This is without a single doubt the worst E3 of all time

This is without a single doubt the worst E3 of all time.

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Only to the newest of newfags

What’s so bad about it? I haven’t really been paying attention. I thought this shit was June 11th-13th

E3 gets worse with age

Only because we're deadweight within the final breaths of current gen. Next E3 will be pure kino when Sony and Microsoft both reveal new consoles

I've been watching E3 streams since gametrailers started hosting them and can't think of a worse one.

Press conferences started Sunday night, pretty sure thats when the showroom floor opens for people to play the games.

With a lot of really fun games right!????


E3 was never good

Is everything promising on the PC gaming show going to be Epic exclusive?

kys shill

Uh yeah?

So what’s the difference between that and the stuff that starts tomorrow thru Thursday?

We've had worse multiple times, MS used to have actually nothing to show off, especially near the beginning of 8th gen.


this, retards say this every E3

Nintendo will save E3 like they always do

kinect era was worse

kinect era was at least cringe this year is just fucking boring

Every new E3 is generally worse than previous desu

Yeah that jpeg of metroid and bayo blew me away last year

You think its E3 but its actually the absolute state of gaming. Google, Apple and Amazon are entering now because the bar has been set so low they believe they can siphon customers away. Worked with Epic so far.

Launch line-up of the previous 2 generations were terrible. There's at least half a year between the console's announcement and release and that's being generous. The most impressive looking games never live up to their hype or get delayed ad nauseum. Next E3 is going to be even worse.

I don't know about all time but it's been pretty boring so far. The only interesting announcements have shown no gameplay.

There is no even dancing and cringe.
And I like dancing and cringe. This E3 is very robotic

showroom opens on tuesday

It's the worst one since the TV TV TV Kinectimals era.

They went backwards. Now we have legitimately boring CG trailers instead of scripted gameplay with the protagonist narrating everything and a surprise monster attacking the screen cut to black stinger.

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Of course, Sony is not there to save it.

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>500 purchase points ($0.99 value!) have been added to your account

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it was when I was a drooling adolescent watching Adam Sessler coverage of it... when it was still open to the public lol

They became self aware

They've been bullied too much thanks to people like us on this board lol

honestly I agree. The amount of CGI trailers is staggering. Hardly any gameplay, and every conference other than Microsoft has just been a DLC / expansion event. Fucking nuts

>There is no even dancing and cringe.
Ubisoft will have enough for everybody.

not gonna lie but nintendo is the only one I am looking forward to but I hope this year is not as bad as last year's if not wrost somehow
but I just know you faggots go full on "NINTENDO WON" with smash dlc just like every year

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Reminder that Microsoft showed more gameplay of Gears POP than any other game.

they fucking better

Was there any GOOD E3 at all? Every year I see everyone saying that is worse than the last year

And no,Nintendo isn't going to save this shit, all the attention is going to the new character in smash and that's all

Also said last year. And the year before that, and wouldn't you know, a year before that. It is almost like you lot are insufferable cunts that will never ever be content despite never contributing anything to anyone ever.

It's just 500 threads of Smash and thirsty betas circlejerking their 3D whore

How bad were the other ones? This PC one is the only one I've actually been able to catch so far.

Nintendo literally can show a jpeg and all the fags are going to say that they won

Remember bayo and Metroid the last year, that's why this doesn't count

I remember the fallout 3 gameplay trailer being really cool and the song too

Sony not being there to waste everyone's time with banjos and weeb flutes and half-hour long transition periods already makes it markedly better than last year's.

Can you give a TL;DR on that gaming show?

Or maybe games and the industry get worse and worse, you dense spastic.

Bethesda was seriously like a D and Microsoft was a B- at best. Probably a C+


Yup, its pretty sad see how low E3 and the vidya industry have fallen, even worse see neo-Yea Forums defending it

Every E3 where they don't announce Republic Commando 2 is gonna be a bad E3

It's still on. Basically just Indies you have never heard of and Bloodlines 2

Bunch of boring looking indie games and epic exclusives so far.


Damn. That's a good game we're never getting.

Wait until you see next year's.

I know we say this every year, but it's true this time. Without Sony it isn't worthwhile.

I don't know what you were expecting. Every year is the worst E3 of all time, it's a race to the bottom.

We have been saying this every fucking year since 2011
And every year newfags come and truely believe this year is somehow worse than the year before

I mean, whether or not this one is going to be the actual worst is up in the air, but E3 has been on a distinct decline between changes to the market and increased development cycles resulting in strictly less games.
We used to make fun of EA for announcing the same franchises every year. This year their sports games didn't even come with the usual big showmanship and their other titles received small DLC packs instead of installments or expansions. Bethesda didn't even have a nothing trailer to tease us with and doubled down on all the complaints about them last year. Sony's been recycling titles for years and now they couldn't even show up. Nintendo's likely going to have nothing to show due to the current development situation. Microsoft is only better nowadays because of how bad they were a few years ago.

It's not like this is all reactionary statements. When you make an individual case by case comparison, most companies are undoubtably presenting less.

last year was ok though.

nothing will ever top this as the shittiest e3 of all time

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I liked SoR4 and...

2012 was a literal fucking void.

This is said every year and it's never true.

Is the pc show some kind of joke? They announce mulitplats and fucking early scam-access games.

Only interesting thing so far is Miyazaki/GRRM project

And Keanu in Cyberpunk. Rest is shit.

We knew the moment Sony pulled out it would be.

It's the same thing every year. You just gotta set realistic expectations for it

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I really only bother with e3 for Treehouse Live. It will probably be watchable.

Miss me yet?

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You're the reason E3 has gone to shit user. Those games might be fucking amazing when they're out but you keep buying into marketing which is why devs stopped showing off gameplay.

Kid, if you think this was bad, you better thank god that you didn't watch around 2008-2012.

Does he think the girl doesn't notice?

Fuck that's sad

I gotta agree that the lack of gameplay is what makes it so uninteresting. You can't get anything out of a CG trailer.

no, I love gameplay. I hate prerendered shit as it masks bad gameplay.

I want DEMOS of ACTUAL GAMEPLAY, not rendered trash.

The PC Gaming show is ALWAYS the worst show at E3, user.

Nice games you have there PC fags. How can you actually defend a platform that has nothing to show for except some card games and artsy shit.

>Wii Music

Microsoft's big reveals were a port of some old MMO and a worthless CG trailer for something which already leaked.
Bethesda's big reveals were 2 worthless CG trailers.

It's the same fucking bullshit every year

Dang, his legs are going to hurt.

>snoy not even present
>completely boring and bland the whole way through, not a single cringe- or praiseworthy moment, highlight of the entire thing was some japanese milf doing an anime pose
this couldn't be worse, there isn't even anything to make fun of or laugh at, it's just fucking boring garbage

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That Polygon video about how make a perfect E3 keynote presentation was nearly spot-on for Microsoft

>caring about yearly circlejerks no matter the industry

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Laughably bad garbage is better than blandness.
Everybody remembers those times, but in a few years nobody will remember anything from E3 2019.

You say this every year.

This is said every year, yet somehow, is always true.

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I don't generally care much about graphics but like, didn't the kickstarter for this do pretty well? You'd think they could afford better.

>Nobody will remember anything from E3 2019.

Everyone's gonna remember "YOU'RE BREATHTAKING!!!"

the last e3 i recall is 2015 i think, and that's just because nintendo muppet thing

>tfw Tak Fujii is dead

Man cancer its truly horrific.

You idiots are missing the point

E3 something weird, funny, good, cringe whatever was bound to happen so it was always at least worth watching

This is just a fucking boring tech conference with CGI trailers

It’s absolutely SOULESS now

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You say this literally each and every year

They'll remember Keanu, but not which year he was there.

And Sony isn't here to save it, baka.

why even fucking bother at that point?
fucking manlets when will they ever learn?

Showrooms open pretty much precisely when the Nintendo Direct ends.

>not a blurry image

just like every e3 then

Sony's won't be interesting until they're humbled again.

>it's a race to the bottom.
A downward spiral. There is probably no bottom. Its just a hole and a chance to see which company can pull how many others down with them. The only way to win must be not to join.

Oh, I didn't know that. I thought the news said that he recovered and was cancer free. RIP in wan mirrion pieces dude.

Just admit you like the Kinect Era and stop embarrassing yourself then

>Sony's last good E3 was 2015
>Every E3 since has been one of the worst
>Sonyfags thinking E3 failed because Sony didn't show up

E3 is for normies and bro gamers.

This honestly. I was waiting for some grade A cringe but as others have said they’re too self aware now . And probably have ptsd from cyber bullies

Skyrim reveal made women go into labor. Too bad it wasn’t all it was hyped to be, even though in retrospect it was still miles better than most AAA games that come out these days.

That deer game looked cute though.

And it's true every single year. They outdo themselves everytime.

he has returned

Nincels are a cult though, they’ll say Nintendo won no matter what, even if Nintendo said they’re killing all their franchises except Mario, Yoshi, and Kirby.

Yeah, it's funny laughing at Sony and their idiotic fanbase

Until the next year's E3

Why do the /toy/ mods hate gummy so much?

Don't worry, it will only keep getting worse each year
We all know it already, let's just embrace it

idk, there shows are always the most entertaining, yeah yeah movie game meme, but their cutscene trailer gameplay hybrids are always entertaining and interesting to watch.

>Cyberpunk 2077 release date announced
>VTMB2 gameplay footage
>Elden Ring announced

All I cared about and I got all three. I'm content.

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That was so bad that it was good, because you can laugh at it. This year is mostly just boring.

Sony may have well have even not been there last year

Thank goodness it won't be the worst for long

>>VTMB2 gameplay footage

they do?

I think it comes with aging. Everything has run out of novelty. It's like hollywood movies where everything is a remake, sequel, or reboot. Or otherwise just too derivative or influenced by something else.

I'm pretty sure he's not dead user. Learn to Google.

E3 has been in a perpetual state of suck for a long time now. We just moved from a casual Ravi Drums TV SPORTS gimmick era to a "CG trailers for cookie-cutter trash" era.

Inside Xbox has more VTMPB2 content after the Ubisoft show. Maybe we'll see actual game play.

Sony kinda fucked us over by not going and setting a bar for microsoft.
No reason for anyone to show anything of substance when theres no competition

No. Games are just straight up worse.

The occasional diamond in the rough makes it through, and I play 16 hours a day no problem. The issue is the other 99% of the time when the games are utter trash.

The issue isn't stuff being derivative, the issue is stuff being "safe".

No incentive to stray from “safe” when cowadooty sells 100million copies a year self regurgitating madden style

Any time there's a gummy thread it gets deleted

when was the last thread? i havent been on toy in months wtf.

This. So much CGI

>This is without a single doubt the worst E3 of all time.
You must be 18+ to post.

>terraria addon announced

>CGI Trailer after CGI trailer after CGI trailer
>No gameplay at all
It's the most soulless E3 so far.
Honestly, Square Enix might one up Microsoft's and Bethesda's conference if they show some new games with gameplay in the trailers.

Smash will get 3 minutes max

It's the year before new consoles, of course it won't be good.

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Wait for Square, Ubisoft and Nintendo.

2012 was worse. Watch Dogs was the only thing anyone cared about and that turned out shit.

Is this your first E3? CGI trailers have been the majority of content since like, forever

If they don’t show Bayo or Metroid it’s a bust. I’ll be excited for Banjo but smash can’t carry E3 every time.

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I honestly have no memories about other E3. Only fragments. How can you even remember everything?
>boomer zone

When will they learn?

>Fallout 76 battle royale
>no Evil Within III ever
>Ghostwire has only the most vague trailer since Death Stranding
>fucking ES Blades
>Star Wars: The Uncharted Dark Soul of Forest Whitaker
>fucking Borderlands II DLC
>Borderlands II
>Persona 5 again but this time with another whore on your team that’ll 60 USD please
>Devolver doesn’t talk about Eitr or any other long absent game but here’s a fucking arcade cabinet and some fake knock offs aren’t we cheeky cunts

No, nigger. The showroom opens to normies on the 11th. Pretty sure they're putting up the finishing touches and letting industry people in before that.

>Microsoft wins hands down with one of the best conferences ever presented in the show's history
>seething Sony and Nintendo faggots crying about how this E3 sucks

Only one I have distinct memories of without going back to rewatch it is the all time great FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY US DOLLARS video from 2006.

This console gen is done for, the next one is still cooking
No one really cares much

Bayo is vaporware.

Sony didn’t even show up, and Nintendo doesn’t technically either, since their streams are independent. The show is literally just MS this year and the major publishers trying to outshill each other.

>Borderlands II DLC
*free Borderlands 2 DLC :)
quit using roman numerals where there aren't any, nigger

I have a notepad open for events like E3, TGS or those European events and list the games I want to get from each show. Then eliminate over time if purchased or dropped. There's no list this time because its all CGI trailers.
The lists help but back in the day you could make folders of E3 OC because there was so many things to make fun of.

After introducing Simon Belmont and K. Rool the roster was pretty much complete. The shark has been jumped and no new character will generate as much hype as those did.

after they restarted development on MP4 i doubt they'll show anything this year

probably will take a dew more years to finish that game, I'll be realistic and say a 2021 e3 showcase

Make me

Nintendo does not foot the bill for vaporization. It's coming out whether it should or not.

I'm psyched because I'm the only guy who fucking loved Bayo 2. Give me more.

Either FALETroll or completely retarded faggot trying to downplay how bad the Xbox conference was. They're becoming a 20-year project of getting people into PC gaming. Xbox is obsolete.

t. seething toddler

The big N hasnt even had there conference yet relax it will get better

This is what happens when Sony doesn't show up

Every game is a some shitty post apocalyptic game with the same exact aesthetic.

Microsoft was solid enough but there was still a big lack of gameplay. I think their 2018 was better, though both years are much better than their whole 2015-2017 stretch.
This E3 is generally mediocre but people are exaggerating that it's without merit. PC Gaming Show was better this year than most, and Microsoft is finally looking like it cares lately. Ubisoft is a bust but Square's slated for a big reveal and Nintendo's always enough of a crapshoot that they might surprise.

They can literally show 1 minute and everyone would say that they won

Remember the game awards

At least wait until the conferences are over, snoyboys.

still have hope for square and nintendo
but not much

You say this every E3.

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T. Sonybro

>New gen announcement
>Nobody cares

I feel bad for microshit. Sonyshit's new shitstation will be the same shit and people will love it like shit.

Show CUTE PAWS right now cat user

>that 35yo cutie
I wasn't really attracted to Bayonetta before yesterday but I get it now

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>tfw Nintendo's entire direct is Pokemon and Smash updates

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What was the last good Western AAA game?

I think it's the most boring.
Nothing really good has happened yet but there's also not been any bumblefuckery either to make fun of. Hopefully Ubisoft will at least embarrass themselves.

They already did pokemon, it’s gonna be all animal crossing

>new gen announced
>no in-game graphics
>only nuHalo as launch game
>no features
>no specs
>no price point
>why isn't anyone excited?!

They already had their Pokemon Direct and Smash only has 1 DLC character to reveal, MAYBE 2. They absolutely aren't going to show anything regarding whatever game(s) (You) want to see, though, that's guaranteed. Best you can hope for is something good nobody saw coming.

y’all weren’t here for the notion control years

Gears 5 looks boring as fuck

Thanks have a cute Asian waifu for that

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Two new consoles should be fun, and a bunch of next-gen games. Literally can't be worse than this.

but those were hilarious trainwrecks, this is just sad

I really wish Nintendies hadn't turned Lonely College Student Simulator into a profitable franchise. It's fine to play, but Jesus, it's not something you devote a massive chunk of a presentation to. It never changes significantly.

First time here?

I see Wii Music every time I close my eyes. I miss this shit, man.

Motion controls were the last time there was hope for video games. Too bad the industry had been invaded by fat losers who hate innovation.

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Thanks user

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It's bad when the PC gaming show is the best so far. As boring as it was at least they showed gameplay.

Idk about "all time" but definitely the worst in recent memory.

Why does Nintendo refuse to incorporate proper backwards compatibility? Why did they wipe out all those ROM sites without selling their old games back to us? What did they gain from that?

Been watching them since 2000, and the only one that could surpass is 2007 when it legitimately didn't happen and was more like a shareholder's meeting with trailers quietly released on media platforms.

...except the games back then are what now are considered iconic, so even that has this one beat by default. If they're trying to make us miss 2010's tone deaf stupidity by replacing it with open hostility towards the consumer, they've succeeded.

If it weren't for the Pre-pre show, there would be no reason to even watch E3 this year. I have to be honest, watching what used to be the end-all be-all event of my hobby, akin to a second Christmas, destroy itself until this is what we're left with has caused me an indescribable sensation.

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Don't worry, friends.
The savior will arrive on Tuesday.

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>Thief asks rich man why he locks his front door

Don't sign your posts, this is an anonymous board.

Same reason Fusion only has one port for the Wii U. They’re waiting to sell it back to you for 10-20 dollars at their convenience. Just download the emulator from another site, they literally can not get them all.

10/10 paw pads. I want to gently squeeze the toes until the claws come out, then release

They're our last hope, but I don't have much faith in them. Their current business model is just to hyperfocus on 1-2 titles per presentation and it's never the one you want.

>Remember bayo and Metroid the last year
No because neither of them got announced at last year's E3

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>This is without a single doubt the worst E3 of all time.
No. There have been plenty of worse E3s like 2013 and 2008. Its just that this one is BORING. Everyone is playing it too safe and Sony straight up dipped out because they couldn't afford to embarrass themselves again. Also they've been showing the same games at E3 for the past 4 years so they have nothing to show.

Sony didn't do shit last year

This e3 is a result of low japanese games. We're in 2019, still being bombarded with zombie survival and junkyard designed shit

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And coincidentally...

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Even if the games are all shit, like many years, its fun to laugh about with you guys. Just a shame that this year, the only thing to laugh about is how bad the games are

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Its pretty tash desu

Two Words:

Tendies get excited over everything though so they'll always say Nintendo won. Last year was 30 minutes of Smash patch notes "Excellent stuff solid A- from Nintendo". They're maniacs.

It's pretty bad when the highlight for me was the chat spamming the taiwanese square massacre pasta.

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Even with other bad ones there was at least a funny meme or something. this was just boring

was legendary in meme status and the PS3 ended up being a solid console, with the fat model system ending up pretty fucking cool. Beat the shit out of RRoD, that's for sure. Boy that was a good time.

Early 2010s E3 was the very worst. Microsoft going all-in on Kinect+sportshit, Sony meandering with their weak ass late PS3/early PS4 lineups and Nintendo dead in the water with the WiiU.

E3 THREADS are the worst now. Because we're all so tired. At least people put enthusiasm in their shitposts then, now it's just electionfags spamming have sex sweetie and go dilate and nazi this and nigger that at each other.

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It's not regular nintendo fans that like Animal Crossing, it's the girls and casuals.

>What did they gain?

Tons of cash from idiots buying ports en masse.

nu-Yea Forums doesn't understand the pure bliss that came with playing LittleBigPlanet for the first time

New Talesof looks dope.

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Silence shill
Upvote me redditors, I called out the shill.

The funny thing is she's pretty obtainable for most of the human fart factories who are gawking over her.

She's a solid 6/10 . Nothing special but not gross or repulsive. Probably has a fun personality.

The weebshit at Microsoft's conference wasn't any better than the Western shit

there was nothing good there wasnt even any cringe this year it was just so fucking boring

the worst part is, even if the games are better next year, i'm pretty sure the threads will somehow be worse

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Can't blame them when the garbage fire that's been the bloodborne box is their only exposure. I can't believe Sony was once a company that made video games.

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Spiritual Heroes successor might be neat. Shame that they'll take more than a year and a half still.

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>It never changes significantly.
It did change. For the worse.

t. snoygger
I hear this every year.

>there wasnt even any cringe this year it was just so fucking boring.

This was the nail in the coffin this year for me. I can watch all of the game highlights and trailers elsewhere. 80% of the enjoyment I get out of this is watching the expo crash and burn with cringe and tech difficulties. Everything was just too safe and boring so far this year.

masuda will be at e3, though i dont expect much

You would be hard on Sony if they just showed CG trailers. But not on MS.

>most of the human fart factories
Are there humans that aren't fart factories?

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It's not even fun depressing cringe like E3 2009 Nintendo.

It's just been....fucking bland. It's been a bad E3 homies.

Another thing we say every year.

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>mfw the features have been getting more complex aside from mobileshit but the villagers keep getting more and more dumbed down as the series progresses

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Sonybros are actually saying Sony won when they aren't even part of E3. They are way worse than tendies.

>the raw collective desire for any portion of entertainment has made the Todd Howard outrage true regardless of its authenticity
We're reaching peak unrest

2015 was a fucking amazing E3.
Doom, Dishonored 2, HITMAN. All fucking amazing games and that doesn't even cover them all.
Can I name 3 games that will be that great from this E3? Nah.

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Some more than others.

All Nintendo has to do is just announce a single good game. But otherwise, yes, this year is awful, but it's not the funny awful, it's a complete shit show on the state of the industry.

>No show stopping games, just shovelware for the most part
>All the conferences have been super scaled down in size
>The presenters are fine, but the products they're presenting are so boring, I'd rather have shit presenters fuck up everything and look stupid than this boring ass shit
>No Sony, which I don't own a PS4, but the fact one of the big guys is missing makes it soulless
>Started on Sunday instead of Monday for some reason

I mean, what the hell, are video games really this fucking boring and lifeless now?

How? They keep adding stuff.

Persons 5 is kino and royal will be great faggot. I agree wit the rest

The fun is all in how much you can spend on dlc, cosmetic gambling, and season passes. Don't you know that, user?

zoomer or shill
No one has passion and its really depressing

that's because they get worse every year user

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This opens up a bloated belly of philosophical queries I am frankly too depressed to expand on.

E3 2019 contains a larger amount of high yield fart factories than any E3 before it after considering the increasing health statistics of the international populace. Could it be that the proportion of high production factories is linked to the quality of an E3?

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At this point the "show stoppers" are all being saved for next gen and won't get announced this year since the consoles still haven't been revealed. Plus a lot of stuff gets revealed in the weeks leading up to E3 (or gets leaked) so a lot of the surprise is gone. I'm willing to bet that next year will be way better but at this point it's no wonder Sony backed out this year.

How about 2012
>MS still on the Kinect kool-aid and TV bullshit
>fucking Wonderbook taking up a good portion of Sony's conference
>Nintendo not listening to Wii U feedback and effectively killed any future conferences from them

I don't fart.

user you just gave me an idea ill report back when im through with my waifu and factory research in the mean time have a wallpaper

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You might be on to something. I wonder if they were giving away samples of that Xbox Axe body spray.

>Villagers are cookie cutter templates
>Less events than usual
>Shit like grass break down
>General lack of activities
AC for the Gamecube was one of the deepest games in the series despite having less shit. Being Mayor was boring and limiting.

Mechanically that was a terrible E3, but the enjoyment from the sheer amount of shrieking it caused was good fun compared to the bleakness of the bethesda conference alone

I’m hoping for another video game crash

It actually is bad this year, because no big games are being announced and being saved up for next gen.

>Started on Sunday instead of Monday for some reason
I have this thought too but the opposite. I feel that as we get older E3 gets pushed further and further back into June. Weird, especially for planning Days Off.

>tfw E3 2010 felt like it was returning to the old days
>E3 2011
>Microsoft still doing Kinect
>Sony literally showed off one game
>Nintendo fucking up the Wii U reveal
>Mr. Fucking Caffeine

The floral background and that anime specimen do not mesh well with the implications of your intent
Why did you remind me that exists

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2012 was far worse but this is pretty close

nintendo's 2018 was abysmal except for torna
nintendo's 2019 is absolute ass so far, funko pop zelda the biggest slap

You're just growing out of this.

>moving to Sunday
That was the worst move. Mondays were quite literally non-stop conferences. MS, EA, Ubisoft, and then Sony. All in one fuckin' day. It was incredible.

I wonder what he is researching

Most E3s are pretty bad. I just watch them hoping to see one or two surprise games I might like, and to see FromSoft trailers.


I used to fall for the hype. Hopefully Nintendo can save it.

I am hype.

Only if you're really into animal crackers in your soup.

>People even thinking next year's E3 will be any better

It takes a 1 or 2 years before a generation gets going. This year and next are the end of current gen, it will be until E3 2021 when we will see lots more games

It's actually good considering it's the end of the generation. PS4 and xbox one are about to die, the bigger games will be announced next year.

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>Nintendo's E3 Direct was 42 minutes last year
>24 minutes was dedicated to Smash
Goddamn, what the FUCK were they thinking.

Tragedy of the commons

>this entire thread

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Are there any games coming out this year?

Last year's was way, way worse than this one.
The nintendo music e3 was fucking awful too.

This year is good. Unironically.

A platitude that does not hold water with me, unfortunately. I say this as someone who greatly desires it to be true, as it would mean I am free of the need of entertainment. However, any time I find even a spark of that old flame of quality, I'm ignited again as though I were still a teenager.

I hate that underneath the years of increasing jading, there is still immutable proof that I never stop searching for happiness.

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when will they learn?

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This woman is getting paid to do absolutely nothing. Let that sink in.

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Anything worthwile at the PC show apart from the couple seconds of Vampire gameplay?

Shut the fuck up nigger.

The lack of a Sony press conference is a pretty strong argument to make for it being one of the worst.

To be honest that's most women. Women are useless

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Shenmue III is epic exclusive, BG3 is using 5e (no surprise there), BL3 exists

Depends on what you're grading on. There's definitely been worse E3's in terms of trash fire stage presentations, but I assume that's what a lot of people around here look forward to. This year has mostly been a few extra details about games we already knew about so far.

Also it's been another reminder year of why most AAA games are competent but uninspired. Could not give less of a fuck about being another zombie-hunting space marine in a post-apocalypse. Give me more deer hugging.

>smash ultimate
>decent cod
>Ghost Of Tsushima
>Halo Infinite
>New Ori

This year

But you need social justice warrior who fight fiercely on Twitter every day. That is one of the most important jobs in game dev.

it is, however, the best E3 of 2020.

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Last year of the decade too, they're ending this on off with jack shit. Maybe nintendo comes through.

>pokemon does a direct before E3
>Xbox showed off animated battletoads which was probably the best thing
>everything else was cgi cutscenes with zero actual gameplay
>couldn't even watch more than 10 minutes of bethesda's americlap bullshit
>only kind of looking forward to nintendo's direct
>sony doesn't even show up

how did it get this bad, bros?

>Implying it would have been better with Sony showing off the same 4 games that they've been doing for 3 years

Playstation ruined gaming. That's all there is to it,really.

they'll remember keanu and POSSIBLY Ikumi, at least of the presentations that already happened. Maybe nintendo or ubisoft will give something super funny or memorable, but I doubt it

Sony was the only company that had actual gameplay footage as well as trailers and they did something different in terms of presentation.
Sure they didn't run away with the show but it was leagues ahead of anything other than Nintendo.

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said every E3 ever

Every year it's always the worst one
It's definetly not worse than 2007

You have no one but yourself to blame for your unfortunate preferences.

yeah that's totes me, oh wait no, I'm playing game pass on my PC for just 1 buck.

Elden Ring.
Cyberpunk 2077.
DBZ: Kakarot.
Tales of Arise.
Official western PSO2.

And we have over half of E3 left.

How often do I have to tell you newfags that cinematic trailers with no gameplay whatsoever is the standard for E3. It's been shit for years with the same AAA shit shoved down everyone's throat. Everyone is making fun of EA just rehashing their popular IPs, but they're not even much worse than the others.

You guys ready for dancing and Assassin's Creed 48?

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2012 was the worst E3 I've seen since I discovered E3 existed in 2004.


No it doesnt, last years was fucking awsome.

2012-2013 is still worse depending on who you ask
>that year that Nintendo showed off NintendoLand as their big, surprise finale reveal

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how much do you weigh where that would hurt?

Alright bros, see you in the ubisoft thread. Maybe we'll get some goofy baguette shenanigans to cut this awful taste. You too kurofag

microsoft didn't have the usual shitshow of sports and random shit
we only had games and great games at that
other than that we still have Nintendo to watch

>Elden Ring
Hopefully Fromsoft can actually pull something new without Activision telling them to make another Darksouls

>Cyberpunk 2077
Nothing new though

>DBZ: Kakaro
Being hopeful for DBZ games is kind suicidal at this point

>Tales of Arise
Looks cool, I've never played tales before though

No gameplay

>PSO 2
>PSO 2


Kinda bland, but not the worst. Sony pulling out was a sign that this would be a slow year.

Overally E3 is becoming less relevant every year, so I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't around in 5-10 years.

It most certainly is not the worst one. At the very least things have been neutral, not super hype but not inherently disappointing. The exciting games have been shown before and are now finally getting release dates and gameplay trailers while a few of the announcements have been welcome. Plus there's still Nintendo, Ubisoft, and Square Enix who are bound to give us at least ONE thing each.

The lack of actual press conferences is sad. Only ubi and microsoft do it anymore. Everyone else just puts up a youtube video. Next year should be more fun as there will be consoles coming out

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Either any of the 2008-2010 era
Where it was full of DUDEBRO videogames and nintendo with this shitty Nintendo Wii Music and shovelware

Jim's stream is dead. Guess I'll kill myself now too.

>Imagine being Phil Spencer and showing off tons of games
>including a new FromSoft Game, Halo, Gears, and Battletoads
>Giving away up to 200 games for a dollar
>Porting halo to pc
>Only for people to be more excited for Norman Reedus and a fetus
>And a jpeg of the next smash character
I don't envy him

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