It's over, guys, Nintendo won.
It's over, guys, Nintendo won
>that fire emblem
Sounds good to me
The decision I have to make between spaghetti or meatballs will be the most difficult decision I believe I will ever have to make.
>imagine being over 8 and being hyped about this toddler trash
Im not a tranny unlike you söyboys
Those sony pride parades beg to differ
Imagine being a snoy in 2019
Just a small retarded part of the Sonyfanbase. The Nintendofanbase on the other hand is full of autism and degeneration.
Haha based! I saw that twitter post too!
>sony trannies don't represent the fanbase but the nintendo basedboys do
Nice hypocrisy, nigger
>Pokemon Spaghetti and Meatballs
I chuckled heartily.
are you blind?
Damn, they're remaking FE Fates already?
oh well enjoy your toddler trash, autismo.
Too bad you had to out yourself as a twitter user too to be able to accuse OP.
Honestly I'd probably play and enjoy the tingle game and the luigi game. Also thats just normal fire emblem at this point.
If I get some good marinara either way, Meatballs 100%
I bet you smell like onions
sony wins agen
>No comebacks, just dismissals.
Sony said it themselves, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE NINTENDO!
>couldn't save face
imagine 8 legs
There was a fake Nintendo leak that had a game called Luigi's Pie Factory on it and I'm still mad that isn't real
they sure did, with their usual over-the-top presentation this yea- oh. Yeah
I missed the sony conference, how was it ?
I would play the tingle game
Their best one to date, honestly.
>7 vagainas