It's over, guys, Nintendo won

It's over, guys, Nintendo won.

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>that fire emblem
Sounds good to me

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The decision I have to make between spaghetti or meatballs will be the most difficult decision I believe I will ever have to make.

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>imagine being over 8 and being hyped about this toddler trash


Im not a tranny unlike you söyboys

Those sony pride parades beg to differ

Imagine being a snoy in 2019

Just a small retarded part of the Sonyfanbase. The Nintendofanbase on the other hand is full of autism and degeneration.

Haha based! I saw that twitter post too!

>sony trannies don't represent the fanbase but the nintendo basedboys do
Nice hypocrisy, nigger

>Pokemon Spaghetti and Meatballs
I chuckled heartily.

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are you blind?

Damn, they're remaking FE Fates already?

oh well enjoy your toddler trash, autismo.

Too bad you had to out yourself as a twitter user too to be able to accuse OP.


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Honestly I'd probably play and enjoy the tingle game and the luigi game. Also thats just normal fire emblem at this point.

If I get some good marinara either way, Meatballs 100%

I bet you smell like onions

sony wins agen

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>No comebacks, just dismissals.
Sony said it themselves, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE NINTENDO!

>couldn't save face

imagine 8 legs

There was a fake Nintendo leak that had a game called Luigi's Pie Factory on it and I'm still mad that isn't real

they sure did, with their usual over-the-top presentation this yea- oh. Yeah

I missed the sony conference, how was it ?

I would play the tingle game

Their best one to date, honestly.


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>7 vagainas