a fucking pig
god why can't they just use the dark style and themes of the first one
Ubisoft really need to restructure, or better close, their SF studio.
a motherfucking 3 days early access bonus
in digital age games should release when they go gold build. physical plebs should wait for printing.
>grungy grey cellphone hacker
Who wants to play something that they can just go outside to see
why dont you just go outside and walk in front of a train?
absolutely saints row tier retarded
girl wood better be there
>gun as a preorder bonus
So there are guns in this game after all. Great! I look forward to seeing journos looking forward to the "interesting" gun situation in London stroke out.
I don't see any white people when I go outside
based hackers
The game description and visuals make this look like V for Vendetta meets The Purge. The worst thing about it so far is that they’re bringing guns back. Watch Dogs 2 was at its best when you ignored guns completely and just did open world hacking shenanigans.
Fuck you guys Watchdogs is the only remotely good thing nu-ubisoft has ever done.
I'm glad they seem to be having fun with it and embracing what a video game is capable of. I'm also super fucking excited that at face value they are toning down the virtue signaling.
WD2 was trash
Because the first game was boring as fucking balls? Nobody but you wants more adventures of Blandy Blanderson, world's most boring superhero.
Im actually so excited for them to announce this on stage. The watch dogs intro videos always give me mad chills, plus i've actually really enjoyed both games.
>old pc couldn't run far cry 5
>get a new pc, plays games without even a purr
>starts to rev like crazy with far cry 5
>game is unplayable with the noise
Is this the famous ubisoft coding?
Watch Dogs 2 was better than the first game in pretty much every conceivable way.
T-Bones was the real hero
Maybe it's a reference to ex-prime minister David Cameron having fucked a dead pig in the mouth. Or the classic "rich people as pigs" imagery.
WD < WD2 < WD3
huppy (works at ubi) allowed me to play a bit, the setting is truly amazing
except the characters and story
Nobody plays Watch Dogs
Yes. Notice that I said Watchdogs, not Watchdogs 2.
To write an entire series off after 1 bad sequel means there's probably a lot of really good games you haven't played.
>not playing ubi games on your ps4 pro
Splinter Cell died for this?!?!?
Wd2 was kinda fun I beat it at least can’t say that for most games that come out
Characters were more real and relatable in wd2
>Start Watch Dogs Legion
>Get acid thrown in your face in broad daylight
>Die in hospital because your doctor is an African warlord with a fake diploma
Bravo Ubisoft.
>Takes place in London
Dropped. I refuse to learn how to get in the wrong side of the car and drive on the wrong side of the road.
oh yeah good point
>playing fps on console
WD2 didn't even have a story, and it was still better than WD1. How the fuck is Aiden Pierce secretly a vigilante when they refer him to by name in every news broadcast? Why is he a crime fighting vigilante when most of the crimes in the game are committed by him?
The characters in WD2 were annoying, but at least they were actually characters, and not a plank of wood with a frowny face and stupid coat. People also took issue with Ded-Sec in WD2 being a bunch of meme spouting fuckheads, despite the fact the fact that in real life, hacktivists are much closer to being meme spouting fuckheads and less like they just wandered in off the set of Blade.
>using any sort of meme
ok grandpa go back to watching tasty videos on facebook
I still boot it up to hunt down muslims, trannies, and gays when I have a bad day.
I genuinely consider it a very good form of anger therapy.
It enables me to treat all people with respect and kindness in my day to day life.
Clownworld: The Game
Watch Dogs 1 is fucking garbage, and the only reason anyone on Yea Forums defends it is because the protagonist of 2 is black.
What the fuck is this, Watch dogs: purge edition?
Plent of peor do. Just not the media.
WD1 was way darker, WD2 is just stupid le wacky ebyn hax lmao and "corporashunz r bad XD"
>hacktivists are much closer to being meme spouting fuckheads and less like they just wandered in off the set of Blade
it's a video game, I don't want "real-life"
Fuck this bluepilled soi team
>WD1 was way darker
Yea Forums is 18+.
>actually using video games to improve your mental well being
Look at this fucking guy right here. Look at him and his sensible ideas and learn from his example.
Personally I've been thinking about getting back into Watch Dogs 1 after not playing it in forever. The second game ironically looks like shit to me (think it's the camera, just don't care for the distant it to the character it has). Pretty sure I fucked my enjoyment out of the first game though by going stealth and lawful good. If Dishonored 2 has taught me anything, it's that chaos is fun.
yes, it was the whole point of the game, did you not play the original?
because the first game..... WAS HORRIBLE!!!!!!
It was the point of the game. It was also shit, and a lot of that was its goofy grimdark tone.
I think we just want very different things from the series
Apparently we do. I like my characters to actually be characters, and not have the personality of a half empty sack of potatoes.
I liked the setting, but then I always like rainy, sort of dismal, quiet settings. I liked the story well enough but don't think there was enough character development for Aiden and Clara dying at the end was fucking stupid, imo. It kind of just felt... static. Nothing really changed for Aiden, but then again I haven't played the game in forever so I can't say for sure.
Yeah, but I still liked the overall tone of WD1. WD2 had much better gameplay.
What if Ubisoft took some inspiration from the tv series for WD4?
one fucking job, ubicunts
Oh and also the vehicle selection and radio stations fucking sucked and the ability to just get any car through your phone no matter what was really immersion breaking. Shooting was okay, iirc, but the driving and movement left a lot to be desired.
Beating the fuck out of people with a baton and bursting pipes in their faces was always so satisfying though.