Fire Emblem Three Houses

Male or female? And which house will you choosing?

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w-woa that emo chick is pretty tight

Male and the house with the white hair girl

Male and picking my cute wife Beru's house

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Male and Black Eagles for Bernadetta unless I can kidnap her, then Blue Lions

Fire emblem was a mistake
and should stay away from smash

female, upside-down gay australian latino house

Male and Blue Lions

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>high selling series that keeps clocking genofags
Yeah, I’m thinking it’s based.

Hope you enjoy your Byleth DLC bro

is there romance confirmed?

Male. Golden Deer.
I will make my cute students capable and have them conquer the world!

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Female, pasta lover's army

Defend this, fujoshis.

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Male and Dimitri's House.

Oh gee I sure do wonder what a website so fixated with the female form that half of all threads are dedicated to posting slews of images of anime girls would pick to be their player character in an anime dating sim

Thee Shit Quality FE Houses by an otome artist.

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My wife of course.

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Silesse, I want to marry a Pegasus Knight

Fire Emblem COOOOOL 3 Houses by Koei Tecmo and fujishi artist Chinatsu Kurahana.

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Most make fun of this female design and like the male's this time because of how bad girl Byleth looks.

Picking female in a game with romance is fucking gay. You can't even customize her, so what's the appeal?

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The absolute state of Fire Emblem 3H fujoshi production on Switch, circa 2019.

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Blue Lions.

I take it she's from Heroes?

>16 str at level 9 as a brigand
This is going to be another crazy high stat game huh

I unironically hope some Heroes characters will find themselves in Three Houses through bonus and or DLC chapters.

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Guy because he doesn't look like total shit and black eagles.

i wish i was a girl, maybe in the next life i'll be cute


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Consider using a trip.

Male and none. I'd rather play a REAL FE game.

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Could just be a good growth, Effie had like 13 str at level 6.

I'm going to use this thread to ask this, what do you think we could see of 3H during the direct?
Just a trailer or at least some extended gameplay? And if we do get gameplay what would be something you'd want to see during that segment?

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Mobile shite gets better designs.

I'd like to see clips of numerous maps shown off and some enemy phase action to see what the AI is capable of with gambits and shit

Probably like a final proper trailer then some more detailed information in one of those treehouse segments they tend to have

Trailer. Treeehouse gameplay of the eariest map and acadamy.

For a franchise that was revived by romance and dating they don't reveal this feature until a couple of weeks before release.

Depends on which girls you can yuri with, but probably female and Golden Deer. I wanna scissor with Lysithea.

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Only design I like.

I'm glad this franchise does't pander to you mentally ill fuckwads.

She looks like a prostitute.

Male with Blue Lions.

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>implying it doesn't
Get used to it user

Kurahana has done better art in the past, whoever's making her draw these abominations needs to be euthanized

Okay so this game has absolute garbage presentation

But does it look fun?

Why didn't they just give them the same outfit? FeMc's outfit looks like utter shit and is just a forced attempt at sexiness that fails.

Even Valkyria Chronicles looks crisper than Three Houses and that was made on a shoestring budget.

We need to see it in action to determine if it's fun.

We don't know. We'll most likely know after treehouse if they show a lot of gameplay.

Male because female's outfit is trash, and there's no customization to fix her face

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I really dislike how every protagonist has a Magical Unique weapon of one weapon type.

Why would I bother changing the avatars class to something I enjoy if there's a story obligatory weapon that is always a fucking sword?

Female and whichever house has the yuri.

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I choose the route that has me siring offspring through that Sothis broad.

Female because I am a girl IRL and hate playing the opposite gender.

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which one has the cutest boys? i will choose this one

Fire Emblem had interesting designs in Awakening but they they were overdesigned.

The last true "Fire Emblem" in terms of artstyle was Radiant Dawn.

You know what to do

>Christina Vee was fired
Can we #cancelled this game?

Blue Lions

slenderman have son.

Lies, it's the deer.

thank you, user

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>Make 3D animation
>make it frame-skip to emulate 2D animation

Is that ever a good idea?

This tbqh

The brown big guy is from Blue Lions right? I will choose Blue Lions.

>user says they're a girl
>I say I'm a girl
>Get accused of being a tranny
Every time

lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz lorenz

Look at Mr. Game & Watch

female's 3d model looks fucking disgusting I'll take a bishounen over football head any day of the week

Fates was such a weird game. I didn't hate it but splitting the campaign into 3 different options was pants-on-head retarded, the result being a very inconsistent plot with awful pacing.

Lots of people like hating on Radiant Dawn but its at least it and Path of Radiance had decent stories

meh the gameplay in awakening and conquest where fine I feel like people hating are overreacting

None of the 3D Fire Emblems (not counting the dungeon crawling in Echoes) have looked "good" so this isn't entirely surprising.

you can use almost any weapon regardless of class now so you can have your berserker lord and still be able to use the whip sword

dila-ok, sorry, can't finish this

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>in awakening

Depends on if I can go yuri with Edelgard.

Depends. Can I age gap yuri the Kumiko dragon living in my head?

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According to leaks: yes