Pathologic 2 thread

See the best RPG game of 2019

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It's shit

It's you...I've found you.

It's not

Thought RE2 or Sekiro was going to be my GOTY but god damn I just want to cut the lines.

Found who?



Hater gonna hate

>Cats know the fact of the matter, ignore when a fool comes to chatter.
Notkin best boy.

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One of my tasks is to get infected organs.
Who has them? I killed one of those plagued people and dissected them but they just had healthy organs.

You can take infected organs at hospital if you dissect corpses here
You can take infected organs from walking plague victims if you kill them first
In all cases organs can be infected or helthy, it's random

Hospital's a prime and easy source, just watch your reputation drops. But then you can get it back by doing shit at the hospital anyway.

All the boys are best boys and all the girls are best girls user
Why the fuck are they all so nice and good god damn it I dont want them to die I already fucked up with patches


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It has been a wild ride, how did I do lads?
[/spoiler]I swear I tried all i could to save Grief and Aspity[/spoiler]

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Is there more reflections for characters? I haven't seen any besides Griefs.

>You supposedly have the right to cut bodies open, something only a select few can do
>cutting bodies still nets you a reputation loss

>both Stamatins
>both Vlads
A-at least the kids all made it out, right? You didn't let any of your steppesons and daughters die, right?

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>someone else does it
>they are fucking marked for death
>you do it
>people go uh it's disgusting

Just kill some mummies in infected zones and harvest them

who /imago/ primary here?

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You did your best and that's what matters.
"Any choice is right, as long as it's willed."

All the kids made it yeah, that was my main goal, saving anyone else was optional and secondary. Might do another playthrough attempting to save everyone in the future
Also there is no way to save fat vlad without slaughtering your kin, is there?

I wish my computer was good enough to play it.
I keep watching Let's plays of the first day to try and enjoy it

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the people have not fully accepted artemy as a menkhu. He won't be hunted for cutting up bodies, but they still find it disgusting and wrong, hence the reputation loss

You're not fully recognized as being able to do the cutting until super late game and even then, there's a difference between "being permitted to perform surgery" and "sure, eviscerate as many corpses as you want, buddy. just leave'em wherever".

>infects u by just being close

have sex

when I dissected an infected person in the hospital I got MASSIVE reputation drops everywhere.
Do it elsewhere. Let infected people be killed by others (pyros, mostly) then dissect them.

I couldn't save Rubin

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you can save all of them.
after talking to fat vlad about going to see the Kin, you can talk to changeling on the way out of his house, find out it was young vlad, go back and tell fat vlad and he keeps his son from going.
then go back and tell the kin to fuck themselves, you're not killing anyone.
then leave it alone until you've done the abattoir, jumped into the pit, and seen the heart. then go back and talk to the kin and they'll listen to you.

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fucking how, in my playthrough he never even got in danger
and he survives the Kin even without your help, for what I've been told

im so fucked in this game lol im in a plagued house with like 2 little bits of health, i know it's my time to die :(

reload to an earlier save, my dude. better than starting over.

>then go back and tell the kin to fuck themselves, you're not killing anyone
welp, this never ocurred to me somehow, i thought it was mandatory to send someone to die

I died trying to save him from the kin so i reloaded my save and just didn't track him down, since the worm told me following me was the reason they found him

>you can save all of them.

nuke polyhedron and she survives i believe
or am i wrong?

she's already dead by the time u give block the orders or not, u can find her body on the side of the town hall

OK, bend over.

Do I have to play the first game before this?

crap, idk why my spoiler tag didnt go sorry

Who cares, she is shit anyway

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>only by day 11 I realised that the potency of your crafted painkillers/antibiotics only depends on the organ used (Brain > Heart > Liver > Kidney/Blood) and that using a + Tincture only decreases distilling time
Also, unlike morphine, your own painkilles reduce exhaustion rather than increasing it

It's a remake of the first game, and its a lot less janky

The journal is a bit misleading in this case: if you touch the river of blood under the polyhedron before day 11 19:00 then the journal will not auto update with her death if you did not find the body.
But in fact she is already dead by dawn on day 11 when the courier marker activates at 7:30.
And, as you probably know it, her death is guaranteed when you try to escape.
Sadly she is the only character that you can't save in any circumstance.

nope. you can if you're interested, Bachelor route in the original is a good starting point if you're not afraid of slavjank and lots of walking, but 2 is also designed to be people's firsts. it's going to be weird at first but you'll get used to it. maybe.

Someone promised me a schmowder if I had the leash at day 4, what the fuck anons there were none

> he missed it

go to the nutshell, there should be a girl willing to trade the leash for one


Is it only on day 4 or does she just appear at day 4 and stay a little while longer

>preemptively slaughter Grief's bad boys during the surgery mission

why does this game run like dogshit outside despite having the draw distance of silent hill?

>murder a bunch of people before anything even goes down
>expect to be treated as anything other than a murderer

most of the major characters have at least one, gotta poke around in their houses. sometimes they show up on different days. the Saburovs have like half a dozen.

Not instantly. They can be killed in 2 knife hits

i did eet
plus painkillers crafted by you increase immunity
pathologic is a game about turning the other cheek, everyone keeps saying this to you, that even when you're being attacked , attacking back will only make it worse for you

>didnt get lara her barrel because I had so much to
I'm sorry mai waifu, I wish I could've

Because it uses Unity engine

Fight and lose.
Gotta run.

congrats, you avoided fucking up

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actually you did good, because all the barrels in the middle landmass of the town are poisoned, and you could have given her ONLY the barrel with murky water, so with your inaction you saved one district from the plague

A-anons what
Did I just stopped myself from fucking up by fucking up
And wait a fucking second, I still did test the barrel, am I gonna fucking get infected because of it then

yup, there's a quest involving the barrels, because she wants only the barrels from the middle part of town, and they're all guarded by sentries. You are unable to send away any CLEAN water barrels, and can only give her the murky, poisoned ones, so not completing the quest is actually a good thing in this regard

you're okay, it just does the OH SHIT black screen smear. but yeah if you send that barrel to her the entire district gets infected.



>Gathered enough steppeweed to produce all the needed tinctures
>Spent a lot of time collecting morphine, nails, food and imunity pills
>Even got some shitty clothes
>Day 4 hits
>All the clothes are broken
>No food
>Drank the half of tinctures and ate half of the inmunity pills just to not die from the sand pest.
>Other half was used on townsfolk.
>Wasted one of the shmowders on Notkin.
I guess I'm reloading again.

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I was surprised to see this at the E3

>Wasted one of the shmowders on Notkin
>on Notkin
You deserve to be manipulated by clara

As long as you're not infected you can pull through. Doctor's fund has a lot of stuff in it that can save you as long as you put in some healer work.
>wasted one of the shmowders on Notkin
Saving the kids is never wasted.


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Does Patches survive if you use a shmowder on him? I know it is wasteful but I want to see if it changes anything

>I'm a good person I'M A GOOD PERSON
yeah sure whatever clay legs

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you won't be so cheeky when i wrap the general around my fingers like a puppet, silly man

I'm sorry, we dont sell wigs here.

that's not mystical healer powers, that's having a vagina

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Shmowders are really hard to come by, and I still don't know if it was worth it to waste one of theese so early on the walkthrough.
But it was really fun hearing plague butthurting on me for curing him and trolling it in dialog.

The thing is I kinda was out of medicine to properly do my shift. Again, I drank most of my tinctures just to keep my imunity at 50%.

I don't need a wig, I can use my perfectly spherical bald head to use as distraction, for you see, puny mortals when i take off my hat i can use my baldness to reflect sunlight into your eyes and blind you, allowing myself to escape once again
that too

as long as you're above 1% immunity you're still okay, it doesn't really need to be that high.

Is there any reason to stay at hospital day 8? No matter what I do nobody is checking up on me.

Is there a way to save fat Vlad from dying? I talked to him in the termitary and I told him I will try to get him out. I died 3 times on worms, till I managed to finish that shitty quest. Then told the kin to fuck off to steppe, and at the midnight Vlad just died.

>"wasted" on notkin
you did a good thing

>But it was really fun hearing plague butthurting on me for curing him and trolling it in dialog
Haruspex going full Liam Neeson was really fucking rad
And as everyone would say, it's not a waste if it's used on worthy people.Notkin is not only a really good and hard working person, but he also looks up to you and so do his friends.You wouldn't let you surrogate son and friend down now, would you?

I'm on day 4. Will he continue to be an obnoxious cunt or will he eventually turn into a bro material?

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I'm on day 8 right now, i wan't to solve it nonlethally but I'm not sure what to do

I love all the kids and i swear to god if murky gets infected i'll kill whoever brought this fucking plague

Trust your coworkers.

He mellows out but I don't remember him ever getting as friendly as he was in the first game before the army arrives.

Nigga what are you on, he starts his bro-transformation by day 2
He's a cool dude
user go talk to a-Capella, I think she talks about Murky :^)

Bachelor and Changeling?


Daily reminder - if you get infected you take a molotov to the face. It cures the infection. I found it out by accident.


After day 3 he is officially becomes your bro
He shits on town however but he still pretty friendly to artemy

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I mean stay in the hospital until you get relieved, it's like an hour and half game time instead of an hour

I am planning to at least save all kids from the list and the Old Pals. I really like Lara cause she's cute and also she was really helpfull so far, and Grief is the ultimate bro compared to what he was in the original.

>He mellows out
To be honest, I kinda enjoy him behaving like a tsundere waifu.

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daniil is a big city dandy and a hack and a terrible doctor who cant even heal people propely and only thing he ever cares is his stoopid vaccine and has no care about rich steppe tradiition and he'd be better off of just leaving the whole place i hate him so much and he insults all the steppe people all the time god he's such a bafoon

Looks like someone wants a hatefuck

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t. la changelina

I love you too man, no homo

>insulting steppe animals
As if its a bad thing

Does this actually work or are you memeing?

wtf i LOVE Bachelor

>haruspex is a big guy and solves a big disease despite having no proper education
>bachelor is a goddamn fucking ninja and a dandy fellow
>changeling has leukma AND autism
Fuck that goblin, figuratively

Yes, i was fucking surprised, and its not killing your instantly

Try it user what's the worst that could happen it's just a molotov

why don't you try it yourself you big city DANDY
NO don't love him he will be the DOOM of us all!
why you little ungrateful mongrel, just wait till you're dying and i wont spare a drop of my panacea on your sorry ass!

Bet you couldn't even get the imago achievement pleb

>having no proper education

He was at med school for half a decade, actor. He just had to leave before getting his degree.

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please don't roleplay

Funny because in-game haruspex doesn’t look massive at all. Just average 25yo skinny dude, I expected him to be huge like in original

t. seething harusfatty

I guess RPG is the genre but it really isn't like any other game.

So you can take the RPG out of your statement, the rest will still be true.

>Just average 25yo skinny dude
I dunno man he looks buff but still eats like the avarage pathfinder player

>barely hear anything about his time in school
>in the original his only friend back in town was fucking Rubin
I bet he's the type of person to stand menacingly in a corner during parties.
Was it autism?

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People still call attention to his size all the time in dialogue, so I guess it's just an issue with the model.

He solves shit thanks to his dad notes. And both changeling and bachelor save more people than him, because bachelor tried to save people from infection using logistics and protecting whole districts and changeling saved like 300+ people alone with her power(haruspex says that its 30 more times than he could save). Burakh managed to save a only pity leftovers

>RPG game
>roleplaying game game

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>model is based on Nikolay
>Nikolay is the quieter, more intense of the pair (as you might expect of Pathologic's creator); he opens every sentence with your name yet rarely looks at you, and you know that when he does speak it's for good reason.

I honestly don’t remember anyone calling him huge in remake(maybe if nickname counts). I remember everyone were afraid if him in original because he is big and scary and you actually needed to raise your camera to see his face as bachelor

I remember some kid calling him big. I think when you're first told about train summoning.

Was destroying a Polyhedron part of your plan?

You're right. I dropped the game after 3 minutes.

He's called a bear several times

>that whole shtick where he doesn't care about fate and being a puppet, any choice is right as long as it's willed
>it's just because he's too autistic not to go along with the flow

Lika just said something like “wow killed those 3 guys holy shit”
And there’s also a girl but she calls you fat and ugly

The kid I'm talking about says it a bit later, but I think still on day one. You can even tell him if he eats well he can grow to be a big guy for you

user it's a kid, of course you look big to that twat
That's why you go for short chicks irl too

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Of course! Fuck them kids

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>Fuck them kids
But you're doing them a favor by removing that ugly spire.

But I’m crashing the polyhedron- with no survivors

>The town actually has around 16.500+ inhabitants plus maybe the worms&bulls&clay fucks
Do you think they'll do a re-remake/sequel in the future when they can actually add that many npcs?


i liked that screenshot too, would probably look better but i prefer to play on fast graphic settings to have stable fps rather than more anti-aliasing

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>papa vlad is a fucking capitalist monster who doesnt care much about innocent lives and the standards of others
>but he is nice to you and somehow improves the village in a way
I am conflicted anons, god damn it

>The town actually has around 16.500+ inhabitants
it's probably like 5000 at most now.

user, a remake generally doesnt pick up from the end of the game....

he's unironically the most based of all the head families, later in the game you actually learn why he treats kin like literal cattle. He's actually very down to earth person and surprisingly full of courage and good moral standing when time arrives. Saburovs at least TRIED to do something to prevent the spread of chaos, while kains went fuck all

>he doesn't know about Pathologic 3: The Replaguening

Boos Vlad is based, he handles the Kin in the only way that works. No need to be conflicted.

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Imagine walking on the street, minding your own buisness and being aproached by a large creepy looking dude who smells like blood and twyrine. He just meanacingly aproaches you, looks you dead in the eye and asks if you are going to eat that peace of curd you have with you and offers some junk for it.

>Imagine walking on the street, minding your own buisness and being aproached by a large creepy looking dude who smells like blood and twyrine. He just meanacingly aproaches you, looks you dead in the eye and asks if you are going to eat that peace of curd you have with you and offers some junk for it.
shame Artemy looks like shit in 2

To be honest you have to have a very high IQ to understand Kains :^)
>it's an action rpg game where you switch between dandy and big guy literally punching plague in the face and laughing at the baldie
Unironically would play
What the fuck are you on about, he looks fine
That one artemy in the theatre you actually talk to has a different head by the way, I think day 1 midnight artemy is the one with the same model

I fucking hate those haughty schizophrenic retards, especially Maria.
Not looking forward to dealing with them again as Daniil at all.

What if
Every protag has different art/model for when you play as them
To portray that they view themselves diffrent than they look to others

I’m only on day 8 but I’m convinced georgiy Kain is senile and is only trying to convince me that he’s based and redpilled. Also the dad is dead to sand pest lmao

>hunchback storyline is gone
what the FUCK bros

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>Play game with hardcore porn and slavic screeching music in background
Fuckin' beautiful

When the faggot finishes dilating.

Hunchback was called Var in the original game, emshen

This game has so many stand-alone, sublime shots. I'm constantly amazed that it's pretty much on the same level as a decent arthouse kino.

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those that aren't faggots user.

I think I went there a day or two after that and she was still there.

user, clara isn't growing new hair anytime soon, just let it go
oh yea definitely, even on lowest settings it all looks so cool quite honestly, like the fact that the polyhedron is always looming over the town no matter where you stand

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I know you can sell him stuff and he's kind-of-still-there, but I don't think we're getting his storyline for Daniil because if I remember correctly we'd need to have killed his "daughter" as Artemy to provide him with infected organs.

>the screams of getting railed in the ass and the screams of the dying blend into one another
a transcendent experience i'm sure

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I'd rather they'd finish this one before thinking about Pathologic 3.

If the leap in quality between 2 and 3 is the same as 1 and 2, would 3 be the greatest vidya of all time?

too bad it runs like shit

Did you climb up the Polyhedron? Cause fuck I wasn't prepared for that.
>Behold! A Paleblood sky!

Maybe Danko will rip it out himself this time around?

you know it bro, just knock off the faggotry

I'd be disappointed if that happened, running into her corpse on the appointed time in the original is what sold me on the Haruspex. Stone-cold motherfucker.

>3 is another remake

The implosion of journalist queers would be spectacular.

i did

I’m on day 8 and I’ve had no reason to approach the polyhedron yet. Maybe I should pay it a visit next time I see the inquisitor

>turn in plans to destroy it
>go to take a look at it before it gets blown up
>gets destroyed right after I get off the boat

No because the combat would still be ass
Jesus christ I think I hate the combat in this game more than I did in 1, but atleast no ninja hobo flying knives this time around

That would be cool. Like different performances of the same play.

Wait what hardcore porn, where

you're better off saving at the cathedral and then reloading afterwards. it looks fucking cool and climbing it is amazing but it'll also take a good 4 hours to get to the top. also don't think you can even climb it until day 10 or so.

What does the other sky mean to represent Pathologic 1 fags? It seems as if there are Lines there but I don't really get the meaning, possibly because I haven't played the original.

The internet is full of it you fuckin' mook. Just get someone on being fuckin' reamed in the background, bang the game on and save the town, shank your way through gopniks and steppniggers and become a legend.

Fuck, I missread it and thought there were porn noises coming from a house in game or some shit

just burn the orders and climb the polyhedron at the end, its objectively the best ending, even more so if its your first time climbing the polyhedron

Most wholesome and yet disturbing journal entry so far.

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>rubin is an idiot

See it all dates back to Pathologic stealing its ideas from the seminal indie masterpiece Tsukihime, or "Moon Princess", in which the hero gains the ability to see the Lines that connect everything together, and is able to cut anything along them.

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The closest game to a hobo simulator

I know Tsukihime and KnK and now that you mention it there is some kind of a semblance.

>The Town is dead and empty. Let it all rot.

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>starving hobo-dad simulator

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reminder that the plus tincture removing 40% of exhaustion is a bug and will be fixed soon, no more meth head artemy

The Khatange are my people, watch your fucking mouth “noukherne”

i'm shitposting of course but yeah the similarities are pretty funny. considering the devs cite at least one dating sim as an influence it's not impossible they've actually read turkeyhandle. what a world to be alive in.

>its just like in my japanese animes

fuck sleep, only tinctures now

How will this game be beatable without tinctures as the Bachelor?

Forget that chinkshit
>protagonist returns to place of origin after being away for many years
>neurotic, self-destructive waifu
>waifu who feels powerless due to her situation and who meets a less than ideal end named Aglaya
>snooty stuck-up asshole who thinks he's smarter than he actually is
>worrying about whether one of your friends is a cold-blooded killer or not
>not one, but SEVERAL dying kids
This is clearly the greatest The Idiot adaptation of all time, although I don't quite get the bull stuff.

>he doubts the dandy
All you need is a scalpel, emshen.

Achieve the best ending by using your big city credit card to buy up all the food in town then barricade yourself in your house for 12 days fucking Eva senseless.

As opposed to well-fed hobo with a house?
>still kills herself

why would you even need a scalpel if you cant use it to open bodies, dandy won't be able to put any of his big city tricks to use

Erdem, please go play the first game.
He studied the scalpel while you were dancing with herb brides
He practiced the scalpel while you were losing your hair
Seriously though, dont underestimate the bachelor of ninjutsu

He looks so small here. How tall is he anyway?

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>bachelor's gimmick used to be that lens that let him see plague clouds
>they're not nearly as frequent or important a game mechanic anymore

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bachelor couldn't do shit in the first game though, he wasn't even the one who came up with the vaccine, a bulk of the work was done by stah, danil just took the spotlight for it

I think his playthrough gonna be more about protecting the territory from infection like in marble nest and vaccination

Is this game a full game with a full story or alpha/beta/whatever early-access?

the lens was so shit, you actually were better off to sell them then upgrade your looking glass toy

It's not that he's small, haruspex was just that big
It was more of a joke about him being a really fucking skilled murderer just armed with shitty toys in the first game user
Jesus fuck that one section where you only had the scalpel

Rubin is based as fuck
>those few days where you get to be best medicine buds working together for a common goal with him and Daniil in the old Haruspex route
absolutely Comfy

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Opposed to big-city hobo with a degree

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There are two more characters’ storylines in development but just this one will last you over 20 hours

ye it was pretty cool to be best buddies with bachelor in haruspex's route
and then there's clara's route where you have to bring stah 3 pieces of fresh meat because you learn that neither bachelor nor haruspex care about him that much and he's starving

IIRC they claimed the other routes were gonna be free too and each should be around this long too

>that moment when you get beaten to death, escape, kill two soldiers with broken knife and then shoot 20 soldiers to get your stuff back
Absolute kino

>that one fucking warehouse with 6+ muggers in it
>savescum over and over again until I nail 6 headshots in a row
>another fuck creeps up behind me while I'm looting the bodies

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Free if they can afford to.


Poor guy.
It sucks that he snoozes his way through most of this game, I hope he gets more screentime in Clara's route, at least. He was one of my favorites.

yea stah was based, it was kinda shitty that he got shafted all the time, bachelor stealing all the glory for creating the vaccine even when it was stah who created it using simon kain's body, the absolute chad managed to persuade kains NOT to murder him for making such a transgression

please buy this shit game so i could get my fucking bachelor route

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Did they ever comment on how this game did?
What about their older games, sure they were niche but did they still make a good amount of bucks?

I don’t care if its paid dlc, i will buy it three fucking times if its gonna have other routes

>when it turns out he was more or less alive until Rubin stepped in
That was fucked, what a madman. I'll be seriously upset if he's still this useless in the other two routes.

>in remake he still cucks himself by passing vaccine creation glory to haruspex
What a baka

so did rubin kill simon? Wasn't it simon's plan in the first play to die so he can be reborn into gyorgi?
i bet bachelor uses those vaccine ampules as suppositories what a dummy

I bought it twice. How retarded am I?

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Will we learn more about godkids in bachelor route? We saw them twice in haruspex route, but we still learn nothing about them, but now they are more than just delusional kids

Based and oynonpilled. Let Mother Dybovsky caress your step

You are based

honestly? I hope we don't actually, i think we already got enough of them in the first game, not that the whole idea of them is bad, its just it's been done already and the shock value of it is pretty null at this point

Now that you ask,I don't think I remember. All the schizo Kain stuff is a blur to me, maybe it's about time I replay the damn thing.

i think it's implied stah actually caused the death of simon at least thats what i gathered in the patho. 2, but at the same time nina and simon kain are actually reborn into george and victor's daughter in the last days of bachelor's route i belive,

Dunno, they are trying to manipulate artemy’s actions for some reason, and they sound like adults so it’s kinda interesting since meta shit already forced by mark this time


Thanks for your support, doing gods work

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What a headache. Thanks, user.
I hope they keep Peter's suicide attempt quest in the remake. That was really funny in a bizarre way.

ye no problem, it's all very confusing. Isidor and simon both had good reasons to actually kill themselves, simom wanted to be reborn, and isidor wanted to fix the town again with the plague

>clara with hair
Considering that looks like Artemy's inventory silhouette, is this fanart or outdated concept art?

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>Isidor and Simon
Will we ever get to sit in on that last conversation they had? Even through dreams or twyrine or something.

>clara’s shadow had hair

Yeah, it's nice to read an explanation. I think I remember it badly because the first time I played Daniil's route was also my first playthrough and didn't know whether or not I should believe the magic nonsense, so some stuff might have gone over my head. Maybe I really should go for another run of the game, cheers.

is this some kind off meme or intense shilling going on? The game is so fucking garbage I couldn't even make it to the 2 hour mark. It looks and feels like some 2 dollar unity scam game, thank god for steam refund.

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thats art for the pathologic HD as far as i know
dont think it'll ever happen, pretty sure it'll always be ambiguous, but from what i manged to gather is that they both had ideas for the town's future, even when they came from different backgrounds. Isidor realized that the way he treated the plague in the first outbreak 5 years ago was unnatural and wrong. He realized that the plague is from the earth and that the town needs to be "vaccinated" against it so he purposefully dug a hole in the steppe to irritate mother boddho and catch the plague. Simon, on the other hand realized polyhedron needs a soul (He is the fetus looking baby in the map artwork for bachelor and haruspex in the first game) so he sacrificed himself so his soul would incubate inside the tower and then would be reborn into Gyorgi, and nina's spirit goes into Maria

That art is from announcement trailer, also i believe haruspex art used in remake

Were you not around for the Kickstarter threads? Pathologic/IPL threads are usually more or less the same highly dedicated autists, but I think this time there are a lot of crossboarders, too. I know at least I checked Yea Forums for threads on stuff like like Classic HD and Marble Nest even though I don't usually browse it.

See I get Simon's motivations in terms of like the humanity must evolve to a higher form, trapping souls in buildings, uplifting via architecture, etc. but did any of this help the Town in any way? The Kains always seemed 100% self-centered and self-serving, the Town was basically their ant farm/lab rat colony to fuck around with. I just can't see Isidor being all "yes this man is my bro" to someone who's just using the whole thing in a convoluted scheme to live forever.

I came back to Yea Forums after ~2 years of absence when P2 came out.

I really love how artemy comes to think and talk to the “little urchin”

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Same. The contrast between Pathologic threads and everything else is staggering. It's like Yea Forums gets a little bit more retarded every year.

Yeah, I used to browse it, too. I think I stopped a bit after Lisa came out.
What's everyone's home board? Yea Forums here.

Autistic pathologic bro’s are the comfiest community

they probably had vastly different approaches to life and death, that's for sure but this doesn't mean they couldn't appreciate each other and and hold themselves in mutual trust and respect. Simply because both of them had vast knowledge and old age if nothing else. Bottom line would probably be- better the devil you know than the one you don't. They were possibly the wisest people in the entire town. But yea, Kains can get bent, there's a reason they're all called Utopians. In the diurnal ending they're ALREADY planning to build a new town, the fuckers. Blood is still pouring fresh from the polyhedron and georgy and victor are already plotting to make a new ratmaze for their "lofty" ideas. At least Isidor wanted to change something and show the people in his town what it really means to embrace the plague. He believed the town needs to die so it could be reborn again, he thought that it was grown badly so he wanted to break it again and let if heal properly, thats why he contracted the sand pest willingly

Yea Forums and /lgbt/ for me, though this board is somehow less depressing.

/tg/ reportin

does forcing grace into talking with our father's ghost kill her later in the game?

She will only do that if you won’t do anything about corpses

thanks, also i think there's a bug with the quest where we learn about her talking to the spirits. If we learn it from Clara (icon is a wheel) then the thought lines connect normally but when the learn it from a random child (icon is candles) in town then it doesn't complete after finishing the quest

Was the isidor thing in pathologic one? I thought that he was trying to stop it.

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I couldn’t finish it as well, but gladly it didn’t do anything to her, so i just let it be

/his/ and Yea Forums

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i think so, i know for sure isydor went to the steppe at night with kain, can't say 100% if he cured the first outbreak, been a while since i played the HD classic

>when you enter the termitary

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what moment was that?

>when you enter the termitary

>tfw I died for the first time just walking around and falling down the fucking stairs in the Terminary

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The fall damage in this game is a bit much. I died the first time walking on those planks in Notkin's quonset hut


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Entering the Termitrary hardly warrants that reacton

Unless it was about cutting the lines


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It was sometime during the Xbox conference, only a few seconds were shown in a reel of upcoming games

>one of my deaths was in the cathedral when i walked to the top and willingly walked from the ledge and then remembered halfway through my fall i cant reload the deaths
that was a truly brainfart moment

No, wait, fuck, I'm confusing Termitrary and Abbatoir

I need to get some fucking sleep, I'm sorry

Really? Did the playercount rise as a result?

Dunno, it was pretty scary with all that screaming and dead bodies

Abusing the + tincture bug

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your drug abusing ways will be cut short soon!

i want to pet the bull

I want to headpat murky

How to get the kin out of the termitary without killing some of them?

Tell them you're not going to kill anyone and find another way.

This, but with Grace.

Should I play Classic HD or just play 2?

I want to wash Murky's face and hair and get her some nice clothes.

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>can't get it because the gog version has no achievements
>but pathologic classic hd does

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Classic is an excellent game and absolutely worth the jankyness that's a bit jarring at first, but you can play 2 now without missing out on much.
You'll have plenty of time for the first one while waiting for the remaining 2/3 of the reboot anyway.

Not yet old friend.

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>russian MC

>implying Danill and Haruspex are not frotting like maniacs every night
They are the reason why Suok is so angry emshen.

>sexualizing hobos in the town of plague, children and demihumans
You bring the evil eye upon us all.

Yea Forums unfortunately.

Who was this streaming it?

I hate how fucking smug these goddamn kids look I want to kick the smug little faggot in their fucking face, little shits.

Only started day 2, when do these shits grow on me? Notkin mind broke a kid, Sticky was kind of a shit and I told him to watch his tongue and Murky told me to go away the previous day.

>Notkin mind broke a kid
thats what you get for giving the kid a leash you heartless bastard

Be gentle with her, she's autistic.

Should have poisoned those dogs then should he then, the dumb little cunt.

She's being a shit, I already gave up one witness I had.

You are threading in dangerous waters you worm fuck.

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Maybe she shouldn't be such a dumb, little, FUCKING, CUNT!

"I don't need you, nuh uh. I don't love you."

Give her TIME

ill give her the BOOT

Sticky isn't your apprentice, you're Sticky's partner in crime.

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>We got zero Rubins left in stock

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Where can I find the shaving razors to repair blades? And is anyone ever going to sell a gun for less than the total sum of money I've come across? I'm on day 6.

What species of kitten is that?

they can be traded with the kin, and in the trash, also guns aren't worth to purchase, wait till you find one while looting

Besides getting lucky dumpster diving or robbing houses, herb brides will trade them occasionally.

>aren't worth to purchase
I know, I thought it might be helpful to have one for quests where I need to take out multiple enemies, and the original can't stop throwing them at you. Either way, my blades are fucked and I've had shit luck with looting razors so I guess I'll just push on for now.

>looks exactly like Dybovsky
>chad ingame who everyone likes and is willing to satnd up for
>Aspity and Aglaya want his dick the second he meets them
>has a tsundere childhood friend who possibly ends up hooking with him
>ends up having a cute autistic loli and a based kid as his children
>everyone in town loves him for saving it
>after the game ends he has befriended every single person in town who will have money and be powerful
>even the Bachelor befriends him by the end
Is he Haruspex a self-insert character?

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use lockpicks, they're instakill when they break on an enemy