Im in love. No white woman can ever achieve this level of cuteness.
Asians > white femnists
Im in love. No white woman can ever achieve this level of cuteness.
Asians > white femnists
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that is a man
as a latino i have to say....
weird how japanese female always do wacky shit on camera you never see a white woman doing that
The age of white women is over.
How would you date her with her English being that bad
You see white woman being sluts on camera all the time though.
I wasn't into this waifu stuff before but I'm really admiring this woman now because the simple act of her expressing joy at fanart has somehow become offensive to the far left.
white women at gaming conventions think they need to act like fellow gamer nerds
>all of the threads about her transition into race bait posts and falseflagging
As many other anons have said before
asians > spics > blacks > whites
I agree, keep your genes out of the pool white nigger.
t. White female
You are obsolete now
i miss the times where all we did was discuss JAV instead of trying to make everything about race and dumb ass bullshit.
what a swertheart
>Asians > white femnists
Pretty much anything > feminists
she's 35 and still looks that good. all white women hit the wall by age 25
White women only understand how to be slutty, not cute.
>I prefer Asian women over white women
God I hate virgin incels
>No white woman can ever achieve this cuteness
This isn't video games, fuck off the edge of my dick with this shit.
Found the white roastie
white women don't love me, but im saving money to go to japan where they love big white cock
she's got a chubby tummy that I want to squish
>No white woman
But what about white men?
>No white woman can ever achieve this level of cutene-
That a jewess user
Fucking disgusting
> yfw justifiable yellow fever triggers the unwarranted roastie poster
It’s cringe when white women act like children. Unlike Asians
What about the britbong presenter? I'd say they're tied in cuteness.
>No white woman can ever achieve this level of cuteness.
but some can achieve a level of hotness
I hope this is ironic. If you can't get laid in the west you definitely wont get laid in Japan.
Step aside grandma, new mommy is in town
Have sex
looks like tranny. It even has a dog leash
I agree, but I would extend Asians > white feministst to Asians > white women in general
White girls are legitimately repulsive
She did not age well. It's infuriating.
like half of all japanese women dont have a boyfriend or significant other though
If you're attracted to that thing, you're gay. No better than a tranny lover.
>giant beak nose
>walking around with no bra in thot uniform
Don't get me wrong I'd still hit it, but this is not cute. White women are for pumping and dumping at best. Even then you'll want to double-wrap because there's no telling what she's had up her roast beef chute.
Shes cute no doubt but god damn her engurish is horrendous
1 in 200 Japanese women have starred in porn
Not even white women have hit that level of sluttiness