>they cut the terraria trailer short for some ay ass movie garbage with c tier celebs
>they cut the terraria trailer short for some ay ass movie garbage with c tier celebs
I've had this game for 7 years and still never played it
Terraria 2
whats stopping you from playing right now? lots of content and even better with friends
I tried it very briefly years ago with some friends but couldn't get into it
Better get on that, buddy. Once you start it'll be the only game you play for the next two months.
I was looking forward to Terraria 2. This new update seems lame, barely even adds anything worthwhile. Why can't they just fucking abandon it already and just make the second one? Why do they NEED to split manpower to make half assed updates for the first one, while not properly working on the second one?
I should clarify that I did actually try it a once point but only for like an hour
Another fishing miniboss. I've never done fishing in this game.
Have they fixed early game spells yet? I know they added the spark stick but there's still fuck all early game options for mages. I keep starting intending to do a full magic playthrough then giving up because I'm at hardmode with archer or melee gear.
Just kill the fucking game already, jesus christ. They really need to get started on Terraria 2.
Why start from scratch when you have a fantastic base to keep on building upon?
That would be fine too, but they clearly fucking aren't building on top of it. Updates are sparse, getting smaller and worse. They clearly wanna move on. They constantly say "this is the last update" and then it's not. Either fucking abandon Terraria 1 and develop Terraria 2 with the full fucking team or cancel Terraria 2 and develop Terraria 1 with the full team. Don't do this half assed garbage.
huh... so this is the power of PC gaming
Fishing is OP in this game. Back in the day you could even catch the seedler before fighting plantera so it made hardmode easy.
Literally one of the best PC games on the market right now.
>getting smaller
>implying the full team isn't already working on it
>journeys end
does this mean its finally over?
terraria 2 when?
Terraria is literally the only game i've played where more content made it worse. Holy fuck stop.
the UI improvement is good
>getting smaller
This trailer was literally half off the usual trailers. And even in that time they barely showed anything new. Yeah, it is absolutely getting smaller. This isn't even 1.1 levels of new shit.
Unironically the updated UI. Also looking forward to all the mods breaking.
This pretty much sums it up. It's too bad
its a fucking free update
stop complaining about more free shit
Does anybody want to start up a new world?
Unironically a great game once it clicks
>He hasn't seen the Upcoming Features page
What the fuck. How could you even think this?
i don't have friends
The block-swapping feature alone makes this probably one of the best possible updates. Makes building so so SO much easier, good lord.
I want to pay them for something substantial, not for another pointless shit like golf and kites.
I played terraria to progress, I even did single player expert run. I couldn't care less about how cute my commie block is or that I can play fucking golf.
I literally want to give them money for Terraria 2. I'd rather they spend the time on that now.
It adds 800 items you fucking mong
nobody is forcing you to play the new update
>thorium just updated
>some of my sprites and ideas got in
>it will all break when 1.3.6 comes out
And I am not going to. But I would play Terraria 2 or Underworld, if that somehow comes back.
How can you have literally anything to complain about? They are continuing to add content FOR FREE.
Seriously, you people are fucking pathetic. I paid $1.75 for this game almost a decade ago, and have over 700 hours. Learn to appreciate good fucking games.
You can add content for free with mods too, they really have to outdo themselves to prove their worth in the future.
I wonder was Mater Mode is. Hope it's more than just "numbers" like Expert.
This and Evil Genius 2 are thew only good things about PC gayming show.
So, Terraria 2 when?
>have to
they don't have to do anything, they already proved their worth, you ungratefull nigger
>An existing accessory was changed to enable autoswing for all melee weapons
Whats even in it? Because the stuff they showcased is lame as fuck
>Hey since modders can mod, there's no reason for devs to give us free content anymore.
Congratulations, you're a complete moron.
based re-logic
>oi vey goy, think of the 6 gorillion indie devs
what the fuck? really?
time to rush that accessory
It's old news user
>Master mode
Extremely based
dumb jew loving whore hates the chinese, lol
This is great, but also a long overdue change. Melee class is already the worst, having to click constantly just added to it being shit. Even still, you now have to sacrifice an accessory slot just to save your finger some calories.
What the melee class needs most is knockback and invuln; for example, an accessory that provides 1 second of invuln for each critical melee attack.
Its the penultimate update
>Think of the poor indies!
what the fuck i didn't know about this
i wonder if master mode will have exclusive loot such as expert mode
>split manpower
Are you fucking retarded or something?
Why do people continue to spout the dumbass rumour that Terraria 2 is in development despite having been told outright for multiple years in a row that it isn't?
We know literally every person in Re-Logic, and we know that they're literally all working on Terraria.
the jew loving faggot is supporting the chinese store though
It may look like some generic indie game and might take alittle bit to start but it is an AMAZINGLY underestimated game. I usually get annoyed with shitty indie games but this one is great man. Countless hours on this game.
>Terraria gets cucked during E3 of 2019
Another thing to add to my list of Terraria growing pains
It's the final update. The administrators in the official Discord are spreading that 'penultimate' was the wrong word and this is THE LAST UPDATE.
>I wonder if master mode will have exlusive loot
Of course it will, why wouldn't it? They announced over 800 new items.
I'm feeling the urge to start a new world, bros...what should I make?
Expert is hardly just numbers. Loads of enemies and bosses get mechanical changes on top of also numerical alterations.
They should really work on a new game, they can’t be selling that many terraria copies anymore and I want to give them money
>master mode
oh boy, who else is ready to get fucked
>this is going to break every single mod
>dont want to start my next playthrough when the update hits without the slimegirl mod
Fuck off Tiy, Starbound was shit and your art was shit, too.
>PC part sponsored by Epic
>Terraria turned down EGS
(((technical difficulties))) happened during important hype part of the trailer.
Why would you want this shitty out of place piece of shit when we actually have the moon lord?
Would you mind multiplayer?
Probably what they are going to do now considering this is the LAST update.
Wait for Journey's End tho, so it's that much sweeter when you get back to it.
Given that they've sold nearly 30 million copies across all platforms and only as far back as 1.3 they had sold, what, 18 million? I think they're still making money.
As someone who has beat Terraria already does this update do anything or is it all mid-game content?
I wouldn't but I just know that one of two situations will happen;
>play schedules will never match up, I work in the service industry so I'm never around at night
>one or more players will lose interest and the world will become a graveyard of memories and depression
I'm not ready for that a fifth time
Too impatient
we don't really know for sure. I'd imagine moonlord is still the final boss though. That being said they added master mode which most likely functions like expert changing the bosses AI to be harder along with their stats. Depends on what's worth it to you.
all terraria updates are designed so that replaying the game from beginning-end offers you a variety of new content
just playing early/mid/late game won't show you everything
You and I both know Terraria's all about the progression, not the end-goal, so don't even pretend.
Or are you one of those imbeciles that doesn't make a new character and new world with every new patch to experience how everything changes with new content and new mechanics?
master mode looks a boss rush mode
Is it a good single player game?
I'm one of those non-autistic imbeciles that doesn't replay a game that i've experiences 95% of already, yes.
youre probably not going to get anything past moonlord, but the game content is still neat, especially that there seems to be lots of new stuff and features.
im really looking forward to that master mode, should be some good stuff there
this is everyone should know about the game. i remember my first minutes of terraria of just getting post hardmode items at the very start from my friends on the server and then fucking around which was a pretty bad experience.
but then i did all the shit by myself and god, i did not regret a single minute of it. The feeling of finding new exotic stuff by yourself and then using them to overcome challenges thrown at you just feels so insanely good.
are you such a boring person or such a wageslave you cant have a new playthrough to experience terraria for the next time? such a plebeian way of experiencing things desu
>journeys end
so they are going to stop making new updates after its done?
>Terraria 2 never.
the guy at the pc gaming conference said it was the penultimate update so I guess we have one more left after its done.
Confirmed in the official Discord server, Journey's end is THE FINAL TERRARIA UPDATE.
This isn't a bullshit rumour spawned by idiots like it is when people say dumbass shit like 'I thought last update was supposed to be the last update'. This is legitimately confirmed. Day[9] used the wrong word when he said 'penultimate' - this is the end, the final update, it's done after this, not counting hotfixes for the month or two following.
>official twitter is not even updated
>everything in discord
What the fuck?
This just seemed like an UI upgrade though. Nothing actually new, just more polishing,
>Q: Why call it Journey's End instead of 1.4?
>A: Our current plan is for this to be the crowning update to Terraria. We do not currently have any plans to tackle additional updates, outside of fixes and maybe a few tidbits here and there to shore things up.
Final major update, lads. Any specific hopes? We know an upgraded Terra Blade is dethroning Meowmere as the best sword.
>The Journey’s End update, which was announced today, is free to those who own Terraria—as is always the way—and will be revisiting nearly everything in the game, making wide ranging changes that would be major even if there weren't any new content. But there is: over 800 new items are being added.
>In case you’re keeping count, that’s an increase of roughly 120% on what is within the game currently. Some of these will be things you can stumble across in your adventure, while others will be craftable. There’s no word on the specifics of how many new weapons or equippables there will be, but we only have 5 or 6 accessory slots anyway.
>There will be new enemies to defeat and new challenges to overcome. New enemies are exciting for sure, though whether or not that means new bosses remains to be seen. The new challenges bit could be relating to the special events like the Pirate Invasion and Frost Moon, which would almost definitely mean new bosses, but we have to wait for confirmation. Oh, and there will be a beastiary in-game for you to track these enemies and learn a bit about them. They do say that knowledge is power.
>There’ll be some new mini-biomes too which are coming in along with a new world-generation system. What these are is a mystery, but you can probably expect more nests and dungeons if what we have now is anything to go by.
>Perhaps the two biggest new features are the ability to play golf
release when
>tfw everyone wears different items and weapons in Terraria
Best thing about it.
>using twitter
time to get in your coffin, grandpa
You aren't missing out on a single fucking thing.
It is indie-trash with all the indie-trash trappings.
It is pixelshit but goddamn if you get hooked, you fucking can't go back. Once you know it, you haven't showered after a whole day of fucking around trying to get that fucking sword you need for that boss because progression is fucking addicting.
If it clicks with you, it is really fucking good, if it doesn't well its pixel-shit.
Like this game and Stardew are those indie-shit game that is really fucking good.
>better with friends
Watching paint try is also better with friends. Any game which relies on "it's better/makes fun with friends" is a shit game.
holy shit 800 new items??
>Becomes Epic store exclusive
>All Skeletons removed
It's very addictive indie. It's like RPG. You build shit, kill shit, make armor and weapons, kill bosses. You can't stop.
>Once you know it, you haven't showered after a whole day of fucking around trying to get that fucking sword you need for that boss because progression is fucking addicting.
Yeah, no. Speak for yourself.
Anyone over 18 sees through this skinner box garbage pixelshit.
it doesn't rely on other people, but it truly is much better with friends because you can collaborate, split up work, and diversify your combat types
it is still great as a singleplayer game though, especially if you like metroidvanias
Because outside of a few gimmicks, most of it is just redundant bloat that clutters up the already dense world.
Yeah. Sure, big boy.
Do people still act like anything other than the fish weapons, the biome chest keys, and the Rod of Discord have bad drop chances?
Terraria is a game about trying to look your best and the monsters who want to stop you.
It's actual shit at first. Once you have a house and are mining and exploring, it's pretty fun. After the first boss, it's really fun, and improves the whole way through until the end
I own this. I beat the Wall of Flesh but never went much further.
I hate the idea of needing to make several worlds just to have the resources I need, can I just make a large world and do everything on it?
once you get a X in a bottle and a grappling hook the game improves vastly
yes, all of the hardmode and later ores/resources regenerate or spawn in so you can do it in one world
just make sure your underground jungle stays intact or you're going to have a bad time
The Copper-Platinum and Cobalt-Adamantite tiers are the worst tiers in the game.
>just to have the resources I need
>resources I need
No. Nothing that is world-differential makes such a difference as to be describable as 'needed'. They're alternatives. That's it.
patch when???
I'm scared about the update because it will almost certainly break all the mods, and I don't want to go back to a world without Magic Storage.
Lol i can imagine what you'll go through when the update comes out
>log onto character you haven't played in a year
>run around and shoot stuff, remembering how OP your gear is
>check out new npc/building tools, but you're a retard so you can't utilize them properly
>too lazy to build new structures
>try out new boss, get rekt, angrily shut off game
>"this update sucks"
for the love of fucking god terraria give me a sand elemental summon, and more elementals in general
its the only fucking thing calamity did right
I've had to tell many people, "keep playing until you at least get one mobility item, then quit if you want"
Once they experience the euphoria that slightly freer movement offers, they'll be "hooked"
Designing and sorting a chest room is one of my greatest pleasures in Terraria. Gonna be even nicer once we can just swap out chest types without having to move them or remove their contents.
Post-Moonlord boss revealed
A weapon to surpass metal gear
>yfw there's a new 'my inventory is full of small trash bullshit' solution in Journey's End
>>>slimegirl mod
not sure if it's included in here as well but Cenx brought up a post ML boss is possible; she's against the idea herself but she's not solely responsible for the decision.
Assorted Crazy Things is the mod
Just more stuff
Terraria is a flawless game to me
Dumb anime poster neck yourself
haven't played in ages. Is Crimson or whatever that cancer that eats your map still growing super fast on steroids?
Time to start a new game for the 100000th time aw yiss
>want to play again but have a less than adequate pc this time around
>load up and it's playing in slow motion
fucking kill me
Never talk to me or my tower of sons again.