than there are people out there asking to touch a black person's head pubes.

You're the one telling her how to feel. Why are you robbing her of agency?

I want to reprogram her Japanese reproductive systems, if you follow my drift.

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You are just going to ignore her fucking dance?

She's welcome to feel however she likes, but it shouldn't have happened to begin with. Yes, it's great that she's loving all the attention, but what happens when the internet puts it's sights on a girl because she's "cute" and she doesn't like it? As I said, it shouldn't be happening regardless and is a major problem with "gamer culture" that anybody thinks it's okay.

cringe baitfag

Angry ugly bitter trannies crying about an attractive successful natural woman. Another day that ends with "y".

>what happens when the internet puts it's sights on a girl because she's "cute" and she doesn't like it?
What happens?

People ITT need to be thrown into insane asylums.

Are you fucking serious or you are just ERP as a Resetera tranny poster?

butthurt trannies are just upset they don't get this much attention, as creepy as some of the reactions were

>>what happens when the internet puts it's sights on a girl because she's "cute" and she doesn't like it?
I don't know, you tell me.

isn't it interesting how it's totally fine to be on resetera as long as you're looking for le epic cringe posts

>the infantilization of asian women
Oh grow a fucking spine. My family is asian and the women love being called cute, but that doesn't mean they allow themselves to be looked down on. If they don't feel like it suits the moment to be or be called cute, they just let that wash off of them like water as they affirm themselves confidently and that just works.
They still generally like being called cute. No one is being infantilized here. If you feel like you are then you've got problems.

You need to go


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You talk like a fucking faggot, go back or lurk moar cause its painfully obvious you haven't been here more than a month

Genuinely, what do they mean by this? Sounds like something straight out of the Matrix.

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Don't be daft. They get mercilessly cyberstalked and harassed by orbiters and trolls.

Sorry to shatter your echo chamber.

>"as a black man..."
Anecdotes don't invalidate facts. Many Asian women do feel that way. It's a valid problem. Just because your family takes abuse casually doesn't mean everyone else should.

I've been here since 2011.

op made that post himself

Ghostwire genuinely looks cook.
I'm hoping it's an action horror game along the lines of Bloodborne, but with yokai

>Many Asian women do feel that way.
Anecdotes of your own?

>ugh why doesn't she grow up and realize she's being demeaned

>ugh people are infantalizing her

Bro, you are telling an adult woman how she should feel about compliments. Leftists view minorities as pets they need to coddle, its so obvious

Is touching black people's hair just some fucking weird thing that only white liberals do but they mistakenly believe that everyone does it? I've heard about it in the past as well but again it was just from some white liberal telling people not to do it.

Those using an Amerimutt cartoon/Calarts avatar are mentally ill. They are as absolutely America-centric as classic hard-line far rights and Its common in all the Amerimutt geek industries.

bro your whole argument is anecdotes. Just fuck off. Nobody likes people who get offended for others.

California was a mistake.


Your turn.

Please just laugh at these people until they leave

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You don't shatter shit. You just remind me there is a bunch of retards on the internet that can't take think without the fear of insulting or being oppressive towards anyone.

>Leftists view minorities as pets they need to coddle, its so obvious
Oh fuck off. Resetera are just being fucking retarded, and it has nothing to do with wanting a regulated market with taxes.

>Genuinely, what do they mean by this?
Brainwashed. They mean brainwashed.

I know you think it's fun to do this and now you're too invested to stop and are legitimately too angry to drop your trolling, but please go the fuck back to wherever you came from.

trannys upset people attracted to someone actually cute

That's real rich coming from a board full of self righteous fuckheads who think they need to protect muh marginalized people like they're infants.

I think it happens when black girls are young and they cant get over it cause nappy nigger hair is nasty so they act like its a thing thats done when they are older too so people have sympathy for nappy headed hoes

Go dilate somewhere else you ugly tranny.


so they're saying she is an npc without a mind of her own


Here, something you can actually get offended over. You're a faggot.

>Look at that Russian reporter or whatever she was, for example.
Right, I'll get right on that!

NPCs are incapable of self-reflection. Makes you think.

something something patriarchy programming

Why does Yea Forums care about the opinions of literalwhos on twitter, reddit, resetera, etc.?

I’ve had multiple people ask to touch my hair whenever it gets long enough to be a properly sized afro. It’s weird and I don’t quite understand why.

Yeah 'cause that's worked on literally anyone in the history of Yea Forums before

DEAD TO ALL TRANNIES! You will never be a woman you fucking fag.

bitchy asian americans were used in the study. Not actual asians. Next!

no one wants to touch greezy nigger hair

>Silly billy :), you don't speak for all ___'s but I DO
>YOUR PEOPLES opinions are only valid if they serve OUR narratives and agendas.
>YOUR PEOPLES plight is only a steeping stone to achieving OUR political and cultural endgames.
Friendly reminder that /pol/ is more culturally and racially diverse than sjws

But you just said that anectodes don't mean shit. I hope you took your meds today user.

Fuck you marxist, eat shit

White women out. Yellow women, in
Let’s make some pasty babies

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What the fuck is wrong with these people. They want the whole world to be depressed & suicidal all the time?

Neo-bolsheviks talking about deprogramming might be the funniest thing I have ever seen.

REtards should neck themselves

>calling people cute is dangerous
Why do people come on Yea Forums just to bait for meaningless (You)'s

Fine, should I have said SJW? Honestly they are usually all the same but i guess you must be an exception.

crossing eden the known pedo lol

>appreciating someone's passion and courage is 'infantilism'

I'm latino but I have really thick, curly hair. When I was really young, old ladies in church used to ask to touch it. They were generally pretty respectful and I was always aware my hair was a little out of the ordinary in a predominantly-white area. I don't understand why some people act like it's this hugely traumatizing thing.

As most asian women in the entertainment industry do. These people are clueless.

>Fine, should I have said SJW?
Actually yeah. And they can fuck off.

>Another neofag refugee
This place really turned to shit after the owner got outed as a rapist or whatever

> I was gonna hire you but people on Yea Forums called you cute

>post fan art of herself saying how thankful she is
>comments and replies are nothing but love and admiration for her creating a game and being adorable on stage

How can you take anything else from this? How can these people see such negativity and pretend like something else is going on behind the scenes? She was up there pulling idol poses and showing off little quirky mannerisms as well as struggling to speak English, how is the Internet to blame for something she was doing live?

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For (you)s, this hellhole only wants (you)s and retards keep giving them (you)s.

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Enjoy while you can in 5 years all your cute waifu will be replaced by takeesha and laqueena.

Okay, agreed.

All American SJW agendas come from their jealousies and egos

You lost tranny?

Shut the fuck up, you fucking faggot. You don't fucking belong here. Go dilate, you piece of shit.

I hope not

Is she implying that asian women aren't naturally cute by comparing it to black people being told they're well spoken because of the below average education they receive? Pretty sure they're cuter than trannies or basic ass western roasties.

Theres nothing that say grown women cant act cute. Its prefferable at time even

>Girl acts cute by doing funny hand gestures, cracking jokes, and being very appreciative of the audience's warm response

Attached: stopyou.png (594x562, 644K)

Gave up?

>the only thing politics is about is taxes

I know you're baiting but please please plase, go fucking die,and take all the easly offended people with you, do a mass suicide drinking posioned kool aid or something, but leave this world.

Oh shit, your little pet is behaving in a way that you disapprove off? Already setting a place for her in Starbucks gulag, you revolutionary you?

>replying to multiple people at the same time

How to spot a shitposter 101

Is "she" aware of how racist she is?

>Woman acts cute
>People say shes cute

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>women aren’t legally allowed to be cute


It means if a woman doesn't hate all men and the patriarchy then there's something wrong with her wiring and must immediately be indoctrinated.

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Based tankie
You can stay

I'm CIS and male. Again, your ironclad preconceived image of something just might not be the reality. Or have you not realized that yet?

>it doesn't count because, um, I said so!!

Calling someone cute out of nowhere is kind of creepy, but not abhorrent. Ritualistically talking about how you'd like to fuck her in every hole? Yep. And I've read plenty of people saying it (even In this thread) so don't even try to backpedal. It's not about her being "cute" and your right to say so, it's about teenagers on the internet taking out their pent up sexual frustration on innocent people. It's inexcusable.

People on Yea Forums calling her cute != Hundreds of drawing, some outright pornography of her and countless inappropriate comments about her. Though it may be wrong, companies DO choose not to hire based on this sort of thing.

I'm not leaving and I've heard a lot worse. You'll need to try harder if you want to keep your hivemind intact.

>Sorry to shatter your echo chamber.
Imagine being muh safe space muh problematic leftshit and talking about echo chambers. Time to run to your corporations to cry about hate speech.

Incredibly negative mindscape. Full of hatred and inferiority complexes. They will never ever be happy.

Pot calling the kettle black.

They are pushing western values on japanese devs.Forcing them to de-sexualize characters if they want us market acces.
Wait a few years and they are going to force diversity quota on japanese games.

4 waifus? denied
1 Waifus desexualized,1 tranny,1 black women,and fat girl? acces granted!

>russian reporter

This whole thread is bait

This world would be a lot better if people tried to be cute instead of angry and self-righteous.

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says some white cunt

No I don't. Please explain.

>replying anyway
how to spot a retard 101

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Japan won’t cave to cuckery like that
They don’t even like blacks or gays
Being a gay person in Japan is like being a gay person in the 40s

Actually i'm wrong its not western value but US value.
And "value" only because they hate japanese because they have no problem with games like TLOU in which you can have underage homo relationship.

No it doesn't count because this woman is an asian from japan while your study only used asian americans. Their cultures are different and their attitudes over being offended are different so you lost. Get over it.

Asian girl in question:
>oh my gad sanku you for all the fanart and love!!! this makes me smile

Obese white american "women":
>I can't stand this... she has severe internalized racism and misogyny. They are demeaning her and this IS racism in its purest form. Disgusting. This should be banned

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Forgive me, it's been a few years so i had forgotten: Natalia Poklonskaya.

I'm actually pretty anti corporation...

Nobody cares, people are laughing at you, whatever you are ironic or not.

Yeah "she" pretty much said that the standard asian woman is ugly with the whole comparison to Basketball Americans being praised for being "well spoken". "She"'s clearly threatened by the fact that Asian women are being seen as more desirable than "her"

This literally baffles me. They will get angry over anything now.

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cringe, anons
curls feel extremely good to the touch
yes, i've asked a black person to touch their hair
yes, they got annoyed because they keep getting asked by random people to touch their hair
still touched, 9/10 would touch again

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She was only cute in relation to everyone else at E3. She's meh desu.

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post the youtube video to her

What are some choices that are very, very easy to make?

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What's the "familiar piece of fanart" in there?


So a tranny? Have any more made up commiespeak?

>People on Yea Forums calling her cute != Hundreds of drawing, some outright pornography of her and countless inappropriate comments about her. Though it may be wrong, companies DO choose not to hire based on this sort of thing.

You should put a leash on her and give her strick guidance, what if she does something that your kommisariat disapproves of?

But japan devs will have to cave because they need the western market to survive.
And i'm not even talking about "investors" who can push bullshit in exchange of funding.

Libtards putting her on a pedestal - hypocrisy.
Poltards putting her on a pedestal - absolute state

Y'all are FUCKED UP - GET RAPED and your Throats slashed!

But neither of those women want you

that's fucked
what is wrong with these people?

Once you reach the age of 22 you realize Yea Forums is actually the good guys and having any form of censorship is the ultimate evil in society.

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>but absolutely nobody fucking asks to touch a black person's hair
No its sadder than that. This stuff happens but only when you're a kid because when you're young, you may not fully know about racial differences. It literally stopped happening to me as I entered high school and does not happen as an adult, unless you're interacting with a child.

I have yet to see a single obscene comment about her. Every single one talks about how cute she is and that they thought she presented her game fairly well given she wasn't speaking her native language. I haven't seen porn fanart of her either. You're taking outliers and applying that to her and what people are saying about her. She's obviously fine with the cutesy fanart as well so who gives a shit. The company she works for must love everyone's reception of her because it's building interest for their game and their company. Stop creating false conflict in your head.

>I'm actually pretty anti corporation...
Sure you are buddy, sure you fucking are. Go make another workshop about representation.

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>one asian woman says she doesn't like being called cute
>that now means you can never call an asian woman cute, even when she's clearly trying to act cute

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The few itmes I went on RE..

Crossing Eden Was THE ultra SJW. Literally, one of the most triggered, ultra left, radical they have. He never disappoint. (it's a tranny iirc because of course)

white goblin """women""" seething ITT
someone post that facebook post where dumb whores get envious and angry at an asian sports player who's obviously much more fit and cute.

Attached: PCYLIJQ.jpg (630x711, 47K)

Projecting because they can never get the same treatment

They have the gall to think Nakamura is brainwashed for liking her fanart

Don't you find it pathetic that you are so hideous that you cannot even imagine other people being attractive?

Attached: projector.jpg (600x341, 20K)

So this was her plan all along

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>girl fetishists


You Resetera trannies and SJWs should post your honest opinion on Twitter. Spread "Shes a sort of subhuman Chink, she should be deplatformed" there. Some might give attention to you.

>I'm not leaving
Don't let the door hit you on the way out tranny.

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This website is so fucking racist over japs, it's amazing, and the worse thing is that they don't even see this. Fucking hell, Yea Forums is a pisshole and full of racists, but at least no one deny this.

>asian woman speaking broken english after flying out from japan and fucking dancing while giggling doesn't like to be cute because these asians born in america and haven't been anywhere else, haven't experienced any other cultures, said they don't like it

They don’t have to do anything
Most people that care about Japanese games import anyways

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weren't people doing the same thing with the unraveled guy a few years ago?

what's the difference?

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By god, i hope you people are successful in "deprogramming" the population. I will enjoy breaking stuck up bitches in until they act cute again, literally my fetish.

As a white yuropoor who has barely ever had contact with niggers, sandniggers and japs, I don't mind any of those. I just don't want any of those hideous, overweight, deformed, anglo-spic mongrel gorilla dykes that SJWs use as mascots for "beauty". You know what I'm talking about.

Agreed fellow 22er. Censorship is bad, getting offended for others is bad, freedom is good.

If you get upset someone else gets called cute for being cute, then maybe your "independent woman who don't need no man" routine ain't working for you.

Let's address the elephant in the room.

What exactly is it about white men that makes their penises taste so good to asian girls?

Attached: attraction by race.png (498x483, 80K)

>They will get angry over anything now
care to take a look at what website you're on

Why are these people so racist against Japan?

It's probably a bunch of literal trannies and incels who are booty blasted that they will never ever have cute fan art drawn for them. They will never be fawned over and called adorable. All they can do is speak on the behalf of the beautiful and try to make the world as ugly as they are.

People here don't even have that level of genuine animosity

SE Asian girls see white men as ATMs


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>something straight out of the Matrix.
Ironic in the sense that it's functionally the same as our use of red/bluepill

lmao retardera seething

link to thread so i can make fun of these retards

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it really is night and day

even the faggot "insulted on her behalf" user in this thread is an egg-shell laying faggot, and i can't believe someone could actually warp her introduction as something as petty and obviously virtue-signalling as the shit the sjw dipshits are trying to do

I wasn't talking about jungleniggers, but real asians.

So i have to ask why do all trannys seem to look like Trunchbul from Matilda?
Do they have any idea how long a real women spends taking care of themselves. Hours. They put effort in to their looks. Why do most trannys wake up then just chuck a bad wig on and do lipstick?
I bet they must still think like a man and just think 5 mins in the bathroom for a small face wash is all it take to be a woman as well.

Attached: Miss-Trunchbull-From-Matilda.jpg (728x1056, 65K)

Japanese girls were made for white men.

Attached: 1558486306755.gif (611x759, 126K)

whites are supreme in this world.
not genetically but practically

Kek, nobody likes niggers.

It's fun because there is a obvious "culture of cute" in Japan.

Not a foreigner thing, it's themselves

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I'm convinced that saying nigger or gook outright is the least offensive thing you could do at this point

nobody has said what the problematic fanart was? Was it porn?

They can make anything into a cute personification.

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>Look at that Russian reporter or whatever she was, for example.
Funny that you complain about being demeaning towards a woman and hurting her professional image while at the same time you bring up a Russian politician and prosecutor who you only remember for her internet memes as "that Russian reporter or whatever she was".

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Um, yeah, Science is racist, this has already been established sweetie.

Oh bull fucking shit, this place is probably the most diverse on the entire motherfucking internet. Also if I call some user a gook and he calls me a cum skin cracker then we cancel eachtoher out, so technically Yea Forums is the least racist and peaceful online community on earth.


I'm not talking about me I'm talking about you. You're ugly and undesirable so you lie on an anonymous image board about actually having options. It's pretty transparent. If ANY girl gave you the time of day you'd jump on it.

>tfw liberal
>college campus self-fellating retards have convinced themselves that the infantile identity politics they project their worth onto is what being liberal means
>The conservative media has gladly latched onto these shmucks and tried to convince the nation of the same thing - that the glorification of these absurd, racist and economically infeasible ideas is what being liberal is all about
>And the liberal media gladly went along with it and dove straight into the deep end
I just want every legal citizen to have a single, fairly counted vote, and for corporations to not. Does that really make me Satan?

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People like this make me ashamed to be a socdem.
Just complete lunatics, the entirety of ResetEra and the far left.

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>because she stumbled over a foreign language
Isn't pretty fucking racist to assume she doesn't know how to speak english just because she is asian?

Reminder white women can also be called cute, if you're not called cute then you're ugly. It's not a matter of race.

Attached: e86.jpg (582x528, 30K)

Have sex.

Imagine being Ikumi's audience while she rehearses at home for the next e3 and every time she mispronounces a word she gets her throat washed out with dick.

Attached: ikumi.png (494x617, 343K)

Kill yourself

Those look like hERoines.
True femcels, ready to bark at any penis that refuses to touches them.
Their beef flaps must stink like freedom and anchovies.
Based Femoids.

Attached: 5ba2b9b72500009400374615.jpg (628x314, 26K)

define legal citizen.

there is Yea Forums just being retarded spergs and then there is resetera leftists literally angry about an asian woman acting like a normal woman.
Help me understand it. Rationalize it.
Why are they upset over a mid 40s asian woman acting like a woman? Tell me.

Attached: L.png (1356x756, 387K)

True but it's not racist to assume that when she's trying to speak English and is stumbling

Can ANYONE explain to me why it is okay to go on resetera as long as you're "with" Yea Forums?


May Allah break the backs of these disease ridden rodents.

Being cute is an actual cultural trend and objective for females in Japanese culture. It's something they consciously aim to do.

only black girls, and even still it's like tied

This post doesn't have the recognition is deserves for being utterly savage.

CIS means comfortable in skin. I identify with my birth sex, IE male.

Cool fiction.


She literally was audibly not proficient with the language.

I'm just as confused as those white women. I don't find her attractive at all.

>western female in japan

Attached: im_ready_to_settle_down_with_a_nice_guy5.jpg (847x1080, 154K)

No It doesn't. People don't work that way. You're just using bullshit to turn something innofensive and make it seem like hostile or demeaning because you feel a need to destroy any approve and kindness that doesn;t fulfill your unrealistic and very antagonistic measures.

>companies DO choose not to hire based on this sort of thing
Yup, I remember when the guy during my last job interview searched for my name in Gelbooru before hiring me.

Know this is bait, but the cute part was she was trying her best. Even though she was stumbling with her words she was still determined to show off her game to everyone. I think it’s really fucked up that you won’t support her bc you want to stick to your nonsensical ideology. You’re a terrible person and you should be ashamed of yourself

I think Japan is the only remaining culture where it's permitted for girls to behave in a feminine way, instead of pretending they are the same as men.

for the same fucking reason you have a fucking brain aneurysm over what some other retarded fucking website does to the point of flooding a third of the catalog with it

who can become a legal citizen? you might find your amazingly free democracy getting overrun and overturned in the decades to come ;)

funny since it was black girls who would ask to touch my hair in school all the time

Are you retarded? What's your level of reading comprehension at for you to not understand that he's talking about Resetra, not Yea Forums? Dumbass

yes, it did


t.seething roasties

don't worry user i'll never leave you, i'm hopelessly addicted to this website and only this website

What's with all the purple text?
Does that site really have hyperlinks all over the place?

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>but absolutely nobody fucking asks to touch a black person's hair
you're retarded. it's a thing and it's gross.

god i hate women
they're all pieces of shit and can't handle it when they're not wanted

Attached: file.png (700x2224, 793K)

>Most days I felt unattractive, unwanted and worst of all, unfemale. When not even a short skirt or slinky top attracted more than a passing glance and even construction workers, who could usually be counted on for a leer, regarded me with bored, blank expressions, I felt like a Martian

Dont cat call women!!!! (unless they need a confidence boost)

Attached: I DON'T NEED IT.jpg (1000x2876, 657K)

Why wont you people realize that SJW ResetEra faggots are actually racist
>Assume all minorities think the same thoughts
>Get offended for the minorities
>Get mad when minorities step outta line
They honestly just view minorities as children that need to be protected. Its a very racist and stereotyping view where they think they are the protectors and are probably white college children.

Another Amerimutt/western cartoon-ish avatar. These are the most vocal keyboard warriors on every site.

lmao all these girls and their walking credit cards.
Those guys won't see America's high divorce rates coming.


Yeah Yea Forums is for the most part is the good guys. However not all censorship is bad. Censorship that protects people from getting doxxed is not bad.

>it's gross.
I agree, they never wash it.

even the asian dudes got some white girls

lol the obvious jealousy is hilarious

It's the same as male feminists being outed as rapists or pedos.

>someone fell for racebait this hard

There's a thing called being homosexual. That might be what's going on with you.
Not that there's anything wrong with that lifestyle.

the absolute state of whitoid women

>Those guys won't see America's high divorce rates coming.

Actually, marriages with an asian bride virtually never end in divorce, and when they do, it is almost always initiated by the male.

Attached: marriage by ethnicity.jpg (573x431, 99K)

Imagine being so butthurt you walk around the street filming people without their consent.

>Western roastie jealous that Asians don't look a billion years old

Probably. If you go to Islam, they don't try to be cute, they're just walking Halloweeners covered in ghost sheets that look like walking trashbags.

Who is this?

This is you.

Attached: average.jpg (900x2588, 465K)

Any natural-born citizen as defined by the U.S. Code or Constitution, or else an immigrant who has gone through legal channels to become naturalized and an official citizen. I also am not opposed to the parents of legal citizens living in the country so long as they pay taxes, but should not get votes.

That's very cute and I'm sure you imagine you're a very clever person.

WMAF have the smalles dovorce rates IIRC

>Yea Forums floods the catalog with how they are angry that they are being alienated out of gaming by these types of people
While Yea Forums is angry about gaming being destroyed and turning into pic related day in and out, the other side is mad about a mid 40s asian woman? Oof.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (696x667, 86K)

Wow, appreciating people of other ethnicities and cultures for their differences, what kind of a monster does that.

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It's the same as those people going to /pol/. Nothing's stopping them from doing so.

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Rolling for Rose and Katy

No you are fucking retarded a normal person would only say that they are a male.

If it was asian girls coming in illegally, 30-year-old white women would be guarding the border with guns right now.

Nah I'm attracted to women. I guess I have higher standards than you.
You like ugly women and that's fine someone has to live them.


Attached: 1537977875728.jpg (320x320, 25K)

Here's your Japanese 23 year old, bro.

Attached: 23 years old.jpg (899x1200, 133K)

I think Mel is about to roll around the kitchen floor.

>I'm CIS and male

Attached: Clones.jpg (720x415, 38K)

>you can't even praise someone anymore
What the fuck? I thought clown world was supposed to be a joke.

Attached: Capture.png (778x439, 449K)

>meanwhile Slavic women are marrying Asian men in droves, a trend brought on by mirrored population demographic problems in both regions

Maybe she is just too "Western".

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I remmember her response being that her justice would not be very cute for the criminals she prosecutes.

>stop not being racist, I'm the only one that is allowed to say nice things to them!

have sex

Why are black people such pussies?

Seething white roastie

cute mid 40s asian girl reveals game at bethesda e3
acts really confident, womanly, and charming on stage
people on Yea Forums, reddit, twitch, youtube etc all thought she was really cute and humbling
so they made cute fan art of her and sent it to her, while in the OP shows she really loves that
Resetera sees this as another thing to get angry about and she needs to not act like that.
Baffling, I know.

Attached: 1405692416810.jpg (355x320, 66K)

How could it have been a joke when /pol/ isn't capable of being funny?

See Twitter, there is literally nothing wrong with liking Illya.

Attached: IllyaSports.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

It's so obvious that Retardera is full of self-hating trannies, they seethe even looking at passable women

Someone post the cute asian voleyball player and the roasties calling her ugly.

You are only allowed to praise white roasties. You aren't supposed to say asian girls are beautiful!

have sex

take the gaypill

Attached: 1534837476101.png (512x512, 275K)

It's too bad China caught itself in time back when it was killing literally all of its women and preventing the birth of new generations


>no I don't!
Your reaction literally show you got hit hard where it hurts. You don't give a SHIT about foreigners (see : your hatred of anime) unless it's poor victims you can't defend online for pity points.


It's been posted 3 times, read the fucking thread.

Roll her back to the stove user so she can cook

Why don't Americans eat more plants?
That's literally the reason Asians are not fat for the most part.

Sometimes I wonder what compels a person to go to such lengths. Like do you seriously not have anything better to do?

Now imagine an answer the question you were asked ;)

Why do you keep posting these and pretending these vermin are people?
They're below even the neckbearist of neckbears.

What the fuck websites are these? What do they have to do with Yea Forums? or E3?

Isnt the original illya 18?

>stop infantalising this woman
>also here thoughts and feelings are completely wrong and she's obviously too ignorant to be offended so I'm going to do it on her behalf
The hypocrisy is impossible to ignore, but they can't see it.

Attached: hula shock.gif (480x472, 961K)

Maybe the real enemy that divided everyone was white women this whole time...

Attached: EE8FD9F4-60D0-495D-BDE4-1A304D347E3E.jpg (500x338, 23K)

Why do japanese girls, more than other asian girls, like white men so much? Those numbers are insane. They are the only one on the chart that prefers another race over their own.

holy fuck we really do need to protect her smile

Roasties get toasty when they're not the ones getting compliments
tale as old as time. women criticize other women like no other

Even ResetEra is seeing through their own bullshit.

Attached: Resetera.png (1238x271, 63K)

They don't really eat vegetables as much. It's more that they eat fish instead of red meat. Also, they aren't so lazy as to get Burger King 4 nights a week.

How easy is to bang in japan?

Envy is a potent barrier against self awareness.

Attached: envy.jpg (1024x821, 108K)

I fucking hate trannys and I fucking hate resetera

Attached: 3CBC1642-48A5-4F15-85B7-5A700F225394.jpg (628x1024, 45K)

no I know all of that, I just want to know which picture they claim is an issue
I can tell from a mile off its just sour grapes from uggly bitches

>pedophiles worried when straight people find an adult woman cute

>They will never be fawned over and called adorable
This is the root cause. Furfags and bronies exist because there are few things people universally adore than fuzzy adorable creatures. The current trend of adult transgenderism stems from the huge amount of attention and adoration showered by the LGBT lobby on people such as caitlyn jenner and drag queens on cable television.
Both have the same kind of mental deficiency.

Attached: Cute-Puppy-Kitten-1600x1200.jpg (1600x1200, 520K)

>crossing eden
If you've ever wanted to know if a black guy could be an absolute cunt, check out Crossing Eden.

Attached: 1554421879225.gif (275x154, 1.86M)

Imagine being so much of a bitter ugly tranny that any attention good looking fictional or real women get works you into a seething raging frenzy.

Wow it's almost like that place isn't just a wrong-think dystopia like the Yea Forums screencaps would have you believe.

>be ugly and old
>how come no one want to have sex with me

Hey, faggot, you're typing too much.

too much internet hurts your brain

>not Valerie
shit tastes

Resetera is basically the far left version of Stormfront. The majority of the posters are still whites and they wanna control every PoC under their racial ideology. Those PoC SJWs are just totally mind controlled by them and not aware of it. If you are PoC and still post on Resetera you should review the site. Its basically pivots around white feminists and trannies. They sometimes pretend to support you but you merely play a useful idiot there.

What is it


Attached: 1547829687034.jpg (555x555, 28K)

>but absolutely nobody fucking asks to touch a black person's hair.
>t. not black
I dont see why it's a problem though it's cool when people like my hair

Brody, she pretty much acted like an idol-lite. You don't act that way in real life, you do it for that kind of response. I have to give her credit though, I listen to idol music but they're so often so cringey I can't watch them, but she wasn't. Felt more realistic.

Perfect breeding specimen.

Dominique is mine

Exactly. Asians just have deficient bodies when it comes to sizes.

Attached: Illya.gif (431x637, 2.03M)

It's gonna get nuked and the person banned for life

>see something cute
>say it's cute
>"This is problematic"
Didn't think people on Resetera couldn't get any more dumb, but here we are

shes flat

What the literal fuck is that icon.


Attached: 1528686636246.png (540x718, 293K)

Yes, but she is far from an average Asian. Asians are like a specific flavor of food in that sense. If you're not a fan of the taste of the flavor, the most exquisite sample might seem uninteresting to you, but if you are a fan, a girl lile this is amazing. She's probably more conventionally attractive than 99% of whatever continent she originates from.

>hey, this stereotype is a little outdated and wro-

Yeah... no. You're cringe, mate.

Sour grapes. They didn't want to be called cute anyway, you know!

>I'm CIS
Not a single hetero has ever said that in this world. You are none of those things, you are a castrated lapdog defending some blogger for attention that you consider to be "your" version of sex.

>Asians do not like hispanics
Bros...what do I do? I am at least like 40% white.

All you need is to be white & have 2 of the following and you're good.

- be 5'9 or better (places you firmly above almost all japanese males)
- have blue eyes
- have blonde hair
- have some muscles (rare among japanese men)
- have an attractive face
- be interesting to talk to
- speak japanese

If you checked off at least two two, you will easily find 8/10+ girls in Japan who will sleep with you. I went to Tokyo for my birthday and I've never had girls come onto me like that in America.

She was acting like that on purpose.

go back

why do you faggots browse a forum filled with convicted pedophiles?

Incoming ban for this poor soul in 3, 2, 1

>People are thirsty. If an Asian man was acting the same way he would have ended up in a hundred cringe compilations.
but the unravel guy was met with a wave of positive feedback and it was basically the same schtick?
>inb4 reeee he's huwyte

So shaming is okay when they do it?

According to /pol/ that makes you a literal black hole in the vague shape of a man

We all die the same.


stereotypes exist for a reason

>natural, healthy human sexuality
>"creepy weird shit"

Even Resetera's version of "sanity" is so fucking demented.

Attached: americans and their cut dicks.jpg (277x269, 13K)

Are green eyes okay as well? Or do you have to play into the blue-eyed, blonde-haired caucasian stereotype completely?

He’s gonna be banned within an hour

youre wrong because theyre already banned; have sex

Wait 10 mins and watch him be banned.

Is... is this the boogeyman? The result of complete liberal isolation in an echo chamber? Even on /pol/ there’s always opposition, even if minimal.


Attached: Thank god I will never be THIS salty.webm (720x420, 2.52M)

>woman does a fucking anime pose at the end of her presentation

Is it demeaning to post fan art of Tak Fujii? Or is it only not okay when (non-hideous) women are portrayed? Sounds sexist to be quite honest.

You can probably pass for white if you're 40% white 60% bean

literally insane

>Black person
>Well spoken

Outside of Idris Elba, this has never happened.


wasn't she like head attorney or something and in charge of some serious war crimes level shit people looked over because they were too busy calling her cute?

But why would you want to touch nigger hair? It's the grossest hair type of all.

Holy shit first of all stop fucking using the term African American because what do you call one born and raised in say France? Just say black people it's FINE.
Secondly this is the exact equivalent of saying "races shouldn't be different because different is bad! You should treat every race the same" They literally sound like the people they're lambasting for being "racist"
Third please don't fucking tell me how I can and can't feel about someone wanting to touch my hair or comment on how well spoken I am. Both are compliments to me (even though I really don't get it nigger hair is nothing special) and aren't something I get triggered by in the slightest. Jesus I hate the far left and their bullshit.

Attached: 1523915383375.jpg (540x303, 26K)

She's fine with those fan art because she knows she's better than all of them

Attached: e746801984f0d519f4dee63590433c76.jpg (858x536, 81K)

Is that a thing?

LUL Check in a few days when both of those accounts are banned for being against feminism or whatever.

I have blue eyes and I recall almost every girl I talked to commented on them, to the point that it started to get repetitive. Green eyes would probably get noticed too as they are just as uncommon in Japan, but I don't know for sure.

"cute" is an infantile compliment.
Babies are "cute." Puppies, kittens, and ponies are "cute."

Women that seek authority do not want to be called cute. We want to be called "inspiring" or "powerful."


Attached: _ZvGTxrlsmm.png (24x24, 1K)

God that chart is hard to read, the only uncucked group[ (outside of whites) are Indian men (and maybe pacific islander men), and what do you know, Western media demonizes them for being creepy towards white women, /pol/ complains about Jews fucking with the media when it is clearly white people.

Im PoC myself. You will never understand my viewpoint. Its not like Resetera is the only liberal gaming site aside from the fact that they arent even liberals. Theres still a bunch of better liberal geek sites.

This event just has shown their extremist nature. Twitter liberals just normally love her, try to be happy with her, yet Restera posters are talking about very weird political stuff and being racist again to Japanese, east asians in general, and even blacks.

>we must drain the joy from everything so we can reshape the world as a marxist paradise where my father will finally accept me as his own

Attached: fb1.png (438x503, 122K)


Attached: ikumi.jpg (400x224, 12K)

It's an amazing experience, it's even better if you get to feel more than one girls hair.

Wash yourself thoroughly and keep a muzzle on talkative outbursts since Asian homes are more quiet than a forest.
So in other words don't be you and don't be me.

People who police what we can say to Asians are completely retarded. Calling Asian people smart is a microaggression. Calling an Asian girl cute is a microaggression. Are these people just repressed ugly white women who’ve never received a compliment in their lives and don’t want others to feel happy?

Too bad 90% of all Asian females love cute and tiny things

>woman who's doing a presentation about a project she is working on in front of hundreds of people in a language that she struggles with is very nervous

Attached: arrigato.jpg (514x1022, 46K)

Saying "LUL" outside of twitch has just confirmed that the people I'm arguing with are literal children. Time to go outside.

This is what actual evil looks like. A person that is unable to feel joy for others, so they only see misery and spread misery.
Utterly disgusting.

Attached: 228749.jpg (225x350, 42K)

It's really, really not. I'm a far-leftist and asked for a self-ban from ResetERA because I was tired of their shit. It's the sort of faux-"left" that likes when banks add a rainbow to their logo, or thinks being vegan will stop climate change, while they have dozens of threads with thousands of posts talking about sales figures for AAA games with absolutely none discussing games by PoC, trans, and other marginalized artists, and where advocation for piracy gets an instant ban. They're a corporatist-leaning forum, actual socialist leftist thought is strongly discouraged and frowned upon in favour of performative but toothless expressions of "diversity". Don't get me wrong, this forum is 90% filled with pieces of shit too, but at least you're free to express your opinion.

Or fuckpig. Depends on the woman.

you're inspiring alright
inspiring resentment

Where's the ikumi art? post the art you fucks

White women have what Nietzsche calls slave morality

Attached: KILL YOUR WHITE BABY BIGOTS.jpg (538x539, 47K)

Why do women get so jealous?
I could have sex with the girl on the stage, finish, then have sex with both of them - it would be no issue. Unlike girls, men can breed with a near infinite number of partners. So why is female jealousy SO intense? They aren't getting blocked by another girl getting a load.

People have called me white before but I am kind of short so the hispanic shows, my skin is white but I have the spain face/bear.

If you're talking about NeoGaf/ResetEra, they've literally always been like that. If you're talking about those types of people in general, they've been like that this entire decade

there's a bigger chance a kid will become a porn addict than a murderer, y'know
give a kid a guaranteed sex scene and he'll do everything in his power to watch it again and again and again
no go release more browns into your society, frog

Speak for yourself.

>Resetera thread
>at this hour

Have sex. Or better yet, the Ubisoft E3 is on, go watch that instead.

it's not
t. african\dutch

I honestly can't even imagine living with such a negative world view that you think cute and endearing fan art of a person is "demeaning"

Doesn’t Japanese culture basically fetishize cuteness?
I think any Japanese woman would love to be considered cute

Don’t forget Yea Forums
Don’t listen to barnacle heads

Attached: 2AE6318F-6BE6-4CB6-8C3B-CAD2F206805A.jpg (1707x3569, 1.01M)

Asians eat onions all the time and Yea Forums attacks people for that, so it's not just Americans

I literally just did.



Why do people take these fucking people ever seriously? They clearly aren't sane.

>these are the people saying go back to /pol/

There is no such thing as porn addiction. You are equivalent to retarded 60 year olds raving about "fortnite addiction."

what's wrong with pigskins? Why do they love sodomy and zoophilia so much? No other race does this.

I'm a far-leftist and asked for a self-ban from ResetERA because I was tired of their shit. It's the sort of faux-"left" that likes when banks add a rainbow to their logo, or thinks being vegan will stop climate change, while they have dozens of threads with thousands of posts talking about sales figures for AAA games with absolutely none discussing games by PoC, trans, and other marginalized artists, and where advocation for piracy gets an instant ban. They're a corporatist-leaning forum, actual socialist leftist thought is strongly discouraged and frowned upon in favour of performative but toothless expressions of "diversity". Don't get me wrong, this forum is 90% filled with pieces of shit too, but at least you're free to express your opinion.

Attached: imhelping.png (1585x1593, 2.62M)


>letting resetera live in your head for free

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i tweeted it to all the relevant parties. we shall see what occurs.

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Literally our girl.
Alpha and Omega yikes.

The only problem with calling asians cute is its redundancy. We all know they are, you're just stating the obvious. It's like telling a tranny to kill itself. You know it's going to happen anyways.

Come on

not a black guy, some kind of pajeet or something

I want to straight murder each and one of these pieces of shit, I want to fucking break through their rib cages, rip their fucking heart with my own hand and open it wide until I find something that resembles a soul or something HOLY SHIT. I'm not even kidding.

Attached: 1474101866721.jpg (750x500, 28K)

more like a B1

Actually I'm keeping tabs. It's just not time to collect.

you're onto something

Attached: BR.gif (480x269, 441K)

>SJWs are so far gone they've gone full circle and are now telling people how they're supposed to act and what you should be offended about

Attached: 1525216889804.png (540x534, 460K)

So it's people who like to stir up microaggression drama vs. Sexless cunts pedestalizing every kawaii they see.

Nice 'battle'. lmao.

Except she has authority (is the game director) and is also cute, intentionally acting in such a manner. Western women don't understand how power and respect work, they think it means acting like a cunt. Its possible to command authority and be likable, you daft bitch.

Kill yourself, tranny. That is all.

No, you didn't, retarded erping faggot.

How the fuck does this website stay afloat

Attached: 1544925163208.png (1113x231, 49K)

Hey, it's entertaining and makes a day brighter knowing there are people more fucked in the head than you.

The wh*te roastie fears the cute asian

The only thing I am intolerant of is intolerance.


Attached: rr.png (1483x307, 77K)

Don't people also love when Kojimbo presents shit while talking in broken English and fawning over Mads Mikkelsen?

this was the only good one

Attached: D8rbyB_U0AArZwi.png (670x497, 122K)

user, they're like any remastered retro game. They're SOULLESS

It's a quirk of evolution, from back in the days when women weren't safe at all without a man's protection. It's caused them to desire male attention at all times. And if a guy's eyes are on another girl, that's a problem. They don't feel "safe" if men are looking elsewhere.

The fucking irony

Why do these people overthink everything and twist it into something horrible. Christ.

banned for fetish women and asian women

I'll dilate at the Ubisoft conference. You guys better join along.

So it's the extreme version of modern identity-obsessed leftism? You're not really contradicting him.

>full circle
They're always been like this though? It's their mission statement: fanatical micromanagement of everything everyone says or does, justified by false moral pretenses.

Attached: book reading nazis.jpg (698x768, 91K)

Attached: 1532837456930.png (1125x445, 67K)

Want to know how you're losing an argument? When you run out of words and resort to name calling. Unironically have sex.

She looks more like she is checking her out. Not everyone has a huge creepy smile when they look at women they are attracted to.

>There is no such thing as porn addiction
oh child, you don't actually believe that do you?
it might be too late for you already

Not gonna lie I'd fuck the shit out of Marilou, Katy, Valerie and Rose. Maybe the nigress too if I'm horny enough.

Knew it.You owe me money faggot.

Kill yourself, we don't want you here.

What the hell

Why do you fags act like it's only economic policies when there is some embarrassment? You sure as hell don't do the same for the right wing. ResetEra is left wing, if you don't like it, change it or leave it.

Is it wrong to be think asians are cute bros?

Attached: 1557358958880.jpg (362x275, 22K)

trannies are fucking retarded, I dont even bother trying to understand anymore

I find it funny that the most liberal website on the internet has Nazi Fascist ban policies and modderators that abuse power harder than fucking Mao

You've never seen a Japanese video game news live stream before, have you?


Attached: 1558577913151.png (1362x970, 1.07M)

They didn't. Their previous one went destroyed, and they made this new one.

I live in a hippie town and deal with trans people literally daily, and I never fucking ONCE heard of dilating in fifteen years. They keep that shit to themselves. This is literally /pol/ becoming more obnoxious and obsessed than the people they're mocking.

Femoids are the gatekeepers of sex that can get any dick they want whenever they want it.
Of course, in a country with a higher femoid count than moid count like Murica, it's starting to catch on as to how much more often femcels need their femism to try and force men to look at their decrepit face.

yes, you are basically neglect-raping transwomen if you say asian girls are cute

Attached: 1418390566391.jpg (745x960, 79K)

Damn, if we ever needed proof that white women and their orbiters are just jealous little fucks.
Phew baby, look at the seething even from "trolls" in this thread, dykes brought it on themselves by being ugly and undesirable. Enjoy dying alone and angry.

Attached: soyjak2.jpg (955x1024, 107K)

>my whiteness is all i have

nobody is actually doing anything wrong fuck off

The irony, these people are fucking terrible.

>Woman gets attention.
>Other women don't get attention.
>Other women pissed.
>Can't call her a bitch, slut, whore, or try to ruin her life with rumors and insults anymore, that would be problematic.
>Pretend its "For her own good."
You're not in fucking high school anymore, you should have more problems then "People aren't paying attention to me right at this very moment :( :( :("
Fucking grow up, you disgusting slags.

Attached: 1407887138419.gif (497x373, 489K)

Generalizing other people's opinions is reductive and not constructive at all.
Just because someone is unwittingly being abused does not mean they aren't being abused.

>want to be called "powerful."

those are trannies

yes you bigot incel

Attached: 1540008019897.jpg (1920x1080, 266K)

Being called cute is a compliment you fucking idiot. Being cute is something that a shit tonne of people ASPIRE towards, and even more find flattering even if they don't aspire towards it just because they can't imagine being called cute.

Viewing someone as cute CAN be infantalizing, but is not necessarily so. Like most things, in depends on context, something you are completely ignoring.

reading books is an alt-right thing to do? So they don't read any sort of literature?

I mean, they’re not wrong, especially considering the country she’s from

You mean like all those resetera users being abused by their controlling, hypocritical mods with their often contradictory criteria for bans and warnings?

Unfriendly reminder that ever since Jewish-led feminists ripped women away from their loving husbands and placed them at the mercy of soulless corporations, women have been getting less and less happy every single year.

eml.berkeley.edu/~cle/laborlunch/stevenson.pdf "The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness"
>By most objective measures the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet we show that measures of subjective well-being indicate that women’s happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men.

nytimes.com/2009/05/26/opinion/26douthat.html "Liberated and Unhappy"

Attached: jewish feminist leaders.jpg (1611x2790, 1.78M)

more like reSEETHera

I never thought that those helicopter pastas would actually come true

Attached: 1558010710166.jpg (750x683, 77K)


White and asian women are cute. Black ones, not so much. Maybe something's wrong with me, but I could just never understand jungle fever.

Why do you retards act like it's America only
>b but it started in am
no it didn't retard, our sjws are modeled after and admire europe(as ironic as that it)

Ikumi is not being abused in any possible context or meaning. Fans are complimenting her and calling her cute. She has publicly stated multiple times that she loves the comments and the fan art and wants more. You are genuinely, deeply delusional and trying to make 2+2 equal 9 to hide the fact that you (or the feminists you orbit) are BITTERLY jealous of asian girls.

Can't they just let her be cute?

Women still arent safe without a mans attention. Their happiness levels have been constantly declining since the advent of feminism and now many of them carry on like complete whores and will die alone, much like "career" women who are equally incapable of raising children and maintaining a family.

>reading books is alt-right
This sounds like a dumb person using politic shit as a shield for her ego

>anyone who does self improvement effort I'm not willing to do is [insert offense here]
I've seen a lot of fatties and dumb persons doing this, but involving politics to make the excuse is a new low

Attached: 1537216671639.jpg (540x540, 38K)

I know I don't read any.
I just play rape games and listen to the seething.

Just a heads up, resetera fell under 15m daily views about a day ago.

As a comparison, Yea Forums/channel nets around 300m views daily, if you need proof I'll post the info graph again but you can check yourself at "similarweb".

No I'm not shilling for the site either, it's just a good way to see what is actually popular or not.

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Nah man I'm just here for the laughs. Most of you are too fucking low-IQ to talk about anything intellectual with, and your game opinions are mostly pleb-tier, the only good board I've found here is Yea Forums.

They are leftists, what did you expect?

Attached: 1453641902597.jpg (589x561, 114K)

Nigger or ugly white?


>although still extremely pozzed, a step in the right direction
Haha, trannyera will have none of that.

Question. Why do those fags always get mad in the behalf of people who aren't even mad?


Holy mother of checks.
You're still a retard, but checked.

Black women typically resemble baboons, so its understandable why you wouldnt be attracted to them. The only attractive black women clearly have a healthy amount of European DNA, lacking features like a flat nose and primate ass.

>I'm actually pretty anti corporation...
What??? BUt SJWS aren't leftists????


Attached: 1517055380918.jpg (394x360, 141K)

yeah nigger hair looks like shit, it does happen a lot though and that's mostly the reason why. it's different.

It continues!!!!

Does anyone have the clip of her at E3? I haven't seen it.

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Awkwardly stumbling =/= striking poses like a cheerleader. She may have had issues with english but lets not pretend this wasnt rehearsed well in advance. This is E3, nothing is impromptu unless some mistake happens. They chose her to talk probably because
1- shes the creative lead and worked on other games
2- a pretty face who spoke english and could get 10,000 people to fawn.

It worked.

>fifteen years
Older trannies tend to be better behaved because people didn't give them asspats for existing back then.

Having top tier taste is never wrong.

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Yea Forums isn't good. But it is supposed to be a bastion of free speech. I always have stayed out of picking sides in politics but this SJW agenda, something that I and the rest of Yea Forums *universally* laughed off for years because it was fringe, is now pervading everything, EVEN FUCKING Yea Forums. I can't believe how many are here, including apologists who pretend they aren't one of them and how often people advocate for censorship on these boards these days. It hasn't pushed me right at all, just makes me hate the left.

roasties and trannies fear the samurai (qt)

this is beautiful


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