Stupid video game physics

>riding a train in a videogame
>land in the same place

did any game get this right? the only one i can think of is the original half life in which you land like 10ft backwards of where you were standing originally, pretty satisfying to see the devs had a grasp of physics while modern devs get it wrong every time

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>inb4 500 replies

i can't tell if this is bait or genuine stupidity

what you describe is NOT how it works IRL.

i know this is a troll but you still made me reply so 2/10 for effort

oh god this thread is going to explode

you should go TRAIN at a gym


I only noticed today that the train in Half-Life doesn't have any windows.

>i can't tell if this is bait or genuine stupidity
OP is bait, if you want genuine stupidity look in a mirror.

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>Air Resistance is not an outside force
GJ retard

I know right. I hate stupid shit like that by fucking retard devs. I really hate it in shooters when they give the sniper bullets travel time. I know it's to make the gun more balanced but it's so fucking dumb and unrealistic.

But it's correct, because you are maintaining the momentum from the train moving under you. It's why you are able to jump off a moving skateboard and land back on it. Mario 64 gets this wrong on the flying carpet level, since Mario does not inherit the carpet's movement when he jumps, so you have to adjust in midair or get a running start.

But I'm a vampire.

Replying so I can get put in the Screenshot

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if you want to jump on a skateboard and still land on it, while rolling, you must jump FORWARDS slightly. otherwise you'll just end up on the ground where the board used to be

Ignoring OP being a silly but

>Mario 64 gets this wrong on the flying carpet level, since Mario does not inherit the carpet's movement when he jumps, so you have to adjust in midair or get a running start.
Now that you mention it user it's interesting how often games with some sort of "you are on a moving platform and need to jump" mechanic get this wrong too. Even if they get it right elsewhere. Wonder if that's because it's hard to make the physics work, or if it's exposing some of the hacks a lot of games use behind the scenes to make everything run at an acceptable speed.

Maybe in many cases it's justified by air resistance though. If you are riding standing up in the back of your pickup truck along the highway doing 40 or 50 and you jump you'll find you get slowed down (and thus move back along the truck bed) pretty quick actually. On a flying carpet or another exposed setting in an atmosphere it'd be similar, though not when protected.

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>1/100 drop rate
>kill same enemy 100 times
>don't get the item

Why isn't there a single game that follows real math principles?

this can be proved simply: stand on the roof of a car. have your friend accelerate until you are moving maybe 80mph. Now tell me, are you gonna feel confident enough to jump STRAIGHT UP, as high as you can? didn't think so

like newton said; apples falls DOWN, not FORWARDS idiot
if you drop an apple on a moving train, it's gonna land straight under the point where you dropped it every single time

That's a fucking lie. If I was a vampire I wouldn't waste my time on Yea Forums, I would find a cute girl, turn into mist and get inside her through her asshole.


jump on a train irl you'll go backwards you fucking retard

You can’t have truly random numbers on a computer

This, the second you jump you immediately lose momentum, the train does not. So the laws of physics states that you would end up in a different spot to where you originally jumped. Brainlets will like to pretend that's not the case though.

t. American who has never rode a train before

only when it's accelerating
when it's at a steady speed, you will land on the same place as you jump from

dude you are the fucking retard here
the energy of the train transfers into you. so your gonna keep going forward even if you are in the air. same reason you wont get thrown into the back of the airplane if you jump while its flying

>A Baiter baiting a baiter

How’s your summer vacation going so far ?

only if you are on top of the train not inside

idiot just last year i was on a bullet train in japan, some kid jumped up in his seat and he got splatted against the wall and died because the train caught up with him, they say EXPLICITLY not to jump in japan fucking idiot

>So the laws of physics states that you would end up in a different spot to where you originally jumped.

But you do end up in a different spot with respect to the ground.

never change, Yea Forums

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that's a 1/100 chance each time you kill it


the roof of planes are so low because you will hit your head of the sealing, delibirately engineered so that people will not try to jump
have you ever jumped on a plane?

thats only if the train is airtight and the train company pumps still air into the cabins. if the windows are open, or they pump in moving air then you will fly backwards

>get is set on a moving planet
>you don't even feel like it moves
Physics really could use some work down here

when did he jump? when the train was accelerating? or when it was running on a steady fuckoad m/s?

Good thread

i did when i was 7. landed on the same spot.

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Wait a minute, YOU were in the train when some kid got splattered?

>this cringy weeb actually traveled to Japan

Have sex

trains don't actually move, they move the world under them. that's why so many earthquakes happen

most airlines pump still air into the cabin, otherwise kids would be injured every single day from being thrown backwards at 700km/hr when attempting to jump

The Earth is moving around the sun at around 108,000 km/h or 70,000 mph. How come you don't get sent to outer space for jumping, bruh?

Because I'm fat, fuck you

they accerlate really quick on the magrails like 0-120/s in 2 seconds so maybe that's why

A train isn't the earth

yeah it was horrible i was picking chunks out of my sushi afterwards srsly nasty

fuck off idiot at least i have money to travel

how did you arrive at the point of being so starved of attention that you pretend to not understand basic physics just so people will acknowledge you?

This is some incredible bait

>you'll get Y result if you do X
>>i did X and did not get Y result
>t-that's because of Z a-and
is this what they call back-pedaling?
if they accelerate fast then the acceleration time is short and most of the trip is in steady pace
and physics tell me a steady pace would land the kid right where he jumped from


>standing stationary
>jump on train
>magically out of nowhere travel through the air at a speed equivalent to that of the train even though you were standing still

yeah ummm physics doesn't work like that

Earth's escape velocity is only 25,000 mph, your 70,000 mph is more than enough to get off.

The gravity moves with the train, idiot.

did you know that bio means water? that's why bioshock takes places under water, it's pretty smart

>sitting in moving car
>throw ball up
>ball lands back in my hand instead of flying into the rear window
Holy shit, how did that happen?

mods are sleeping or shitposting

someone please derail this garbage thread with a roll chart or something,

>Earth is spinning at 1040/mph
>jump in the air
>land 1,500 feet away
>jump in-game
>land in same spot
Is there any game that gets this right?

>money to travel
>chooses Japan

Cringe. Have sex, and not with the escorts in Tokyo

I wish people who misunderstood how physics works would have how they think it works actually apply to them.

Please do a 360 and walk away

The true bait was the posts we made along the way

You're always near the poles so the rotational effects are minimal

>replying seriously to "still air"
Please jump on a moving train

i go on holiday at least 8 times a year to all over the world, botswana, brazil, ireland, czech republic, laos and crete this year alone stupid poorfag, just happened to go to japan last year

I live near the fucking equator dipshit.

you live in the ocean? wooow

just did, and the windows were open
FYI, Moscow metro trains are one of the fastest accelerating metro trains in the world
and guess what
i still landed on the spot i jumped from
didn't even hold on to anything

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t. obsessed cuck who has never actually met anyone American

meant to reply to

At least, that's what you think happened. Please inhale a tank of still air

>you think
but i have witnesses and proofs

t. seething american who can't accept his country is shit

You can't actually jump in a train because the amplified gravity will hold you down

Yea Forums is actually this stupid
the average iq of this board can't be higher than 90

>What is air resistance

Being inside a train with no air resistance, your body will continue to move at the same velocity/momentum until something forces it to stop.

I know it's a bait thread, but goddamn

Responding to obvious bait just makes you seem like you have something to prove user

Everybody go home

Responding to obvious bait just makes you seem like you have something to prove user

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Just jumped, can confirm that I did not fall off the Earth. Must have been all that still air around me. Tried it a few more times just to make sure as well, so I'm pretty sure of this guys

RIP in piece

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Based. Retards BTFO

oh yeah if only they'd thought of that. would have made the game better.

yeah..pretty sure that's not how it works..i mean i'm no scientist..but..yeah..

>literal nowhere
>shitty government and people and some god awful statue
>generic and boring
>went for trannies and femboys
>resort island

>just happened to go to japan

Sure, that's what they all say.

t. is traveling a personality trait?

yeah how come if you jump on a plane you don't go flying back into the back of the plane?

Technically ALL air surrounding earth is still, and only counts are "moving" when you yourself are moving. So since you are moving at, for example, 100mph, pumping STILL AIR(aka air from the outside w/ no wind) into the cabin will make you fly backwards at 100mph. So you need to pump air that is going in the opposite direction at the same speed. It's why you can jump in airplanes for example, they take the air moving at x-mph and run it through a type of machine that reverses it using the energy is already has, then pump it into the cabin. result is that the air INSIDE the cabin counts as still. If the air existed outside the cabin it would actually be moving backwards at the same speed that the plane is moving forwards.

cause they pump in air that is the inverse of the air speed outside the plane. otherwise people would be killed every flight by flying objects throughout the plane

real life
>standing on planet earth
>land in the same place despite the fact that it's rotating at ~1600 km/hr

??? i don't think that's how it works ....

i thought this was a hl bashing thread for a moment. its actually worse.

that's because you're not actually jumping, you're pushing the planet away

>Be on shinkansen
>Instantly turn into purée, splattered onto the wall
Nips sure have it rough.

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No matter how many time you repeat it, the term 'still air' is still incredibly dumb. Like at least use the word 'relative' somewhere

This thread is the clearest example that Yea Forums is full of retards pretending they know what they're talking about.

read the fucking law of gravity retard

mario 64

