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Is this real? the fuck
Literally just siding with the bad guys
It's Deep Silver, they did this shit with Metro Exodus, now they doing it again with Shenmue
never cared for shenmue but it seems like a bad idea to make such a niche game exclusive
On the contrary, if it's a niche game and they are getting paid millions just to be exclusive for a limited time period it is great for the developer. For the consumer on the other hand...
I hope everyone realizes Shenmue was NEVER a good game.
steam store listing was just updating to show the release date now
its time exclusive steamcell :)
i honestly dont get the problem with it being on egs
>Still no gameplay footage, not even footage of Ryo walking around a town
What the fuck?
It's Dead Space on Origin all over again.
note how shenmue's steam listing updated to show the release date and new images.
Does that even matter? it will come to Steam for sure, they could keep the page up for an entire year without actually selling it
This is the greatest way to lose all good will towards the millions that were given to them by the fans. That epic money they're getting definitely go towards improvement of the game for sure from the way it still looks.
>muh game should all be in one place
is this the only arguement?
Will saves carry over?
same with outer worlds stop being coping retards
Nobody wants to use shitty chink spyware.
It's a few months away and there's no gameplay shown yet
The pre rendered shit they are trying to pass as gameplay looks like fucking shit. The game WILL get delayed again. A modern Shenmue needs like 100 million dollars. This will be a absolute disaster
Really? A Kikestarter wasn't enough money for this shit that looks straight out of a 2002 time capsule?
i meant to say that epic money definitely didn't go toward the improvement of the game. It looks like the lowest budget shit still.
"it was decided together with Deep Silver after much discussion that the Epic Games Store would be the best distribution platform option."
Those fuckers are doing it again
>epic games
>chink shit
why do we hate epic again
Oh shit they're releasing the game for free? Bold move but I won't turn down free games. Thanks Sweeny you creepy fuck for buying my copy!
"Go on lad, this one's on me!" - Tim Sweeny 2019
Hahaha. They can go fuck themselves.
Im not a looser so Im with Tim, fuck Gaben that fat fuck who sold dota to chinks
If it didn't look terrible, I might care.
I hope they enjoy all the refunds. Fucking krauts always causing problems.
Tencent has a near majority share of Epic Games.
They confirmed it's moving to EGS. Expect that listing to be removed, same as Metro. Fuck Deep Silver and Epic.
Shenmue is fucking garbage
what the fuck
where is bloodborne
Jesus Christ
They take kickstarted games that promised Steam releases, and pull them from Steam. It's the scummiest way to compete.
>chink shit
>45% majority
near means 49.99% not 45%
Maybe I'm missing something but isn't this a who cares? not many people bought shenmue 2.
You know this year of exclusivity shit is probably good for me. Stops me from spending so much money on games I'll never play. My back log is fucking gigantic.
That's some scummy shit. They're really lucky they were forward thinking back in 2015 and didn't put Steam copy on their kickstarter in 2015. When you do a fund drive exclusively driven by fans giving them less choice is pretty shit.
yea, and the game looks no better visually, animation or well, anything wise since it did a year and a half ago.
of all the games they could go epic exclusive this shit is the one idgaf , keep it epic im not even going to pirate a game that looks this ugly
>ps4 exclusive because fuck egs
Not even a snoynigger buy holy fuck they're winning
They won, didn't even show up, and proceed to cuck PCs
>Still no real gameplay
Suzuki is a senile washed up hack.
and this, my friends, is why you never back any kickstarter.
>have publisher already
>also get extra money from fans trough kickstarter
>AND get extra money from epic deal
>none of that extra money goes to actually help develop the game
I can just pirate the game you stupid fucking consolenigger
Stop trying to have a proxy consolewar via EGS. I can and will pirate their shit
>do a Kickstarter for $2m
>receive $6.3m
>actually that's not enough, we need Epic Games money
What would they have done if they only received $2m? Would the game not exist?
Who cares, it looks awful even for a shenmue game.
Would have been Mighty no. Shenmue
Ez pirate, ez life. Thanks little Timmy Tencent.
oh wait its actually 40% stop spreading lies based steam subhuman
Because Tim tells us we don't know what we want, nor will the Customers decide which platform wins. Also trying to Force our hand to use a platform no one asked for.
People are saying that the survey said it was a steam key and disc
Apparently parts of it still do too
Based epic ruining pc gaming with the console/mobile kids money.
Epic isn't forcing anyone to take the deals. Their store is shit but if you want to blame anyone for their "poaching", place it on the devs and publishers who agree to it.
>ruining pc gaming
Shenmue was never even a PC to begin with. It would have stayed on consoles if they weren't desperate for returns on investment.
lmfao, what a bad faith argument
I blame the SteamSpy guy for holding a Grudge that Valve never noticed him and started making backhand deals for exclusivity. twitter.com
>can play Shenmue 1 & 2 on Steam, but not 3
It looked pretty bad. It makes sense to just cash out on the Epic check.
Just like Mass Effect
I was going to pirate it anyway
Shenmue III Kickstarter Backers Theme:
>One copy of Shenmue 3, Epic Games Store
steamcell, tim created unreal engine he is just a better programmer than the fat fuck
uh oh for all those people that were explicitly promised steam keys in the kickstarter
>links and streams in discord
They literally went full anonymous, what a joke.
I normally don't care about this shit, but doing this to kickstarter backers is so scummy bullshit.
Also I just looked at Deepsilver published games
holy shit they have a death grip on the "semi-indie" devs
>pathfinder kingmaker
>mighty n9
>kingdom come
its on pc because they know pc players are the ones who donate the most
see: that scam space game
Guess you’ll have to wait for the exclusivity to expire :^)
>bad guys
Yeah, the good guys fucked PC gaming by always online DRM, paid mods, SJW censorship and not making Half-Life 3.
The bad guys however...
Oh wait.
All backers deserve to loose their money. Who the fuck gives away their money for a product that isn't even made yet. Gamers are truly the dumbest fucking people on earth.
Epic will also get Shenmue 1+2.
Will it? That's Sega's decision, not Deep Silver or Yu Suzuki.
Outer Worlds stopped being an Epic Exclusive.
And kikes own Steam.
Thank god I can pirate whatever the fuck I want. Imagine being forced to buy shit. Cucked ass consolefags love eating their overlord's shit MMM Yum!
Sega likes money.
They haven't put anything else on Epic. Japanese publishers don't give a shit about it.
This is why partnering with Deep Silver was a mistake, they're lowkey one of the worst publishers out there.
oh no. I wish there was a better version of Shenmue called Yakuza on steam.
Let's be honest most normies don't give a shit, let alone know what a spyware is
Valve is privately owned.
so is epic. that means nothing.
Scummy business practices.
>don't blame the drug dealers, blame the customers for buying and taking the drugs.
Literally breach of contract
This guy is going to do gods work
post your face you've never backed a kickstarter project
Ask for a refund and pirate it, Epic has already payed for your copy of the game.
That was an easy call, Deep Silver will take every insurance shekel they could, goodwill be damned.
Like that means anything. Devs go through crowdfunding schemes such as Kickstarter so they can get away with anything they want and not have to pay with their own money.
feels good
I wasn't planning on playing this game anyways, but now I'm going to play it after I pirate it.
Let me check:
>money grabbing
>SJW censorship
>priority: money, + fucking over customers
>even trying to selling mods for money
>fucking lazy to do anything by themselves
>abusing their customers
>making customers their slaves
>no quality control
>censoring developer and user content
Owned by kikes.
>Having shareholders means you are privately owned
Chang, even you can shill better than this, holy fuck.
kek cant wait until those 10000$ backers see the eps notice
Maybe those aren't sucking Valve's cock.
>Storage: 100 GB available space
literally looks worse than most ps3 games yet this- lol
Only Kickstarter I've ever backed is Shovel Knight. Feels good man.
epic is literally privately owned. you, joe schmoe, cannot buy stock in epic.
they be sucking old china men cock at the dinner
no epic is a public company with shareholders you fucking mongoloid
Finally we can all stop pretending and admit that it's shit
I've backed Animeigo's stuff because they actually follow through on their promises
>T-the Japs will NEVER take Chink money
Can't wait to pirate it though.
Better than sucking mutilated kike dicks (Valve).
they are LITERALLY private
Get millions from steam users
Pull game from steam
I hope they die a horrible death
Does anyone at all not despise Epic
>They're really lucky they were forward thinking back in 2015 and didn't put Steam copy on their kickstarter in 2015
The survey they put out a few days ago said steam.
old chinese mutilated kike dicks ;)
This, you cant make shenmue without spending millions
I backed A Hat in Time. Glad I did. That's the only one. I ALMOST backed Hollow Knight, and I wouldn't have regretted it if I had.
this fag shill
Deep Silver is German
>If timed exclusive
>If permanent exclusive
I don't see why you faggots are making this so difficult.
the game looks like crap though
>muh I don't want to use this always online DRM service
>However I love using this other always online DRM service, that censors games and lies to customers
Your point falls flat.
I wonder how many shills Valve money can buy.
Surely tons, because they save money on everything else - including QA.
Epic Games is a private company but also is the nigger slave of Tencent. So they're not really private.
>waiting a year for it to come to Steam
You shills need a new crying point
>i wanted jew DRM not chink DRM
are steamdrones the consolfaggots of PC gaming?
You do not understand what it means to have shareholders do you?
Valve has no shareholders.
Epic has many in which Tencent is a large holder(40%).
>If timed exclusive
>If permanent exclusive
I fixed that up for you
>Tim Sweeney >50%
Th...They are slaves to chinks.
Valve shills are getting desperate.
why would I not choose the jews over the chinese
you could buy stock in Epic if for some reason the chinks decided to sell it
>$0.07 has been deposited in your Epic Games account
We...We are not censoring anything.
Except this game.
And that game.
And this here.
But those don't count because reasons.
Also social justice.
Why do people pretend to give a fuck about this game that nobody gave a fuck about when it was actually fresh and relevant? Is it to appear as some hipster like people who pretend that the original Doom was one of the best games they've ever played for e-cred?
because Chinks are redpilled and dont mutilate their dicks
Sweeney is a useful idiot. He's firmly in chink hands.
How is it bad for the consumer you gigantic reddit nigger
Yes, goyim.
Get your brain get fucked by us, and not by these insect chinks.
You are already used to it.
You will not even notice it anymore.
>Not having other games to play between then and now.
If you are too much of an impatient spurg, pirate and play the game, then buy it off Steam later.
Steam is owned by Valve not Sony
the chad Chink
At least he still does stuff.
Unlike the christmas beard Microsoft Israelish faggot, who is too lazy to do anything at all.
>cry for 20 years about much shenmu 3
>comes out
>pirate it
Sorry, my wallet is a timed exclusive.
diablo phone guy is chad chink
>The Good guys are really just a perpetual machine by now
>The Bad guys, in comparison, is that one unfinished project you dropped that was created from a random thought you had in high-school that you compulsively got to work on but gave up when you first started having artblock.
Tiamen Square
Watch shanmue fucking dies by the public outcry and force refunds off Kickstarter hahahahaha yakuza is the king
Look up what Valve is censoring on their so called platform.
Meanwhile they accept degenerate shit, like gay shit, although thats disgusting.
Valve is basically Sony on PC.
Shouldn't have sold out.
>chink slave
You should go back to your primary math classes.
That was actually fucking funny.
>giving valve or tencent money
98% of steamturds never played on PC before steam
i tought he was caucasian?
That's actually based
Honestly it shouldn't matter all that much unless you're a conspiracy nut. Both EGS and Steam are glorified DRM platforms with godawful protection that make pirating games on those platforms incredibly easy. The only reason to be mad about EGS exclusivity is if its at the cost of it being on GoG or otherwise being DRM-free.
Disallowing a game to be on a store isnt censorship.
What is Valve censoring, besides child sex games?
They one not getting shenmue 4 is you genius.
>dev makes a decision I don't like
>I take his game for free
I have the option to do this, why shouldn't I? Why do you let anime calcify your brain like this?
Surely Valve shills, who pretended to support Shenmue for a case like this.
Just a tiny minority to protect Valve's monopoly.
Imagine being able to afford an army of shills and not having to pay a single one because you earned their loyalty through good service and a stable, feature rich platform.
>$0.04 has been deposited into your Epic Games account
>if I pretend to be neutral I won't look like a chink shill
Didn't work, Wang
Okay. That's fine. This game looks legitimately horrible anyways.
It's ok to do it just don't cry for another 20 years because you are not getting shenmue 4.
>having over 50% ownership means you ignore the other shareholder completely
Tencent is literally the only people Sweeney has to answer to. He might not be owned by them, but he's still their bitch.
Really cause I still have a bunch of porno games that still work and can still be bought.
cuz I have to log into another client :(
>muh drm
>can just run the .exe offline
Based retard
Whoever has the 51% decides, the chinks can't do nothing about it.
Thank god I didn't back this, holy fuck I would be mad.
If Steam was actually a service provider, they should not be able to ban certain games from their platform depending on SJW criteria.
Imagine a telephone service provider refusing to let certain telephone calls go through because someone else goes REEEEE.
I don't even care about the $30 I paid a few years ago, I just feel betrayed.
The game was gonna get most of it's sales on PS4 anyway since it was Sony who shilled the kickstarter at their conference years back. But now
>the exclusivity deal pushed it into November 2019
>the same month as a new gen Pokemon, Death Stranding, the new Star Wars game, Doom Eternal and Call of Duty
They actually wanted to destroy this game.
That should actually make you start thinking.
One game is (still?) allowed.
The other one isn't.
Completely Random.
Just like SJWs.
Oh boy. Can't wait to watch Ryo floss.
i'm confused, they say thanks to epic for the massive support yet epic didn't exist until Shenmue my was well into development
this is old; they already confirmed it's an epic store exclusive now. Pack yer bags kiddo, we're going on a trip to clown world!
Tencent can bribe and control him easily. You actually believe percentages mean something Lol
There has been some footage of him driving a forklift.
Fucking love the cope.
Except Steam turns a blind eye to all uncensoring patches and fully allow porn games. The only thing taking a hit are the occasional weeb game with questionably aged characters.
One game vs 35 hmmmm yea totally random.
I think they were already using Epic's unreal engine before Epic became a chinese government game launcher. Most likely what they meant.
Fuck Yu Suzuki, make a new Virtua Fighter you piece of shit
I don't want another dick in my anus, one is more than enough.
>being a retard by comparing steam to an isp
Stores will literally not sell certain things. Are you this stupid. Leave your house
Realistically, there's probably not going to be a Shenmue 4 anyway.
>Except they act completely crazy like SJWs
>There is nothing to worry about.
Jeez, lad.
>questionably aged characters.
I see, you must be from the NeoRAPIST.
>what is blocking minority
they can block any major decision and you usually not let companies get more than 20% if you want to decide whats going on in your company alone.
Swiny has sold himself to the chinks, thats a fact, regardless how you want to spin it.
I just pirate all epic games anyway so
>Japanese publishers don't give a shit about it
Except Shenmue apparently.
>certain things
So what "certain things" are they not selling then?
>No Fable 4
>No PSO2 in Europe
>No Sony
>No Bully 2
>FFVII Remake looks fucking awful
>The new Smash character will probably be Steve or something equally shitty
>Shenmue is epic exclusive
This is the worst E3 in a decade.
Alright which one of you wished for Shenmue 3 using a monkey paw
I pirate all my games so all this drama is entertaining to watch
God, if Tripwire's autism with the EGS ends up fucking over a new Killing Floor or Red Orchestra game I'm gonna be pissed.
Some products they choose not to sell.
wheres epic stores rapelay release then
now that pc gaming is owned by tencent, it's time for everyone to come home to based consoles.
What kind of products?
A shop can not say: well these 500 batteries, we sell those. But this one battery here, we don't sell that one, because some crazy people, who mutilate their own genitals went crazy over it.
Oh btw. we also sell these batteries here, that make us tons of money, no matter who complains about those.
A court would throw that shit out.
Youd know what stores you need to go to if actually lived on your own brainlet. Theres no such thing as one stop shops. Companies even have contract with stores to sell specific items.
>game bad, but made in unreal...
>just egs exclusive and let Epic absorb the losses
I'm not sure how to feel about this at this point. I was mad, but now mostly I think Epic is committing suicide by slow economic bleed out.
Outer Worlds isn't an EGS exclusive.
Interesting that they only started removing those end of last year.
Like Epstein shutting down his pedo island.
ITT: people supporting a platform that sold cp for like 20 years.
>A shop can not say: well these 500 batteries, we sell those. But this one battery here, we don't sell that one,
Except, they do? Most grocery stores carry AA, AAA, D and 9-volt batteries, many also have a selection of cell/watch batteries, but none of them carry every single type.
I wonder if Shenmue on steam is going to get review bombed now
Store I go to for most of my shopping actually only sells Duracell or Energizer. So youve fucked up retard. Try living on your own.
>Grocery stores are like Steam
>Steam also only has a certain amount of storage avalable
We are talking about online stores like Amazon on here, you fucking autist.
I still don't get what's wrong with the Epic Store.
Just pirate if you don't want to download another client.
That's the last straw. Epic is on my shit list now.
Amazon both has limited, albeit vast, storage for products and also dictates what they do or do not allow to be sold on their storefront.
What world do you live in that a product existing means it must be sold at every applicable retailer?
This gonna be a good show
Nobody wished for Shenmue 3 after that fucking floating sword.
Wait, the more I think about this:
A game about raping women is banned from Steam.
But fucking CP games were on Steam for like 20 years.
Would like to get Valve's kike reasoning about that.
>Well we had this rape game here, and rape is evil you know. Virtual rape is just like actual rape.
>And over here, we got literal CP. Virtual CP is just like...
Online stores dont have different rulesvthan physical stores due. Why do you think theres been a mad push for taxes to be converted on online purchases in recent years. Sorry that youve wasted your brain cells
>I still don't get what's wrong with the Epic Store.
I wish I could be as ignorant and uninformed as you are.
>EA, Ubisoft
has their own store now, but you can still buy their old games and play them on steam
has their own store now
has to steal other games to have any appeal at all
it's that simple really
How much is Epic Store paying them for exclusivity rights?
>Amazon both has limited
So Steam has limited storage?
Are you out of your mind?
>What world do you live in that a product existing means it must be sold at every applicable retailer?
I never said that.
You are imagining bs to defend your favorite kike games shop, that is acting like literal kikes.
For Amazon it's like allowing like 3 trillion sellers, but a few hundred are not allowed, because someone on the internet is mentally sick and went crazy about them.
Those sellers could sue Amazon and would win, you fucking autist.
Of the kickstarters 6 million wasn’t enough... I have no idea...
>Online stores dont have different rules
Online stores are able to let millions of 3rd party sellers sell their content.
Retail stores however simply are unable to do that, because of storage space restrictions.
6 million wasn't enough
Sweeney and China were willing to drop 6 million more
It's ok ESL-kun, someday you'll come out of your cave and experience reality.
There are no laws in any reasonable country requiring a retailer to sell certain products or maintain relationships with every manufacturer/distributor.
The real reason is retards wants all their collection in 1 place so they are seething another launcher is coming.
That's beside the point, they can do that with any company whatever is their %, including steam.
Ah yes, Tim should just completely ignore the people owning 40% of his company, surely he wants to purposefully get into a bad relationship with this big shareholder.
There is a reason they are shareholders in the first place you genius, you think Tim just let them buy 40% for no fucking reason? Obviously losing them would be something Tim doesn't want therefore he has to do what they say to some extent.
You don't understand how company politics work clearly.
It's much more common and reliable to assert influence over a person/entity you already have ties with than it is an independent third party.
based cdpr giving epic a taste of their own medicine
i'm no chink but this post reads like a steam shilling post
90% piracy rate incoming
They said saves won't carry over to 3:
There's also apparently some sort of interview with Yu Suzuki that talks about it but I can't find it. Just Google "Save transfer Shenmue 3" and you'll see loads of places saying it's not happening.
Steam is not selling "certain products", the seller/developer is.
And Valve stops certain sellers from selling certain content, although they are not violating laws.
It's like post office refusing certain parcels, not because of illegal content, but because mentally sick people do not like the sender and/or the content of the parcels.
Your post makes no sense, autist.
Epic Games Store doesn't work on Linux
Terrible client, lacks many many features
Sells your data to China
Splits your digital game collection between Steam and some shitty client that people hate.
It's gonna flop. They should've put more effort into the facial animation. Steamfags got fucked as well, so they might gonna review bomb.
>muh Linux
Most games do not support Linux either, because it's shit.
You need to re-examine your own assumptions regarding how the selling of products is handled.
I predicted this in January.
Hey, do you know where I can pirate Shenmue III for the Personal Computer?
wait so its a timed exclusive like metro?
Let me quote the Valve kikes themselves
>The company doesn’t really care about the content on its platform.
>It doesn’t want to be put in the sticky situation of being responsible for the things being sold through Steam, so it won’t anymore.
>Anyone can sell their game on Steam, with a few tiny exceptions.
So just like other kikes, Valve are liars.
>It doesn’t want to be put in the sticky situation of being responsible for the things being sold through Steam, so it won’t anymore.
But Valve shills will defend that as well.
Valve tries to do the same shit that social media is doing.
Pretend to be a service provider, like ISPs or telephone service providers, to not be responsible for content.
At the same time they think they can still censor content.
fortunately dying light 2 isn't published by deep silver
I had the same thought too back then. I tought they would not murder a revived franchise. Well shit
Predicting a Deep Silver published game will go EGS exclusive is like betting on the only horse in the race.
Here's the real question: you don't buy any games published by Deep Silver, do you?
70% - 80% of Windows games work on Linux.
The remaining are mostly because of either Anti Cheat or older games that use WMV videos.
Linux doesn't get much native games even though it's far superior to Windows in a technical sense, because of low user share on desktop, not because it's not better than Windows.
Valve officially supports Linux, and builds in wine/Proton into Steam, and even officially supports playing some games like Nier Automata and Tekken 7 on Linux.
Ask Tom at the Hotdog stand.
only kickstarter I back was Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2.
Never trust Nips who have to resort to the western market to make their game
>70% - 80% of Windows games work on Linux
>70%-80% work
Are you out of your mind?
Yeah, "work". With tons of problems and bugs and other shit. For me that's not "working".
This thread has more comments than Shenmue 3 has preorders. Buying the game on PS4 anyway.
>Yeah, "work". With tons of problems and bugs and other shit. For me that's not "working".
By work I mean either work perfectly, or with minor issues.
Either out of the box or after a fix is applied.
EGS wasn't even a thing when they sent out surveys
Shenmue is a series nobody under 25 knows about. And Shenmue is a cross between walking simulator and adventure game.
Shenmue is as far from the mainstream as you can get.
>or after a fix is applied
Guess what happens, when you have a problem and content the developer/publisher.
They will tell you to fuck off with your unsupported Linux shit, and with your fan patches and instead use Windows, because that's what they support.
That's why Linux will never go mainstream, because people want stuff to at least somewhat work (thanks to Steam everything is released in Alpha state nowadays).
Steam should respond
All games that are timegated get heavily discounted
Steam already lost Day1 and Week 1 sales, so a 90%-95% discount isn't going to hurt them
>Game sells poorly due to being ebin store exclusive
>Never have to make another shenmue game again
But Steam is controlled by kikes.
Losing out on their shekels?
never going to happen.
At least Epic Games Store gives away tons of games for free, funded by themselves.
>when you have a problem and contact the developer/publisher.
As if this ever works even on Windows?
Also some of the only people to ever have successfully appealed permanent cheating bans for Overwatch are Linux users.
Blizzard actually modifies their anti cheat to allow Linux players. They accidentally banned Linux users before and then unbanned them.
>giving money to tencent
Literally looks exaclty like the old games with fancy graphics
>being this retarded on Yea Forums
pages and pages of comments asking for a refund
still, this comment is the funniest shit
>As if this ever works even on Windows?
With actual devs, yes.
>Use linux to cheat, because you can get unbanned
Wow, have to use this Linux shit right now.
Wait, I'm not a faggot and don't cheat.
this game is going to bomb so bad
>Wow, have to use this Linux shit right now.
You can still get banned for actually cheating on Linux, they've done it before.
Blizzard's anti cheat is actually extremely invasive and scary.
It scans your memory and your drives.
>Be Shenmue QTE walking simulator fan
>Give company tons of money on kickstarter for a "promise"
>Have to choose between Shenmue 3
>Or keeping on sucking Valve's dick
>Somehow now decide for Valve's dick
I'm actually surprised.
Shenmue 3 for PC cancelled, because too many people refunded.
Now exclusive on PS4.
The entire gameplan of Epic games seems to be to make people really mad, I'm not sure how that works for them but they seem DESPERATE to make it happen.
Even to the point of posting the shitstorms themselves and encouraging it.
It's a win-win really. Publish your game on Epic Game Store and pay significantly less in fees, and if you're using Unreal engine, those engine royalty fees are waived. Why wouldn't you do this?
Valve could easily present similar terms to publishers, but sadly Source is an archaic hunk of shit that no one bothers with and Source 2 is a meme. I mean seriously, have you seen the Turok-levels of draw distance fog in that CSGO battle royale gimmick map? Holy shit what a godawful engine.
The pace at which Valve is being left behind by the industry is accelerating.
This Shenmue III is the fake version. The real version ended with II.
cool I'm gonna buy it for PS4 anyway
>It scans your memory and your drives.
Oh noes.
Wait, I thought Linux was so secure...
even more shit news:
everyone who ordered a physical pc version is now just going to get an epic games code.
At least there's actually ways you could stop that if you wanted to on Linux, unlike Windows
But they might ban you for preventing them from fully scanning your memory and drives.
>Linux is better because you can block anti-cheat systems that keep people from cheating
Linux - the cheater's choice.
>The entire gameplan of Epic games seems to be to make people really mad
You're confusing the tiny percentage of people who post on message boards and chans with actual consumers. Normal folks will buy whatever game grabs their interest, and they don't care about "walled-garden" this or "pro-consumer" that or whatever rage du jour the Internet is whining about. All that shit is just nerd politics that no one cares about.
It was also mentioned that no one under the age of 30 knows a damn thing about Shenmue, and Boomer gamers are even more impervious to nerd politics than the average consumer.
Epic Meme code
>they don't care about "walled-garden" this or "pro-consumer"
If the Steam defenders ITT cared about that, they would be against Epic + Steam.
You DO know that Steam doesn't set the prices right? It is the publisher who decides how much a game costs. If Steam wants to sell everything with a big sale they can but then they are the ones who pick up the tab.
Atleast Steam does not parcipate in this exclusive crap
why bother posting this here?
there are no shenmue fans only platform/consolewarring retards
How do I get a refund?
You can't really.
There's actually not even any way to play games that use Easy Anti Cheat or BattleEye. It's one of the biggest hurdles in Linux game compatibility.
You can just stop programs from fully scanning your memory or your drives, by using stuff like firejail, AppArmor, SELInux, etc.
These are security software often used in enterprise environments and governments, which regular Linux users can use.
Windows users can't use anything equivalent.
Based fag with the same name as me.
No ofcourse not. Valve does not want to compete for business. They just want to do the absolute bare minimum.
Valve is letting gamers be their warriors hoping to pressure publishers to come back.
>the quasi monopoly store doesn't participate in exclusives
Because they would have to throw their holy shekels away, for nothing, because they already have a quasi monopoly.
It's a legally binding contract, actually. You might want to read legal notices before clicking "I accept" in the future.
>this game is going to bomb so bad
I mean, probably. But it doesn't really have anything to do with PC sales and launchers.
These stupid Kickstarter campaigns to reboot cult-classic games with some e-celeb developer at the helm are always total failures.
that's deep silver's decision
>You can just stop programs from fully scanning your memory or your drives
You are spreading BS.
You can of course run programs using certain restricted user accounts on Windows. That way they can't access everything.
This desu.
>It's a legally binding contract
Kickstarter doesn't even guarantee you a working product in the end.
I remember that one SJW company announcing a Wii U version and then cancelled the Wii U version a few weeks before release.
You couldn't force them to release the Wii U version.
>fanboying over what online store you buy a game from
holy fucking yikes
Nigger, everyone shits on Epic, on every platform. Even normies dislike their exclusivity bullshit.,
Based Epic
Except when they bought the Counter-Strike IP and made it a Steam exclusive. Or when they bought the Team Fortress IP and made that a Steam exclusive too. How about that time when they bought the Portal IP and made it a Steam exclusive? Hey, remember when they bought the Dota IP and made it a Steam exclusive? What am I missing here, oh! When Valve moneyhatted the creators of the L4D franchise, brought them under their roof as Valve South, then fired them all two years later while retaining all their IP rights.
What? Did you think Valve has actually created anything themselves except for Half-Life? Fucking LOL! Valve's entire history is that of buying exclusive rights to popular franchises.
You're probably 17 years-old so you're forgiven for not knowing how Valve grew Steam's installed base. But hint hint! It was via exclusives.
What would that accomplish?
That is kinda unfair in this case. The guy has been trying to get Shenmue made for 15 years.
Sometimes a game dev really IS passionate and not doing it for the shekels.
Is that really exclusive? Valve bought these IPs and published them on their own platform. Not cool and i understand your point. But Epic has the audacity (or balls if you prefer that) to buy the publishers/devs and force them to move the game to the Epic store. I doubt that was YuSuzuki decision. My favorite store is gog by the way
It does guarantee a good faith effort by the producer.
You can easily argue switching platforms is not a good faith effort.
I like how you skipped over all the other points you couldnt refute just to make fun of Linux. you epic shills are fucking retarded
Nah man, no one cares about muh Epic bad except for that small percentage of PC gaymers whose entire lives are spent on message boards and chans.
Think for a second as to why publishers are ignoring the frothing anger being directed at the Epic Games Store. Do you think that if there was a chance they would lose money, they wouldn't backtrack on their exclusivity deals immediately? They pay no heed to the rage because they know it's nothing but impotent children screaming into the void and they can all be safely disregarded.
Every other week some fag tried to log into my Epic (chink owned imagine that) account and was changing passwords. Never happened to me once on Steam (american owned)
steamshills kek
i bet your password is accountname12
>Only went for 1 point, despite the other points were FUD and also made no sense
>Must be a shill
Okay, Valve shill.
>Terrible client, lacks many many features
Like user ratings, that are faked (modified) by Valve?
Like user reviews, that anyone wouldn't trust?
>Sells your data to China
Sauce required
>Splits your digital game collection
digital anything is bullcrap
and there is no collection, because you don't actually own anything.
>between (beloved) Steam
Steam also has a shitty client.
If you are that much of a digital cuck, go for GOG. At least no digital online DRM attached.
A niche where the niche is litterally on a different platform. This would be like square dropping nintendo and sony and going ouya only.
Keep telling yourself that. You can´t just "backtrack" from multi-million dollar deals and a lot of those were probably made before the outrage boiled over
Yeah, totally made up bro
What's the controversy I don't get it
Happened to me last week on Steam.
And steam support refused to help.
How's adam koralik gonna explain this?
Could someone explain to me why Epic spends money on shills on a site like Yea Forums but does not spend money to pay a programmer to add a search engine and cart to their fucking online store?
So they cancelled the PC platform release?
Steam is not a platform, it's a fucking always online DRM infested shitty digital download store.
>good faith effort
Anyone having faith belongs inside a church.
I’d rather have him explain why the game still looks like shit
THQNordic is gonna be pulling out the really long knives for Deep Silver.
Yeah the bad guy is the underdog that just launched and not the fucking company that has been at it for years building a monopoly out of their platform.
>b-but! muh chinese!
go look at steam's own stats and check out just how chinese steam has become.
This. I can't believe how little the game has changed in these past few years.
I just want a refund, and I have no idea how to get one.
Epic is doing what any other store does man.
The reason why Valve hasn't done it yet is because they had a monopoly.
Christ did you people get upset when Netflix bought Friends? Epic offers publishers a good deal. Publishers like money so they jump ship. Its nothing personal nerds just business. Epic needs to build up market-share because god knows you are too lazy to install another client and you're locked in.
>Sometimes a game dev really IS passionate and not doing it for the shekels.
and then they sign a deal that alienates their passionate fans for the shekels like yu suzuki.
>Unsuccessful Login attempts
>They... they changed passwords.
Define unsuccessful, autist.
Maybe Steam simply doesn't send you e-mails when that happens, because Steam is shit.
THis is pretty much what my inbox looked like for months until I said fuck it and just let the chinks have my epic account. all I did was play paragon a couple times on it too. Never once got my Origin, GOG, Uplay, or Steam accounts hacked. Fuck Epic and fuck chinks
Pretty shitty way to earn consumer trust but ok
They did send me Emails, but those stopped when I started using two factor authentication
>just let the chinks have my epic account
Wait, the autists ITT pretend that Epic is "chink owned".
If that actually was the case (it isn't), then "chinks" would already own your account, because they own (they don't) Epic Games store, you fucking racist piece of shit.
Are they going to take all the epic money and use it to refund backers?
go dilate
>chinks stealing from the west and giving it to other chinks
His story works out user.
The store doesn't even have a fucking shopping cart, and it won't be there for months. If they can't get something that basic right, there's more incompetent bullshit behind-the-scene guaranteed.
>going against Steam is mentally ill
>Although the SJW ones are loving their SJW Steam
Stop projecting.
>people upset
The only upset people I see here are chink shills mad that everybody is just going to pirate it and are in damage control mode.
It doesn't, because the "chinks" wouldn't have to hack the account, because they own it already.
The "chinks" would actually go for Steam accounts (they do) and Steam does nothing about it, because it doesn't make money.
>Like user ratings, that are faked (modified) by Valve?
Steam Cloud Saves
Far better controller support
Linux supported client and Wine/Proton+DXVK built into the client
Community hub
>Sauce required
Epic Games privacy policy
And yet you fuckers hate trump for the Huawei shit. Fuck you. All of youse.
just backcharged my 20$ kickstarter money
fuck chinks
>wanting to play a forklift simulator for assholes in 2019.
My would you trust Steam storing your saved games?
Actual gamers use local storage.
>Linux supported
I hate humans.
>privacy policy
Ctrl-F "China"
1 hit - omg there is an Epic Games China
You lost.
btw. imagining that Steam doesn't collect all your data (including your saves, kek, you are even asking for that shit)
>Is that really exclusive?
Yes lol. A game that is sold exclusively on the publisher's platform via them buying exclusivity rights or purchasing the entire dev studio outright is an exclusive.
>But Epic has the audacity (or balls if you prefer that) to buy the publishers/devs and force them to move the game to the Epic store.
But this is exactly what Valve did to grow Steam and continues to this day. They bought already-existing franchises and moved them to their platform, as exclusive content.
Counter-Strike, Team Fortress, Dota. All those IPs existed as independent projects before Valve bought them and made them Steam exclusives. You could have played any of Valve's "Big Three" without the need for Steam prior to them being moved to Valve's platform as exclusives.
I know you're not defending Valve, and I buy from GoG whenever I can as well and store the installer packages on OneDrive (thanks, 1TB of storage included in my Office 365 subscription), but it strikes me as being intentionally disingenuous for people (not you) to slam Epic for leveraging the same business tactics that Valve has engaged in throughout their history. Or maybe these people are just way too young to remember how Steam achieved the market share they have today. Which was via, you guessed it, exclusivity.
There's this weird cycle that has Valve laying the groundwork for PC launcher exclusivity and stuff like loot boxes and abandonment of single-player, and we see their customers praising them for it. And yet when not-Valve sees the roaring success of those tactics and wants to emulate them, those same PC gamers all piss their pants while shouting "I'm so glad Valve doesn't do this thing"!
whitoids are seething
>Counter-Strike, Team Fortress, Dota
Noooooo, those are all Valve property.
>thinking everyone here is a leftwing faggot
Not that guy but eat shit for life nigger kike.
As a non-virgin I don't have a tantrum when a game isn't on Steam.
>we see their customers praising them for it
Because Steams so called "customers" are brainwashed cucks.
I don't give a fuck about irrelevant hobby operating systems that only autists use, because it was made by retarded autists, who wouldn't be able to create proper user interfaces if their worthless lives depended on it.
Actual people are already getting sick of Windows, because shit doesn't work.
>I don't give a fuck about irrelevant hobby operating systems that only autists use, because it was made by retarded autists, who wouldn't be able to create proper user interfaces if their worthless lives depended on it.
>Actual people are already getting sick of Windows, because shit doesn't work.
Fucking schizo what are you trying to say here? You want to be in Microsoft's cuck cage but you are getting sick of Microsoft's cuck cage? I don't care you are literally a fucking drain brain please don't @ me again with your blithering retardation and windows cocksmoking.
Learn to read posts.
>don't @ me
kek, full retard autist.
Never go full retard autist.
this but unironically - TF2 had a problem with bots that lagged Valve servers with real players in them, guess what OS did the little faggot hacker use? Linux.
FUCK linux and FUCK gamin' fellas.
>No PSO2 in Europe
I want to do this but i'm afraid kickscammer will ban me afterward, i still have to get some keys from games i backed.
INTENSE gameplay my socks just flew away man