Nintendo Direct 6/11/19

This is everything in tomorrow’s direct. Animal Crossing is delayed but Bayonetta 3 is the big holiday game.

>No More Heroes 3 teaser (2020)
>Luigi’s Mansion 3 (October 25)
>Animal Crossing delayed to spring 2020
>Daemon x Machina update from developers, shooting for January 2020 release
>Astral Chain trailer and gameplay (August 30)
>Fire Emblem Three Houses reminder (July 26)
>Spyro Reignited (September 3)
>Dragon Quest XI S (October 11)
>Links Awakening trailer and gameplay (September 27)
>Cadence of Hyrule (available after direct)
>A Hat in Time (July 12)
>Paper Mario: Color Splash coming to Switch, new game (classic RPG style) in development
>Bethesda segment: Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein Youngblood, Elder Scrolls Blades trailers. Fallout 4 coming August.
>Apex Legends (available after direct)
>Rare Replay (June 28) more collaborations with Microsoft coming in the future
>SNES online coming September
>Blast of games coming soon: Crash Team Racing, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Dragon Quest Builders 2, Bloodstained Ritual of the Night, FIFA 20, Kentucky Route Zero, Stanley Parable, My Friend Pedro, Killer Queen Black, Super Meat Boy Forever, Spiritfarer, Minecraft Dungeons, Lego Star Wars
>Bayonetta 3 trailer and gameplay (December 6)
>Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 (August 16)
>Smash DLC: Sora (available Friday)
>Super Mario Odyssey 2 teaser (2020)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Would be the best Direct ever.


DxM is set to realease in summer

so disappointing it's probably real

>Bayonetta 3
Direct is automatically shit.

Cease and desist'd

I hope this is true if just for Rare Replay. A portable version of the 3 main Banjo games would be nice.

That's what they said when they released the demo. They got a bit more feedback than expected so they're trying to polish the game before release (which is fine by me bc the demo was shit)

okay fagget

Where's the Wonderful 101

>Daemon x Machina update from developers, shooting for January 2020 release
pls no

>Animal Crossing delayed to spring 2020
I hope so, just to see all these annoying cunt fans cry about this lame game getting delayed again

only because it would mean my friend with total shit taste would get all his most wanted characters in Smash

Rare Replay but no Banjo in Smash? Fake

Rare replay on the same day as Mario Maker 2 yeah no


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>No More Heroes 3 teaser
I choose to believe your leak, fren

Would actually be a good direct. Which means it's fake.

Probably the only leak out there that I believe. There's rumors that animal crossing has been delayed

wheres warioware and metroid

>Literal dream list of announcements
Pack it up boys, it's fake.

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have you heard anything in regards to Streets of Rogue? been waiting for a release date on it

>>Paper Mario: Color Splash coming to Switch, new game (classic RPG style) in development
Fuck you for doing this

Okay, I believe you

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>Sora (available Friday)

yea no, not because of the character but because of that release date. Joker came out less than a month ago.

>AC is delayed

joker came out 2 months ago tard

>>Smash DLC: Sora (available Friday)

>less than a month ago
a surprise Smash DLC release is far from the most unbelievable thing about this leak

>Paper Mario: Color Splash coming to Switch, new game (classic RPG style) in development
Yeah no. Paper Mario is an experimental series now. The next one would ne something completely new.

How many hours from now is the Direct?

Is this in any particular order? Cause that xelpud guy is saying Sora will be in Smash too and that sora won't be revealed in the beginning but somewhere near the middle\end.

If this is all true this will be Nintendo's best direct hands down ever since the switch has been out holy shit its good. ( Animal Crossing getting delayed is a big shame but I was kind of expecting that you could feel that delay coming there's just too much Nintendo has planned for this year for them to be able to fit in anywhere and if they were to release it anywhere near Pokemon it be like throwing it in a pond of piranhas)

>Sora in Smash and no one else announced.

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How are leakers still so retarded they forget to put warioware on it now?

~22 I think

Hopefully they will experiment so much that it ends up going full circle and we get what we want. Hahaha... ha



>sora in smash
the creator came out and said there are no plans to add him

Mario odyssey 2?

Bunch of BS

>super mario odyssey 2
nigga please.

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>Only 1 new game

>No pikmin 4

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>1 more day
Someone fucking end me and the shitposting

Alright you fags, there's less than 24 hours until Nintendo reveals the next Smash Bros character, and less than 24 hours until Yea Forums is flooded with hundreds of threads bitching and moaning about how it wasn't /Your Guy/. Before that, let's figure out who really is Yea Forums's guy and find out who this board really wants to see. (embed)

If your character isn't listed vote for one of the last two choices (Depending on whether they're first/third party) and reply to this post with who you wanted

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>Smash DLC: Sora (available Friday)
This is how we know this is BS, Joker took months to be available after announcement

sorafags are the worst

You could, I don't know, stop browsing this site?

If animal crossing gets delayed I'm breaking my switch!

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If you paid attention to the number of times developers said there were "no plans" for something and then they ended up doing the exact thing they "denied" you would realize that "no plans" means fuck all most of the time. Not saying that means Sora is in, what I am saying is that developers lie all the god damn time.

why would animal crossing get delayed though

Because he's just going to come out and confirm him before the announcement right?

No you won't. Don't fucking lie on the internet for brownie points you retard.

Nomura has said jackshit about smash

wheres smtv

>No Metroid

and into the trash it goes

sakurai promised all the characters to be released by the end of the year and so far lets hold him on that. he might be a dick and delay them to 2020, the fuck.

>Rare Replay so Banjo could still happen
>but the SE rep is Sora instead of a DQ rep
>leaks mostly alive
I can see it and I hate it
KH is practically Final Fantasy adjacent, or it was when they had FF characters. It's also doesn't have as much history as DQ and it's somehow even more anime than the game that has characters going supersaiyan

>Smash DLC: Sora
LMAO keep dreaming KHcuck

Here's the Nintendo leak, I've only got some stuff so expect more than this

>Mario Maker 2 Info, 2nd Special map style is Super Mario Bros 2 with massive vertical levels
>StarFox Zero Definitive Editon, fixed controls, 5 new levels, Star Fox Guard and Star Fox 1 and 2 are included
>Banjo Kazooie is revealed for Smash, includes a Minecraft stage
>Prime 4 teaser trailer, CGI stuff
>Indie game showcase, Nintendo is publishing several physical copies of big indie titles
>Dragon Quest info
>First Red Dead game and Grand theft Auto trilogy are coming to switch
>TOWN info
>New Pokemon short series is announced, focuses on Sinnoh myths and legendary Pokemon
>Animal Crossing releases Holiday 2019
>SNES and Gameboy games coming to Switch, Nintendo announces they're rebranding the NES service to "Nintendo Virtual Selects"
>Super Mario World, Yoshis Island, Super Metroid, Star Fox, F-Zero are coming this month
>Pokemon Red thru Crystal are coming next month
>Switch Mini is announced, slightly larger than PS Vita, launches with Pokemon

For wiiu and 3ds they talked about mewtwo taking months then dropped lucas and ryu that day

>smash DLC available on Friday rather than right after the show

Now that sounds depressing enough to be true.

>no Master Chief Collection on Switch

That would only end the shitposting. I'd still be too impatient to wait for DLC.

>Smash DLC: Sora (available Friday)
fuck off OP. They made us wait 7 centuries for Joker after he was revealed. No fucking chance they reveal Sora then just instantly give him out.

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melee HD 4k

I was honestly expecting the xcloud shit to be on the switch since they kept saying play anywhere

>no trip
fake and gay


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That demo was rough. I’m fine with them going back to polish it

>no metroid/warioware when they were literally leaked already
nice one, retard

I want all of this to be true, I can sacrifice Prime Trilogy and Banjo in Smash for a Classic Paper Mario and Fallout 4.

I loved that you could remap all the controls to any button you wanted. Hope that stays in.

you smt shitters are so annoying, you had 2 good games

>>Bayonetta 3 trailer and gameplay (December 6)
X to doubt, they just rebooted development and if they rush out 3 I'm offing my self, this series is the only reason I got a switch.

Sora would never get in smash, didn't someone at SE deconfirm him?

Fallout is impossible on switch, you fucking blew it. Also new 3D mario can't be developed in just 2 years.

Wasn't there something going around that the first three DLC characters have been worked on since even before smash ultimate came out? I mean it makes sense we're supposed to be getting a total of 5 characters by February 2020 you would think they have to really start releasing these guys pretty soon. I don't think they'd just start working on Joker from scratch right after the game was released so it makes sense that they're working on multiple characters at a time in the beginning.

Your friend seems like a good guy. Wonder what he sees in a douche like you?

>>No More Heroes 3 teaser (2020)
>>Luigi’s Mansion 3 (October 25)
>>Animal Crossing delayed to spring 2020
>>Daemon x Machina update from developers, shooting for January 2020 release
Proceed down the list




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>bayo 3
>big holiday game
yeah that's never happening

my negro

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>rescue of Paper Mario, but nothing about Mario 3D World

I just don't want to buy a Wii U

>Cadence of Hyrule (available after direct)

I fucking hope so, my switch has literally been collecting dust. Only think I play on it is smash

So use CEMU? Almost every worthwhile title runs on my 2500k. It's not like you need a decent PC.

I'm choosing to believe this one because it has stuff that I like

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>the creator came out and said there are no plans to add him
Shinji Hashimoto is not the creator, he was executive producer of the series until a couple months ago and he was restructured to FF ambassador

Galaxy games were 3 years apart, it's not hard to make a Mario game user

>Rare Replay on June 28th
There's actually no way this is true. Besides, they'd have to port all of the Xbox 360 games, unless they're just going to keep them out.

Why would they announce NMH3 here when Suda has his thing the next day?

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All leak threads are cancer.
Just watch the real thing when it comes out. Most of the leak is probably fake anyway.

>classic RPG paper Mario

Stop reading here,there's no way this is going to happen as long as miyamoto is still on Nintendo

>literally nothing good

yeh sounds real enough


an actual reliable source already leaked a new Metroid and WarioWare for switch, you also forgot to talk about Town, and AFAIK the first 2 KH are exclusive to sony

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I guess we'll never see another F-Zero game...

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That was Metroid Prime 4 retard.

>Steve now has an even bigger chance of making it into Smash
how are banjocels coping rn?

Man i know this is probably fake but thag would make some BOMB ASS E3 presentation

God Hates Touhoufags

>Smash DLC: Sora (available Friday)

>No MP Trilogy after it got leaked with the Persona Musou

Sure, buddy.

>color splash port
Would like actually like this. Yeah I fuckin said it

>SMT shitters
Don't talk to your CHAD SMT elders like that, personafag scum. Off to bed you go.

That seemed believable until you said Sora.

>Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 (August 16)
>Smash DLC: Sora (available Friday)

This would be so fucking gay.

doesn't color splash require the gamepad? why the fuck would they make it work without the gamepad instead of something like SM3DW or Star Fox Zero?

It's vergeben, not sure why people keep posting some user post

>No Metroid
I'ts like you want us to know how much of a faggot you are.

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>1 new game

Oh look, a bunch of shit we already know about. I swear E3 was about revealing new games at one point.



try harder next time

>Metroid Prime 4 development restarted

It's actually pretty plausible Nintendo has nothing Metroid-related in a showable state.

I can see this happening
>simple and clean orchestra starts playing
>everyone sweats
>reveal collection port
>people calm down
>run it back and segue it into smash dlc

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>Bethesda has a reminder in an Elder Scrolls vid set half an hour after the Nintendo Direct starts

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Bayo 3 is the big holiday game? That didn't take long to see it was fake.

Almost seems legit (and exciting if true) until you got to Sora in Smash. Sorry, but a KH fighter is so obviously not going to happen, that every time one pops up, it instantly proves how its a fake.

Yeah, they wouldn't make a rated M game a holiday game for a Nintendo console.

Well at least you saved your bullshit for the end. Almost believable.

As well recieved as Bayo is, the games have sold mediocre to poorly. They're not going to make it their big holiday break out game.

Finally some good E3. Fuck Sora tho.

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Fuck off mizumi

Well yeah, also that as well. Bayo has sold terribly. It'd be better to bank on Animal Crossing, Link's Awakening, or even Luigi's Mansion.

Yeah I don't see Disney or Square ever doing that

Pokemon is the big holiday game, Bayonetta 3 is small fish compared to that, user.

>knowing what the Smash DLC is
fake and gay

this is so sad i believe it
fuck me why did i fall for the "fun" meme

I literally can't think of anything less inspiring than Sora.
>Sword Gohan or Melted Goomba belong to a more prestigious JRPG franchise
>doesn't even have the flavor of the month flash of Joker
>isn't as important to their respective genre as Doomguy
>a first party pick like yet another Fire Emblem character I can at least understand Nintendo trying to push their own shit
>Banjo would at least have the novelty of an N64 hero that's owned by a rival company "coming home"
>a Resident Evil character like Leon could double up on the franchise's history on Nintendo platforms but also enjoy the general incongruity of the more "realistc" designs rubbing shoulders with the wackiness and whimsy of Mario and the gang

isn't this for the elder scrolls blades they said would be on the switch?

No this is for the card game, Legends. Not on Switch, but I'll be damned if they don't make it happen eventually.
I just checked this, Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion 3 are nowhere in sight. Could they both be getting delayed? Because that would help and hinder this leak.

Metroid has been confirmed to be delayed. First prototype was so shit that Nintendo said “fuck this, let’s keep the Prime series with Retro studios since they’re the only ones that can handle it”

As far as Warioware goes, idk

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You're deluded, he's got as much star power as a lot of the cast. Him and Banjo are perfect fits for the game.

Luigi's Mansion 3 is featured in the E3 lanyard so I doubt it.

A Metroid 2.5D Game was in a leak that had a lot of other things correct.

Banjo and Sora would be the ideal duo revealed this E3.

You Forgot to Mention that Roblox Noob and Sans will be in Smash....idiot

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Which were?

They are not going to announce a delay on a fucking direct.

Noooooo, not Sora! I wanted to see Kirito for Smash.

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i want Persona 5

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That's even worse...

>One new announcement
Man I hope this isn't real

Whats a relevant japanese series that could realistically make it in? I'd say Dante but his series is too crude Joker really fit perfectly into the lineup

>Paper Mario: Color Splash coming to Switch, new game (classic RPG style) in development

almost believed your shit

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>Animal Crossing delay
no, fuck off

wat about muh remake

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What are you on about? Kirito would be freaking based.

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Dragon Quest?
Another Sega/Atlus title, or something from Capcom like Phoenix Wright, Resident Evil, etc.?

Fake and gay. We're due another Splatoon game since we're at the end of the cycle now.

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>Another shitty no name anime character
no thanks

banjofags are mad as fuck but i unironically want kingdom hearts 1.5 and 2.5 on switch

I think they'll probably take a gap year. Splatoon 2 came out really early in the Switch's lifespan, so I could see them plausibly taking time to decide where to go, especially since we haven't had the Order vs Chaos fight yet. Let Splatoon 2 go out to pasture peacefully, and then start building up towards Splatoon 3, whether on Switch or on the Switch's successor.

>No Metroid.
Into the trash it goes. Thanks now I won't lose my time watching the conference and instead I'll do something productive, like masturbating or something.


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literally too good to be true

I'm guessing this leak is fake, this isn't in it.


>No name
>Easily the most recognizeable anime character of all times

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Aaaaaaaaand fake

>Animal Crossing Delayed
>Port shit
>Nothing new
Excuse me?

smash dlc available friday

there are going to be 5 dlc in the span of a year till feb 2020, that means that there should be 1 character every 2 and a half months, with joker being released last month we shouldnt have another one till july-august at most, and they will not release a character immediately after announcing it, obviously they want people to get hyped and buy the fighters pass...

tl;dr: try harder next time faggot

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Well if the publishers are just announcing it on twitter early, it might not be properly showcased on the direct

>Anime/LN character

Not happening, never happening

Umm... No.

Disappointing enough, it's real

If that was the case Minecraft Dungeons, LEGO Star Wars and Spiritfarer wouldn't be in this leak either because all of them have already been confirmed on Nintendo consoles with Nintendo even posting their own thing about Minecraft Dungeons

>Daemon X Machina
>January 2020
I will riot if this is true.

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Sora is in it who was deconfirmed by a dev. it's fake.

Does your dad work for Nintendo?

Reminder that Kirito is not only our boy, he is our girl. Kirito for Smash

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if this is all real i'm going to fucking cum

this acronym makes me think of smash tv first for some reason

OP here
Forgot to mention

A new F-Zero game will be shown
tentative release 2020

Do you think Reggie's kids ever get the third degree over vidya stuff?

>no f-zero
guess I'm not watching this one either

Well, however much I agree with you I wouldn't have expected anything Metroid Prime 4 related anyway.

I hope it's fake, so can i ask you a source about that?

Smash-babies are more annoying
One direct without any smash announcements and the board explodes with butthurt fags

no pikmin 4

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Banjo or Sora, I still win. Tomorrow will be a great day for me regardless of which of those two are revealed. They're easily tied for my number one most wanted spot.

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>Bayonetta 3 is the holiday release
>PMCS, a critically panned game, getting a port
>Rare Replay
>Animal Crossing delayed to next year when they said in their investors meeting that Animal Crossing will not be delayed
>Sora in Smash

>>Smash DLC: Sora
Amazing bait

>no smt v again

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He's your boy. Literally nobody of any note cares about him.


Should be in the archive

I hope not, just because Sora would be a shit addition.

The Direct tomorrow will literally be footage of Miyamoto shitting liquidy diahrrea shit into a Mario hat.
You have as much reason to believe me as OP. Stop giving him (You)s and stop bumping his shit thread.

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Ahem dear leaker could you ask to bob nintendo to abort mario odyshit 2?

>Animal Crossing delayed to spring 2020

Listen i know Nintendo hates us but will they actually do this? Is there a source?

Why does Nintendo always shove the only franchise i like from that nip company to the back of the list?

Do boomers and zoomers really not like AC?

Is it just me and the 30 other people who shitpost on /ACVG/ who actually buy animal crossing games?

Should i just kill myself?

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>Bayonetta 3 this year
Has there been even a single second of game footage shown anywhere? This timeline seems highly suspect but I'm open to being pleasantly surprised.

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They did the same day release thing at E3 for Smash 4. It's probably a shorter window if anything desu.

I like to believe the health-conscious Miyamoto has pretty normal bowel movements.

Thanks user


TGS will be our time gamer, gotta believe

I don't have a source but;
>game isn't ready
>delay it so it can be ready

Animal Crossing is one of Nintendo's biggest sellers. It's the biggest thing that doesn't involve Mario or Pikachu. There isn't any real competition, and it'll do them more harm to release a bad, rushed product that they can update later, than release a more complete thing they can expand on later down the line.


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>Ctrl + F
>No MMX9
Fake as fuck Fag, Kill yourself.

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>no random literally who new game

Fake as shit.

Fair point

How do you know the game isnt ready?

Does your dad work for the company?

forgot to mention
>Spiderhunters X3
>Table (2020)

>All ports except for AC getting delayed
Are you retarded?

I see Nintendo thread, therefor I post.

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Maybe you'd be there if Zombie Chronicle wasn't a worthless piece of shit.

Cool on Bayonetta
>DXM delayed
fuck you

>No news on Monolith Soft game
big lie

apex legends can't run on switch lmao

I'm just saying that in the situation that in the event it's delayed it's perfectly understandable because Nintendo can shoulder losing it since it has a pretty loaded next few months anyway, and that it would be better to have a great game than a rushed one.

Give me proof

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Actually this. Sakurai said he's working on the new character for Smash

Protags are protags.

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Maybe it's just a teaser tomorrow and full reveal on Wednesday?

Why do you guys always make these things reveal/announce more than twice the stuff they ever do at E3?

Hope this game has furrybait costumes

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There's always next year..... right bros.....?

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You are only a peon who can't realize greatness
What is a protag before a god.

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whaddabout Rune Factory 5, Synaptic Drive, and Metroids

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>Rune Factory 5
Already said to not expect anything before may 2020

stopped reading there