Be voice actor

>be voice actor
>no job security
>restlessly long sessions
>dangerous mocap work
>get no respect from publishers or GAMERS who just pester for dual audio
>stuck doing anime dubs and anime video games unless you can make a miraculous Troy Baker break and transition........into western video games
>chances of making it into western cartoons literally null, chances of becoming an actual actor in Hollywood, less than null
>get replaced at the drop of a hat before the game is even out

Were the VAs actually morally in the right when they went on strike?

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Other urls found in this thread:,

They should just #metoo Troy Baker like they did Vic Mignana

The Western voice acting industry is full of SJW cancer.

I couldn't give less a shit what happens to them.

we*Tern VAs who ruin the work and soul put in by Japanese VAs need to fucking kill themselves.

>it's been a tough year, haha

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the V.A. didnt go on a strike by their own volition, they were forced to by their cancerous greedy union that gatekeeps the entire fucking industry.

source: by they i mean me. fuck the voice actor's guild, they think they're our slave masters.

They would be morally right if they were actually good at their jobs
But if that were the case they'd have nothing to complain about

Wouldn't this be a role she lost when they were on strike? I'm pretty sure it's literally her own fault.

Fuck off weeb

No matter how many threads you make, she will never fuck you or even pay attention to you.

>I'm pretty sure it's literally her own fault.
Cant go against what the union wants, to get literally any work you have to be in their good books

>chances of making it into western cartoons literally null
>he says when posting Cristina Vee

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He's right though.

Get a real job or learn to deal with it.

They weren’t morally right because they wanted a percentage of game sales. I’ve never bought a game due to its voice acting. But they’re so high on themselves they think that most people buy games for the VAs

>restlessly long sessions
If you're on an episodic TV show you work 4 hours a week for that show. Voice actors who are regulars in cartoons live pretty damn comfortably.

Anti union fags like you are why America is shit

>Yea Forums hates Nolan North because he's everywhere and is the face of Uncharted
>says that he disagrees with the VA strike and that programmers deserve better pay

You guys suck

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Difference is Troy Baker isn't a creep.

>They weren’t morally right because they wanted a percentage of game sales
This. They had a ton of sensible shit (more care given to not overstressing their voice, having more context for what they're given to read etc.) but then they had to jew it up

Cristina V's c()nny

>and that programmers deserve better pay
What does that have to do with anything?

Western VA is just one small group of people giving jobs to their friends, if you miss out on a job or don't have job security, it's because you aren't good enough friends with whoever is in charge.

>be voice actor
>no job security

well yeah, their job is to fucking talk
fuck these people

it's not her fault. the union forces us to go on strike so tha they can leech higher margins from our employers. The strikes are a lose-lose-lose scenario for not only the devs and actors, but also for the fans who wish to hear their favourite actors; all because the greedy fucks at the guild arent done paying for their 3rd yacht

The VAs make enough and the money they're fighting for should go to the people slaving for the game to happen in the first place.

From what I can tell, the VA scene is a shitshow because it's just a cycle. VA work for non AAA studios in both animation and especially video games is seen as lesser work, to be done by fledgling actors who couldn't make it in hollywood or broadway. Because it has this reputation, the pay is lower. Because the pay is lower, that means that higher profile actors won't do it because it's not worth the time investment, leaving the only spots open to new and/or bad actors who need any job they can get. The only way to stop it is to somehow remove the notion that VA is less glamorous than the big screen or stage, but good luck doing that.

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Redpilled and based


The voice strike was dumb because the industry agreed to everything except royalties and observers thought royalties were the thing they planned to drop at the negotiating table to make themselves look reasonable. I don't know why they thought that would work when directors and musicians don't get royalties and directors are a bigger selling point and game music gets sold separetly these days.

voice actors have easy lives.

there's no point sympathizing with someone who walks into a room, reads lines, and gets paid.

But she's a woman who voices my manchild games and cartoons!

If programmers want more money why dont they push for it? What kind of communist bullshit is this, that one group of workers should have to give a shit about the pay of another

>there's no point sympathizing with someone who walks into a room, reads lines, and gets paid.
Your mom just walks into a room, sucks my dick and gets paid; but I still sympathize with her

Lol, imagine being this retarded. Nobody cares that some retard made bad life decisions.

epic post, friend

Says the guys who gets paid more than almost any other VA on the planet, the same guy that gets a part on almost every massive triple A game released nowadays, at his elevated rates, lmao.

maybe if unions were owned and managed by the actual workers they make strike, you would be right.

but these unions are just another soulless board of directors who are looking to exploit workers... except unlike a corporation the unions arent producing anything, they just leech.

Facts. Voice actors are a dime a dozen.

It's autism to even recognize voice actors in the first place.


Of course they were, anyone with a brain could see that. Too bad people were busy being contrarian and vocalized support for corporate entities because it was the most absurd side to choose. Now we have literal government regulation of our spending habits, and people talk that it's a good thing that government can affect any competitors to the companies in their home country.

This is why unions are retarded
>make a union to fight the power heirarchy of upper management vs. lower level employees
>this creates a new power heirarchy within the union itself

>restlessly long sessions
Oh man, 4 whole hours.
>dangerous mocap work
No more dangerous than playing with children but they wouldn't know what that is like because they need to solidify their careers in a job that has no solidity first!

Because he doesn't whine to people when they tell him his job is easy because he agrees that it is, making him an easy person to work with. :)

>It's autism to even recognize voice actors in the first place.

No if anything autism would not being able to recognize a voice mr buzzwords.

you know that Yea Forums misses your theads

If anything, we should bring in an entire new generation of voice actors to shut these boomers the fuck up

How many video game voice actors can there be?



I hate these faggots.

Autism is giving enough of a shit to recognize a voice.

I have never met another human that cared about a product due to who was voicing someone.

Cristina Vee is a dumb thot who moaned on stage for a bunch of teens when she did voices for league of legends so who cares

Voice actors complain about how little pay they get for their work to the extent they have to work a second job but isn't this just the natural result of there not being a lot of work to go around, for a large number of people looking for work?
I wonder if every VA just thinks they'll be able to live a comfortable life just doing voice work and getting royalties like they're Peter Cullen or Masako Nozawa?

How about you voice act for western games, dummy VAs

wait i thought vic got cleared of whatever bullshit happened?

Since when has that ever mattered?

Bro... That's literally a dub... it's not the original version. Nobody thinks of euroshit when people say "western animation"

Maybe the next Shantae will be fully voice acted and she’ll have some work for a while.
I don’t dislike Christina Vee.

>chances of making it into western cartoons literally null, chances of becoming an actual actor in Hollywood, less than null
The reason they end up as VAs for anime games is because they're too shit to do any of those other things

Vic wasn't a creep either. Only roasties with a vendetta think so and anyone on the kickvic side has yet to show definitive proof of his creepiness or the allegations of rape.

The most hilarious story being the jelly bean rape story. Pathetic and I think a fair amount of Western VAs are spoiled to be quite honest compared to Eastern counterparts where it's much harder to break in.

You've never met a single Batman fan? He's pretty popular and Kevin Conroy voicing him is a pretty big factor for any non live adaptations for a lot of his fans.

And is still hot

T. mobster kike. Fuck off.

No he isn't, he's just a filthy weeb

Video games are a ridiculously huge industry, there's no excuse for how bad voice acting is for the voice actors and for us. The voice actors have all the shit shown in OP but the standard of voice acting is so low that I don't blame the companies for shitting on them. It's extremely rare for a voice actor to be memorable let alone good, which is pathetic given how much money is involved.

>caring about things you'll constantly be hearing in whatever game or animation you're watching is autism
Wew lad, is caring about music in things autism too?

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>Be cultured enough to understand that works in their native languages are inherently better
Sorry you can't read at a 4th grade level

One's perspective of a game can absolutely be affected by poor voice acting, in which case you would "care" about the product.

Yes they should go on one permanently and just fuck off

No. Don't start a career in a field with next-to-no work opportunities.

Perhaps he is, but he is also right.

I for one think it's great you guys went on strike. It gave alot of newbie VAs a chance to get lead roles and showcase their talents.

Not everyone wants to hear typecast voices in all their games.

The lawsuit is ongoing.

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Imagine being a VA in the fucking west and complaining about the pay while Jap VAs are whoring themselves on the side just to put food in their fucking table.

Vee is one of my favorites, I feel so bad for her.

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Isn't that sad to you? It could be a good product but
>muh childhood autism

Yes? You're playing a game, not listening to an album.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Most of the newbies suck ass.

>can afford to have his paycheck lowered now that he's made it and has savings, reputation, and investments
This tells me nothing.

Vic definitely check advantage of his female fans.

>You're playing a game, not listening to an album
So if you're playing a tense high-stakes first person shooter, and the music is something akin to, this is acceptable to you?

I don't give a shit about music being acceptable in the first place you troglodyte

Shadow of Mordor was the first game with voice acting that actually blew me away. Games like GTA5 are good too, but Shadow of Morder was on another level.

Hot, sauce?

>Games can be about GAMEPLAY ONLY. No sound at all
Nice autism, bro.

Vic raped his fans.

user, it's been going around for years that Vic has been pretty suspect.

Nice, eat this dub voice actors.

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>get a job where all you do is talk funny
>surprised when you're replaceable

Get a hard job that requires actual skill lmao

in b4 >kotaku

Archive that shit

Vic is going to beat this rap and i cant wait for the seething /leftpol/s to start screeching.

t. Paying attention to the lawsuit

Western VAs think they are too important and demand censorship of Japanese video games.

Vic has been known to be a shit for a decade if not longer. They say no con has even had him as a guest more than once, and the stories about his rapey behavior are way, way older than metoo.

>people were been all over me. My breasts were grabbed by everyone like it was no big deal. One producer was drunk and —” Nagura then told Yuzuki to “shut up.” His remark was followed by everyone on the set laughing, so I guess that was his inappropriate attempt at a joke? (Prior to that, the show’s two male hosts told Yuzuki that she “sure talks a lot” and asked her if she had just come to complain).
Really makes you think.

Morally? Don't care. But voice acting in video games was unironically a mistake and we need to go back to text only in order to weed out shitters that can't read.

>They say no con has even had him as a guest more than once
Can you even lie properly? The guy has been a recurrent guest in several cons before this shitstorm. His schedule was usually 17 cons per year.

>not allowed to publicly have a boyfriend or your rabid incel fanbase will ensure you never work in this industry again
>have to suck fat old dick back stage every night to keep your job (the fanbase knows and ignores this)

actually, now you put it that way i actually kinda agree. that is an upside.

Mate, the defense attempted to cite a fucking tumblr blog that was conveniently taken down around that time. They've got absolutely nothing.

>all this horrible stuff vic allegedly did
>not a single modicum of evidence to prove it
Desperate and obsessed

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that kind of explains why they make ridiculous amounts of money

the far right is a VA in case it isn't obvious

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>>dangerous mocap work

I looked at her twitter, she seems really nice

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I was repeating what I've read at /cgl/. At the very least, stories about him assaulting minors are nothing new.

I guess there is a chance he's just a big douche and people make up additional stuff against him but there are many stories

Maybe get a more stable job? Being a VA is not you're suppose to do all year around, only a very few people can actually make a living doing this.

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You sound like a fucking faggot, just letting you know that. Not sure what you're even trying to argue outside of trying to come off as an edgy cool kid.

I am tired of
>Troy Baker
>Nolan North
>Steve Blum
>Jennifer Hale
Don't get me wrong, great people who had great roles before. But they are FUCKING EVERYWHERE. And only recently Steve Blum has been trying again after MKX/Injustice 2, before that it seemed he phoned in everything with his regular voice.

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Link is not working for me

I ain't clicking that shit but surely you are aware of people's scepticism due to kotaku's dabbling in the past whether it's propaganda (gamergate) or clickbait articles. But yes people need it's up to the individual to check the validity of sources even if it's from sketchy websites.
I commend you for actually posting a source to a inane point, something this shithole struggles with as they adopted the "listen and believe" philosophy.

>Were the VAs actually morally in the right when they went on strike?
Morals have nothing to do with it. If you're easily replaceable, you have no bargaining power, so joining a union and striking is career suicide.

To be fair their Voice actors are kind of like our celebrities.

No way an animator in Tokyo makes only 10k a year, right?

Sounds exactly like Hollywood. Whoda thunk.

Cry harder, pinko.

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>Uh no dude he voiced Yugi and he was a pretty good kid

Who are you quoting?

Non famous artists of all kinds are paid dirt since art is "fun"

Animators are slaves. It´s a really shitty job.

Man, I'd love to do VA work on the side but pretty much any VA I follow on twitter has gone batshit insane. Even the amateur ones.

Do they have thier own Dan Schneider

>call out obvious game shill on a "fear for water" reddit. Post their old posts praising said company while claiming to not be paid by them.

Make them fuck up about ownership of the threa and easily point it back to them.

Not a single post in 3 weeks

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That is the environment which creates them, user. The amount of uniformity in character and opinion is reaching Children of the Corn tier.

>I was repeating what I've read at /cgl/.
Well those people at /cgl/ are wrong. And are just raids from the PULL forum. who are asshurt SJW spergs who tried to ruin a guy over some hurt feelings and have been caught doctoring and missrepresenting photos and lying multiple times about Vic.
You have spergs getting hanged by their own fucking words by vic's lawsuit. Not to mention all the gay ops they have tried to pull on people.

>adult video star
I don't think I need more information.
>casting couch
Bro...................... no way.............................

Animators work 11 hour days for peanuts and pocket lint. Some of them practically live in the studio.

But how is that even enough to rent a small apartment in one of the most expensive cities in the world, let alone pay for food, transport, and literally anything else you might need.
I'm a fucking cashier and I make more than that in a relatively inexpensive part of New England.

The wage scale in Japan is heavily skewed toward older employees, even outside of the entertainment industry. Wages for young folks start out shockingly low compared to the West, but they tend to peak out higher in the end.

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What slays me is that the mentality has leaked into the amateur fan-dubs market and there's no good reason why people who used to make things for fun are now more political than an australian shitposter.

It isn't, they live in those little pod hotels.

Many animators live with their parents because they aren't paid enough to get somewhere to live.

>I was repeating what I've read at /cgl/

>small apartment

the ones i like,like crispin freeman and JYB dont post on twitter much
i used to follow jamie marchi but this whole vic thing has really made me dislike her on top of a few other things like her spurging out about people not liking the prison school and dragon maid dubs

Makes sense to an extent. You imitate the VA that you respect and in doing that, you absorb their ideology whether intentional or not.
Though by the same token, the kinds of people that want to become VA would also lean a certain way if we zoom out and see the leanings of the people involved.

>be cute thot
>become voice actor
>get full MOMMY TITS and still manage to be top tier cutie

christina vee is a treasure

That's depressing, but at least makes me appreciate what I have.

if this was actually a real job, I'd have pity with them but it's fucking voice acting, like not even real acting, just talking

In case you didn't know deepfake AI's are about to be able to learn to speak any language completely fluent in a naturally sounding voice, watch Voice Acting as a profession die out completely in a matter of weeks

If im not mistaken, arent union VA not allowed to work on certain projects?seems like theres a huge chunk of VAs of varying skills that are just straight up not allowed to work on anime and games, so it leaves even less VAs who can and/or want to work on stuff like that.

Voicing a transgender superhero dog for a western cartoon pays more than anime games.

What has Jennifer Hale been in lately?

>All of these vic defenders
Have sex.

Yea Forums - VA drama


That's technically how Starcraft and Brood Wars got so memorable with their voices. They didn't hire much, even Metzen himself did a lot of work. Now compare that amateur audio work to SC2. Soul vs Soulless.

Read law

The prison school dub was actually alright apart from that one super-cringey line.

I'm more surprised about Monica Rial, I've never really been a huge fan but I was always under the impression that she was a pretty cool person before all of this happened.

>If programmers want more money why dont they push for it?
Cause there's probably a shitload of new programmers who are just glad to be working and getting paid at all ready to take their jobs. So if they want to leave, they can just leave.

Talking into a mic is so tough ;(

Union voice actors can't work on a project that has non union voice actors. It's why Sega told Jason Griffith to leave his union if he wanted to voice Sonic again.

they're not allowed to work on anime and games jobs that refuse to provide union-level contracts

>trusting /cgl/

Never trust a board for of traps. Or honestly, just don't trust traps.

I heard she went nuts since her engagement got broken off

oh noes
the world isn't fair?!
we need more social justice

Dude, same. I loved her for P&S, but she turned into a rabid cunt after that

She's Ashe in Overwatch.

>have favorite English VA
>"oh wow, they're on twitter, i wonder what they're li-"
>no longer have favorite English VA

Ryan Drummond offered to quit his other jobs and move to where 4Kids was headquartered so he could keep voicing Sonic and they snubbed him for someone who was objectively worse. Jason can get fucked.

Honestly, North is underrated. I know he's everywhere but people tend to think of his voice acting as just the everyman voice but dude has an impressive range.

She very noticeably has not been the same. Been mildly whoring herself out even, which on the one hand is rad cause she's got great tits, but maybe not the best thing mentally?

Did he say that niggers are people or something?
What a lunatic.

i really wonder whats going to happen to funi after all of this blows over,from last i've heard toei really wasn't happy with them

yeah it really sucks, i seriously wonder how this is going to effect her carrier after this

I was surprised to learn that Monica Rial was in the Ghost Stories dub, which was incredibly racist and homophobic. I guess she only cares about white women and #MeToo.

Happens to the best of us, user. You come to realize that "Don't meet your heroes" has more truth to it than it reasonably should.

Evidence takes time they're just piling it all together sp when the time comes they can show everything

>It's why Sega told Jason Griffith to leave his union if he wanted to voice Sonic again.
This is the exact reason we don't have Ryan Drummond right now. He crushed it in the audition but when it came time to sign the papers, they wanted him to leave his union

didn't a person who had a tumblr dedicated to shit vic did just come out and say everything posted there was fake?

>check twitter to find evidence of this
>old Lara cosplay
This is already good.

Ok good. Then when the evidence comes out and if it proves him guilty beyond reasonable doubt then everyone will be on your side. Until then you have to prove your statements with hard facts and evidence.

>Voiced Yugi
that's Dan Green you dumbfuck


Are you mad that I pointed out your hypocrisy, Monica? Would you like to explain all of those Black, Asian, Gay, and Jewish jokes in Ghost Stories?

>yeah it really sucks, i seriously wonder how this is going to effect her carrier after this
Anyone with an iota of sense is going to blacklist the shit out of both Marchi and Rial, unless they somehow manage to pull a W out of their asses

>those swimsuit videos

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It was a different time back then. Everyone could make all the race,gay, and rape jokes they wanted back then. I remember when if you got absolutely wrecked in a game people would just say you just got raped hard. Cant do that anymore.

I want a dub of a Japanese videogame where a bunch of literal whos btfos all these overrated/overused circle of bangzoom/Funimation actors

Cant wait to read the deposition and watch the accusers fall all over themselves.

That's just like how Isaac Hayes was fine with South Park shitting on everyone except Scientologists. His character was rightfully killed and mocked afterwards

I looked it up, I was thinking of Ryan the whole time. Griffith was booted when they replaced everyone but Pollock.

Can anyone stop him?

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3hr video

>english va

But why though? Shouldn't it be up to the VA themselves if they wanted to work for less? I'd imagine some of them would love to be a part of a show even a small one even if it did mean less pay. Or am I just not understanding how this works

>The prison school dub was actually alright apart from that one super-cringey line.

Is this the gamergate one? Also isn't this the one where translators self inserted their believes and isn't actually properly translated

Actually I would be fine with Japanese audio only. Be happy I am paying you at all.

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Because their union contract says they can't so they'll get sued if they do.

Japs pay their VAs a lot of money but even they don't give them a percentage.

literally discount troy baker. He and Grant George pick up all the anime rolls Troy left behind

Gay Priests.

He's basically just a cheaper-to-use Troy Baker to begin with after all.

The voice acting union has a stranglehold on the industry.

That's the one. The original line was basically just meant to convey "Oh, what, a girl can't play video games?" But Marchi absolutely had to shoehorn the reference in there to give her own hot take on it.

>replaced Troy Baker as Espio in Sonic
Lmao he really does

Troy Baker is too hot to get #metoo'd. There's not a single soul on planet earth that doesn't want to fuck him.

I find it hilarious people go apeshit over VAs or videogame programmers but shit on waiters or taxi drivers.

It's ironic that the idea of using Child Actors for Video Games these days is looked down upon, yet Megaman Volnutt's voice from the first game sounds better than most adults imitating Teenager Voices

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>edgelard in ff16

is there really gonna be a character named that wtf

He probably makes more off of Critical Role than any of the voice work he still bothers to do, honestly. It's nuts how big that d&d stream got.

Alexis Tipton does the same for Laura Bailey's "cute teenager" roles.

Except for Rise, mysteriously.

Tails's voice from the first Sonic Adventure (and SA2, to a lesser extent) was really good too.

That's like Brad Pitt disagreeing with an Actor's Guild strike, this shit doesn't affect him

90s or Early 2000s Literal Whos > Popular Meme Overrated Voice Actors

based illiterate bro

Professional voice actors go through years of training their voice and acting. Most of them can sing better than anyone on the Billboard top-100 chart because that's part of it.

Some games will just bring in their art department to voice pedestrians or side characters are whatever. People with no training can do it, too. But they have *nowhere* near the depth/variety/range of a professional voice actor who's trained out the ass. These people are trained harder than actors.

Well that just seems dumb to me.
You can get replaced for wanting to be paid more,but sued for wanting to be paid less? That's gotta suck especially if you really want to work on something outside your contract.

Or just view the article like a normal person?

Ehh, even in Japanese, you can tell amateurs from pros.

Reminds me of where the entire cast of Warioware outside Wario was voiced by the marketing team until Golden actually had dialogue and they had to switch everybody out for real actors

Dark Rose Valkyrie.

One of them is literal ho and you can tell in terms of quality.

Which is why modern unions are shit and you should only ever live in a right-to-work state.

Lurk for 2 years before posting, nigger.

How about instead of VAs we get some primary school children to dub lolis?

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Because you can count on one hand the number of good performances turned in by actual children

Ain't that the truth. I'll just stick to enjoying their work and not bothering to learn anything else about any of them from here on out. God damn what a bunch of annoying cunts, the lot of them.

Twitter is where celebrity careers go to die

French shit is anime

This. Me after I visited Hayter's Twitter.

This woman is so fucking hot

Hayter's twitter is so hilariously salty it goes all the way around from being bad to being good again

And if its a long term performance/you want to do sequels, you run the risk of their voice being unrecognizable. Imagine how screw the SImpsons would have been if they cast a child as one of the kids

Isn't Vee batshit insane now?

I got blocked by him for some reason, I think because I asked about the Watchmen movie.

Might have been the whole time. Nate had to have a good reason for walking out on that

Can't Vee do cartoons and Western games like Gears Of Yore to get by?

I really like how Japanese games do their VA roles. Persona 5 is a popular example I'll use. They only voice important lines or scenes. Others there is just 1 short blurb (Yeah! Uh-huh. Alright. Wha? No kidding! Oh no.) that accompanies 3 sentences. It sets the mood of the sentence and gives the words context. (Are they angry? Surprised? Sad?). When every fucking word is spoken, it is distracting and kind of irritating. It slows down the pace of the game.

Also by only voicing 5% of the dialog, you save enormous amounts of money on voice acting. And when you localize it to other languages, only 5% of the dialogue needs to be re-recorded. The other 95% can be done over lunch since it's just 50 or so common interjections.

I mean I still follow the guy for some of his usual shenanigans but fuck there are times where he becomes a cunt.
Never interact with these types of people.

>>get no respect from publishers or GAMERS who just pester for dual audio

There's your problem. No one buys a game for the voice actors so who cares what happens to them?

Vic being a con creep has been common knowledge for literally over a decade

You're not wrong. But there's always that one voice you fall in love with. For me, that's Kinzie from Saint's Row (Natalie Lander) -- if they tried to voice her with any other VA, I would not buy Saint's Row 5.

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I get that he's just trying to be nice to the fans, but it annoys me to an extreme degree when he takes requests for things to be read in Snake's voice. It's like he's still trying to force himself into relevance.

At least the absolute meltdown he had when Kiefer was announced as MGSV Snake was funny. He and everyone else realized that Hayter's sole identity is voicing Snake, without that he's basically nothing. From drawing mocap lines on his face in the bathroom to requesting baristas write his name as Big Boss when he got coffee.

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Smart. Don't befriend people. Don't learn about their life.

They always disappoint.

Pretty sad honestly.

>he takes requests for things to be read in Snake's voice.
I'm surprised they are allowed to do that. That seems like something that would be legally protected. Don't ask me how. But there's been similar issues where a developer commissions art for a character, then the artist does art of the same character being triple-penetrated for funzies and the dev takes them to court.

I know Mike Pollock refuses to take requests for Eggman on the grounds that it's not his character.

an actual beautiful voice actress? (and don't say laura bailey, because she's used goods)

We'll see it someday. She's on her way to becoming a porn star. Look at the pictures she posts half naked.

Christ, I hate when you think a file is safe then notice a barely noticeable nipple or pictures with tits on the wall in the background. Blue boards are stifling my expression!

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It seems like to me VO work is something you can be famous for one minute and dead to rites the next. Just look at the Critical Role cast. When they started they were all voice actors of varying fame. In the entire 3-4 years they have been broadcasting none of them got any sort of promotion. As soon as an opportunity to do something else came around half gave it up. The rest are in the same position they started in

>Laura, Mercer, and Liam (to a lesser extent) are the most famous, did games and anime, are still taking major voice roles in games.
>Sam Riegal was a well known VO, mostly does directing now.
>Travis and Talesin were pretty well known anime VO's, have a few game credits
>Ashley Johnson has a few big games to her name (Last of Us 1 & 2), and mostly does acting on a shitty but good NBC drama
>Marisha Ray's resume includes being on Gamestop TV, uhhh playing her Crit Role character in Pillars 2

Of these seven people who were all purely VO's now
>Laura/Mercer/Liam still do Voice Acting
>Travis is CEO of Critical Role
>Sam does directing + helping with CR
>Marisha is creative director at CR, might work at G&S still but I don't think
>Talesin works on CR and also Geek and Sundry
>Ashley does TV and The Last of Us

Seems like hell on earth honestly. The job security sucks and you have to live in LA

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Why exactly do Companies keep reusing the same VA over again? i'm sure by this point they grown to dislike them and want to cast someone else at this point.

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Not really. I mean, she's not paper-bag-required. But there is an enormous amount of make-up on her face.

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Beating to Vee's character's grunting and moaning when she whore's herself out online

regardless ignoring any sort of actors and not putting people who worked hard in credits is bullshit

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Laura Bailey is pure and cute and loyal to her husband!

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Post that shit nigger

His entire online presence devolves back to "that guy who voices snake". I actually find it sad that that has always been the case.

Less time in the interview process.

Fuck you, Laura has a great voice and a great family and you should be happy for her being able to make it to the big leagues.

Now Tara Strong, on the other hand, can fairly be called used goods

Nigga wut

american VA's suck so much ass, no wonder why the industry has barely any respect for them


Doesn't the casting couch idea literally not count porn since thats literally the job?

From what I hear:
>The main lawsuit is focused on Vic assulting(nonsexual) some of the members. Mostly smaller stuff.
>Allegations of being a creep to fans existed for years but no big allegations
>Someone from his old school he worked in said he tried to rape them
>THEN Funimation kicked him out. They appear to have a no tolerance policy when concerning pedophiles
>Some of his defenders are in the Anti SJW conservative crowd, and from time to time ask kiwifarms to dox some of the people involved
>Also, they are trying to sue Marzgirl, some eceleb so forgotten even her own staff forgot about her(no joke), because she made was prominent in the Kickvic hashtag after watching the Broly movie.
>Todd Haberkorn is another VA who had allegations but still keeps his job and works for WatchMojo. His situation is complicated due to alcohol and questionable consent. Lawsuits are happening.

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Actual children are much harder to manage, they have restrictions on how long they can work, you have to deal with stage moms, and if there's any sort of sequel you have to deal with their voice inevitably changing.

There are some exceptions in both Japan and the West though. Dororo in the 2019 anime is voiced by a 12-year-old girl iirc.

>When your favorite VA is too big for animu roles

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You can't own a person's voice. John Fogarty got sued for that and won

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Yeah I pretty much dropped all of them except Grey and Vic of all people.

>like Ian Sinclair
>look up twitter profile
>profile pic is of a funko pop
>close tab


Yes but I think the point she was trying to make is how dark the anime industry is that even the porn industry doesn't do shady shit like that.

Even if I agree with their politics I have learned not to give a fuck about theirs, and not to visit their twitter

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Damn I do not regret looking her up. There is some serious thottery happening on her feed.

Wait, WHAT about Todd? Nothing bad is happening to him, right? He's awesome.

Also I don't think that people understand that voice acting can be hazardous to your health if you aren't being managed properly.
For example, Jessica Calvello basically destroyed her vocal cords from the strain of voicing Excel since she wasn't being given the frequent breaks her doctor recommended, and actually had to be replaced halfway through. She only really took bit parts for about a decade, and only really started taking big roles a few years ago, like Saori from GuP

He was accused of raping a cosplay women.
But its all very vague. Enough for him to still have a job.
But something did happen, but its hard to tell if its legally consensual.

>tfw just remembered MegaMan X's VA who also voiced domon
I know he did it back then so it could help be dentist but do you think he's laughing his ass off on how dodged such a massive bullet with VA work overall? Also don't dentists get paid pretty well too?

Jessica also voiced a lot of hentai in the past like angel blade and she's alright in them

But Excel Saga was a pretty crazy role. So I don't think thats a fair example.

The most amazing thing to me is that he was able to use money from 90's dub roles to pay for med school. He must have had some other source of income, because something about that just doesn't mesh.

Cristina Vee is a shit voice actor, so good.

That one hentai that had the english VAs of Asuka and Rei

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This but also this . Most hop off the train if pretty much any other kind of opportunity comes along (especially anime dubbers) while there are hordes of people that want to get into it and will take any paying gig. The ones that have any sort of talent or ability move on and their spots are instantly filled by desperate amateurs leading to the low quality.

Maybe they should get a real job

Just a reminder that Rina-chan and /ourguy/ General Ivan made it

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I saw him explaining how they came to David voice and got chills. Still remember how he said "everything's quiet and the voice can break a little" and how he came with the character on the spot after being shown the artwork.

Kronika in MK11

>I was repeating what I've read at /cgl/.

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Yes, but the point was that her agency wasn't giving her the proper treatment she needed for such an extreme role, which led to her injuring her vocal cords.

and yet there's no actual proof, especially at the time when cellphone pictures and videos became more of a common thing
you fags also like to forget how obsessive and irrational big fat nerds are when they meet celebrities and said celebrity isn't 100% friendly
I'm already calling it, these rumors only ever happened because some autist either
>saw Vic being friendly at a con and interpreted it as being a creep
>wanted to meet Vic but he probably wasn't being too friendly that day and reeee'd all the way home
it's like Yea Forums wants to forget that we and several other boards spread bullshit all day since the site started

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Wasn't kronika VA'd by Mary Elizabeth mcglynn though

I'd love to do VA work too, but most of the amateur jobs I've seen are porn and I don't think I can put that on a resume also I've never been good at making sex noises

Maybe they need proper schooling so they can break the mics and not the other way around.

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fucking damn. Nate's a fag, why'd he call off the engagement?

>trusting /cgl/
>fucking ever

Voice acting or no voice acting, it's the exact same enjoyment for me.

>also I've never been good at making sex noises

ill help you practice bby

now you're going to have me searching for that

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>nearly 300 posts
>no one talking about how Christina Vee is thotting it up on twitter

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What do you mean?

Skye Bennett is the worst fucking voice actor I ever had the misfortune of hearing. This vapid bitch could not emote for the life of her and ruined any tension or atmosphere in any cut scene. I fucking hated her so much she sounded like such a fucking clunging fucking whore who could not stand being forced into voice act such a sexist and problematic character and actually had to act like a female for once in her life. If it weren't for the japanese dubs she would have solely soured the entire games experience for me.

I hope she gets black listed to never voice act in anything ever again.

>>Yea Forums hates Nolan North
Nigger what? North is widely loved because he's not up his own arse and he's actually incredibly good at his job and has a wide range of voices on top of his acting ability.

One of the bigger allegations weren't even from a fan, but from staff members and people from his life before VA work.

Though the stuff about him being a creep is exaggerated

MEM did Cetrion. Bald Kronika is Hale

>I don't think I can put that on a resume
Most don't but some relatively known VAs have done that sort of thing before and I guess the connections could be worth something even if the voice credit isn't.

Though I suppose it depends on how pornographic it is. Some of the VAs that were in Huniepop for example now work for places like Funi and work on anime and they have never hid their work on that game despite the sex scenes in it. Times have changed and they aren't looked down upon for being in something like that when they were just starting out.

Chances are you already did

Nigger I don't care.

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Aw fuck, my bad. Can't believe I got that mixed up

Huh, supposedly from imdb, Keith David is Spawn

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Don't know who that is but maybe she turned out to be crazy.

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>be Matt Mercer
>don't give a fuck and just keep doing it

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Nah. Our contracts saying we can't use their voice likeness for any work - free or paid - without their written consent which takes months to get. Snake must have a different contract. Everyone I've signed says I can pretty much only use it in the studio on their dime, and as a party favor if no recorders are running.

>Rei's Eng VA's rampant thottery in the 90s pretty much sealed her fate as a uncredited JRPG VA

Thanks Penpen

Actually don't think I watched that one, if I did it was only once

Who are any of these people and what is Edelgard in this "FE16"...?

>TFW the gig I gave her paid for those tits
Enjoy, children.

That 1k yard stare

she's the voice of riven, one of the most cancerous champions in LoL
everything that happens to her is karma

>those tits
>those feet

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>Be Matt Mercer
>Be better at being Troy Baker than Troy Baker is

Damn, did she get mindbroken

What have you been in? And does your dad work at Nintendo?

new fire emblem protag and future smash dlc

Chiaki Takahashi is like 42, but she look Sexy on social media without looking like a complete thot (maybe because she has some class)

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Damn, is it bad that I want to jack off to this bitch now

He's a con cosplayer that got into voiceacting. His origin is too humble for him to go up his own ass.

Doesn't matter if they credit us or not in the actual work. IMDB and the rest of the internet will always know. They can't stop you from listing it on your resume. Besides, the only time I ever watched for my name in the credits of something was when the producer said he was gonna fuck up my name by adding {firstname} "Kitty" {lastname} it because of something that's a long story. I'm a dude, btw. No one gives a fuck if their name is in the scrolling wall of text. No one reads that except in comedy movies where they make it entertaining.

>dangerous mocap work

Are you high

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Good, I hope dual audio puts all of these cunts out of work


What was it?

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>"I hope English dubs and Japanese dubs in games puts English VAs out of their jobs"

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Nothing video game related. Just straight-to-video kid's stuff.

They should voice all games in England instead of America.

Lots of English anime VAs did hentai either to start with or to make ends meet between major gigs. If you feel really ashamed about it you can probably ask to be credited with a pseudonym

Not porn but I read that one of the dub VAs for Strike Witches (Colleen Crinklebeard iirc) was so ashamed of the show that she was credited with a pseudonym for the first season

It was the scientologists who fucked that up. His agent or something basically cancelled it in his stead without consulting him.

>LittleKoriboh married a Funimation voice actress but is still struggling
>Channel Awesome collab with various VAs like Eric Vale and many others
>Team4star is made up of like, 9 people with more range than Vic.
>Even had another Funi actress secretly voicing 18
>But only 2 of the VAs they had in the movies (Cooler/General Ivan and Justin Briner as Teen Gohan in a small scene. Obviously will be replaced since hes the main in Hero Academia)
>They are still doing Dragonball parodies a decade later

Thats some bullshit there

has she never seen anime before? touching someone's breasts is a joke

Damn, Compa looks like THAT?

Hell no, I tried watching Shameless UK and had no clue what the fuck they were saying.

Steve Blum went really far as David Lucas

There's a Shameless US? Is it utter shite like the US Inbetweeners?

haha cool, I prefer reading dialogue anyway

Shes a producer now and was too busy to do Rei in the newer movies.
Tiffany Grant was there too and still has a career.

>LittleKoriboh married a Funimation voice actress but is still struggling
Well due to the nature of his content he can't monetize his videos (outside of maybe Mark Remark which he doesn't do anymore) so he's always had to rely on outside sources of income.

I have no doubt Scientology was involved, but I don't believe it was without Hayes' consent -- unless he was forced by 'the church' to never say a word about it. Not that I've gone looking, but I remember that exact episode watching it on TV because I'm a boomer. I remember the media circus that came of it. And Isaac Hayes never said anything publicly. A normal person would have defended themselves if they were being crucified in public over something they had no control over.

Firefox autocorrecting me to make scientology capitalized is annoying.

Weebs are retarded

christina vee is garbage though, every single character she voices sounds the exact same

>dangerous mocap work

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You mean the shit you see in the $5 bin at Walmart that has a bunch of B-list actors' names on the cover? What's the deal with that? I'm always surprised to see some of those names in stuff that looks so low-budget

Channel Awesome is dead, TFS went over to being a shitty LP Twitch channel that stopped being funny after their yearlong hiatus, and LK's voice impressions have gotten significantly worse.

No, he asked Matt and Trey to be released from his contract and made public statements defending Scientology after the episode aired.

What is a real job to you?

Nah man, I remember for one game, they have a mocap fighting a pro boxer and get his shit kick in. Mocap not safe user.

Chris Sabat might as well be the head of Funi voice direction at this point and he's really good friends with TFS. He probably sent her their way.

considering even the VAs who accused him don't have a good track record either it's safe to say they might be
>making shit up to get ahead
and given how shitty and unstable being a voice actor is, especially for anime, I'm not surprised if that was the reason
this kind of shit is pretty common in vastly competitive fields

But she's also the voice of Homura

Honestly, I feel a good western VA is better. Japanese VAs, while they usually express more emotions, all sound the same to me.


Because you haven't heard her as Darkness in the Konosuba dub.
Listen, THEN proceed to jack off.

white roastie go away

>If programmers want more money why dont they push for it?
so you've somehow missed the massive push over the last few years for the game industry to unionize huh

>onsidering even the VAs who accused him don't have a good track record either

I literally heard nothing on the other VAs but often hear something off about Vic even before this.

>(maybe because she has some class)

Pretty sure nearly all Japanese women have class.

How can you not tell Mary's voice? That's not Jennifer Hale.

>Cristina Vee
>implying anyone plays the Nepnep games in english
There is exactly one scene in the entire franchsie where the dub is better than the original, and it's not even in the games. It's Noire screaming in episode 6 of the anime.

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Jerking off punks for 15 dollars a pop

Not once you've heard more of them.
Some of them definitely get typecast but some like Aoi Yuuki have amazing range

>You mean the shit you see in the $5 bin at Walmart
Yeah, that. Depends on the movie. Little Mermaid, for example, had 2 big names with contracts that entitled them to Little Mermaid roles if there was sequels. To the point that they couldn't get OUT of the roles. But they still made a pre-negotiated salary that assumed they were theatrical releases, so why not? And there were like 10 Little Mermaid sequels.

Sometimes they're guaranteed work in the franchise and not tied to a specific character. So they'll do a different character or background NPCs.

I do a franchise that was founded on a toy that they decided to make a move about to cash in on the popularity of the toy. They're all shit. And no one's ever heard of them. It's shit boomers give their kids because they want their kids love the 80s or something. Aside from that, I do corporate instructional videos - like the shit Walmart shows new trainees about how to properly bag milk. Except I teach people how to use proprietary software and such.

I played them in English when I used to stream them because it pissed off all 20 of my viewers.

>Be VA
>Gatekeep anyone who isn't in your little VA clique just to keep getting gigs
>Still can't get hired
Nah, fuck them

Darkness looking just like a hentai protagonist makes this funnier

>They had 1 voice actor get the shit beaten out of them by a boxer while they wore mocap
>This means the entire practice of mocap is dangerous

I play the nepgames in both languages, retard

>more and more games continue to add in a Japanese voice option
>more and more players ask for Japanese voice option
>games already electing to not include a dub to save money, like PQ2 just recently
Wow geeze my tiny brain can't comprehend how this could be bad for dub workers

Nice though it helps that I only knew her as Cerebella and Riven friends made me play it shut up

cause she sounds like the main girl from Brutal Legend, which was Jennifer Hale.

Because the post I was replying to wanted more DUAL audio and not JP only audio.

not him but mocap work is notorious for being physically strenuous and the actors often aren't informed of the kind of stuff they'll be doing ahead of time until they've signed a contract. they're not saying that mocap work needs to be outlawed or whatever you're implying but trying to make an actor do stuntwork that they have zero training for is fucked up, and the industry should have protections against that kind of thing.

I don't know how you can endure Noire's english voice when she's talking. It ruins the dub for me, too nasally.

I play all my Japanese games with Japanese voices because 自殺してくれ.

>Aside from that, I do corporate instructional videos
That's actually kind of neat.

pretty much all of the VAs who were brought to court so far over the Vic case couldn't actually prove anything
the main accusers haven't been brought in yet but one of them recently got removed from voicing in some anime/video game so people are speculating some bullshit is going on

VAs can have a union just as soon as the developers have one, they just look like entitled little shits otherwise.

I've never minded not having english dubs. Except in scenes like fighting in Senran Kagura where they're having some long ass conversation when you're supposed to be fighting - So my dumb ass just keeps running around in circles (so I don't get hit) reading the subtitles instead of fighting (I am admittedly slow reader) ... then later I have to re-do the level to get the 'A' or 'S' rating because I wasted 2 minutes running in circles reading.

Aside from that, I always choose Japanese VA when I have the choice. It's calming for some reason I can't explain.

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I really only like listening to Neptune's voice whenever I play the dub. Noire's voices both JP and en are bad Befitting for shit a character


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I think everyone smart knew this when Nolan North walked out on stage at the VGAs and called the strike stupid.

I've been repeatedly told to "sound more dull" and "sound more boring" if I happen to being doing something the same week as recording a kid's character. It's very chill work and good side money I never have to look for. There's so little of it that people just bounce your name around. No one goes looking for a VA to do their videos because everyone 'knows a guy' and the bar for talent is really low.

I thought he cheated on her with that girl in the dnd show he was on.

What's the point of Dubs existing now when everyone watches Subs on illegal sites. besides that Dubs were only anything decent when it handed it to Canada or Lesser-Knowns who needed the work. when the Naruto Dub Group/Funimation VA who over everything gig in sight. dubs went being okay to utter shithole of wannabe celebs who circulate around various circlejerks (like how someone mentioned Channel Awesome and Watchmojo earlier) it would be fine if we just handed voice work to UK entirely to make-up for the Naruto Dub Group/Funimation VA's bullshit monopoly, or just drop dubs all together.

How is it their fault devs are being submissive and not banding together and uninionizing?

Oh no now I won't be able to hear their shrill voice in my Japanese games. How shall I ever recover?

Like this shit here. Getting gangbanged by 20 half naked girls with swords and they expect me to be able to read and chain off 400-hit combos at the same time.

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This, in most of his roles you dont even know its him unless you check the credits.

Well the main complaint they were talking about was hair pulling. So its pretty hard to prove that. And truth be told, its not the worst thing to be said about him. Not like he raped them. Plus, Vic is just a VA, and the people accusing him are producers who've worked in other fields for years. So it seems pointless to really fake accuse something so minor.

Then you have that one alleged victim who did accuse him while he was a teacher. And I think thats what really got him fired. Funimation had 2 pedophiles and they fired both of them instantly.

Who was the other?

More dual audio will lead to more JP only audio

Its still playing out but FUNi just shifted the blame to their actors and look like they want to settle should the court side with Vic. Threw Ronica under the bus.

Level up your multitasking skill, bro

Or in Saints Row 4 where he actually plays himself.

Didn't she also mention that she was voicing her while everyone else didn't say jack? I remember there being another mentioning that they also did work for that game, but they deleted that tweet soon after. Iirc they are being pretty quiet about who voices who. What are the chances that in that one specific case she got canned because she broke an NDA?

She wasn't great (and how much she seemed to dislike the project and everyone involved factors into that) and Rex's yelling is awful, but otherwise everybody did a pretty good job. The characters were endearing, which is the most important part of an anime dub where everything is intentionally exaggerated and unrealistic.

Scott Freeman who did the main of High School DXD
and there was another guy who did the creepy teacher in High School of the dead. He married a girl at 16 using a child marriage law.

Both been banned at Funimation, and SFreeman's roles were entirely replaced.

nah youre thinking of someone one else. after the break up Nate when on tour with his band. Either he's fucking a band member or he just isnt ready to commit yet, dude's in his 20s

Its only a matter of time.

Not him but the problem is that you can beat the level before the dialogue ends.

Would explain why I've never heard of him.

>Compa sounds the same as Velvet

I don't think it'd be as bad if they made the english VA listen to the Japanese one right before recording theirs. So they can get a sense of the intonation and how it's meant to play out, mood-wise. When all they have is text, they fuck it up. The west's way of fluctuating tones and emphasizing words/phrases based on the situation is completely different than Japanese and western VAs never get the chance to take that into account and learn how to enunciate correctly. A good example of how Japanese tend to be more submissive in situations where the west gets defensive.

>and how much she seemed to dislike the project and everyone involved factors into that

oh my god i fucking knew that bitch just hated doing that role. that bitch tone was just oozing out with every word she said. she was just seething at the thought of being a girl for once and not some stronk womyn smearing her period blood everywhere. seriously i can not stress this enough, she needs to be split open with a 12 foot steel cactus dildo.

Walking in Burt Reynolds as Mayor Burt Reynolds with 2 half naked women on his lap was one of the greatest moments in video game history.

I met her at a con this year she's very nice and even cosplays.

>if they made the english VA listen to the Japanese one right before recording their
a good vocal director will do this. when you get weird-sounding lines that put emphasis in the wrong spot or don't have the right tone it's usually because the actors weren't given any direction and they just did one take and moved on

calm down, incel

I THINK I remember some VA being asked about how he approached VAing (I think it was Kirei Kotomine's VA in Fate/Zero). He said he didn't listen or watch the original material because he wants his performances to stand out on their own or something.

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Otakushit like Neptunia is exactly the kind of thing you don't want to play in Japanese though. Everyone sounds 10 years too young because otaku are terrified of any woman exceeding the mentality of a child and the performances are filled with obnoxious verbal tics to sound """cute"""

Japanese voice actors are treated as absolute shit when they start out but after they have established themselves they can make a good paycheck. They can become celebrities- at least in otaku circles.

They train and work hard to get their career going. Unlike their Western counterparts. Sing. Dance. Do promotion events.

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Will this game have japanese voice options?
Honestly they need to stop hiring western VAs for anime games

Voice acting never really that big in America

Noire's new voice is better. Sorry Erin.

yeah Crispin Freeman is a based actor. Helps his natural voice is good too.

She was good! have sex you virgins.

SFM when?


He's one of my favorites because he can sound so imposing even when he's hamming it up.

>Unlike their Western counterparts.

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Troy Baker and Nolan North sitcom when?

Oh no heaven forbid this person whose job is talking for a little bit in children’s video games is forced to be part of the regular working class after her very bright star fades.

It is after all UNACCEPTABLE for a person of any level of “fame” or notoriety to simply stop being employed in big budget entertainment, they MUST be kept employed to do essentially nothing.

Baker has the voice and looks to be a live action actor, baffling to me he sticks with VA work. Maybe he just got so big that it pays better than starting in real acting.

seethe harder wagecuck

oh good it's mr. real blue collar job here to tell us all about how voice acting isn't "real work"

I'm happy we're always given the choice now. Used to have to go through circles to play something with Japanese voices for some games

I inherited over 15 million from my parents I never have to work a day in my life and wouldn’t be caught dead employed in any position that wasn’t at the top of the food chain. My point is I’m a superior person who was born into this and they happened into it for a little bit.

Both you and they need to learn to respect your betters.

probably because he's a nerd at heart and would rather make millions staring in vidyas than having to be a slave to hollywood. You'd probably do the same too given the choice

More of a job than being a twitch streamer, at least VAs aren't literal beggars.

Why do they have to maintain employment doing the same thing? If times are tough and her workload isn’t the same, what’s preventing her from just moving onto something else?

You really gonna tell me she’s an irreplaceable asset?

Your betters are fags

>Unlike their Western counterparts
But cristina vee sings and cosplays.

>hasn't worked ever
>thinks he can tell others what is and isn't a real job

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Thats a pretty based and #kickvicpilled rundown of the situation. Using a Riko diamond mouth pic surely portrays you as random neutral onlooker. Not....
The reality is that the situation is a lot more complex than that, to the point where im not willing to go into it, but its currently not looking too good for the kickvic crowd.
If anyone is interested, I suggest looking up vids of some dude called yellowflash on youtube, and another dude, forgot his name though. But let me just tell you, what happened to Vic is just a sham. Trust me, because I knew nothing of these English VAs of Dragon Ball, because idgaf about the dub.

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Most successful voice actors have their voices used for stuff like Siri.

I think the most successful English voice actor is that Australian woman or was it Canadian, forgot, who voices English passenger announcements for trains operating in Japan or for Japanese airports.

Honestly, I think that is the peak of a voice actor, being the voice of a smartphone or the voice of an airport/train station.

You can't go higher than that.

Look who's talking. My great-grandfather was a coal and oil baron and every generation of my family since has graduated summa cum laude from Carnegie-Mellon. I make 20mil a year and barely even come into the office. I spend most of my free time lifting and training for marathons because I needed something to do. I also have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Get over it and get back to mopping the floor of my dads dealership.

Being the voice of a self-destruct mechanism in a giant industrial complex.

>You can't go higher than that.
>doesnt even know their name
clearly you can go higher

and yet you're still here arguing on Yea Forums with the rest of us

>The reality is that the situation is a lot more complex than that, to the point where im not willing to go into it

Nice insight

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You joke but this is how rich people actually think.

Yeah well my dad's the president, so kiss my shoes cunt.

So? You think because I’m rich and better than you I spend all day doing shit you don’t? The point of being rich and better than you is that I get to do whatever you and every other working man wish you could do.

>General Ivan
Based. Dude's got a voice like smooth butter

So she actually did a bit of fanservice. That's actually good. Too bad she's a part of a commie union.

Here's another. Goku's VA is kind of a bitch. When doing cons and shit he refuses to go if there's another VA that's voiced Goku (at least the english ones). I think one of the VA's who voiced goku for one of the other english dubs (sorry don't recall his name not on the up and up on english VAs I think he played Rolf on Ed, Edd, n Eddy) was going for his other non Goku roles, initially got his appearance cancelled because of Schemmel.

thats hot
give source

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>talentless hack who's done the same one voice for entire career is an egotistical bitch

every time

>Ed and double D in Gundam seed

>ywn be a voluptuous large breasted woman who goes down to the local swimming holes of young boys during summer vacation and lewdly display your body for them

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>why do people not want to be worked like slaves while being paid peanuts?
I knew you fellows weren't the brightest crayons in the special needs classroom, but come on.

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I blacklisted him from my life after his shilling for #Hilldawg on Twitter.

He was also one of the two good performances in Ow the Edge. The other one used a voice synthesizer though which I guess is kind of cheating.

Just get a side job or whore yourself out.
Used to see guys in hentai dubs or cheap films that you'd recognise

Basepilled and redded

Christelle Ciari

Born: January 12, 1976 (age 43 years), Nishinomiya, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan

>Who is making announcements in English?

>In Tokyo, whichever train you take--namely, JR East, Tokyo Metro, Toei Subway, Tobu Railway, Seibu Railway, Odakyu Electric Railway, and Keisei Electric Railway--you will hear English announcements in a similar voice.Actually, they are all announced by the same voice actor, Christelle Ciari. (

>In a Japanese interview she said, "Most railway companies I worked for did not give me any instruction on how to pronounce the station names in English. So I decided to read them in the original Japanese accent because I personally thought it was more natural and easier to comprehend for non-native speakers of English. The only exception was JR East, which instructed me to announce the station names in an American accent."

>Therefore, you will hear "Shibuya" on Tokyo Metro while you will hear "Sheebooyah" on JR trains.

>Since 2014, she has been working as a ring announcer for all Japan pro wrestling

Well, I don't live in Japan. I'm not exactly sure if she is paid well but she seems somewhat happy in Japan based on her youtube channel.

What do you consider the peak of a voice actor then? Because to go beyond a voice actor, would likely mean you are a singer which isn't really voice acting anymore.

Being asked to voice an entire novel for people who prefer to listen to Lord of the Rings instead of silently reading the book?

That's probably because you can't speak Japanese you dolt.

>(maybe because she has some class)
rumor has it she's a lesbian

talking is not a real job

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>lol you didnt say anything
The whole situation is very nuanced, and im not prepared to discuss it in a capacity that I'd be comfortable with. So yes. I did literally said that I didnt want to offer more.... Idiot.....
Thats why I pointed any reader in the direction of youtube, where theres more information on the subject. There, you can find the facts laid bare, and you can get an idea of the arguments being built. And again, its not looking too good for kickvic.
You can go to youtube cand type ''Yellowflash'' right?

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LA Noire my man.

>there are people who think that Vic's lawsuit isn't in complete shambles
He's the laughingstock of the legal community right now. Not a single lawyer who's caught wind of the situation has come out on Vic's side.
The only way you could believe otherwise is if you get your info solely from Nick Rekieta who has a monetary interest in keeping the ruse going.

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Innocent until proven guilty is a policy I stick to on principle, but now that people walk around with HD video cameras with the ability to backup and stream live, I'm even more skeptical of any claims that don't have solid evidence.
Seems like the evidence would be more apparent if it happened. All I've seen is some picture of him giving a smiling girl a kiss on the cheek at a con.

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They go on strike all the fucking time. They're whiny babies. Does anyone even actually like American voice actors? They themselves admit that they're just actors (which isn't a job to be respected, you play make believe for a living, wow, what would we do without you?) that don't need to change out of their pajamas.

The partner on the Arson desk was voiced and face-mocapped by Joshua Graham

English VAs have it lucky desu

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I can't tell if this is a shitpost

Remind me just how many lawyers have "caught wind" of the situation, again?

The video only makes shit worse. Because it can be edited to fit a narrative by removing the beginning, end, or even parts in the middle, and look 10x more damning than spoken word alone.

How many times do you want a news story with a video, only to find the FULL video (or a different video from a different camera) that shows the entire situation and all the sudden you realize you got played like a bitch by the media.

Not to start a politics discussion, but the first example to come to mind is those high school kids in MAGA hats and the narrative used to attack them that got blown out of the fucking water when the video was released and showed the entire story was a lie from start to finish.

Oh wow, he's in a ton of good shit. Here I thought the cast was just TV actors.

I'm super cool with english dubs, and I will usually play with them on for my first playthrough. I can understand why a lot of weebs wouldn't want that. Dual audio is the best way to go for everyone. Voice actors still get paid regardless of how much you listen to them in game.

I just want female english VAs who can moan in pain and pleasure better. They're usually good with the former but sound like they chicken out in the latter. Monmusu's dub surprisingly did a good job at it

I wish I had a house

>tfw I recognize one of the first case's criminals as the main villain in Dragon Knight.

>John DiMaggio's
There's also this with another goku VA

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Christina Vee should just become a lesbian at this point.I guess she frustrated about her soon to be marriage turning down that she needs something to satisfy her needs. Now I'm worried she might kill herself nobody doesn't want her.

I'm not sure what would change with her eating carpet versus smoking cock but it probably wouldn't help her career very much

Well he's shilling Yellowfash, who was on the comicsgate train before that fucking fizzled out and died, so it may be sincere. Dudes one of the many reactionary jewtubers using sensationalism for revenue though, so hearing that's he's a part of this shit just makes it all seem even more sketchy.

It would have been funny if he was Goku Black

Scott McNeil is the better Piccolo too. Theres also a whole dub of Kai from the Ocean studio thats allegedly completed and on some self collecting dust apparently.

I just find it bad that those guy were openly doxing people they don't like on steam. Heard they even had a picture of some cosplayers thots house.

>heres where you can go find information about the case for yourselves if your interested
>waaahhhh this must be a shitpost because it points to information I dont like
On a scale of accurate to correct, how right am I?

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How come cartoons seem hard for a lot of the dub guys to get to?
Like you barely see an overlap with children's or adult cartoons with anime dubbers and cheap game ones.

I just find voice files and grunts and let my meat have at it

This but unironically.

It's all Union controlled and they dole out the jobs and control who gets who.

>Difference is Troy Baker isn't a creep.

good one

the stuff with the teacher and school was disproven recently, the school themselves said Vic never went there

For me it was BioShock. Finding the audio diaries scattered around and realizing these performances were optional to the experience impressed high-school me over a decade ago.

>it probably wouldn't help her career very much
well she needs both to satisfy her needs. I think she'll become a lesbian bi deviant to keep her from being alone.

>implying she's not already in the closet

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Baker hasn't gotten complaints of being too touchy feely on his female fans of questionable age for the past decade or so. The same can't be said of the eternal boomer Vic.

>Nep dub voices outside Neptune

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You mean Baker's too valuable to the union to be allowed to fail

>Former seiyuu who transitioned into porn gives some insight into how she and presumably others might have ended up that way
>The network shuts her down and damage controls that hard to save face for sake of GRORIOSU NIPPON
The part that pisses me off most about all this #metoo shit is that it's being used to make hamplanets in Burgerland feel important about themselves when there are backwards-ass countries like Japan that could seriously benefit from it.

Can't you? Think carefully now.

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what's that

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>Wanting old lady voices

I don't minds dubs in Persona land but holy shit Neptune dub VAs scare me off outside the MC.

I feel like Rekieta is going to lose his license due to trying to egg on lawsuits. He set up a GoFundMe for Vic's lawsuit so he can make content. I see him and his fans egg these things on. Like people don't realize lawsuits are expanse as fuck and time consuming. Meyer's case could go belly up with that disposition (especially Meyer's quote tweeting "My Incel army" for someone that wanked to "break kneecaps" for not carrying his shitty comic book). Not sure what the whole KickVic suit is specifically about and I fail to see how a simple Cease and Desist wouldn't do the trick.

>voiced Madoka and Homura

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Unions are objectively good

None of them sound old. That's just a catch-all people use against dubs when they have no real argument.

If the studio isn't Disney or Dreamworks, you're basically treated like garbage.
They also get people who can act outside of their voices so that helps them out.

If there were complaints, you would hear them, the voice actors union isn't the fucking illuminati, no matter how hard you apparently want that to be the case. I don't even give a shit about dubs, and I've still heard plenty of complaints about Vic over my time watching anime. I don't think he ever raped anyone, or even did much more than get to second base without consent on some weeb bitches, but I sure as shit would want to be nearby supervising if my daughter ever wanted to meet him. I'd feel a lot safer with Baker, who probably only likes dick to begin with.

>after they have established themselves they can make a good paycheck

If they make it that far, only 1 in 200 make enough money to support themselves.

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>Unions were objectively good.

Dentists in North America make at minimum $150k, with a good chunk of them making $300k easily.

>The part that pisses me off most about all this #metoo shit is that it's being used to make hamplanets in Burgerland feel important about themselves when there are backwards-ass countries like Japan that could seriously benefit from it.
Not like they can do anything about it there, murricans have no power over Japanese law and culture. Do you want our government to sanction them?

Only the simpsons vas get paid well due to grandfather clauses.

No studio is as stupid as fox to give such a generous contract anymore.

Even simpsons actors have retired even with all that money because they grew sick and tired of the simpsons.

>Not sure what the whole KickVic suit is specifically about

Tortious interference and defamation. Whether Vic wins on defamation is anybody's guess but it sounds like he has a strong case for TI, mostly because the other VAs in the case wouldn't STFU months ago.

I'm saying it's the kind of movement that needs to take place in countries where women are actually oppressed.

even if Yellowflash was some reactionary faggot at least he's putting out actual information about the issue instead of making shit up

>liberalism is good in some situations!
Liberalism is never good

Trust fund babies who browse Yea Forums are unironcally worse than the NEETs who never had anything.

Disney treats VAs like garbage too.

Scar's Voice Actor got ghosted by Disney when he was willing to voice Scar for the live action remake since he enjoyed the role so much but in an interview, Disney basically ghosted him.

To be honest, it seems all American voice actors are kinda crazy.

They literally voice imaginary people for a living. Think about it

Still good in a lot of areas. Look at the horror stories of Konami voice actors who weren't unionized during the early Silent Hill games, they got fucking conned and duped out of their money so hard that it's not even funny. That shit would absolutely start again if the union fell apart. There's plenty of bad that comes with unionization, nothing is perfect, but ask the employees if they want a fair wage every time they're employed or not, and I think you'll find why it still exists.

>Now there's are rumors floating around Steve Blum and Chris Sabat involved with rape allegations many years ago has now resurfaced and now could take effect hurting VA industry.

Shit is about to hit the fan.

Dentists seem to have high suicide rates among the medical profession though.

The VAs were good, too bad the story they were voicing was garbage

The Japanese have built a culture of being fucked in the ass until suicide, it's hopeless for them.

I wonder what it's like.

Anta baka

Actually you're just straight up lying.

Oh idol anime, yeah that's an obvious cesspool honeytrap for talentless thots. Kubo Yurika turning out to be legit aside I don't take anything that casts literal who gravure models and failed tarento seriously because they're obviously just whoring.

I detect a little Communism

There's a certain charm to that, like how the original Ace Attorney games had just staff, localizers and even the creator and Kamiya doing the OBJECTION lines and shit.

Sorry, you're right, the serfs should be lucky to get the putrid scraps these billion dollar companies offer them. Guillotines need to come back in vogue.

It's not about liberalism or conservativism, it's about human rights. You see landwhales who want a bit of attention screaming ME TOO! and whining about how the Illuminati is keeping them oppressed and keeping men in power when places like Japan exist, whose solution to widespread subway molestation is to gender segregate the cars. And where as recently as the late 90's you could buy a schoolgirl's used panties from a vending machine. The places that are actually in need of some social self-reflection on a national level.

Basically what I'm saying is that Japan is a shitty country and only delusional retards would want to live there.