Attached: casing.png (1090x410, 1006K)

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Holy shit, that didn't just happen?



What game?

Didn't someone do this last E3? I'm having deja vu.

ok, this is an epic fail

At the PC Gaymen Show, we fire the whole bullet.

What game!?!?!??!?

source: it was an ad for a curved samsung tv for gamers. god i hate kikes

Attached: add.png (1168x465, 780K)

>make sure to hire plenty of smurf lookin progressive young "people" to satisfy diversity requirements
>oh shocker they all share the same sentiment on firearms and know jack shit about them
Like all they had to do was use google


Aperture must be outsourcing, 65% more bullet per bullet

guns need to be banned

You ain't seen nothin' yet


>not wanting 75% more bullet per bullet

Attached: Cave Johnson.png (250x380, 118K)

Lol what game?

maybe it increases penetration power or makes it easier to manage more clips of ammo?

Attached: elite sniper.jpg (600x420, 72K)

not even a game, just a pre-rendered ad for a curved 240hz monitor

Not 4k in 2019 who cares.

Is Aperture involved?

Top tier bait. 10/10 actually cringed.

is that one of those multistage bullets Ive heard about?

wtf is wrong with these moneygrabbing whores
why cant they be serious just fuckin once


Ugh, what the FUCK is wrong now fascist gun-nut? Did they mess up some detail about your murder machine that makes you angry enough to mow down a school full of children as if you wouldn't do that anyway?

do guns not work like this?

I am not a right wing gun nut and future public shooter, so what's the problem

lol wut

I know a trailer for Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 did it.

You know that part in movies where the bronze thing comes out of the side of the gun?

Time for you to dilate

Imagine feeling upset and angry and screaming at imagined enemies every time somebody ignorantly depicts an entire cartridge being fired.
Where is relief for these people? We need humane euthanasia services.

so what does the damage?

Attached: Slingshot cartridge.jpg (1000x667, 62K)

hot gas and compressed air mostly

It is incredible how lazy they are. Nobody thought for a second about it?

>not firing the whole bullet
>not wanting 65% more bullet per bullet

they need to have sex

That's a sure way to lose an eye.

Anybody got that manga screenshot where pretty much everything about the rifle was wrong, especially the guy holding the rifle like a shoulder mounted rocket launcher?
The manga author got so pissed at her readers shitting on her for this that she brought an airsoft rifle to try to prove that's how you were supposed to hold it.

bump for this

The front pointy bit detaches from the back cylinder bit and shoots out

Can't find the original manga page but this was the latter part. Several manga have parodied that scene as well.

Attached: 1448708258625.jpg (480x640, 93K)

I know that this is just bait but, fuck it.

Attached: 1511012321172.gif (500x281, 2M)

>trying to show us how images are looking on a new monitor to our OWN OLDER MONITORS

W T F ????????????

here you go my dude

Attached: 1548771202819.jpg (451x449, 52K)


Attached: 1555953484105.png (976x854, 1015K)

god she's tiny.

imagine walking around that house looking for things to bend her over on and fuck that tight puss

what does damage?
does the tip of the bullet detatch? or is it stuff inside the bullet?

I hope someone shoots up your favorite gay bar when you are sucking cocks in there
stupid faggot

A round of ammunition has 3 components:
-The bullet
-The casing
Together, the make a cartridge. When the hammer, or firing pin, of the firearm strikes the casing it ignites the gunpowder causing an explosion which setaches the bullet from the casing and propers it forward.

How fast and far the bullet travels is determined by the caliber of the cartridge.

Bet that is X or some clamp IP.

Caseless ammo is so passe. Whose ready for the permanently cased ammo future?

When the war comes, you die first.


The stuff inside the case explodes causing the case to expand and form a gas seal whilst pushing the pointy bit forward.

Attached: 1524815376741.jpg (517x452, 36K)

based and wholebulletpilled

Why isn't this design more popular? Wouldn't it be easier to get your hand around the bore axis if the only moving parts were like in a Luger?

So close, yet still incorrect.
A cartridge is composed of 4 parts. The projectile, powder, primer, and casing. The casing holds the primer, powder, and projectile. When a firing pin strikes the primer, the primer detonates and ignites the powder. The powder combusts, which forces the projectile down the barrel. Damage is a combination of several factors, mainly weight and velocity of the projectile. The amount of powder and barrel length affect projectile velocity.

>casing firing out of gun
>acog scope in a poorly lit indoor area

fuck me up

>How fast and far the bullet travels is determined by the caliber of the cartridge.
And the length of the barrel.

English isn't my first language, thanks for the clearer explanation.

I learned that reliability is the most important aspect of the side arm from call of duty. That's why

As the number of moving parts increases:
the more the things that can go wrong
the harder it is to clean/maintain
the harder it is to troubleshoot in the middle of a firefight
the harder it is to manufacture
the more expensive it is to produce and purchase.
the more complicated the design
the less appealing it becomes to the customer

Attached: bullet cycle.gif (500x281, 1.45M)

anyone got "that" steve segal webm?

The Luger along with every single copy all suffer from catastrophically tiny tolerances to dust and dirt particles.

>sheltered numale fuck can't deal with people being slightly knowledgeable about guns

>most of it is just thrown away
this looks like a terrible design

just warn us before you go on a killing spree