Are they, dare I say, /ourcompany/?
Are they, dare I say, /ourcompany/?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes. I don't know what the fuck happened to Yea Forums but this no-Yea Forums shit hates anything that is good for the industry. They are anti-microtransactions, have extremely fair pricing and in my opinion (this is subjective) very high quality games. I think part of it is being contrarian but a big part is also just how retarded people are
No they're mine and mine only. You can have Ubisoft, I don't want them.
witcher 3 relied a bit too much on cut scenes imo
Hello there newfag-kun! Where were you when Witcher 2 came out ? That's what I thought, nigger
Imagine pretending to be on a 10 years old hate bandwagon for the sake of being contrarian
Imagine thinking they improved now that they embraced amerifag sjw pandering bullshit.
Stay deluded, nigger
People here don't care about games, they care about being contrarians and arguing with people about nonsense.
Truth is, CDPR is VERY pro-consumer, been handling the gender-politics around their games fairly well, and produce objectively good games.
Yes, Witcher 3 had mediocre combat, but that's literally the only argument against it.
Anyone who says the story/quests are generic is a retarded contrarian who have no idea how games are created/produces, you can't make EVERYTHING unique, in any game you will have duplicates of items/enemies/quests, and Witcher 3 handled it VERY well.
Anyone who blames controls is a fucking zoomer baby.
Anyone who blames music is an earless faggot.
I rest my case, CDPR is based.
>it's retarded
Checks out.
0.0 now fuck off shill
Stay on your dilation exercise website.
Get some arguments to support your narrative dumb zoomer
are u retarded ?
Yes, why do you ask ? You have something to say ?
>he thinks non-arguments require counter arguments
Sasuga asukafag.
>If i keep repeating the same word, he'll give up, that's for sure!
If you have nothing to say, shut the fuck up shitter, simple as that
Good post. Pretty much spot-on. We need to make this a red board or remove GR15 or something to drive out the 13 year olds who come here from reddit and youtube.
hell yeah they are
huh, what's his problem
How upset are you right now?
>implying I'm upset to begin with
The absolute state of you sweaty...
How about the fact that the game has a detective mode and all you do is follow a track the whole time while the game plays itself? I'm not necessarily a contrarian, I disagree with most of the anons here, but even though I wanted to love it I ended up dropping it because it's braindead as fuck. The Witcher 3 is emblematic of these so called ''new open-world" game that don't try to push the envelope and just make their gameplay more streamlined. I mean sure, the story is good, if you're into that, but I don't see how it became such a phenomenon. I'm going to draw a comparison with BOTW and yes anons will reply with ">BOTW opinion discarded xD" here but that game is, although it has its flaw, where the genre should be heading. Some anons have brought this up before but:
You find a shrine but its in the back of big rocks and theres a river running under them with current so you can get to it. So you reflect on what to do, what you can use in your vicinity to get to the shrine. You think huh maybe if I cut down this tree i can ride the current? You manually cut down the tree, ride the stump to the shrine. Problem solvingnusing the game's mechanics. Pretty cool!
>The Witcher 3
Geralt has an objective to find a shrine. Same scenario. You in the vicinity and use your detective sense. Geralt goes: "Hmmm I can't get to this shrine.. ." NEW OBJECTIVE: Cut down tree to get to shrine. You approach a conveniently placed tree and press X. Cinematic starts playing of Geralt cuting and riding the tree to the shrine
See what I mean?
Kek thanks for the answer. Now go dilate.
Ship sailed after Witcher 2. They're no different than any other company in the industry.
they are sjws or getting more and more sjw so no
>Can only use buzz words
>I-i proved him wrong!
Yep, that's a zoomer alright
They released Blood and Wine, they will forever be /mycompany/
No. They own gog, the company that constantly apologises every time someone cries about a tweet.
>muh SJW
>muh politics
Maybe Yea Forums-videogames isn't the board for you since you seem to place a higher emphasis on things not related to the subjects on which this board is based.
Perhaps would be better for you.
show me one instance when they apologized about something
I agree that game design could be better, but that's not really the case.
Just from the top of my mind, I remember arriving near some tower on the edge of the map, the bridge was ruined and no way to get into it. You had to explore and find the pathway beneath the tower, go into the water and swim around to find it.
The quests that make a use of the "le detective toucan", Geralt usually says something like "Hmm... I gotta look around", and then you would actually look around and explore, followed by Geralt's remarks.
FYI the "paths" that you see in detective mode is his sense of smell, how would you make it otherwise? I doubt there is another way.
My point being, it's not as bad as people try to portray it as, its mostly used to make the user explore, rather than make exploring easier.
have sex
the best gaming company in the world
Posting sonic doesn't make you a boomer, dumb zoomer.
>thinking politics aren't part of any media available to the general public
you're sweat! You love your corporations, huh...
woah, do the power...
This was all over Yea Forums when it happened. How did you miss this?
I would add that considering the graphic style of Witcher, it would be difficult to create a reliable way to explore and find items/clues without something that obvious. It works in BotW because of its minimalistic style.
That's not true, though. The whole city arc is you following waypoints, and that's a whole 20 hours at least. Regarding the sense of smell, just... don't put it in at all? The example you brought up is something that has not happened to me, I never felt like I was free or challenged into solving something in a clever way. You might've missed a prompt to do it, because god forbid that game let go of your hand for one quest.
>got nothing to say
>still posts cuz I'm a faggot
Yep I knew already, now off yourself nigger
have sex
I've already been told this a lot ITT, how about you advice me something else ? Had enough of dilate too.
>anarchist and socialist groups
>in Tokyo
Shouldn't we call the cops? Japs really hate that kind of stuff.
no, they are shit at making gameplay and the gameplay is the most important for true Yea Forumsbro
dilate more before it heals
Well then, and that's a whole different argument but maybe we shouldn't be sperging out so much about graphics. Red Dead Redemption 2 was fucking gorgeous but it ended up having the same problems that The Witcher 3 had because of it. The biggest challenge is tying your horse because it has to be positioned perfectly in front of the post. The realistic approach just ends up making the gameplay super fuvking clunky. I don't care that the character goes up stairs in a realistic way, I give zero fucks
that's not from software you cuck
Well, it allows you to explore outside of quests, to stop the main quest and go on a spree of exploring for new side quests, points of interest if you like that kind of thing, etc.
I'm also pretty sure that there is an option to play without a minimap, hence without "waypoints", some say that it's more immersive and less hand-holding.
The absolute state of these zoomers... Pathetic cucks
Fucking cringe. This is the biggest non-argument in existence. "HURR DURR YOU DONT LIKE POPULARR THING IM SO SMART FOR LIKING POPULAR THING"
Popular opinion is always wrong, without exception, because the vast majority of "people" are mindless fucking animals.
These fucking braindead retards are the same kind of "people" who always have to watch the latest capeshit hollywood garbage, listen to black guy fast-talk "music," and line up every day to buy mcdonald's.
Just mindless consumer animals, eating up garbage. This is nothing new.
Hey man im a true Yea Forums bro and I be tinkin that having fun is the MOST important ting
dilate, tranny
So I assume you hate sleep and food? Not even gonna mention sex you never had it
omg awesome game even though TESIV is better
>TW3 - before GOTY
>TW3 after GOTY
>2077 - before release
>2077 - after release
CDPR is not consistent Yea Forums only starting riding their dick after TW3 won goty if it hadn't no one would be anticipating 2077 nearly this hard zoomer celebs or not.
Project more nigger
keep dilating dont want that axe wound to heal now would you?
>popular = wrong
>majority of people are stupid animals
Who hurt you, buddy? you are a contrarian because you cannot write up an argument, you just shout that it's popular, hence it's bad.
Extremely dumb, much like the majority you were refering to.
No lmao.
Their games are only slightly above average. Sure they are pro-consumer but that doesn't make it /ourcompany/ when their games are just slightly above ubisoft-tier Assassin's Creedshit
/ourcompany/ has to be both pro-consumer and make masterpieces all the time. CDPR's best title was an 8/10.
I still don't intend to "dilate" but you can keep asking, it's all you can do, apparently!
I would ultimately agree, maybe in the future they will find ways to make it less streamlined.
There's always a small handful of Yea Forumseditors that will shit on anything for (you)s
d i l a t e
Fucking brainless animals.
That is literally your only argument. People like me will always rule over people like you. Cope harder.
>make masterpiece ALL the time
In what way do you rule over me, child?
Nice cope.
They've always been.
>No arguments.
>Vague retarded statements.
Yes, you got me there bud, I'm coping hard.
>make masterpiece ALL the time
Half-Life, Team Fortress, Portal
cope :)
this is actually pretty true in most cases
butthurt npcs
Is this pasta? I swear I've seen it before.
Lol this guy assblasted so hard
If you seriously consider being special by ranting on Yea Forums, then i have bad news for ya.
turbo-radicals exist but this is really on a whole new level
these people must be literally intolerable to be around
Oh man of course morons thinks a moron is right also
>unironically using npc meme
>Everyone is a brainless sheep! Because I like unpopular things.
Just how pathetic you can get
>proving my point by generic response
Okay, m8.
ignore him he seethes at literally all cdprojekt threads.
he infests the witcher threads, seethes up to a point where the only things he posts are "cope, cringe".
They are not still making games let alone masterpieces and Steam is no where near as pro consumer as its competitors
mhmm, keep coping :)
imagine being this mentally ill
Daaaw he's still trying
>i am literally coping: the post
idk if I believe an user on Yea Forums about this kind of stuff.
yea-yea, eat some more (you)s, my little attentionwhore.
>over 100 bodily modifications
Is there any photo of him?
This. Fucking retarded brainlets here are obsessed with casual AAA normalfag shit like Witcher 3 or Skyrim, GTA, etc.
No fucking taste.
Generally yes. This mindset is why garbage like Game of Thrones is so popular with NPCs.
>still sucking corporate cock
it's easy to confirm if you check the guys behind Ruiner and interviews with them
>dude trust me
This. Also, I find it amusing that the only argument these subhumans have for not conforming to their groupthink is "UR JUST A CONTRARIAN!" Pretty fucking pathetic.
>They are not still making games let alone masterpieces
They are trying to reinvent to industry by making VR. I know VR is a meme here on Yea Forums but my impression is that they are seriously trying to push the envelope, which I appriciate. There are leaks that they have multiple projects in production, not just VR, it's just that they are focusing a lot on VR so they dont make as many games anymore
>Steam is no where near as pro consumer as its competitors
Except for GOG all the other ones are way less pro-consumer. I mean Origin and EGS, are you kidding me?
>all this coping ITT
whats up with this picture? it looks nothing like the video you can see of the same event where the victim is standing in front of a podium
There's objectively nothing wrong with them. I don't get the hate. Ubisoft gets more love here, it's surreal.
You not even trying to prove your point, all you do is just activating "cope" defensive mechanism.
>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...
>casual AAA movieshit
>"hurr durr why does Yea Forums hate it i don't get it!"
Only literal redditors dislike CD Projekt Red.
What point, I'm not OP I just came to laugh at all the coping
you have two ours or 14 days have fun
y-you didn't like the game? okay we'll refund you full price no other questions asked
we'll give devs 85% so that you can buy games cheaper all the time and not need some shitty sales that only come around major holidays or when Vavle feels like asking devs to lower prices by like 15-30% randomly
My bad, typo
Ah, usual shitposters i see.
This game and its fanbase is literally r*ddit personified
>t. plebittor
What the fuck is that.
stay mad
All I can see is a 40 year old obese sweaty neckbeard when I read these comments
>top10 by market cap in poland
>going for top5
>didnt even announce the second big project they were talking about
Cross-dressing boring white male.
And all I can see when I read your posts is a faggot
is there a single outrage tranny on twitter that doesn't look like this?
Don't forget about gog and DRM free games that they sell
Lol literally says nothing meaningful, keep replying to every thing and claims others are coping. What a fucking retard
>tfw you will never be this assblasted over a game cover
What are contrarians crying about now that they got the blade runner ripoff aesthetic?
Slitting your wrists is not body modification
Holy shit dude, that's pretty fucking retarded, like how you can post something like this and still think you're in the right? You must be so fucking delusional dammit.
>I am literally seething: the post
Seethe some more. I literally control you.
Damn this board getting really fucking retarded each passing day.
>I'm literally controlling you
*uncontrollable wheeze*
cyberpunk is an overrated genre. 80's and 90's blade runner nostalgia has been ran into the ground.
Keanu bad
Lol imagine being this assblasted over someone disagreeing your shitty opinion.
Get out of your mom's basement more often
>*uncontrollable reddit*
stay mad :)
nope (((Theircompany)))
You're the only one seething because people don't like your game. Go suck some more AAA cock.
At this point I canned the possibility of you being satire, now I'm sure you're a complete delusional retard
>comparing a natural function that all life requires like sleep to watching capeshit
now they never liked cyberpunk in the first place
Keep replying. It just shows how upset you are :)
>says something against him
>literally goes nuclear
>"n-no you're mad"
Also classic
>popular thing bad
Can you get even more predicteble?
mhmm, keep seething :)
Just stop, the guy is obviously a very sad individual and having the last word for him is very important, let the child have his way.
You were literally replying to everyone that says anything against you, stop being a hypocrite
No, that doesn't apply to me. But good to see you're still obeying me by replying. Good dog :)
You know what , I'll listen to this guy , I ain't gonna stop you from being delusional
>all these seething Witcher 3 soidrones ITT
Yeah you know what it's late where I live and I don't feel like I want to deal with trogolodytes anymore so bye.
This triggers the funko pop buying soidrones on this board
actor man bad
>shit opinion
Yep, checks out.
Mhmm, I'll catch you samefagging for the rest of this thread. Good boy :)
nth post best post
Witcher 3 is the worst game I have ever played.
>OMG so based and redpilled yes every popular thing is bad, only medicore games that no one knows is good
Imagine being this assblasted just because someone doesn't like your AAA movieshit.
Are you more interested in cutscenes than gameplay?
If so they are your guys.
yo this dude's about to have a rage-induced stroke lmao
Yes if you're a 500-pound neckbeard who wishes he were Geralt.
I don't know, but they at least seem on the level without the whole "suits talking about shit they know nothing about" you get from this industry when they try to sell you something. Their "secret" messages are also great.
Yes, you are absolutely correct because those games are not made to sell, but to be played by specific audiences. They are actually games and not movies you pay $60 for.
this but unironically
The average age in this thread must be under the age of 15.
their drones are almost as bad as the bioware equivalent
>Are you more interested in cutscenes than gameplay?
Only game where they went overboard with cutscenes was the second one, but it was also meant to be replayed at last once to get the entire story. Witcher 3 doesn't really have many cutscenes as much as it's a HUGE fucking game in its own right that necessitated more direct storytelling as a result. If you want a game that really abused cutscenes look at MGS4, for example.
doing gods work
Yeah contrarism is off the charts
>the company makes games with great stories
>muh drones
>show no new gameplay
>put beloved reddit celev keanue in it
I know they were mine even before they went into the whole videogame-making industry.
G-Guys, where are the Witcher generals on /vg/?
Someone please revive the /wtc/
BTW, There is a -70% discount on Witcher 3 right now on steam.
>you're all sheeps for liking popular thing
Yep I think you're right
>everything I don't like is reddit
Can we filter reddit please
Nope, the witcher 3 was trash and they falsely marketed it as a rpg.
>the company makes games with great stories
literally word for word what came out of biodrone mouths
Except it wasn't
Yes bioware also made games with great stories
But there's an anti-fandom for them on this board who don't want to accept that they're a small minority and think they speak for more than just a few autistic idiots with a nonsense petty grudge over Witcher 2, which made them unbearably stupid in their obessive hatred of witcher 3, their insistence that they're in some kind of majority in being disappointed in it, that everyone who even thought it was ok is from reddit/tumblr/twitter/askjeeves/kotaku or is a shill, and their obsession with finding reasons to hate anything CDPR does has spawned some of the greatest hits for Yea Forums's history of stupid opinions.
Hits such as:
>witcher 3 is more buggy than bethesda games
>no one liked witcher 3 except a small number of redditors
>Having sunlight isn't cyberpunk
>they took away the sun in a new trailer because they're backpeddling after the outcry (that no one outside of Yea Forums heard)
>the box art is bad so I'm not buying it but was totally intending before this point in time.
And much more.
>yes mr. hollywood star. put your dick into my mouth. I desire your warm milk. mmmh oh yeah, fill my little belly!
>ha ha thanks to gullible idiots over at Yea Forums I can now validate myself via twitter without really making an effort ha ha
Oh man I sure got cornered with this amazing high IQ reply that doesn't contribute anything to talk and proves nothing
the best things in life are acquired tastes. that's just the way it is.
people outside reddit like things that reddit likes, even the things reddit gets too obsessive with.
Do you know it's called to hate something only because people you don't like like it? Being contrarian.
man you really latched onto that post fast, huh contrarian
this post got way to many posts along the lines of "wow this guy is mad" to be the one who is actually mad in the situation.
Both are shit games.
i hate popular thing look how special and unique i am, im such an individual :)
Oh that's a cringe moment bro now you'll be called mindless animal because you're only allowed to like unpopular medicore crap
How someone can be so fucking wrong?
What I hate is mindless celebrity worship and reddit merely is the prime example of this phenomenon in the modern world.
>muh Keaneau Reeves
>muh Elon Musk
>muh Neil Degrasse Tyson
>muh Gordon Ramsay
>I love repetitive fetch quests, collectible garbage and giant areas that could just as well be randomly generated.
That's nice I don't care.
Are we on reddit right now? You might have it open in another tab where you seethe about people liking things too much on the site. But this is not redit. What they like doesn't matter here. You can in fact go back to there to tell them what you don't like about their hero worship.
If you hate someone or something because (insert group of people I hate) likes them then you're just a contrarian moron.
>complaining about reddit doesn't work
>I'll yell tranny instead
That's actually a good idea.
I honestly couldn't give a fuck about randoms' opinions on video games. I liked Witcher 2 and I loved Witcher 3. I'm going to buy this game based on that, same reason why I bought Civ 6, same reason I bought Sekiro. I don't care about bs politics either way, just make good games.
the swear beeps?
>>witcher 3 is more buggy than bethesda games
>>no one liked witcher 3 except a small number of redditors
>>Having sunlight isn't cyberpunk
>>they took away the sun in a new trailer because they're backpeddling after the outcry (that no one outside of Yea Forums heard)
>>the box art is bad so I'm not buying it but was totally intending before this point in time.
you make those up, no one is unironically this retarded
>_ more buggy than bethesda games
This absence of IQ should be lethal
yeah, get the time stamps for them and you get a code
Yea Forums missed on it because they are too busy agreeing with transexuals about cyberpunk bad john wick bad sun bad
I didn't make those up. Those all happened on this board. The one about backtracking was from a thread yesteday so I doubt many saw it. The complaints about the box art filled this board yesterday with people saying they were dropping the game over the bland design. They got BTFO because nobodies and attention whores on twitter complained about the guy on the front, and that triggered Yea Forums's desire to be contrarian and stick it to the SJWs they think are taking over the world.
There was worse stuff about Witcher, but its been some time.
But there's no way you missed all the rage about the sun.
it meant the beeps in the video?
i never would've figured that out
seething NPCs
I don't really care for AAA movieshit games, fuck off.
>t. Call of Duty Assassins Creed fags
You are literally cancer. Drink arsenide.
>getting mad that boring white men including keanu are in the game
>using a keanu gif
This dude is unironically the most seething one in the thread lmao. Literally who gives a shit what people think about your tastes? You apparently do.
this is literally copypasta you dumbasses
>Dota Auto Chess
The only two games they have made in many years because Auto Chess it just a "bro can you gime your homework?" like every other game they have made: Counter Strike, Team Fortress, Day of Defeat, Dota.
All their games were mods made by someone else and they just bought it
>Popular opinion is always wrong, without exception, because the vast majority of "people" are mindless fucking animals.
the media really ran it through the ringer, thankfully there's still all the old print material to keep the genre pure
i guess in the punk genre you either die soon enough to be the movement or live long enough to be a commoditization aesthetic
The strangest thing about people who post the NPC meme is that they only ever seem to have a few dialogue options when you question them on anything.
>no gameplay until gamescom
fuck this shit already
the precise reason nobody's talking about CP77 is that there's nothing to talk about
Keanu memes will die in a week and the people will forget all about it again
mostly people don't talk about the game because of the small and obsessive group of people who hate CDPR more than anyone likes them, spam threads about their games being bad constantly, and spam any threads discussing the games.
if that flaming faggot is actually in tokyo i'm surprised he hasn't been deported. they are not kind to trans people
i don't mean Yea Forums but in general
but yeah it's amazing that four years after TW3 they still persist
ploughin threads were the comfiest Yea Forums has ever been and i'll never forgive for fucking them up
The average chapofag/communist redditor.