Is this all PC gaming is now? Indie garbage and pixel shit? This puts the final nail in the coffin that PC gaming is a joke, waste $1k+ on your indie game machine.
Is this all PC gaming is now? Indie garbage and pixel shit...
Well go make your own PC games that have realistic graphics? They made their games, you go make yours.
>If you don't like it, make your own game
This kind of logic is why gaming is in this state
Maybe if PC gamers actually bought games it would be the target platform for AAA for once
no i'd rather have a real job thanks
PC gaming is pretty dead, quite sad. I just play Counter Strike, Grand Strategy and old RTS's. Modding is boring, Fortnite and League are gay, and I can play indie shit on a potato. AAA games come out on consoles too now and I have a comfier setup for those. Classic PC series like Battlefield and Total War are past their prime. Valve doesn't make games anymore. Sad times.
I am excited for They Are Billions full release though on the 18th.
just wait for Square Enix later, it's the only hope
Aren't there lots of multiplatform games potentially coming to PC? Or does it only matter if they are exclusive?
Wow we're really sorry not every thing in life caters nor submits to your personal preferences and needs. We should've known that we'd be really sorry you're so entitled to feel every thing has to be made for you. Go play your ultra violent realistic graphics shooting game thats so totally different and unique from other ultra violent realistic graphics shooting games instead if you don't like what people who work their asses off to make these products have in store.
>projecting this hard
cringe indiesoideveloper
You're right, PC gaming is dead, but AAA gaming confined to consoles will die too. The industry will crash, and from the ashes will rise studios that are actually passionate about games. I have foreseen it.
the looks don't matter if the game is fun and good.
I agree, but then what's the point of my $2000 setup
playing said games at a silky smooth 2000 fps just so you can dab on them 120 flexers
fair enough
You took too much of shill pill delivered here and on other places by the hardware developers. Stop browsing r/pcmasterrace, stop bothering about having 'cutting edge' hardware, stop buying gimmicky meme tech. You thought you were being one of the cool kids when you bought some overpriced machine, but this is the end result.
You don't have one. You are just another shitposting retard.
It was the best one yet. They showed gameplay for video games.
hey now, a couple years back you guys had no games whatsoever
Microsoft unironically saved PC gaming.
Post is bait, but the spirit of it is right.
Gaming is the one industry where you can whine about things being what they are, someone complaining a flight simulator is a flight simulator won't be taken as a retarded like someone complaining about the lack of italian food in a japanese restaurant or that a boat can't drive on land like a car.
Yes, please don't buy a PC and stick to console.
As sad as it is, I'd rather just play nothing than keep using Windows 10 for much longer.
Have sex
Maybe the problem is (you).
>mfw i just upgraded my mobo+CPU
>Make my own game so autistic PC fats can ignore it and keep playing wow and csgo
dumb wojaknigger
Pic related is the best indie game I've ever seen. You might like it too.
Third world people have never counted.
PC still looks fine and is the best multiplat machine right now
However as soon as PS5 and Xbox Scarlett launch, the graphical gap between a console and a top gaming rig will be slimmer than ever
>PC still looks fine and is the best multiplat machine right now
Eh. Normally when I go to buy a game, I check the reviews and it's usually "ANOTHER SHITTY PORT! WHY DONT DEVS CARE ABOUT THE MASTER RACE REEEEEEEEEEE"
That's been becoming less frequent. Hopefully we will see.
either that or the same games with far less heat.
same story with last gen. you can just buy a pc shortly after then and multiplat for 5 years since console is the baseline.
It's all PC gaming ever was. Nobody wants to play games on a computer. It's a fucking joke.
Lack of standards or a lack of common sense existing in the industry and fanbase, should not be the excuse for not having such things in the first place. We could be so much better off.
have sex
PC gaming is dead
Steam is riddled with shovelware shit in piles so gargantuan that any hidden gems are truly fucking HIDDEN beneath a thousand minecraft clones and DayZ clones and early access broken cashgrabs
and Steam IS PC gaming. Nobody gives a fuck about any other service.
I win :)
the stretched logic of console peasants is hilarious
name one AAA dev that develops exclusively for pc. PC has always survived with AA and Indie devs.
>and Steam IS PC gaming. Nobody gives a fuck about any other service.
I hate brand loyalty so fucking much. This is the dumbest attitude I have seen in a long fucking time.
Can't you just cut the middleman and buy it directly from the dev's website? Why do you need it all in one centralized location where you're just renting a license to the game that can be revoked at any time? What a bunch of fucking stockholm syndrome. peecucks are beyond cucked right now.
>console peasants
this meme is less recent than, say, bronies or the harlem shake
As opposed to movie games with 24 FPS? I'll take indie shit over that any day.
xbox's e3 show was 90% games on pc as well
18 up to post
Cyberpunk, game of the decade, is a PC gqme before everything. Consoles sill have the scraps.
>cpus havent gotten faster in the last 6 years or more
>graphics cards haven't gotten that much better either
>graphics cards cost thousands of dollars thanks to Chinese bitcoin miners
>ram costs hundreds of dollars now thanks to the samsung monopoly
>just as harddrives make steady breakthroughs in storage space game devs decide they're too good to compress their files, resulting in 150gig games as the standard
>AAA's release endless copy-paste cashgrab sequels full of microtransactions, lootboxes and p2w
i could go on but really, a good portion of indie devs are bros, trying totally new shit, complex game mechanics and the like by not being held back by graphics. shit takes time to draw, animate and texture. so much so that AAAs have entire teams of dozens of people that work on that shit and they still give up halfway.
>game of the decade
PC is just a really big, expensive pain in the ass when all it yields are better graphics and the ability to play indie games no one has ever heard of
you got tricked my dude. CPUs havent gotten faster in years and graphics card prices are fucked from bitcoin.
>i spent almost 2k on a pc to play minecraft with shaders
why am i like this?
Name a better upcoming game
>PC gaming is limited to exclusives
Said nobody.
Every multiplat is better played on PC, emulators increase graphics and performance and modabilities to console games.
Yes cause that's gonna work. Shut up user
Mario maker 2
user, you can't even play with friends. you have friends right? you're not sitting alone in a pc chair being isolated from humanity.... right user?
>He thinks people still mostly play Warcraft and Counterstrike
Hello, time traveler and/or recovering hermit! As you can see, the world has changed much since 2009!
I'm sure some of the the xbox games will be for pc too
it was bad enough when pc gaming was a reddit meme. now it's a tencent product. feels good being a console chad instead.
indie shit is a joke, it's all shitty ripoffs of classic japanese games. enjoy "indie pixel metroidvania with souls-like combat #6000."
kek is that has to be bait... so you limit yourself to either sony or microsoft and got spyed by them for years now and now come with the chinks which pc just can pirate anyway.
no bait. I agree with him. pc gaming is a meme.
Evening of Retaliation is my favorite indie game
Maybe you should stop being a casual lmao, it has never been about "big" hardware itself it's about the hardware catering to your needs, you never had any and that's OK, let's just hope consoles allow a keyboard next gen so dual sticks for FPS fuck off.
>being so desperate for human contact you want everything to be trendy online oriented streamer bait
Name single game console in 2019 without pixelshit/indie-trash/recycled garbage games, Ill wait.
>casual cause you don't like pc!
> has friends, he must be desperate for human contact!!!
this is your avg pc gamer. this is the toxic, anti-social attitude they have.
>Make my own PC game so it can be ignored by PC fat autists who play nothing but dota 2 and fortnite
>cpus havent gotten faster in the last 6 years or more.
Ehhhhh. Yes and no. Clock speeds haven't gotten any faster but companies are now trying to throw more and more cores into the things but hardly anybody has optimized anything to use something ridiculous like 16 fucking cores. But if you're talking about low-end and mid-end CPUs you'd be right. The only difference is that newer low- to mid end CPUs have gotten a bit more energy efficient in their architecture.
>graphics cards haven't gotten that much better either
True, however what do you expect now that Nvidia more or less has a stranglehold on the market now that AMD has backed off a bit to focus on their new 3rd gen ryzen CPUs.
>graphics cards cost thousands of dollars thanks to Chinese bitcoin miners
A few hundred for GTX 1080s a couple for 1070s, Nvidia is price-gouging the RTX cards pretty hard though. But otherwise, you are right in that bitcoin miners are raising the prices sky-high however much you're exaggerating.
>ram costs hundreds of dollars now thanks to the samsung monopoly
Nope, GDDR4 is still ~20-30$ for a 4gig stick.
>just as harddrives make steady breakthroughs in storage space game devs decide they're too good to compress their files, resulting in 150gig games as the standard
Yes and no at the same time. More detailed models, textures and larger games will require more space regardless of how it's compressed, however their optimization in both space and the game's performance can often be improved. A. LOT.
>AAA's release endless copy-paste cashgrab sequels full of microtransactions, lootboxes and p2w
True, however every once in a while you may get something that is genuinely good from the triple A industry. Just don't expect it to come from Endless Abyss or Shittivision though.
go back
>proceeds to use the word toxic and doesn't use correctly the word antisocial like all of their normalfag capeshit watcher friends
wew, please go back to fallout 76 so you can dab on korean kids or something since that's what gaming is all about to you now.