Name ONE thing that would make this series better - hard mode: no political discussion
Name ONE thing that would make this series better - hard mode: no political discussion
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Playable mecha-Hitler
Less cinematic elements
Returning to the 3d formula instead of an RPG.
the lack of political discussion
fucking cloud saves jesus christ i was so far in the new order and my hard drive got fucked and there wasnt any cloud saves and all of the collectables and shit are GONE
You play as an SS officer and kill yankee scum.
Less cinematics
No attempts at """humor"""
Antarctic missions
Moon base missions
Time Travel
Nothing, the games themselves are fine as is.
Reboot and have it be 1 game where BJ kills the nazis in the 1940s then the sequels are about him hunting down the remaining nazis trying to take over the world through ridiculous schemes.
bring back the mutants
Agreed on cinematics and """humor""". I kind of want to see nazi BJ boss who'd you encounter several times.
How about fun level design and gunplay
More focus on good level design and gameplay
It peaked at RTCW, it has nowhere else to go.
Reboot is nothing but YASS SLAY BLACC KWEEN COMMUNISM RULES XD garbage.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein isn't that good.
The Old Blood was actually the perfect nu-Wolfenstein. It had fewer cutscenes and walking sections, no political bullshit, fun villains, varied environments, better graphics and art design compared to New Order.
this, it's great
It's a poorman's half life clone, it's surprising to see it getting posted so often recently.
BJ kills all the Nazis and goes after the commies.
Is that HentaiHaven?
is that JMAA lol
more of this
Bring back Nazis using cryptic shit to take over the world. The whole nazis occupying the allied countries shit is overdone as fuck. Make a game where Nazis are doing shit in Antarctica.
Honest answer? You play as the Nazis and fight degenerate evil communists in order to save the world.
Meme answer is fighting nearly naked Nazi babes.
Cute characters
>fighting commies
not going to happen
OP said name one thing that would make the series better. That's what user did. And I agree. Not really on the being a Nazi part.
Needs more paranormal, freaky shit.
Just a fun team death match and CTF with fun WW2 Western front maps and castles. Why is that so hard to ask for? Why did "tacked on multiplayer" become such a hated thing by redditors?
A new online ET that has very similar gameplay to the old game but on the new idtech.
oh if only...
bioengineering over paranormal stuff.
Take it away from Sweden
Or at least hot, sexy nazi officer is trope as old as the second world war
why not both
Remove optional stealth completely
Less cutscenes and walking talking segements
Dont need to mash a key to pick up ammo
Nu Wolfenstein is so much shittier than nuDoom its pathetic
>entire prison escape with nothing but a pipe
Nah, Old Blood is still bad
nobody likes the stealth sections in new order, turning every encounter in new colossus into one killed the game.
you can't turn 40% of the game into cutscenes.
villains need to be ludicrous and powerful, nobody enjoys braining some old woman in a quick time event.
bring back supernatural foes
Still better than the 5 billion Kreisau Circle visits and Auschwitz section where the prisoners are forced to...........push buttons.
It's like, how do you fuck up and make uninteresting enemies out of the most aesthetic villains ever - Nazis.
>destructible levels
I forgot these ever existed. Things like that or Dark Messiah look impossible by today's industry standards.
>press F to kill the final boss
Be more like the first three games where the purpose of the game was to have fun shooting in a WW2 setting, instead of like the newer games where the purpose of the game is to show people that nazis are bad and shooting them is good
I pressed E.
Damn German language is scary
>villains need to be ludicrous and powerful
You telling me this doesn't make for a good villain for your story? I'm shocked, shocked
Hillary Clinton the Nazi.
>it's poor man's half life clone
how so?
>Villain spends most of the game just running away
>You kill them with a button prompt
Yeah, that doesn't make a good villain at all.
Sexy Nazi bitches
1. Realize that wolfenstein was never anything more than a clone of more popular fps games with a lol-kill-Nazis coat of paint.
2. Accept it and make another Enemy Territory game.
A musical number.
now this i can get into
A debate section where you have to convince the evil Nazis to see the error of their ways or join them if you fail
>Wolfenstein was about multiplayer
Cringe, pure cringe
Accept it.
Exactly. I love games that start with regular enemies only to introduce paranormal/superscience third party turning the game into a ménage à trois. Can't remember many games like that, other than Far Cry.
>Far Cry mutants
just awful
Play RTCW again
Wolfenstein had multiplayer?
No pandering
I played the single player of RTCW and Wolfenstein 3d pretty much exclusively when I was growing up. I'm sure the multiplayer was excellent too, but I always played Wolfenstein for the campaigns.
>wolfenstein was never anything more than a clone of more popular fps games
What other FPSes were popular that Wolf3D copied, user?
Warsaw Uprising game when?
>i wish they would remaster RTCW and add DLC into main campaign but it would end up being completely soulless sjw shit
all i remember is it's very long
reminder castle wolfenstein didnt invent stealth
Nobody has ever said it did.
literally who is saying that
Less focus on arena-style levels
Less SJW stuff
westcucks and thiefags do
Super Soviets. If you've ever read/watched USSR era sci-fi, that shit would make for an amazing setting/campaign.
Allowing us to play as the good guys
Make one about killing commies in the Cold War.
>Cold war against Nazies and Soviets
Oh, it's another "kojimadrone thinks metal gear invented stealth" episode
Just take RtCW gameplay and build on that.
And while we're at it, take their approach to story and cutscenes. Minimal.
Return to Wolfenstein remake
If I was God, I'd make a remaster of RTCW that came with an ET-inspired multiplayer and a co-op mode for the single-player missions so we could have Yea Forums party vans with anons.
westcucks will never recover after this
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein
>spend the whole game trying to escape it
>Soviet-Nazi stalemate at the Ural Mountains
>China and Russia never have their falling out so the USSR includes China
>three way cold war between America, Nazi Europe and Soviet Asia
Another cringe as fuck post from a weeb.
Only the first few missions. Most of the game is spent on different stuff.
>can't handle the truth
proper alt-history would require reading books, contemporary politics is much easier
>3 protag story with ability to become double spy
>tfw no game that lets you tear through cyborg Stalin and Absolute Mao
Stalin would be as an AI and Mao as a giant mech.
you go back at the end dummy
There's literally a cutscene that ends with the OSA director saying, "Well, it's settled. BJ Blaskowicz returns to Castle Wolfenstein".
Nah, Lenin would be the AI. Stalin would have a space-base kill satellite.
>tfw there's going to be cutscene where someone proves that nazism is bad and Hitler agrees with it
Yes sir
I think thats what i miss most fun or interesting villains.
I think I'm going to pick that up.
what interesting villains could you think off?
So i'm downloading 2 with the 1 dollar xbox pass
Never played the first one, just wanna find out how bad the virtue signaling is
Is the gameplay at least decent?
>just wanna find out how bad the virtue signaling is
It's really fucking bad.
it's alright, nothing too much of a difference from 1st one.
Have them watch footage of ww2 era games from ps2 era and back, and replicate the lack of modern politics shit injected into the game
Remove stealth
Make auto ammo pick up more generous
Less cutscenes
More Nazi locations and paranormal stuff
Keep the games in ww2 years, or early 50's max
Less run down abaned areas that look like everything is one giant patch of messy dirt or concrete.
Give me a gameplay mechanic that makes the gameplay look is not just shoot zombies, but not the cripple stilts or the vents sneaking abilities, pls
Bring BJ back
No super power jewish iron man suit
More Brothers in arms and less of freedom fighters shit
Japan working with Nazi somehow, not just nazis
Dont bring Hitler back, he's played out, bj beat him already.
No concentration camp level shit like TNO, yeah we get it, a zillion jews died, we can never forget because you remind everyone every second of earth's existence.
Stop making bj into a high school poem writer
Start calling bj BJ again and not William.
Bring back Engel somehow, she's too good for that shitty sequel.
not really,gunplay feels off in 2 and the environments are fucking dark as hell, also have fun getting knocked over by every single explosion unless they changed that
good gameplay
Bring back the supernatural element
maybe tone down the Evil Nazi Bastard rhetoric a bit?
>paranormal stuff
doubt it. strasse practically created all the tech and he favored bioengineering over paranormal stuff (he even said it)
>Bring back Engel somehow
god no, way too cringy.
If anything, the story's the best part of the game, in part because it offends bleeding heart conservacucks so hard.
>omg they're really going to say that about nazis? I IDENTIFY as a Nazi attack helicopter literally shaking rn.
Agree with everything except Engel
Seriously Carmack???
Kek, you really do think it's because of how anti-nazi the game is don't you?
You realize the Nazis are the good guys and you go around hunting pedo Jews as they're eating baby foreskins and conducting child blood ritual raoes and sacrifice to satan.
The end level is you going through Israel massacring every like man woman and child you find to erase this stinking demon people from the earth.
The end credits are you standing on bibi netenyahus dead children and holding his severed head in your hand and the american flag in the other.
True kino.
set the game anywhere but the US with non american cast, be it Russians or Balkans or even fucking Africans.
>I just want to gas all the kikes I don't see how that makes me a Nazi omfg
Japan but with Nazi symbolism
Have some karma points good sir!!! Now if you excuse i'm going to burn some nazis XD
keep crying about video games lol
These are the real answers
In the gamebryo engine
This but unironically
No one joins them in the rebellion.
The writers don't realize but they've painted the 'rebels' as exactly what they are - terrorists. Their major achievements include nuking a city, whose citizens were only saved due to the nazis evacuating it, random destruction and murder of military assets and personnel who proudly died in the defense of their nation and brutal murder on live hijacked TV. And most of the rebels are insane.
The best end, we cull the insanity out of the nazi regime, the SS and their nutcases, and then we die and/or retire as a silent warning to their replacements.
And put the focus on the level design. It's trash-tier as is for the gameplay.
>terrorists become new nazies
>everyone wants the old nazies back
at least they aren't Nazis lol
>commies are better than nazies
it's like having shit in left hand is better than having it in right one.
you are this mad
Allow to play as a nazi
No SJW bullshit
Less repetitive gameplay (no arena style shit)
You play as a different character, a BJ like character but then on the German side and you're supposed to protect your country from the invading allies by assassinating generals and leaders, soldiers, sabotaging super weapons etc, sort of like a side campaign where you get to see the perspective from the other side
(((they))) won't allow it, they have been milking WW2 themed stuff since WW2...
This. I don't know why out of all the nu-Wolf games, it's the least liked. It's on par with Wolf '09 to me
so new collosus but retake the new usa?
Is it true that Old Blood is RTCW-inspired? If so, I'm gonna get it.
Just make Enemy Territory 2. That's really all you have to do. And give it to a competent dev of course too.
developed by id Software
Remove all cutscenes except those at the beginning and end of the game.
Remove politics.
No you're just supposed to protect your country, or well, the entirety of Europe from the allied invaders
It's weird in that it sort of retcons RtCW but at the same time it doesn't. Like the castle escape and Operation Resurrection in RtCW never happened but all the deathshead/X-labs stuff did.
In terms of the tone and overall feel, yeah it's more like RtCW than the other games.
I hope you mean the REAL id software, carmack, romero etc...
>REAL id software, carmack, romero etc..
user... those times are over..
You obviously didn't play Return to Castle Wolfenstein or Enemy Territory at the time. RTCW was huge back then and probably right under Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament at the time in terms of players. And Enemy Territory was big too. When I think of Wolfenstein, I remember those games and not the middling campaigns of the single player only games.
Why does BFV get shit on for "Spitting on the graves of our fallen ancestors who fought for their country" but other WW2 games like this get a pass for bunny hopping ww2 cyborg soldiers and occultist latex nazi girls?
it has a few references to it, like the villain being a fat woman named Helga, and a guy who is basically Agent One
Going back to its roots.
American breaks out of his cell in underground Nazi dungeon, procures a weapon and proceeds to fight his way out, taking down nazis and their prefects that happen to be in the facility and ultimately forcing Hitler to shoot himself in the head. Pure action from start to finish with a bunch of hidden rooms full of easter eggs and whatnot.
We had half of that in Old Blood and people thought it was boring.
Embrace the Doom formula. Embrace the fun. Fun first. Gameplay first.
Forget the throwaway story and depressing real life political themes. I want to fly on a hijacked V2 rocket into mecha-Hitler's castle moonbase and blow his space zeppelin up with my Davy Crockett Freedom Launcherâ„¢.
I want to pilot the Statue of Liberty like a mecha and burn hordes of nazis to death with its gas-powered flamethrower torch like it's fucking Dynasty Warriors on crack.
Lean into the cheese god damn it. Everyone knows they're nazis, everyone knows they're the bad guy, we're the good guy, everyone knows what world war 2 is, just fucking exhale for once and have fun. God damn it. Why do you think people play games? TO HAVE FUN YOU FUCKS
Just make Metal Focke-Wulf Chaos.
fun is for children
The villain is the son/clone of Hitler
Take Wolfenstein
Set it in the Ace Combat Universe
So we've had two very different flavors of WW2 in media. One is the Nazisploitation genre in which it's designed to be as campy or ridiculous as possible. These films were huge in the 60s and 70s and Wolfenstein is basically just a modern flare of that. No one takes these ones seriously. Then you have the other flavor that goes the whole honor and valor route and bases itself on the historical aspect of war. Of course they aren't absolutely realistic interpretations, but the air they give off is that they are striving to be. Band of Brothers, stuff like that. Battlefield 5 marketed itself as this but wanted it's whimsical flare too, and that was a bad mix.
>not nazi BJ clone
the new order went pretty heavy on the honor and valor and no one cared. The pick who dies part, the resistance fighting for freedom, muh helping patients in need despite the hardships, etc.
I think it's all booolshit.
either id software(s) will be the most suited for this type of game
New Enemy Territory. Just Allies and Axis soldiers duking it out and trying to complete objectives.
Beyond that I don't really care. MachineGames' gunplay is pretty solid and Brian Bloom as BJ is great.
>Just Allies and Axis soldiers duking it out and trying to complete objectives.
The New Order was an obvious heavy fantasy take with the main plot being "dude, what if the Nazis won?". There's combat robots in the shape of wolves, retro-futuristic design, magic armor suits, etc. None of it strives for any of the historical aspect, and anyone who would get offended over what amounts to a parody would be an idiot.
Anyone who gets offended by any videogame is an idiot though
lmao this
You play as a German soldier and kills am*ricans
That's besides the point, you asked why BFV got shit for it and I answered. I'm not mad and I agree. But it's like going into Inglorious Basterds and being pissed off it wasn't an accurate representation with Wolfenstein. As akin to Battlefield 5 where it's like if the writers and directors of Band of Brothers wanted to capture the authentic historical aspect and theatres of WW2, but also wanted to make it their own personally driven representation with modern elements, which would just make both aspects compete with each and cancel each other out, pissing off the boomers. Which is what BFV was to these people pretty much.
>Brian Bloom as BJ is great
He does a solid job but his performance in every game he's ever done is the exact same just like every other VA I guess
Oh that reminds me of Fury, pretty decent movie, but at the end the nazis turned into clown lemings and 100+ elite SS troops ran headfirst into a single tank's machine gun. Hilarious
Back to the 1940's.
Battle Royale mode, loot boxes, cosmetic DLC, taunts, competitive mode, etc.
1 - Tone down the humor, to the point of just a few jokes here and there, like soldiers talking.
2 - Less fucking cutscenes .
3 - Make Nazis really antagonists, real powerful villains, not only hateful but kinda scary.
4 - Bring back supernatural elements.
5 - Dith the Scooby Doo characters, your "crew" "friends/allies" BJ works better alone.
6 - go back to ww2, either by time travel (its a shit option i know) or reboot the franchise.
7 - No political bullsshit.
One of the fun aspects of Wolfenstein games was trying to stop the Nazis from winning ww2, TNO was fun, the marketing was really good, but the sequels suck, once they won, it kinda makes no sense that BJ and a team of freedom fighters would defeat them,
Shiet, webm with sound
I can see where you're coming from and yeah, it isn't really a big divergence from his usual "hero" voice, the one you see in Kane from Kane & Lynch, or the MC in Infinite Warfare, but I think he really inflects what was basically a generic cipher hero for most of his existence into a thoughtful, tired soldier, aching every step of the way.
When he talks about how the smell of a wine cellar reminds him of a swampy farm back home, or how he got mad at his father and went to the beach and then got caught in the red tide, or his discomfort in the Nazi asylum in Castle Wolfenstein, talking about how his aunt got diagnosed with dementia while he was away at college, it gives him a lot of gravitas.
The voice acting makes BJ seem manly instead of generically macho, if that makes sense.
this. they don't seem to understand that you can oppose Evul Natzis without making it fucking joyless, hectoring, and gay
This sums it up.
Todd please
you play as the nazis and kill kikes and commies