>omg it's keanu reeves guys quickly someone make a Yea Forums thread!!1! so based!!! cyberpunk2077 goty 2019!!
imagine being this delusional
>omg it's keanu reeves guys quickly someone make a Yea Forums thread!!1! so based!!! cyberpunk2077 goty 2019!!
imagine being this delusional
Other urls found in this thread:
have sex
perform autofellatio
>Omg it's "thing I don't like"
isn't it kind of pathetic that this is the first thing you thought of when you saw this? while other people were happy you were sitting there seething in rage. how sad!
in for based eric butts thread
you faggots weren't like this when takeshi kitano was in yakuza 6
this gentleman gets it
not based
I prefer PUBG
sex have
based not
I hate this faggot's ugly mug, christ. I'd rather see piccolo dick or goatse.
I still can't believe this guy, how much onions is required before one is capable of reaching this power level?
Also, what was the original vid he was watching?
I honestly hope he's the Asian childhood hero in CP2077
t. guy that makes waifu threads about some asian christmas cake and doesn't give a fuck about the game she's making
Star Wars trailer I think.
this is actually based
for once the soi reaction MAKES SENSE
star wars or mcu wasn't worth the soi, no one cares about it. Keanu in cyberpunk hype was actually legit
The new star wars episode IX trailer released back in April.
honestly surprised he hasn't taken down the vid yet
it was a star wars episode 9 trailer
probably the most force/faked reaction video ever
Yea Forums really doesn't get outside often, huh?
>hating on based Keanu
Every look at this sack of shit and laugh!
he wouldn't even look that onions if not for that fucking cold sore spot on his left cheek
>cold sore spot on his left cheek
holy shit. Yea Forums never goes outside.
Im gonna get this game, I'm gonna enjoy it, cucks will seethe and I will savor those tears of impotence
There must be something wrong with his head, I refuse to believe a normal human male would react like that
I think the forza lego update would've been a funnier mix
shut the fuck up you fucking cuck go suck your own cock dumb retard
make sexing seething self kill
hi Eric Butts when did you join Yea Forums? You are quite new here like all those newfags zoomers?
what was this guy originally reacting to? this reaction is probably one of the reasons i hate react videos almost as much as i hate asmr
The more you ironically say it, the more people end up believing it
Read the fucking thread.
Also Keanu is one of the few based people. Get out OP-fag.
engage penile motions
Have sexual intercourse with a woman
oh no, somebody put a basedboi in front of something i like. am i still allowed to like it? someone please help.
You must be some special kind of pathetic manchild to get that emotional for a videogame conference.
name literally one (1) reason why i should like keanu reeves at all, other than the fact he's the "epic" john wick guy from fortnite xddd
Case in point. A story in two frames.
>t. le "i totally knew who keanu was before john wick 2 guysss"
all those newfags brainlets itt
>he fell for the Keanu-counter-ops
please just cease to exist, thank you
Based, fuck all the zoomers loving John Wick and Fortnite.
>piratefags are also trannies
Really gets my noggin joggin
What is your problem with this guy?
He was happy about the new Star Wars trailer, and got a bit emotional.
That's it. Are you seriously seething because people can have emotions?
You guys are the true incels.
john wick isn't even soi
it's a boomer dad thing
>not soi
these people are literally never happy, the entire event panders to them, they get gender neutral bathrooms in Sims, black women nazi shooters, diversity hire montages and they still complain about the most random things
Why are you upset? What would you have done differently?
People are just so jaded and bitter here that they have forgotten how to truly enjoy something.
He gives most of his money to charity and lives barely above luxury of you and me. He also gave away a lot of his earning from Matrix to the special effects crew since they earned peanuts. He's quite humble and charitable guy.
look at these agelets trying to cope so hard lmaoooooooo
>bawwwww boomers are enjoying my fortnite character now its not cool anymore
what comes after post ironical generation ? it's getting old
Focus on good gameplay instead of meme celebrities pandering like EA, Bethesda, Ubisfot do.
But I guess it's okay when slavs do it. Hypocrites.
>my dog got killed recently
>but I think whoever killed it was probably more happy to kill it than I am sad to lose it, so whatever
you don't get to talk about soi
>thing popular, I must hate it now
>action heroes back then
>I have to protect my family
>action hero now
Yeah, keep being a soi redditor.
these edits are a gift from god to put these fake-happy fucking soi reddit norms back into their places
>we did it, zoomlets!
I wonder who's behind that post
My hand does it better.
Now make one for Ikumi too
>being this much of a clueless faggot
Piratefags would pirate tranny games too if any were worth playing.
>Hideo Copejima presents: user Seething
I have more respect for him than that other faggot who purged all his shit after he got made fun of.
Can this guy get sued for telling people to pirate a game?
Years of onions abuse
Cyberpunk has mogged the entire rest of E3 combined so far
Don't believe it's typical Yea Forums contrarianism. This is some astroturfing campaign by twitter trannies upset over CDPR not catering to them.
>tfw you will never get this excited over video games ever again
The only thing that got me a little was Blair Witch, but I'll never play it because I am a beta bitch when it comes to scary video games.
The BW game is LITERALLY another walking simulator like gone homo and this speak volumes about you soi levels
(((((Keanu Reeves)))))
>Blair Witch
Remember the weird as fuck sequels that bordered on bohemian grove shit
Yh don't get the hype around this, he is saying what he being told to say. its not said in such a corporate way
I know right.
Movies I am completely fine with, but games make me anxious and I struggle.
I really need to build my tolerance up for them.
Book of Shadows > Blair Witch Project >>>>>>>> Blair Witch 2016
who the fuck rt's and likes those tweets anyway? 2.7k likes... yikes.
Yeah book of shadows was it, didn't know they made another in 2016
Keanu Reevestein
I fucking knew it.
""""""""people""""""""" who live on Twitter. That shithole is the true hub of radicalization and every far-left loon seems to find the need to post on there.
>Shitting on Keanu
You must be new
So basically just one big centralised left-wing circlejerk website? Fucking hell, surprised trump even stays on that garbage platform.
>omg is that *gasp* NORMAN REEDUS?
>no.. it can't be... *GAAAASP* MADS!!!!! HOLY FRICK!!!! GUYZ SONY WON!
just like you're seething over keanu reeves?
Do you people have any form of self awareness at all in real life
You definitely don't here
Is this how snoys are passing the time this E3?
CDPR made transphobic jokes? Shit I want the game even more now
Not an argument
None of you posted any arguments by the way
Kek, twitter is just a huge fuck off propaganda machine, just like Reddit.
You're going to wake up one day and realize how much time you wasted here being a dumb hypocrite.
Imagine making this webm
This isn't /pol/ friendo, Yea Forums(nel) as a whole isn't some exclusivity right-learning place like you think newfriend.
Rather, you're the hypocrite
everyone preorder this game now
We have proof that Twitter is a hub of anti-white far-left rhetoric and we also know that the far-right gets permabanned instantly and even regular conservatives get censored on Twitter.
How is it not a center of far-left radicalization?
>We have proof that Twitter is a hub of anti-white far-left rhetoric
[citation needed]
>hypocrite calling others hypocrites
Imagine getting this upset that people like Keanu Reeves and he has charisma and is a genuinely swell dude. Let's just be honest, the reason why Yea Forumsirgins are acting like this is because they're jealous.
>B-but muh celebrity meme!
You never behaved this way to Kojima's celebrity shilling
>B-But he's a Jew lover
Shut the fuck up /pol/fag. Nobody fucking cares.
its a 2020 release date
needs Blacked edit
>I have been living under a rock for three years
Yike desu senpai
Educating your dishonest retarded ass doesn't seem to be worth the effort when you're clearly pretending to live under a rock.
i share a board small creatures
you're a loser irl and probably a virgin too LMFAO
seething cuck
>turns out cyberpunk 2077 is everything everyone ever wanted but now I'm buttblasted because I was betting on it failing, better shitpost on Yea Forums!
>turns out cyberpunk 2077 is everything everyone ever wanted
Him losing his child, gf, sister, and parents is not manufactured. Nor is his donations to charity.
reminder that only literal trannies hate on Kinopunk
I'm a /pol/fag and I like Keanu. I'm guessing the criticism of him having been friendly to Israel isn't genuine.
>you can't have a opinion because of twitter
Yes master
>he uses twitter and goes out of his way to search for shit that makes him mad
>I must defend the honor of this guy I don't even know!
Pathetic, seek help and find some personal achievements to be proud of.
why are you hating on based keanu
he was in our favorite games and movies such as fortnite and john wick! fuck bill and ted those are boomer shit movies THIS is the keanu we love now
>didn't even time it to watch his reaction
shit thread, shit webm
how fat are you? you can be honest, this is a safe space lmfao fucking fat virgin faggot seethe more
dismissing others opinions because they don't agree with mine doesn't make you an interesting person either
>I must attack this this guy I don't know for... Why?
Why are you so mad at Keanu? Is it jealousy? Is it /pol/fag politics?
>if lefties and jews like him then I must hate him
Yeah I'm not that easy to manipulate tranny.
>zoomer speak
>they defend Reddit Reeves
Of course.
do you only communicate in twitter memes?
yikes, dilate
>fatty beta can't stop seething that someone has charisma and is well liked because he's never been loved his entire life
lmfao can't make this shit up
FPS trash
>Jews pumping out pro keanu propaganda 5 days before it's revealed he's in cyberpunk
have sex
>y-y-ou must be mad if you don't worship by Hollywood celebrity!!!
Keanu Reeves isn’t even a good actor. He’s B-tier at best. I don’t know what happened, cause it feels like everyone used to be on the same page about that, now suddenly everyone loves him and reveres him as a god. He’s mediocre at acting, he has a boring personality.
stay butthurt
Is this the new sunposting
>taking down the video and letting a bunch of cuckold Yea Forumsirgins win
Come the fuck on dudes even normies like Keanu basedboy doesnt fucking work here
And if you think the basedboy is the definition of the common normie, get off the internet, get out of your head and go outside
>y..you're the one thats butthurt
keep talking about what you like and i'll keep talking about what I don't :^) unless you hate compromise and only want things to be prised without question or opinions
You're not acting like someone who is indifferent. You're acting like someone who is upset.
Bosman confirmed to be the only non-onions drinker
>Keanu Reeves calls in to Israeli radio stations to preach peace
Get some fresh air
>nu/v/ unironically shitting on Keanu now
God I wish I could leave.
>if you like ANYTHING you are a BASEDBOY
i'm glad people are starting to learn you people are fucking retards
no legit dude, you are the absolute minority here. you are entitled to your opinion, but there is no denying that you are butthurt and upset that people are enjoying things you don't like. what a miserable life.
>don't worship by
>worship by
you're seething so fucking hard you can't even type properly lmfao fucking friendless loser
>resorts to telling people their lives are miserable for having a different opinion
pot meet kettle
>big celeb visits country
>speaks to media in said country
wow epic black propaganda attempt tranny.
>his role model is a hollywood actor
rent free
Me too, but apparently /pol/ fags love smearing his face all over our board so we just have to deal with it until the site dies or hiroshimoot actually moderates this shit heap.
>Keanu Reeves was one of the few actors to accept the invitation to Israel
>He's known to have visited multiple times
>Talks to their media
>gets free publicity from Jewish only papers
If you remember the argument was "Lul Keanu doesn't have jewish connections."
>he watches anime
lmfao fatty
I think it's largely due to oversaturation, Yea Forums always loved keanu but when he's the poster child for fortnite and john wick then everyone only mentions those two things when they see him I could see why they would start to hate him.
then again it goes back to Yea Forums-hates what's popular
Remember how /pol/fags and Yea Forumsirgins will commonly say that the difference between males and females is that females hate attractive women while men like attractive men? The reasoning being that men want to actively work to improve themselves while women just hate the competition. Then there's this nigger I'm replying to who is like "Stop having role models who are more successful than you are!"
Be honest, you're just jealous of Keanu. You wish you were like and famous like he was and you ignore the fact that he's lost his entire family. I have no sympathy for you.
I really couldn't care less. I'm sure parts of Israel are actually pretty nice to visit.
That wasn't a generalizing statement. We're talking about you here. About you purposefully showing up to a party to be a wet blanket. COPE
I'm sure it is quite premium getting to visit the Prime Minister of Israel and promote them.
>m sure parts of Israel are actually pretty nice to visit.
have fun
>btfo by other posters so hard he has to start a new reply chain
lmfao seething friendless loser
I guess you can only relate to fat virgin losers who are obsessed with race. :)
Damn you fuckers don't like anything huh?
lol bro i love rlm too! god i'm so much smarter than everyone else because i watch them and post the "dont think just consume" gif
You got this from a fucking tabloid that has no sources. Just a buzzfeed tier list.
>missing the irony of regurgitating a meme you didn't even make
you're right, it is kinda like that but you're lucky you can still talk about things you like while in threads of things I like get shitposted to oblivion. but me being a debbie downer in this thread doesn't make me feel better so im sorry user
Someone post the Christ church edit
what's the original video? I have seen 100 edits about this guy already
>He doesn't want to protect things he owns
Yeah, I'm thinking it's soi
OP is clearly a seething tranny who made it their mission to anti-shill this game on account of CDPR making a twitter joke that made feefees in the LGBTQ community hurt.
>It has nothing to do with his truly excellent recent film run
Imagine being this deluded.
that reaction man fucking scares me
seconding this, that shit is gold
It's actually just due to your average Yea Forums user being a brain dead contrarian. The second threads were made praising Keanu these contrarian threads started popping up
What does that have to do with liking Keanu?
what the fuck does dilate mean??
dilate what?
>See, I’M not a sheep! EVERYONE ELSE that thinks differently than me is a braindead contrarian though, hah! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
So your argument just consists of "no u"
there are tons of women who adore people like beyonce and other "beauty icons", and there are many who don't, pretty much the same as men. your strawman is retarded, as per standard on Yea Forums
Absolutely fucking seething
Imagine being mad because other people are happy about something
You guys just dont get it, gaming is about a spiritual connection we have as "gamers" with the ethereal plane called "video games". When I play Fallout 4 ™ I dont just play a game I experience oneness with the game and am immersed not only tactilely and mentally but also spiritually. My puny mind can barely comprehend the scale at which the games (all made by the brand paying me to say this) take place and I struggle to exist without them. You as an individual should take my word for it and also become emotionally invested in a corporate brand. Trust me, im just your average gamer.
Whatever you say
Hating popular thing doesn't make you mature or interesting
I don't care about this argument, but look at the fucking way you write. It's embarrassing
>implying media and celebrity is bad
Keanu is based. No bulli
>why yes, i do form my opinion based on what generic hollywood celebrities are in a new vidya.
>wow keanu reeves?!? this game is awesome now!
use sΩy for the filter
this is literally me except it's only true for me unironically, I've never met a single person in my entire life that forms their own opinions about anything
It's not like Cyberpunk doesn't look great on it's own, Keanu is just the ice cream after the dinner
I have no clue which side you guys are standing on. Are you even on a side? This is more confusing than WWI.
I sometimes do but they're usually very retarded and wrong so I give up
co-opting someone else's opinion can also be a way of forming it own your own. You just have to actually review the damn thing before you do
>talk shit about someone he doesn't know
>got anal ravaged
>proceed to call the one who ravaged him a loser
Lmao,you sound pathetic.It must suck to be you.
You don't even need the edit. I was watching dropped frames and the reaction was similar.
But at the same time I know they are the biggest sellouts, so it wasnt even real.
>they get gender neutral bathrooms in Sims
Sims has always had gender neutral bathrooms, what?
imagine actually enjoying things in 2019. exsdee.
based eroge
reddit made me like Keanu Reeves
Yea Forums made me love him
>10000 years in MSPaint
I can tell that’s been edited, nice try samefaggot
Guys, idk... as much as you can be excited about the game, those kind of gaming events are always cringe af... No matter if you put there Clooney, or freaking Gosling anybody... it is always painful to watch.
I literally cannot get excited for anything anymore, Yea Forums has ruined it for me, i haven't felt hyped for any game for 4 years now and counting. I am deprived of all enjoyment in life and i spend my days shitposting on Yea Forums to ruin it for others aswell.
If you are over 24 and still get excited over some GAMEs... you are lost dude.
oooo sugoi keanu reeves
keep crying for me
>pirates are trannies
can't say i'm surprised.
Could care less about Cyberpunk2077. I just like Keanu Reeves, fuck the game.
If you don’t like Keanu you might actually be a homosexual