If you support Hillary (which is a majority of you), get the fuck off this board

If you support Hillary (which is a majority of you), get the fuck off this board.

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Based yet cringe

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orange man bad xd

You're a few years too slow, user.

I think I'll stay, thank you.

Cringe, but also based

stop flaseflagging nigger

Cool thread incel but where the videogames?

Being a MIGApede
you need to fuck off KIKE

If you support either, get the fuck off this board.

she won the popularity vote tho

she won!

I support any third party candidate regardless of their politics, I randomly draw their name when I go to vote.

*punches you*


If you would lick Trumps anus, give me a

Hillary hasn't been relevant in almost 3 years. Worry about Trump breaking his promises.

>supporting a kike loving conman
lmao americans are fucking retarded


I voted for Trump

At least Hillary knows the difference between Mars and the fucking Moon. I thought /pol/ hated retarded people?

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No one here supports Hillary.
They support a decent democrat candidate, but as there's none, Trump it is.

you hit me down there~ uwu

This. Imagine supporting orange Hitler.

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Based. Gas all /pol/sters

I literally could not fathom thinking a tranny is normal, or unironically thinking socialism will fix anything in America. I couldn't imagine being that fucking stupid.

I don't even think the majority of this board is from the United States desu

Fuck you. You sound like those Trumptarded liberal kids. NOBODY CARES ANYMORE, you faggot.

I'm not american, so i don't "support" neither, what happens?

She won and only lost due to a retarded system

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Gamers RISE UP

*hides erection*

If you support politicians, literally kill yourself, they do not care about you, you should not care about them.

>500 replies

all american politicians are conmen m8

How do we save Texas?

check my 9

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This is a /Pol/ owned board.

/pol/ ruined this website

Nice, a shitpost thread so people can dump cunny!

I dont
but I dont support that rich degenerate either


video games
where da video games

You can't. It and Florida are going blue in 2020.

/pol/ unironically saved Yea Forums, Europe, and the U.S

Why are /pol/faggots OBSESSED with Hillary? I don’t recall libs screaming and howling about Romney three years after the election.

What if I think both are shit and I don't support any of them?

>trumptards still obsessed with Hillary
>calls everyone else obsessed
>totally not a snowflake btw
based and obsessed

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you only think that because you're all vocal, whiny bitches

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Biden isn't as fun to bully

then you're a spineless coward, like every other centrist

>she won if you dont count that one system we have had since the country was founded

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or he knows more then we do

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>if only you knew how bad things really are

OP, you are doing Kek's work. Shadilay!

When will Americans get the rangebanned from all boards but /pol/?
Also /leftypol/ need to be created as 2nd containment board because progressive faggots don't want to stay in /pol/, instead they shit up other boards even harder than /pol/tards

Wait, but the Berlin wall was... built 20 years after Hitler died... and... it was built by... heavily left leaning socialists...

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Pol sucks shit. Just angry white incels


Cringe not based

>Sent from my iPhone

/pol/ are the retards

Occupy Democrats are so fucking stupid that I can't differentiate which ones are legitimate and which are /pol/ parodies.

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What are his actual chances in 2020?

>Trump family stiffs a pub after saying they'll pay for everyone's drinks
You can't make this shit up. They're like a traveling band of gypsies

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Where my hilldawgs at

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I don't live in the US.

50%, either he wins or he loses.

>Incumbent president in good economy
Literally 100%

And you're the bigger retard for not saging.

Depends on who the Democratic candidate is. If it's Biden or Hillary, his chances are good.

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