Jump scares are bad

>jump scares are bad

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They're certainly a cheap, overused crutch to impress 9 year old girls and söy fags.

>jump scares are overused therefore obnoxious
*fixed for ya OP

when jump scares are all you have, yes.

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Horror games have lost their suspense. Why does everything thats scary have to be right in your face constantly?

Yes, and?

What people fail to understand is that the threat of jumpscares add to the suspense and tension. You don't want to be shocked and the dread of it happening makes things scarier.

Hence them being use like a punishment for failing in games like FNAF.

>using fnaf as an example of a good horror game
just fucking jump off a cliff, you underaged retard

Don't pretend it isn't scary, tough guy.

None of the posts you replied to explicity stated: "YOU CANNOT HAVE JUMP SCARES", they said they're overdone, overused, a crutch, and a game can have them, but needs more as well.

You arguing a point nobody is making.

Also you're complimenting FNAF. Kill yourself.