Why is Sony forcing degenerate values on it's young audience?

Why is Sony forcing degenerate values on it's young audience?

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Because their headquarters are in California and that's the land of faggotry and pedophilia.


Cuz rainbows are cute

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why do you consider an optional downloadable theme "forcing"?
why do you think that people's private activities are degenerate?
why do you think playstation's audience is so young?

Let these people be gay, that means they wont breed.

It's the breeders that keep giving birth to gay people tho

>muh degenerates
>everyones values are wrong and degenerate unless their my own
>now obey me and my conservative and christian totalitarian ideas

>free theme
Does that mean many themes aren't free?
What the FUCK is wrong with sony?

no i'm sorry but its women on the pill that's causing the gay

Have sex

>not being able to say the n-word
Absolutely fucking B A S E D and niggerpilled

Based Sony

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It's basic economics.

Faggots have more disposable income than anyone else because they don't have kids and their insecurity and mental illness makes them easy targets for marketing.

Literally all a faggot needs to feel special is a fucking flag, no actual effort on the behalf of the corporation, no investment, no consideration, just a flag and boom, easy dumb money.

This image is very incidious and subversive
>marxism as an arrow
>not being able to say nigger as an arrow
This is purposly done as propoganda to make the viewer accociate anyone who doesnt like marxism with racism

Sony's audience is primarily made of niggers and niggers are degenerate by default, therefor it's 100% fitting.

Imagine being so privileged and conservative that everyone thinks you're a cunt and doesn't want to be your friend let alone have sex with you.

What's it like OP?

Lmao no. My mom wasn't on the pill and I still ended up gay

Hang yourself tranny

>everyones values are wrong and degenerate unless their my own
Their natures values user.

Faggotry is degenerate as it weakens families, society and doesn't result in procreation. It's literally harmful to us as a species on an extremely basic and fundamental level.

I mean fucking imagine if any of our food sources stopped reproducing.

>muhh procreation
Nigger there are 7.5 billion people on this planet, how many more do we need?

niggers hate gays more than white people do

it's not about the audience. it tells you everything about the marketers.

This. Only there is an argument to be made that homosexuality is just natures way of breeding out inferior DNA now that our population is out of control.

gay people aren't degenerate, they're cute and precious and must be protected. not gay thought, just a bifag who wishes he was.

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you have to get them early, while their minds are still pliable


most of those people arent white and they are going to keep multiplying

western nations are also going to keep your countries population increasing regardless of if you breed or not, its either you breed or your government ships muhammed over

Yeah because we need more black babies so they can keep up the cuck porn you love so much.

Quality user, not quantity, and faggots sure as shit aren't quality.

>Only there is an argument to be made that homosexuality is just natures way of breeding out inferior DNA now that our population is out of control.
Feel free to cite a single source anytime.

>98 million PS4s sold

They probably know what they're doing

Aren't black people more likely to be gay? As in, not necessarily identify as gay, but more likely to engage in gay sex.
I could've sworn I saw a study supporting this.

Islam will sort you out

>you have to download it to get it

Post yfw all faggots will burn in hell

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it's not just because of your mom, women on the pill pass estrogen into the water supply, this cant be filtered out

if you drink water you are exposed to the gay over time

>he can't go one post without making a pointless food analogy

Playing playstation makes you gray

Fucking this, and the sooner the masses realize this the better. For the amount of "oppression" they face, they certainly are getting exploited as much. And 99% of them are too stuck up their own ass to know it.

I mean, if you're the type of person who gets smug about that sorta thing then I'm betting you ain't making it to heaven anyways

What like they pee? And you're drinking their pee water? That's gross user. How poor are you? I also can't remember the last time I drank water

expanding on what this user said, the water also evaporates into the air so you are breathing pure estrogen if you live in any western country and even most eastern countries since the air and water moves.
Basically any human alive now is gay.

>Feel free to cite a single source anytime.
Happens all the time in the animal kingdom, Frogs regularly change their gender to keep populations in check.

>this cant be filtered out
This wont be filtered out*

It absolutely can be filtered but the government wants you drinking gay juice so it wont be filtered

For shekels

>Literally all a faggot needs to feel special is a fucking flag
We talking about fags or american conservatives

Ding ding ding, we have a winner.


If the gay community knew of something that can make straight people gay, we would have already weaponized it

>What like they pee? And you're drinking their pee water?

>oh no, a rainbow

Because you are obsessed with Sony and touch yourself at night.

you're talking about most people on earth
A flag symbolises something, if you wave a flag that symbolises something that somebody likes, they tend to like you too

human nature people flock to those who are like them, see highschool
Who hung around with the goths, it was the other goths

Atleast they didn't make it mandatory with an update or some shit, I'm fine with my nazi ss troop anime girl and tank platoons.

I also can't remember the last time I drank water

do you eat at restaurants or prepare food?
guess what they use to boil veg


Of course they would, they're mentally ill, selfish and have a knack for spreading life destroying diseases.

There are people, living in this society, at this very moment, who are UNIRONICALLY getting triggered over a bunch of colors.

Because homosexuals don't reproduce by having children, they reproduce by converting already-existing children to homosexuality.

Seriously do people still believe this? Is this 1950?

Gays have more disposable income than straights. It's purely a sound financial move.

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>n-no faggots arent pedophiles u guyz, i s-swear!
Somebody post it pls

There are people, living in this society, at this very moment, who are UNIRONICALLY getting triggered over a hooked cross

>Seriously do people still believe this? Is this 1950?
Yeah, I can't imagine why people would believe that, I mean there's absolute no evidence to support it.

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>Who hung around with the goths
guys trying to get that hot goth girl puss

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We also suck blood and kidnap children
>eating vegetables
What are you, a snoy?

>I had to be born ugly

I just wish I had one thing.

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You got it, champ

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Yeah most of the homophobes I know believe this shit.

punch the le nazi xD

Please post outdated studies from the 1970s and 80s from when the gay community was radically different from the way it is today.

Seriously, you ostracize a bunch of people and effectively make it impossible for them to be normal contributing members of society and then wonder why they band together in places like the bath houses and porn shops and do nothing but fuck like rabbits. Point is, now that things aren't like that gays en masse are changing. Gay monogamy for example is at an all time high.

I think it's great and a celebration of western liberties and freedoms. Now that the church and christianity no longer controls us by force we white people can finally stop pretending to be what we're not and come out of the closet as sodomites, trannies, zoophiles, and pedos, and finally live an honest life in our true nature with our significant other, be they man, woman, dick-girl, man in furry suit, stuffed animal, or even a group of new people every night. If we now try to censor our own countrymen expressing their sexual desires then we're no better than ISIS.

They breed through child molestation, though.

What's the problem here

Homosexuality (or at least bisexuality) is natural. It's found in thousands of species. It appears to be a way to care for kids when there's a gender imbalance.

>1970s and 80s from when the gay community was radically different from the way it is today.
Yeah, back then the weren't openly targeting children like they are now. See


It's good to see a school that Muslim immigrants haven't stopped LGBT lessons in. Freedom fuck yes!

That's a drag queen, not a gay.

Nothing, goyim. Ignore the homophobes.

Based and Christianpilled.

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Immigrants from muslim countries have a high rate of apostasy, even greater in their 1st gen children

It's still a faggot and has no business being near children.

Yeah, why wouldn't they believe it?

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>drag is part of lgbt
so drag queens are faggots

This is why pride parades are so retarded. They have done more to hurt the gay rights movement than anything else except conservative christcucks.
>inb4 buttmad straightie
I'm bi.

Lmao @ this pic every time. Pride is a party by us and for us. We don't think about you that weekend

Why do incels hate faggots so much?

Ex muslims almost always convert to globalism, generally because its impossible for them to be a nationalist if everyone in their home country wants them dead

I keep seeing this argument but I heard that pride parades started as in-your-face riots where violence was expected, not attempts to be seen as normal and accepted.
It's just been turned into a product to buy and sell like everything eventually does in capitalism.

Nice blog
Can you check out my fanfiction blog at gaysexnow.pls

self hate

die of AIDS

You first.

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Because even faggots can get laid, while incels remain thirsty virgins.
Therefor by definition, faggots are above incels.
So it's no wonder incels are mad.

Based. Pride parades are the worst way to show straight people that we're normal people.

Aren't most incels bi?

Fighting off becoming prison gays

>convert to globalism

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Pride, despite having been an extraordinarily effective tool to challenge gay stereotypes in the 1980s, has basically devolved into corporate shilling and weirdos taking the opportunity to practice their kinks in public.

The idea back then was twofold; to show that there were way more gay people than people realized, and to show that they weren't the mentally ill deviants people still widely believed them to be. Now that the general public has accepted these two facts, pride isn't as meaningful.

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>white "people"

I'm not against trans people or gays or infidels, I just can't tolerate them being visible or making themselves heard in public, but they're totally fine as long as they keep to their private quarters. This does not detract the slightest from my unconditional support of democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression.

t. /poI/SIS

Sorry sweetie, we got prep now
What a headcanon

>be bi
>still unable to have sex
How the fuck do incels justify/explain this?

take a look at r9k
trannies prey on incels in order to reproduce
did you know that most trannies are men with autism?

They tell these people that their life will be so much better and people will finally like them if they just become a girl.
This has been going on for awhile so people who havent been converted have started hating the trannies

why are rainbows the universal symbol for gay
i dont like it rainbows are cool

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In the hollywood march yesterday it seemed like the few dog people or whatever weren't allowed to crawl and werent' allowed to have children marching anywhere near them. Instead they were flocked by a couple bears with flogs.
And their tiny group was at like the end of the march.

Extremely bad looks and a worldview poisoned by anime and /r9k/.

yes user its an ideology

Brainwashing children is how they breed

What should fags have picked, a meteorite?

I hate faggots because i'm not an incel, I have children and I don't want them growing up in a promiscuous and degenerate society with no family or social values whatsoever.

Or are you telling me that pride parades where people openly use other people as public urinals is healthy, happy and normal behavior and the sort of shit we should be exposing our children to?



You're being naive if you think you can change how they see you.


Scientists are creating a pill that stops people being Gay

10 years till human trials begin

/pol/ is also one hell of a drug

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>tfw gay
>can't wear rainbow stuff cause everyone will think i'm one of those gays

>Or are you telling me that pride parades where people openly use other people as public urinals is healthy, happy and normal behavior and the sort of shit we should be exposing our children to?
This just screams "I have never been to pride."

>to show that they weren't the mentally ill deviants people still widely believed them to be
except now pride parades are about showing people that they are exactly the mentally ill deviants that they believe them to be

Too bad, we stole the rainbow, California, all musicals and Gen 6 of Pokemon
Deal with it

Pride parades are unhealthy and kids shouldn't be exposed to them, but that doesn't mean gay people in general are degenerate. Do you base your assessment of white people on kotaku?

>be born in 80s
>love rainbows
>fucking cool looking
>homoglobo fags come along fucking several hundred different men a year and creating deadly sexual transmitted diseases from rampant debauchery and feces encrusted fag sex
>appropriate the rainbow to promote their disgusting life style of pedophilia and buggery
Pretty mad about it desu.

Yo why cant we have Happy straight month?

You know where you can watch the rainbow from? The rooftop.

>except now pride parades are about showing people that they are exactly the mentally ill deviants that they believe them to be
There are perverts in every demographic.

Hardcore homophobes won't change the way they see me but regular straight people can. I still think being a normal person is a much better way to convince people that you're a normal person than going to a parade half naked.

Who /volcel/ here?

>all these Pride apologist gays
Advice to the pet show gays, the straights will just keep upping their standards until you don't exist, so don't even bother pandering to them

I dobt really care if two consenting adults want to piss on each other and i sont believe you that it goes on in public. If it did happen at a pride parade, im sure it was a small number freaks and not all of the fags marching.

faggotry is a part of nature user, it is found across cultures and species. It is also beneficial or natural selection would have taken care of it immediately.

yeah and they keep that shit under wraps and away from children and if they don't then they are rightfully scorned

We do every day, every month!!

people at pride parades do their best to alienate people and act like weirdos which is not a thing this world really needs. it's like a excuse to be a weirdo now

Oh yeaaah, a demographic that has a coin flip chance of finding someone with aids. How cute and precious.

Again shit like that is exceedingly rare to see in pride parades. Only parades in San Francisco are really like that, and the fact that you don't realize this again proves that you've never in your life been to a pride parade.

Homosexuals are the equivalent of heroin addicts.
They do something that is bad for their body and will kill them eventually but are addicted to it.
We out heroin addicts through rehab.
We out homos in pride parades and TV shows.

Little girls' stuff always had rainbows on it. What are you, a girl?

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Nobody is stopping you from making one of your own. Pride is organized by and for us, so go ahead and make your sad lame parade to celebrate, uh, what, jean shorts, socks and sandals, dad bods?

This needs updating. We can't criticize trannies either.

Most people in America now support gay marriage.

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nothing sexual should be around children

AIDS in the gay community is at an all time low. Incidentally, Russia and Africa, the countries that are the most openly unaccepting of gays, are the only places in the world where HIV infection rates are increasing.

this isn't a tranny post btw I just couldn't find the laughing whores image

What's wrong with euromutt dogfuckers celebrating finally being free to reveal their true natures as sodomites and zoophile furries in global parades?

Yeah and we didn't tone down the gay shit at pride to get here

Because it sells good and despite the fact of it being dangerous and unethical it's still not illegal. That's how big corps work. But don't tell the trannies, they're already 41% fucked

Homosexuality appears in various species throughout all kinds of families.
It tends to come about as a solution to overpopulation in niche groups as far as we can tell.
There is some cases, particularly in humans recently, where consumption of specific foods (and artificial shit like BPA-filled plastic containers and some other chemicals) can turn on these genes that flip people to homosexuality.

I don't mind it at all. As long as people don't force it down my throat or hurt others (like the mad peeds) be as gay as you can be.
The ones that openly force it on people can get FUCKED though. Especially when they target children.

Is the middle east part of africa?

Did they celebrate Eid? If not why so islamophobic?

Why is American corporate culture so cancerous?

>Gays make Yea Forums froth at the mouth seething
Holy fucking based. Have sex and play some video games incels. Don't worry only 20 more days

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Africans have more AIDS than gay people and Africa is extremely homophobic.

Is that why you nasty fags go to pride parades in assless pants and cock socks?
You dont see that fucking in the street or anal fisting on the side walk might not make us like you?

Lol ok. aprox. >50% is an all time low for you.

Damn, there must be a lot of faggots in the Good Ol' Jesu-Lovin'-God-Fearin' Dixie South

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Compare to

>This just screams "I have never been to pride."
There's literally videos of people being used as public urinals at pride parades, even one of someone setup in an inflatable kiddy pool for the sole fucking purpose of being used as a public urinal and swimming around in it, every fucking porn site on the net has entire catalogs of nothing but degenerate shit that goes on at pride parades.

Clean up your act, literally, or fuck off and stop wondering why people who value their communities hate you.

He means the christian parts of africa. That's where all the degeneracy and aids is.

>shit like that
shit like what? your own personal definition of what is acceptable and can change at any moment in order to dismiss whatever evidence is provided to you?
I've been to pride parades. They all feature sexual deviancy on full display and children


Hahaha! What?
Africa is FULL of homos!


we have to nuke africa to destroy the gay

actually yes

>why do you consider an optional downloadable theme "forcing"?
Let's also add a pedo theme by your logic, don't like it? Don't download
>why do you think that people's private activities are degenerate?
It's degenerate turning a private activity into a public theme
>why do you think playstation's audience is so young?
Statistics, google it

PlayStation? More like GAYSTATION!

If you don't want gay people to have HIV maybe you should include homosexual sex in sex-ed classes.

Nigger are you retarded or blind or both?

What do you expect from a faggot-loving country?

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Africans have lots of sex , soon as Aids started there, they were pretty much doomed, like a fox in a chicken coop

Its kinda funny because nearly everyone I speak to about homos hates them where I am. I truly believe there will be a mass homo hunt and castration in my life time and I will applaud it when homo demon scum are castrated and beaten lmao.