Why do game developers do this to themselves?
Why do game developers do this to themselves?
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Because they live in a bubble envroinment of fellow people that think exactly like they do and there's absolutely zero consequence for any of their actions so they become more and more alien and bizzarre in how they express and present themselves.
>Why are people that participate in one of the most autistic hobbies often autistic
Gee doc, i dunno, it's a total mystery
People who have the drive to actually work in a creative field also tend to have their heads up their asses the most
Am I missing something?
>Why do game developers do this to themselves?
I'm not going to lie, they're doing it to survive.
It's literally camouflage so they don't get eaten, you have no fucking idea how fucking dangerous it is to be a straight white male in the gaming industry right now, not to mention your chances of getting hired, or god forbid if you already have a job, promoted, are slim to fucking none if there's a female, minority, faggot, or a combination of the three making coffees anywhere in the building or friends with anyone making coffee in the building.
That's a pretty bad Beast cosplay.
>It's literally camouflage so they don't get eaten, you have no fucking idea how fucking dangerous it is to be a straight white male in the gaming industry right now
Nigga nobody cares unless you're spouting /pol/ shit on your twitter or retweeting shit from lolsofunney alt-right e-celebs.
A minimal amount of awareness on who's who online will keep you clean, not their fault you're always edgy as fuck.
As for getting hired, nobody is getting hired in general, it's not because you don't take enough cocks up your ass.
Nothing about this says SJW. Now I'm even more confused. Is it just his general appearance?
He just looks goofy, I didn't say he was an SJW
He's cute, I'd fuck him. Not everyone can be the cuphead dev, user.
He looks relatively normal. You must get out much
What normal neckbeard would dye their hair and beard neon blue?
Every time
EVERY FUCKING TIME someone brings up a legitimate gripe with the game industry and how it treats white people, dumb fucks like you crawl out of the woodwork and spout "B-BUT MUH /pol/!" like a bunch of mentally lethargic drones.
Does this look like someone who is normal, sane, and well-educated when it comes to the industry? Does this look like someone who even fucking likes video games? No, he sure as fuck doesn't. I can guarantee you that this man's favorite game is Laura Craft and Overwatch. This is the man who is responsible for cramming identity politics into your favorite games. This man is a symptom of the death of art. This man is a shining example of someone who is activity infesting every single piece of media and raping it to death.
I-i didn't even notice
>yadda yadda muh muh SJWs SJWs
-Don't be edgy
-Consider carefully what you're tweeting, or re-tweeting, or posting on your social media
-Make a separate anonymous account if you can't help yourself being edgy where you can freely shitpost
Play the game, be smart, or get the fuck out.
Stop whining like a little baby.
All you're doing is proving my point. Or you're just shitposting. Either way, we're done here.
Are you colorblind?
I just kinda glanced at the picture and it looked like it was just a reflection
Not to devalue your point but isn't the guy you posted an FBI(?) agent?
You think perm tattoos and piercing are acceptable but dying hair is not?
Tattoos and piercings can be tasteful but dying your hair an unnatural color looks awful most of the time
Because California.
They're based in Vancouver
>legitimate gripe
No, you were just crying like a bitch nigger about "reee they are forced to be SJW because if you are not and there is a woman on staff you're doomed and will never find work and will never be le promoted I know this because I read infographs and twitter screencaps", you had no fucking "legitmate grip" and no he did not prove your point.
Is not an argument either.
He's a white male, so he has to look strange and stupid to fit in with the liberal dictatorship in the western game industry.
anons that go muh /pol/ boogeyman in response to sjw cancer or trying to downplay the insanity of current media environment is a shill from resetranny and the like
even people that legit hate /pol/ on Yea Forums will only put them as low as the sjws at the most, never beneath and will be the first to acknowledge sjw shittiness having a far more serious effect on games
this makes it really easy to spot the glowniggers
hey yo discord tranny, ain't fooling nobody, go dilate on reset