FF7 remake is soulle-

FF7 remake is soulle-

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How many hours till squares presentation

From now, in 7 hours

>materia in the buster blade
That's how you know this shit has soul.

this scene better be seemless and not already part of a cutscene

Tifas tits are the symbolic SOUL of the game. If they're missing, there's no SOUL.

>game adapts iconic shot
I'll be impressed if they do the whole game like this.

I wonder how will they handle the trans scene, the tifa slap fight, when cloud falls to the lifestream and when sephiroth removes jenova.

It actually looks so fucking good

Souless as fuck. They dont even respect the colors. Cloud's suit is purple and his hair is blonde/orange not platinum blonde


>Souless as fuck. They dont even respect the colors. Cloud's suit is purple and his hair is blonde/orange not platinum blonde
And Cid's hair is both blonde and grey at the same time! ...somehow.

I made a thread on this. I wouldn’t say it’s soulless, but it has an inferior soul to the original

Well, so far every single frame and scene from the trailers has been 1:1 from the original, so yeah they probably are doing that.

Nostalgiafags are insufferable retards. The remake CLEARLY looks infinitely better.

I wonder why do people keep on making these unfinished sentences' threads when anons can just finish said sentences and make OP mad. Are Yea Forumstards autistic?

This is bait, right? The new trailer literally had a scene that didn't exist in the original wholesale.

What scene are you implying was so?

If you haven't seen the trailer uploaded last night, Aeris/th and Cloud are assaulted by some sort of spooky black ghost (could be a radical redesign of the other Sephiroth clones you meet in Nibel) in what seems to be right after they meet initially. Unless if those are the new Turk designs.

Yes, that's not new. That scene was depicting how enemies appear, like how in the original you just walk around and suddenly enemies come out of nowhere.

retardera and plebbit trying to fit in,
they cant come up with anything original so they just parrot everything to make themselves look cool

>that's not new
even if you want to say they're supposed to be just random encounters, Cloud and Aeris are not accosted by random encounters at that point in the game. The first time they meet, everyone is running away from the reactor explosion and then he runs off and is attacked by Shinra Soldiers before he jumps onto the train. The second time they meet is in the Church where the Turks accost you and you throw barrels at them.


-ss, just like the original.

Amyone doing no encounters low level run? Well you can encounter enemies to steal items or learn new abilities.

Souless Final Fantasy 15 looking combat

Today's trailer better deliver, Tifa or not.

Looking at the two latest trailers, it's becoming really boring to see variations of the major scenes from the first bombing mission over and over.
Even if they want to stick to Midgar stuff, there's lots of other key scenes they could show.

>Second bombing mission/face off with President
>Getting discovered in train/Jumping off
>Anything from Wall Market
>Attack of Sector 7 / Aeristh getting captured in helicopter
>Anything in Shinra Tower
>Motorbike escape run

If the new trailer is once again 90% first bombing mission there's something really wrong with this project.

What would you like to see in today's trailer that would make it worth it ?

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You are very, very retarded.


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I'm holding off concern until after the Square Enid E3 conference. So far they've pretty much copied the same way KH3 started releasing it's trailers and news. So it wouldn't surprise me if they're just copying the same marketing strategy they used for that.

"It looks good so that means it has soul!" -Final Fantasy fans since the PS1 days. It's going to still just be walking down linear areas to the next cutscene. Even if those cutscenes look amazing, there isn't much interaction or 'soul' to the game.

Yeah personally im tired of the same combat mechanicd and Just bomb mission
I want to see magic, haunted house, tifa, shinra building and im happy

So it's going to be a faithful remake then.

Just like the original then

FF7 has a lot of shit tucked away you can miss completely.

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t. never actually played the game
after getting the tiny bronco the world is open and you're not even being told what to do

If the original FF7 had any bit of soul I'm sure it was completely by accident. Shit looks like a tech demo compared to FF8.

Wrong. I am right and you are very, very mentally retarded and should not post anymore.
You are attacked by weird monsters after meeting Aerith and as you go through the junkyard.

Yet you dont have much to do other than wutai, thats it
The game opens in the 3rd disk

>never actually played the game
As yes, the eternal defense for Final Fantasy VII.

>after getting the tiny bronco the world is open and you're not even being told what to do
All the FF games before that are the same. But while you have the illusion of freedom, you really are just wandering around until you trigger the next cutscene or event. With most of the other areas either being barren or a fence/NPC blocking you from going there until the story allows you to.

Freedom in FF games is pretty much an illusion. This is why they gradually became more linear and set on paths. Because that's what they always were.

That's not the scene from the trailer though. That's the second time you meet her. Go actually play the game, zoomer.

>mfw boomers make fun of zoomers while getting hype for the same games to come out over and over


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>But while you have the illusion of freedom, you really are just wandering around until you trigger the next cutscene or event
what kind of retarded excuse for autism is that? every game works like that

What the fuck were these dementors?
Are they rewriting the script?

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>implying Final Fantasy VII of all games isn't cross generational

user stop, i just posted that

dude what the fuck

yes but this is before that scene, Cloud literally just met Aeris/th

You meet Aeristh after the first bombing mission while wandering the streets alone cause Barret ordered the group to scatter.

Some dude bumps into her, shes comes up to Cloud and he buys a flower (or not), then they both go their separate ways and Cloud gets ambushed by Shinra soliders, then jumps onto the train.

There's no combat section when meeting Aeristh, you are severely confused and very, very retarded

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>every game works like that
No they don't. As I explained, later FF games removed the wandering around part and just directed you to the next cutscene. Other series like Dragon Quest or Suikoden had reasons to explore freely. The early FF games were just stuck in the middle, trying to look like free roaming games, but not really being free roaming.

Aeris looks so beautiful. It's hilarious to watch the Tifashitters pretend Tifa is important and they are "saving her". It's just because no one cares about her aside from her tits and she is literally irrelevant in the game's story while Aeris is almost more central to the overarching story than Could himself.

Cringe, piss easy movie-game with all attention paid to visuals and nothing else

Normies will love it of course

It's already been remade anyway, just play New Threat + Remako HD

Nice bait. I'm sure someone will fall for it.

can't believe how gorgeous this game is. Best remake of a game I have ever seen. Massive soul

I think you missed the post-Don Corneo sewer part in the previous trailer.

So it seems they altered her face again, probably after the backlash from the JP audience ?

I fully expect most of the characters will look very different by the time this game actually releases.

Fun part is Tifa hasn't even been revealed yet you already know what we're going to see is not going to be her final design based on what Aeristh is currently going through

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Please have good gameplay.

No more Hold O shit that plagued XV

don't fucking summon him, asshole

No that shot is prerendered visual works CGI and would have been completed months ago

>trying to find FF7's original reveal trailer
>can't find it

No I didn't.
But I meant actual stuff from the Don Corneo part, not a small glimpse at a fight that happens after it.
So, actually seeing Corneo talking with the other characters, kind of like we got with Heiddeger.

Seeing Aps sure confirms the game goes beyond the Corneo episode, but we still haven't seen anything FROM it.

You never have to hold anything in XV and in fact you will die by doing that, and you always could hold to win in FF7

Attached: 1555748728756.webm (640x360, 2.29M)

It's not bait, it's the truth. You dumb Tifashitters aren't even real fans because you think Tifa is relevant when she never was. That's why they aren't showing her, in your delusional brains you've convinced yourself it's because they are "saving her" as if SE give a fuck about her as much as you do.

I never could digest those lego graphics of the OG FFVII

you retarded bro?

I already acknowledged your bait. Sit down.

>Only one instead of two.

That's how you know it doesn't.

That looks pre-rendered. She's still perfect, who cares?

It's a legitimate concern I have about the remake.

That's the result when you get a remake actually made by the original devs. Pure soul.

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>E3 2015

I want to compare the original FF7's trailers with the new one's to see if the subject matter differs

It's not bait, stay mad and seething because your ugly fuck waifu gets no love from SE and never has and never will. All the new trailers and leaked art heavily features Aeris because she is the actual heroine and popular character. That's why Japan threw a fit over her design, because they care so much. SE doesn't give a fuck about shitty Tifacucks in the West when Aeris was always their heroine.

That's wrong too. You can get pretty much anywhere the moment you get the submarine (aside from Midgar slums, since IIRC the key can't be unearthed until Disc 3 but I might rememer that wrong), but aside from something Cid's last weapon and/or limit (don't remember which) and seeing Aerith's ghost once there is not much of value there anyway.

Is that bridget Jones

no it isn't, you're in cahoots with XV-kun

I know you "meet" Aerith before that once but this is not that scene, she won't even talk to you in the first encounter in the original. This is obviously not that scene, but from later when you fall through the roof and meet her again. It would make zero sense to have a combat sequence with her in the first encounter when you aren't even introduced to her yet.

I want the first part to get at least up to Junon.

No, looks the exact same as in the previous trailer.

FF7 didn't have a "reveal" trailer, almost no games had those
Bullshit, she does talk to you the first time you meet her, you complete moron

>Palmer is stronger than Rufus.

What if they keep Tifa's OG outfit but add something gimmicky to it, like the sunglasses for Barret

That way they both catter to the OG fans and still alter her design to appease those who are offended by it showing too much skin

I could totally see them pull something like that.

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> Wants to have a shit ton of materia at the beginning of the game

They're going to give her the hat.

The only time she had a flower basket was in the very first encounter.

Your move

You keep insinuating I'm a Tifa fan. I don't care about any of the girls. Aeris has only one role in the plot. Tifa is a foil for Cloud. And Yuffie is a running gag. None of the girls are developed well. Just like across the whole FF series. Few women ever get good development in the FF series.


>Bullshit, she does talk to you the first time you meet her, you complete moron
No not really. She talks but like one sentence. Not the same as "talking with you", after that one sentence if you try talking to her again you are unable to.
This is CLEARLY not from that, but from later.

>SE is making its glorious comeback
It only took them a decade of shitting out turds.

The hat would serve no purpose at all, and would strip the flashback outfit of its uniqueness

It is clearly the first encounter because that's the only time you're actually in upper Midgar, aside from raiding Shinra HQ.

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It's a new scene. The dementors or whatever are definitely not random encounters because they're also hanging out with Sephiroth.

probably not since he is not bringing up FFXV or insulting Kingdom Hearts despite no one bringing it up

Neither would the sunglasses.

The Enix side never stopped making good games. It was just the Square side. And mostly just Final Fantasy. There's a reason people are saying Dragon Quest XI is what they've wanted Final Fantasy to be for the last decade.

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In the scene from the Remake she's giving a flower to Cloud, and the only time she does that is when they first meet

I don't even know what you're getting at when everything points to it being their first encounter with stuff added.

You crap theory about it introducing fight transitions is stupid cause at this point you'd have gone through fight sequences numerous times already

Only conclusion is you're some kind of troll, or very retarded. Probably a bit of both, but a waste of time for sure.

I just wanna know if the game will have proper launchers and options to throw the enemy back on the floor if it's going the Action RPG route
Or if this inkling feeling inside of me where the footage looks eerily similar to Dirge of Cerberus will turn out true

rent free

FF7 was revealed by a television commercial in Japan.

Ultra cute, I wanna marry her

Let's wait and see how the game actually is when it's released before we speak of SE making any sort of come back.

Because at this point it's no surprise they can craft pretty graphics. It's been the case for a while now, the issue is literally everything else, from story telling to gameplay design, they've shown countless times they can't be trusted in these areas

XV-kun isn't a real person. It's a style of shitposting.

you can insult kh without someone else having to bring it up

That little something gave me hope.

I'm fine.

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Good point but wouldn't the hat feel even more out of place though ? If you take the overall design of her outfit in consideration

This. When's the last time we actually had a genuine original thread OP and not the same tired old copypaste bullshit like

>thing is not thi-
>will you buy their game?
>why arent you playing their game
>what went wrong

Yea Forums is fucking lost.

>Let's wait and see how the game actually is when it's released before we speak of SE making any sort of come back.
Pfft, HAHAHA! The Final Fantasy fanbase is all about getting their hopes up over trailers and hype. Then raging when the final product doesn't live up to the ridiculous hype they created in their heads. If you take away the pre launch hype, Final Fantasy as a series would die.

Yes instead I want to spam O, so much deeper!



Love the original, but the Remake has more soul

Reminder that the combat will be shit and brain dead like KH3, press x all day and when you see your health bar in danger throw a potion, and also press triangle for awesome.

The hat was already sort of out of place to begin with. Honestly, I don't think she's going to get it but if they do revamp her design the hat or AC's design seems like the likely outcome.

When was the last time that the original Tifa design was actually used in something? WoFF had the hat, G-bike had just a gray tanktop...

Found the retards

Clearly aerith is hungry for the d, what a slut

>Drop in / drop out cooperative play
>You're able jump in and assist another player during their playthrough and assume control of any character they aren't playing as
>Up to 3 players

Would it be fun ?

They can change that, it's a minor detail lol...
That doesn't even make any sense you idiot faggot, that guy is AGAINST the remake. I am pointing out that the remake seems fucking great so far.

They're employing clickbait tactics
Like it or not they do this a thousand times a day. They know what works now and they run Yea Forums culture.

>when you see your health bar in danger throw a potion
That awkward moment when (you) brainlet realize that the battle system is actually ATB (with a new action minigame attached to it) and that using a potion costs an ATB bar.

Attached: ATB.jpg (800x459, 152K)

Nah, fuck that. If we do get multiplayer let it be the minigames.

Wish it was as colorful as the left

They're not showing any of that stuff because literally all that's done so far is the first bombing mission.

it's better than Holding O and throwing a potion when you get to 0 HP.

The only FF7R multiplayer I would accept is Mutliplayer Chocobo Racing

I just want to play as barret and vincent, fucking love guns in FF

It's a plot heavy game, so I'm sure it's the best for co-op, one of your friends would get impatient and that would ruin your immersion.

There's still hope she might be close to picture related with a higher poly count.

If would consider ourselves very lucky if that were to happen, though.

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Do we know this for a fact or is it just speculation?

>no barrier meter
Press F for Big Guard.


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This remake is gonna leave a bad taste in many fans mouths when released.
lets see how they fuck this up for everyone.............

possible ways.

moved to PS5
new characters
moogle with big heads and talk
cheesy quibs
the story is changed
old side characters deleted
it's rushed
12 hours or less to finish the main story
new music that just doesn't fit
update after update with DLC for gold saucer
Only Characters part of the current story can be picked for your party
linear gameplay A to B with little exploration
feels nothing like the 1997 game and being a remake was a lie
mini games are not included without paying $20 per game
DLC for Vincent

>I'm sure it's not the best for co-op


having a visible gauge all the time is pointless, it'll be a little icon that appears like any other modern RPG

God ff15 was so shit...

Anyone else feel that this whole project is riding on Tifa?

>development hell
>ps4 exclusive
>jp freaked over aerith

Attached: ywn.gif (500x400, 3.09M)

What about co-op with a friend playing it for the first time too ?

I'd sure rather have that over whatever the MP for XV was, if they're going to have any sort of MP component.

These have a much bigger array of shit on display, wow.

Found the NPC

That gif is fucking disgusting

This is the lowest iq post Ive seen in a while

It’s because they’re npc’s. You can tell because they’re just regurgitating phrases that have been posted a million times. OP probably can only respond in memes.

>development hell

Can we stop saying that because this game had the smoothest development period ever since FFX, it was never in development hell it was just announced too early and even nomura didnt know he was the director

No, it's riding on having good or bad gameplay because once Tifa is revealed, gameplay is what you'll actually spend most of your time doing.

Unless it goes the Persona 5 route or MGS4 tier cutscenes heavy.

Autism. Simply Autism.

This game is looking so fucking good. I remember having to fill in the blanks and imagine on my own how the characters were feeling and how the game world would look to them if it was real and not just low-res video game shit.

I just wish it could all be in one game released at the same time, but I guess that's practically impossible if you're making a game with today's graphics.

>DLC for Vincent
why Vincent and not Yuffie? Yuffie had an actual side mission that effected events in the game, Vincent was just a puzzle.

>even nomura didnt know he was the director
if this is true it's hilarious

This is the second lowest

>cross-dressing = trans
Hello low-IQ drumpflet.

Starting from scratch after the studio you handed development to fucked up is considered development hell, you know.

If the CC2 thing had not happened the game would probably be out by now

What is this about Japan and Aerith?


I honestly think she's too thin here


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>but I guess that's practically impossible if you're making a game with today's graphics.
it's not impossible. Don't fall for Squenix's bullshit

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Ahaha I wasn't expecting this to be the first post haha! cx

They had CC2 working on it because all their other teams were working on other games. Once Nomura finished KH3, he took over FFVII:R. So no, it wouldn't be out by now. It would have been stalled until Nomura and his team took over either way.

based amerifat ignoring her PS1 models

>JP audience doesn't like her face in the Remake


>Starting from scratch
The NPC is still parroting this after multiple trailers debunked it, yikes

Actually I got that from some youtuber. Now that I think about it I have no idea how possible it is.

I know, but even with graphics I've had gripes with the art direction in the past. Actually my biggest concern is the music, I'm interested in knowing how they'll handle it since haven't liked pretty much any of the remaster soundtracks.

where is this from?

Remake is still an out of character subtitle for Square. I was expecting a name like The Rebuild of Final Fantasy VII or Final Fantasy VII: The Zodiac Age

Aerith wasn't anime enough for the nips

i think between the recent history of phone games where .pngs are everything and mmos are about bikini armor and grinding I can safely disagree with you

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look at these shoulders

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Don't you only start with a bolt materia?

tHeY rEbUiLt ThE gAmE fRoM sCrAtCh GuYs

>DLC for gold saucer

Yeah this is guaranteed

They are going to add classic ps1 skins just like REmake 2 arent they

>it's better than Holding O and throwing a potion when you get to 0 HP.
This 100% describes FF7.

alright but look at the fighting models and the fmv sequences, not to mention the official art. She's a stick.

Attached: TifaNew.jpg (1023x639, 64K)

Yeah I agree.
The boobs have a good size but she has no hips at all and her upper body seems way too wide as a result

I hope the Remake gives her decent hips regardless of boob size

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I hope they make Tifa into a dainty stick figure with big boobs just to piss off fatfags

The acting, the animations, everything looks absolutly perfect for my surprise and dont give me cringe at all like ff15 which was okay but a bit dissapointed

>ff7's gameplay even using regular attacks
FF7 is all about finding the most broken enemy skills and materia you can and abusing the shit out of it

>This 100% describes FF7.

except you can't use a potion on yourself when you get to 0 HP in FF7.


even here her head is bigger, making her look sturdier

dishonest webm, congratulations on making everyone dumber for having watched it

>webm of midway through a fight where the options are purposefully limited

>Do we know this for a fact or is it just speculation?
It's just logic:
>Blue Bars are literally called ATB, which refers to the battle system of the original FFVII, i.e. "Active Time Battle"
>Same bars are shown next to the command menue, meaning that they are related
>We haven't seen the command menue yet aside from the special shortcut menue
>Braver no longer seems to be a limit, but seems to be instead an "ATB-bar-costing" action (since 1 ATB bar was missing in the previous trailer)
>Cross-Slash is still a limit and costs a full limit bar (since the limit bar was empty in the previous trailer) but appearently not an ATB bar, which sort of reflects the ATB bar filling up almost instantly after the Limit bar getting full in the original game
>Normal "free" attacks make far, far less damage than either the ATB Braver attack or the Limit Cross-Slash did.
>We haven't seen any items, magic or limits actually being selected yet, as if SE wants to make a great surprise
From what I can see is this is ATB, but the "normal physical attack" and stuff like "defend" and "position" were detached from that and became a free action in a sort of minigame fashion. But any other actions like magic, items, summons and commands will still be under the ATB system. That means you can only spam weak regular attacks to supplement the "actions that actually matter", which are the ATB actions and the limits. You also can't spam items thanks to that, and item spamming was appearently a huge problem for FFXV from what I heard (I didn't play that myself).

Yes you can, if Cloud hits 0 HP then you can tell Barret or Tifa to revive Cloud, FF7 is omniscient view and not a single POV at a time.
XV is a single pov at a time which is why you can use items on yourself just like in Sekiro or other Action RPGS.

Is he in?

Attached: genesis.png (590x657, 236K)

Nothing is dishonest about it.

Are you really implying that development a modern AAA game today isn't more costly than a PS1 game in the 90's?
The cutscenes were far simpler to make, they could just slap some pre-rendered backgrounds for the scenery, the 3D models were more blocky. Retro games are more about lenght, modern games are more about being shorter and tighter, when you try to remake a RPG with a retro philosophy like that with AAA standards, or you make changes to fit everything (which would piss off fans) or you make a product that would need to far surpass the 60 dollar tag to even make a profit.

You can hold through every fight in FF7

You're supposed to take magic Materia off of Cloud so it doesn't nerf his HP and attack.

show me a webm where every character in the party (appropriately leveled, mind you) beats Carry Armor by just using physical attacks.

Kindly cease this behaviour.

i hope not please god, and nothing from ac bc dc or cc at all

>12 hours or less to finish the main story
Speed run 5 hours max

nice they even made the random scribble on the side of the building look the same

Show me you beating Omega in XV by holding nothing but O, let alone any boss.


tifa when

Of course not, they dont want to get into future copyright drama in the future

And ice

oh god fucking damn it kill yourself already you plague

could be kino

>using a potion that heals you a bunch and can be spammed constantly on yourself when you die is the same as having an ally use one of their turns to use a revive item or spell that leaves you weakened, then needing to use the other ally's turn to heal you

You're an idiot.

From heaven, shes an angel

If Cloud gets to 0 HP he can't use an item on himself and requies someone else to use a Phoenix down on him.
Noctis can use basic potions on himself after he gets to 0 HP to get back into the fight.

therefore, FFXV is the most casual FF game. Just how Tabata intended

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If he is, I definitely will never play it.

I hate that Square thinks Tifa can carry an entire presentation and I hate that they're right

Fuck off you obsessed fuck.

Ah right, I had forgotten about that.

FF15 sucked balls
FF7 sucked balls
FF7 remake

Will suck balls

You think they will add camping, crafting and cooking? Every goddamn open world have them

You as an experienced ball sucker should know, huh?

Tbh he isn't wrong if you play the current gen port which also lets you spam limits to win the entire game.

don't forget fishing

ok contrarian

Bolt and Ice. I expect they'll have the materia tutorial earlier in the remake and have you equip Ice yourself.

Maybe you should just suck balls too


what's the point of buying a game with a fucking cliffhanger at $60?


Oh yeah, God Mode or whatever exists. I understand the other two cheats but that one seems excessive.

tifa will be a fridge with boots, no hips inb4

delusional fanboys.

I am personally waiting for a bundle that has all the episodes

>12 hours or less to finish the main story
Are you fucking stupid or something? The rest of your complaints are at least slightly possible to happen, but this one is just so incredibly stupid.
Why would they release it in three episodes if it was a total of 12 hours? Come on now.

bing bing wahoo!

meaning the first episode

>FF7 sucked balls

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Yes it is because you always have avenue of input in FF7 meaning you can always heal or revive or attack or whatever, in XV its action real time so using items only happens if you play like shit which is your fault and so using items because its a singlular pov works on using the character you directly control, you also get items far easier and quicker in FF7 because you get gil every fight, in XV you don't get any gil from fights you only get it by doing sidequests by going out of your way to do those, you don't have enough gil from selling items or drops or from whatever gladio finds to be able to stock up on anything let alone do it consistently the whole game, FF7 is far easier than anything in XV, you're a fucking retard.

>this autistic bullshit again
Oh fuck off KH cocksucking faggot

That isn't the combat at all because you have manual attacks with opener, mid, finisher, counter and aerial attacks, charge attacks, directional inputs, warpstrike, point warps and warp itself, manual weapon switching which each weapon type plays differently, plus character switch which adds even more variety because each member has their own unique combat to them.

Stop fucking posting outdated 2014 interview that was literally debunked a few days after it was posted.

You're such a retarded cunt that gets BTFO on a daily basis and you're a piece of absolute shit.

We don't even know how it's episodic.

Is the original game being released in segments? Is FF7 as a whole simply Episode 1, while a video game adaptation of Advent Children is Episode 2? Crisis Core as Episode Zero, perhaps?

We don't know anything about it.

Added content my man. And HL3 never came out because valve hit the jackpot with steam and learned they'd never have to develop a videogame ever again.


FFXV was basically "Spam items: The game."

>beat episode

>need to wait till 2026 to finish the game

I hate this.

dude just kill yourself already

>That isn't the combat at all because you have manual attacks with opener, mid, finisher, counter and aerial attacks, charge attacks, directional inputs, warpstrike, point warps and warp itself, manual weapon switching which each weapon type plays differently, plus character switch which adds even more variety because each member has their own unique combat to them.
*invalidates your whole list*

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>there are retards here who are going to wait 8 years+ for the full collection because they dont want to pay full price for each

Poorfags, you dont even know you will be alive when the collection is complete

I fucking hate that they're changing how Cloud and Aerith meet. What is this shit about him saving her from monsters/Sephiroth instead of just buying a flower and fucking off?

You're describing all the turn based ATB FFs where you can just spam tents between battles and those tents are cheaper than phoenix downs in XV, your party dies far more frequently in XV too because enemies are more aggressive and objectively more difficult than older FFs

Attached: ff5 hold x to win battles!.webm (780x540, 2.93M)

>FFXV was basically "Spam items: The game."
pretty much.

You CAN do a lot of that shit in FFXV but you are never motivated/challenged to buy any of the advanced combat skills when the AP can go to better things. Like more gear slots or stats.

Agreed, VII was already piss easy and now with it, IX, (and potentially) VIII remasters difficulty scaling is virtually non-existent.

Fuck SE and their casual boner.

trash b8

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user you cannot attack or heal or whatever at any time in FF7. See, FF7 uses the ATB system which means you can only act when it is your turn. To revive and heal a downed party member you must use TWO turns to complete the action, while in XV you can chug potions all day at any time with no consequences. And while yes items are plentiful in 7, they're just as plentiful in XV. I never once ran low on any items, so I was never actually in danger of failing where in FF7 item quantity doesn't mean shit if you can't get your team up and healed before a boss or enemy does a big attack.

You first


Attached: just hold O to win except for when you don't .webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Insider here, the fight will be immediately followed up with Cloud walking away and Aeris looking directly at the camera. She'll go "he reminds me of..." and then she'll finish her sentence and run off.

>Y-You first
amazing retort

kill yourself

Fuck FFXV combat, you want final fantasy in an action RPG style, the original Dissidia and Duodecim was the place to go. It was way more satisfying to play.

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That's FF in a nutshell though. Only XII and XIII (to an extent) were more than mildly intimidating.

Trying to think if any scenes are going to have to be altered if everyone always has their weapons on their models.

I wouldn't mind if they added camping, cooking, and fishing. They camp scenes are some of the few good ideas in XV and I'd love to see some with VII's characters. It's a solid way to get people more attached to Aerith before she's killed off too.

Nope, you only get items by getting gil which is only from sidequests meaning you have to go out of your way to do, you barely have fuckall items from pickups or from what you can buy by selling drops
You're always incentivized to do more things because stronger enemies keep appearing as you progress the game and it makes combat more flexible by unlocking more mechanics, you're only proving how much of a cunt you are by not doing things properly

>Nope, you only get items by getting gil

not even one sentence in and you are already BTFO:
>Gladiolus's skill in Final Fantasy XV is Survival, which has him find items during and upon winning battles; the higher the Survival Skill Level, the better items he can find.

Please be able to save Aerith!!!

i can't lose her again

Oh god don't even remind me with what they did to Dissidia via NT. SE can go to hell for that shit.

Absolute souless. Doesn't even keep the turn based combat like the original.

DLC for everyone

Don't worry, it perfectly captures the soul of the original.

Give up on a mainline FF game ever being turn based ever again user. At this point we just need to hope that the new story shit isn't shit, and that the combat isn't XV-tier garbage.

This game plays like what KH3 should have been.

As long it feels more similar to KH2FM instead of Osaka-tier shit then we're golden.

Yes you can, you always have avenue of input because you have multiple characters to input through because its omniscient view, meanwhile having to use items in XV is proof you suck shit at the game and didnt learn how to play it and also its single pov view like soul games when you're controlling someone which is why you can use items on yourself, just like in sekiro
Turns dont mean anything, its all basic input and there is no cost for doing so, meanwhile using items in xv takes time and will interupt your flow caused by your own shittyness. Its impossible to die in any turn based or ATB FF

Attached: You can hold only O to win amirite.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

FFVII was decent at best. There's plenty of room for improvement, just like every FF game. I'm actually for a remake because the game needs one. But Square doesn't have a good track record when it comes to remakes. Usually they just upgrade the graphics and add in a mini game gimmick, but keep all the gameplay and story flaws from the original intact.

With FFVII changing up the story and gameplay so much, that might be a good sign. But following the last 15 years of horrible FF games, there's no guarantee changes will be good.

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You first

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>turn based combat like the original
Original had an ATB system you fuckin wop.

*looks like what KH3 should have been.

XV plays better than those clunky restrictive floaty pieces of shit

The worst part about it is that if you play NT 1v1 with a friend you can just barely see the old Dissidia visible there. It really could have been just like Duodecim but with better graphics, more characters, more stages, and online play. Instead they went with dumbed-down combat and fucking 3v3 bullshit. Where is the team that made Dissidia and Duodecim, Square? What did you do with them?

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Can someone explain that bit at the end of the trailer where the dark spirits are attacking Cloud and Aeris? I don't recall that being in the original game.

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the problem with all KH games after 2 was that they are so biased in favor of magic that it's not even funny

>This remake is gonna leave a bad taste in many fans mouths when released.
Fans are so obsessive over the original FFVII, they'll hate every single change to dialogue, the fact that the voice actors don't match the ones they had in their head, any changes to cutscenes, the removal of turn based combat, the change to Aeirth and literally any other change. And basically this means they'll complain about the entire game. Since everything is being changed.

But they'll all still buy it and play it. Which is all Square cares about.

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>lets turn a popular JRPG series into an action game lmao
fucking dropped for the same reason Capcom ruined RE2

You do not always have an avenue of input user. You only have input when it is your turn, and reviving and healing costs TWO turns. In FF7 you can revive an ally, have them get killed instantly again before your next turn and there is nothing you can do about it. No such risk exists in XV. How do you not understand such a basic concept?

Are you fucking illiterate? I said you barely get fuck all from pickups which specifically references Gladio also picking shit up

Maybe its time to stop playing video games

XV is the only good FF gameplay.


Looks nothing like KH
It looks like Type0 with a shortcut menu

Well squeenix have experience from kh3 and xv, its logical to think that they are gonna learn from the screwups
IS xv the first xv with active battle?

It's not in the original, but it's a safe bet that it's just an extension of her "hearing the cries of the planet" shit.

Mitsunori Takahashi (KH2 lead battle planner) directed Duodecim and is currently leading the combat for the remake.

SE's ARPG seem to go to complete shit whenever he's absent from projects and it shows.

Does anyone know if Steve Burton and Beau Billingslea have really been recasted yet?

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Reimagination of those hooded sephiroth clones

>It looks like Type0 with a shortcut menu

which sound good, let's just hope it executes well and not end up as another Hold O fest

How does it feel to love eating shit?

Imagine they do a game inception , have a hidden arcade machine inside the FF7 remake with the original game inside, all the content

if you beat the game on the arcade machine you get an ultimate weapon. to use in the remake

Who started this blatant bullshit and why are so many people parroting it?

the hell is this, day of the tentacle?

Wait, the FF7 remake? Does this mean the combat's actually going to be good?

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>FFVII remake surprises everyone by actually having the best combat gameplay of any FF ever, by mixing some action-elements into the original ATB system and therefore getting rid of the shortcomings of the old ATB systems.

Hopefully. I'm holding out for if we a get a demo, if we don't I'll wait until the game is out and see if the gameplay will be something I like.

Cant wait for ff7 comrades myself

Why does it sound so bad to you? All points to that

B team can't design anything worth shit without throwing flashy particles on screen to distract casuals with shit combat. They wanted to bring back DDD's command deck for KH3 before Nomura rejected it, the franchise is completely fucked with them at helm.

You always have avenue of input because ATB bars are always being filled for input of which there is 3 at any given time, it is omniscient view where its player giving item to character

XV is action reap time single character pov per character and so using items is the character using the item on themself just like in any real time action game like souls games, and just like sekiro you can revive yourself too

There is no risk in FF7, in XV characters constantly die which is because you're supposed to increase their skills and techs to make them more self sufficient and you are always at risk of taking damage which is why you have dodges and blocks in real time to prevent that through player skill, items and cures are more spammed in every other FF and also shit like auto raise exists too


fuck that, over 100 hours of game time just for a weapon? no thanks

Call him Red XIII you bitch nigger.

Nanaki is Nanaki, that is his name.

Of course. And Barret will be a teddy wearing a marshmellow. I mean sailor.
just beat it 100% in 70 2 weeks ago, scrubnuts

>They wanted to bring back DDD's command deck for KH3 before Nomura rejected it

good. Command deck is cancer

Kanemori was the person in charge of KH2s system, Takahashi worked under him, Kanemori is the reason why people like KH1 and KH2 gameplay and he was the one deeply involved in XV and its enemies, so was kanbayashi, so were other KH2 battle devs who worked on XV

Dissidia plays like shit

Im used to nanaki desu senpai, sorry
But since im not a native english speaker i call him Either nanaki or Red trece, not Red Thirteen, too long

Nothing points to it. The hooded men are all actual people that many other people interact with throughout the game, so why would they suddenly only be something Aeris can see?

FF7 was a hold O fest

It's not that unlikely if you factor them hanging out with Sephiroth in the preview.

You love eating shit so you already know.

Admit it. Even if VII Remake's combat sucks it'll still sell faster than any of the turn based FF titles out there, even Nier Automatoe doubled P5's numbers despite being even less popular as a franchise.

Why did jp freak out over Aerith?

The spirits appear in sephiroth artwork

There can be maybe two times of clones, the hooded ones Who are still alive and the dead ones Who went to the lifestream but are rejected due to jenova cells

Nomura stated they want to keep the tone similar to the original in early interviews, so even if he doesn't outright dress up as a Shinra grunt, I could see something equally silly like painting him black and taping a tube to his head and pretending he's one a Dark Nation or some shit.

user you dumbass you do not always have an avenue of input, otherwise it wouldn't be turn based. You only have input when it is any of the 3 team members turns, which is not always. I cannot be any more clear than I am already being.

And being able to use items on yourself isn't the problem, it's being able to revive yourself with said items. In Dark Souls you cannot revive yourself and heals are (kind of) limited through the estus flask. You can hold way more healing items in XV, and can revive yourself indefinitely using them. Sekiro's revive is also restricted to one revive per boss phase or a certain amount of enemies killed, and items that augment your revives are very limited.

cloud looks like a jap while all the girls are white chicks

>Kanemori is the reason why people like KH1 and KH2 gameplay and he was the one deeply involved in XV and its enemies, so was kanbayashi, so were other KH2 battle devs who worked on XV

and yet XV plays like total ass due to Tabata wanting to pander to Casuals, see

Nomura you fucking nip you cant screw this up
Ill suck his Dick all Day long if he does a good game

Release date next year? There's no way this is gonna be the full game. Is it even get to the world map?

Kanemori only lead KH1's combat though? KH2's credits show Mitsunori Takahashi as lead battle planner too AFAIK.

I had to use a cheat engine to buff enemies and limit item amounts
It was still boring

you mean the sephiroth clones?

>learn from their screwups

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If it's in two parts I imagine the split will occur after Aeris/th eats it like a punk. Doing Midgar/the rest of the game would be way too skewed to make for only two parts.

wtf she absolutely talks to you there's multiple dialogue options and everything

have to beat FF7, FF8 and FF9 in gold saucer, win free token for snow boarding game

sephiroth can hear the earth just like aeris, they both have ancient blood right?

Yeah. XV-kun is full of shit as usual.

Attached: 1.png (535x394, 204K)

>announced four years ago
>not a full game

>sephiroth can hear the earth just like aeris, they both have ancient blood right?
Sephiroth does not. He has human DNA and Jenova Cells

Why do all remakes do this?

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Someone message square enix and get them to add a card game to it (Triple Triad)

It could be a represenation of Jenova's corruption of the Lifestream or some shit. They said they would take ideas they liked from Compilation shit, and I'm sure there's at least one scene in AC (think it's at Healin Lodge with Rufus) where similar black smokey shit appears before Kadaj shows up.

No, sephiroth is not an ancient
Profesor fast thought jenova, the calamity of the sky, was an ancient, but she wasnt
Sephiroth only has mako and jenova cells

You always have avenue of input you dumb fuck, its omniscient view and so its always an avenue of input there and the ATB is always charging

Single POV view to use items on yourself is a completely different fucking context you dumb cunt

ATB is ACTIVE TIME BATTLE and in FF1 you input in phases not betwee specific characters and enemies, fucking hell you're dumb
In sekiro you can revive yourself and you can infinitely refill pink gauge to get more revives by just using the shrines, you can infinitely revive yourself in FF7

>get final attack materia from gold saycer
>link with life or phoenix from junon
>members automatically revive if ko so they never die

never lose the entire rest of game
just hold O and win FF7

Cant believe SE put straight shota on FF7.

I Just hope that they dont talk about sephiroth so early
I Just want then to fight the spirits, be like "what the fuck were them?" but thats it

Profesor gast*
Damn Phone

Final attack lvl 1 only works once, maximum 5 and takes a lot of ap to level it up
You get final attack on 3rd disk
Stop spreading shit

Nope, XV has the best combat of any SE ARPG and you can literally string between basic attacks to dodge cancels to magic cast faster than you can in KH3

See You were already BTFO you dumb cunt, that outdated debunked article from 2014 doesn't even apply to the actual game let alone the fucking episode duscae demo because they made it manual and more core AFTER that interview you dumb cunt, and Kanemori was stated to be in charge of enemies in the combat in june 2015 almost a year after your outdated interview

Attached: kh3ffxv5.webm (640x720, 2.92M)

>Stop spreading shit

that's what he does. He spreads misinformation to make other games look bad since he can't make XV look good in the eyes of Yea Forums

Sephiroth IS brought up early, you're just not sure who he is. Honestly I think bringing him up as a soldier and then not doing anything with him until Jenova kills the president is the best plan.

Kanemori is planning director on KH2 which is higher ranked than just battle and includes the whole entire battle sysyem and mechanics

>FFVII thread
>FFXV Kun turns it into a FFXV thread
You gotta acknowledge his commitment.

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You cannot infinitely revive yourself in Sekiro in combat, while you sort of can in XV thanks to easily obtained potions. And no matter how many times you try to tell me that you always have an avenue of input in FF7 you're wrong, you do not always have input because it is not always your turn. If it is not your turn and someone dies, they are down until your next turn. If you revive someone the enemy can act between your revive and next heal and there isn't much you can do about it. in FFXV you can ALWAYS use items no matter what, And the strategy you bring up requires knowledge and planning, which is what turn based RPGs are all about while in XV you do not need knowledge or planning to chug potions when you die.



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I want to feel her thighs.

I mean yeah they mention him once or twice but thats it

I acknowledge that he needs to be committed to an asylum.

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>Takeo Kujiraoka directed Dissidia NT
>Yuji Abe was the co-battle planner for FFXIII
What went horribly wrong?

Post more selphie please. I'll discuss anything you want if you can provide me with more selphie images.

I loved Final Fantasy 8!!, there, i said it.
So fuck you

saved, for research purposes


I like it too but I can also acknowledge that it wasn't very good.

How did Cloud know about this in the Kalm backflash if it actually was Zack going to Nibelheim Mansion?

Attached: tumblr_pmkxpfKWad1r3lrygo1_400.jpg (400x316, 38K)

Because theres a mix between zack and Cloud memories
Thats a zack memory

What if it really was a coincidence?

Zack is a chatty person and told him about it during their road trip and Cloud just absorbed it like the sponge he was at the time.

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Shut the fuck up retarded headcanon bullshit cocksucker

I like trains

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... What?

Wrong, kanemori literally is cited as being the guy who did the battles for KH2, he was on Versus too and on XV, all the enemies we see (niff troops, behemoth, iron giant, imps, magitek soldiers, goblins, wyvern, sabertusk, garula, etc) and how the player fights them was by kanemori for XV

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I also like trains, that scene is how I knew Selphie had good taste.

>that lemon fic where Squall chikans her on the train and Zell keeps interrupting
Squall is the best.

Which you can use for the entire rest of the game you dumb cunt

She was sticking her butt out the whole time, the dumb cutie wanted it

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Final fantasy 7 remake canceled for PS4!!

Now for ps5

I can't wait to see some of that crazy shit in the remake.

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cancel your life

Entire rest of the game Its like 20 minutes long
And Its a maximum of 5
And takes a lot of grinding

There are several things that Cloud knows from Zack's perspective that he shouldn't know.
Making stuff up.

the ghost ship is the best

Attached: Ghost_ShipFF7.png (440x511, 82K)

I hope they have lots of good stealables in this like the original. I loved how stealing was actually rewarding.

I like Hellhouse more, but both are good.

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She's trans.

Attached: MFF_Hell_House_FFVII.jpg (250x340, 30K)

For me it's maximum dakka

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>morphing in arpg
oh boy

You can revive yourself, go back to shrine to get pink meter back, then sprint back to whever you were because its quick to get around, you can keep reviving yourself, you have already been proven wrong here and here Avenue of input is always there because ATB is always charging even when 1 character, using one turn to use a potion costs fucking nothing because there is no risk ever imvolved, meanwhile XV is ARPG not a fucking turn based ATB kiddy shit game where you just pick words from a menu, you are actually acting and reacting in real time, if you need items you suck shit at the game, if you stock up then thats because you went out of your way to brute force your way like a weak cunt

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isn't jenova an ancient? i need to play this shit again

looks awful

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>hate Yuffie and Vanille with a passion
>indifferent towards Rikku and Penelo
>somehow I love Selphie
Even I don't get it.

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Optional boss ala kingdom hearts

That's what professor Gast initially thought. Jenova is an alien entity that disguised itself as an ancient.


thanks based lorefag

>what is post game
>what is side content
>what is end game

So,honeybee inn?

>2015 7r had a 5 hit combo
>2019 7r has only a 3 hit combo

That's the only explanation that makes sense. Zack just talking to Cloud about shit that happened and cloud hearing fragments of it and creating false memories.

Thats probably gonna be how haunted house Will look in the remake

PS2 graphics

Shut the fuck up you hypocrite.

>You can revive yourself, go back to shrine to get pink meter back, then sprint back to whever you were because its quick to get around, you can keep reviving yourself,

You fucking retard I said you cannot revive yourself infinitely IN COMBAT, which is objectively correct. You can't exactly flee from bosses so you get your one revive per phase unless you use one of the incredibly limited statues. Mini boss health bars reset when you flee so you can't get your revives back for them either.

>using one turn to use a potion costs fucking nothing because there is no risk ever imvolved

Actually using a potion in combat costs one potion and one turn, and the risk isn't in using the potion it's in reviving an ally. Phoenix downs and the lower tier life spell leave you with very low on health, so to ensure they don't die and waste your resources you need to use TWO turns to fully heal the character back before an enemy can attack inbetween turns. That sure does sound like risk to me, especially if you're playing on active mode where enemies can act while you're menu surfing. And you're STILL wrong about when you have input in FF7. How is it that you can be so wrong about literally everything you said in your post?


A lot of people, including myself, use Tifa as a main because you can make her one the most powerful characters in then game.

You want to get final attack without any of the side content? Oh i want you see trying that
And yes, endgame Its like 20 minutes long

I wonder how the 2x attack and attack all materias will work, assuming they won't just be removed outright.

looks decent to me, but it looks empty. hope the cities are crowded and the areas are big, unlike the psp ff7

X2 maybe does, you know two attacks per one button press

It would have to have new animations, otherwise it'd just be the same as pressing the attack button twice.

Canceled my pre-order

So it's a remake not a remaster. Got it. Then toss this shit out and fucking remaster it. The original game is perfection. Classic. Every bit of it. I said this was going to be trash when they first announced it and I stand by that prophecy to this day. My favorite games were either Squaresoft or Enix back in my childhood, but they can 't make a decent game at all in the last ten years.

>DQXI wasn't good
>Nier Automata wasn't good
>Bravely Default wasn't good
>think FF7 has no flaws at all

You're wrong about FF7 being perfect AND you have shit taste.

Sure but you still made it up.

Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going into work? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to

>FF7 sucked balls
100% False
>FF15 sucked balls
100% Unrelated
>FF7 remake
Will be awesome

i agree, nose looks a bit shorter, good.

>2x/4x cut
1x/3x summoned swords that follow your swings.

Okay, you got me. DQXI was my favorite game last year. Nier is also good. Bravely Default is okay. I guess just Final Fantasy and all it's incarnations have been absolute shit since 9. I can't stand X at all. XV was a bad joke.

Nah you can spam 3 times the button but you wont attack 3 times from what weve seen
Attacks has animation and backswings so... 2x cut maybe improves the animation and backswings so when you press 3 times the attack button and you get 1 attack, you Will get two

They probably just gave barrett ice, that would be better. Him not being able to use materia for the bombing mission was just annoying

Okay, you got me. DQXI was my favorite game last year. Nier is also great. Bravely Default is okay. I guess it's just Final Fantasy and all it's incarnations have been absolute shit since 9. I can't stand X at all. XV was a bad joke. And what happened to Ogre Battle?

I hope Nomura's game succeeds.

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That shit was really stupid even with the original graphics.
If there's a single thing I want them to remove it's precisely that.

Not that barrer had much magic impact anyway

We can only hope that he is, I know that there are many like me who want to see him, sephiroth and angeal fight again

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Ah I see your point, yeah that makes sense.

Its hard to stay on two feet


From what the trailers shows, its kinda obvious that the game will keep going after the original game ending, provably telling a Sephirot return or something.

It's difficult to stand on both feet, isn't it?

This is for PS4? Jesus it looks last gen

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Serious question FFXV-kun:
Why do you STILL insist on shilling this game so hard? What do you hope to accomplish?
If you actually think the game is good and therefore you're doing a good deed by defending it, you're dead wrong.
The problem is not how good or bad the game actually is. The problem is that's a way underwhelming product compared to what has been promised after more than 10 years of wait. Even if it was the best FF ever made, the fact remains that's still heavily incomplete on every level, even those who liked the game agree on that that. It's an universally recognized fact.
By defending it you're just excusing Square Enix's incompetence, lies and greed. You're not doing justice to anyone, on the contrary you're encouraging them to keep releasing even more unfinished and half-assed products.

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Nothing can ever look as ugly as FFVII. I'm old enough to have been in my early teens when this game came out, when everything was magical and I still thought that game looked like ass.

People were drooling over the cinematics but in-game looked like dog shit.

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Even the developers admit it was rushed and flawed.

Attached: whoadude.jpg (650x850, 112K)

for PS1 it was magical then PS2 blew everything out the water, now it looks like crap and even plays worse

>Cloud is a dark smudge
>Shinra logo not as prominent
Ehh, a bit?

fix your brightness/gamma settings

I'm not one to get triggered about "muh boner culture" "why video game girl have clothes?" but I'll be sad if tifa doesn't still dress like a stripper

Combat looked fine but generally the game is ugly as sin yeah. It isn't that big of a problem though unless you're a graphicsfag.

maybe you're a trainsexual

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He's only doing this to prove that Nomura's 'a hack' once and for all. But even then, the question must be asked—why is it that he wants to prove Nomura is a hack once and for all?

They seem to be keeping all the outfits very similar, so I'm not too worried. Plus her outfit being slutty has significance beyond just fan service. Your first impression for most people is she's perhaps a trashy girl from the slums, maybe swears a lot or doesn't have good manners. Then the game flips it on you and she's the innocent childhood friend archetype. That would get cheapened if her outfit is cleaned up.

In case he's reading this:

Attached: 37AE9DD1-1734-48E1-8A42-1FA75608129E.jpg (211x239, 8K)

>for PS1 it was magical
No, it really wasn't. FFVII looked like Duplo characters in a dark, muddy world. They improved things with FFVIII. And before you pull the "wah you just never played it" excuse like every other FFVII fan, both games came out when I was in high school. I played both when they were new and had the same opinion back then.

Games like Suikoden I-II and SotN looked better because they improved upon sprite graphics rather than trying to go for 3D graphics. FFVII should have done the same and waited for the technology to be good enough with FFVIII.

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I do like Trains...

But I think it has to do with green eyes, brown hair and genki girls being my weakness.

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There's a nude variant of that pic, right?

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Lest we forget, the figure that still lies asleep in the Fantasy

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>"wah you just never played it" excuse like every other FFVII fan, both games came out when I was in high school.

Ok grandpa calm down

>Cloud will have his Advent Children "dour jerkass" personality
>Aeris will have her Kingdom Hearts "innocent personified" personality
>Tifa won't call Barret a retard
>Cid won't be abusive to Shera
>Barret won't dress up like a Popeye sailor
>Red XIII won't dress up like a Shinra soldier
>Yuffie won't have unbuttoned short shorts
>More focus on the Turks
>Rufus won't die
>Palmer won't randomly get hit by a truck when you beat him
>Scarlett won't name the world's most powerful weapon the Sister Ray
>Don Corneo won't try to rape a 16 year-old
>Crisis Core people will show up in Cloud's flashbacks
>Hojo won't try to breed Red XIII and Aeris
>Dio won't be a muscular guy in a speedo
>No Barret date, probably no Yuffie date
>No Tifa/Scarlett girly slapfight
>No gay sauna scene
>Fewer wacky enemies
>Increased emphasis on Zack, his parents are no longer missable

Attached: download (1).jpg (820x620, 423K)

It's just different angle, are you retards blind?

Really though, the lighting is going too far. Cloud's outfit and hair have no color. Also they done fucked up by making Cloud as big as the Shinra tower in that shot, as it means the tower no longer towers over him. At postcard size you can't even tell there is a logo on the building, and Cloud becomes indistinguishable from the background elements.

Yuffie's shorts button isn't the button I particularly care about

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Seriously, what would you think will happen if pic related actually gets revealed?
I think he might unironically kill himself

Attached: 1.png (1890x354, 200K)

>no crossdreding
>no slap fight
>no barret date
>no cloud getting dicked
>no dolphin riding

They'll give her spats.

no one cares you're gay

>he doesnt want slap fight in HD
this is the textbook definition of gay

>getting mad about things that aren't even confirmed or deconfirmed

You're a fag

you dont need confirmation when even fucking Yakuza games get naughty shit removed or changed, you know they will sterilize the fuck out of it

Yes, the game is going to have a translation closer to the original Japanese. Instead of the "improved" version you got on PS1. Which was full of wild errors and lazy translation work.

>Somnus starts playing
>"Final Fantasy XV" logo appears on screen
>Somnus ends playing
>logo suddenly shatters!
>it slowly recomposes itself as: "Final Fantasy Versus XIII"
>some seconds of wait in order to let people pull themselves together
>logo suddenly shatters again!
>it slowly recomposes itself as "Final Fantasy XVI"
>live broadcast of FFXV-kun jumping headfirst from the top of the Burj Khalifa
Tomorrow at E3.

Attached: big bang.jpg (960x1280, 452K)

Pre-SE Conference reminder that the Symphony trailer actually showed the blue bars as "ATB".

>no crossdreding
The first thing you said and it's already wrong. This was already confirmed to still be in back when we got the initial reveal.

Ok autismo, enjoy being mad at things that haven't happened yet.

only shitposters won't acknowledge it


I really want them to just have a gameplay showcase where they explain the new combat already. Cinematic trailers are for the birds, I already know what happens in FF7.

I mean in context, a terrorist attack had just happened and the street was cleared.

>he's in

Attached: Genesis Valentine.png (878x692, 585K)

>This is obviously not that scene

Didn't notice the flower on Cloud's chest?

Where's the door that Biggs I think it was, was hacking?

People actually liked the slap fight?

Can't wait (not actual gameplay)

The Midgar Zolam is the true soul litmus. If it doesn't elicit a certain response, the whole project is underwater.

I really can't imagine how half of this is supposed to work. How do you fight a house in real time?

Things outside of Midgar, preferably Junon and/or Costa Del Sol since those are my favorite areas of the game world. If we keep seeing Midgar then we may as well be resigned to episode 1 being Midgar only.

It swings with it's claws and stuff, and you dodge and smack it's head or walls.

Quit slapping me You OlD BITCH

It's still going to be cumbersome to make your way around an entire house like that.

You absolutely fucking can because you can easily stock on items and you can always inpur something because an ATB is always charging, there is no phases in ATB its all ATB which you always have at least one avenue for input at any given time, and shit like auto raises exist making it even more braindead, there is never any risk bevause enenies are not attacking frequently they only attack based on their own hidden ATB which is always slow enough for you to have multiple inputs before a single enemy attacks

There is never any risk in anything in FF7 or ATB, meanwhile in XV even having to use items is because you're always at risk and you played like shit and got wrecked that you even needed to use items, not only that but in ATB or turn based FF you can beat 99% of shit with nothing but basic attack. You are so fucking retarded it hurts.

So you're retarded

Attached: FF1holdXtowin.webm (478x272, 2.66M)

>tfw the Remake has actually MORE soul

Soul Silver?

holy fuck you're shit taste

The original trailer upset me with machinegun fire and Cloud doing a million flips in an early segment that was far more subdued, but the new footage is more on-tone.

OK, go play ffvii for once before talking out of your ass, dumb retard

Are you actually going to refute anything I said point by point or just spout the same incorrect nonsense?

Serious question Nomura sperg why do you keep seething over facts when your lies are exposed and when its obvious yuu never played XV so your desperate attempts to defend KH or shit nomura does just exposes you for being a braindead fanboy that has no fucking clue about how games work. Fuck off with your 10 year meme bullshit, everyone knows the actual XV took only 3 years, everyone knows nomura fucked up for 7 years failing to make versus and thus Tabata came to save it as XV and that it is a reboot with changes, not the same game announced 10 years ago that Nomura failed to make. You're the only one defending Nomura and constantly making excuses for him for his retarded bullshit and constant fuckups, he literally hasn't made a game in 13 years without a co-director who was really the person heading the game, you are so up his fucking ass because you're seething he was kicked off xv and it was made better as a result. You nomura cocksucking fucks that cant deal with versus being a failed concept while XV is the most successful single player FF ever just proves you're only here to shitpost and shill Nomura, you have no fucking leg to stand on.

Fuck off mutateX

See I countered everything you said and proved you wrong, you just are too stupid to deal with that.

Ok autismo, enjoy sperging out on here over a shit game until the end of your time.

Wheres the blue cat enemy? Also rufus doesnt have like 300 HP, SO YOU FUCKING CLEARLY JUDT SHOWED THE LAST PART OF THE BATTLE

You're the one defending kh the epitome of trash and its hack director

the only way 7R could be good is because Hamaguchi is actually directing, nomura is just an ideas guy

just hold O

Just suck a cock, literally exposed

Is this a copypasta? Cause if it isn't, it's sure about to be.

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why i love ff7 now!

What a shitty shop.

>still shirtless
Based as fuck.

fuck off faggot. stop using tiny complaints to ruin everyone elses anticipation for this game.

Bolt Its extremely useful vs guard scorpion

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ice isn't though