>he demolishes my argument about diversity vs historical accuracy...
>tell him to go have sex.
He demolishes my argument about diversity vs historical accuracy
>you sound like a virgin
Shit thread OP
guys, it's make-believe
it's time to sell your racecar beds and join the real world
>Loopy Bananajuice
Wow that kinda fits
>losing argument
>wait until the thread hits page 10
>get the last word in with a sage
>thread archives
I wanted to tell OP to have sex, but then I realized I don't want his genes to pass on.
Have sex with me.
>someone tells me to have sex
>tell them to have sex
>difference is I've actually had sex and they haven't and you can tell from their response
who hurt you, sweetie?
You having sex is as likely as your demolishing any argument.
I think y'all should dilate
>a person tells me to have sex
>he was being real about it
The only people that care about diversity here are trolls that know you retards will take the bait.
It really does feel like an unbeatable argument
>know im going to inevitably lose an argument
>start calling the person im arguing with buzzwords and faggot
New here, OP?
>lose argument
>tell my opponent to have sex (despite me being 25 yo neckbeard khv myself)
I wait till the thread is second to last, say my last word piece and then make a garbage thread to bump it up and kill it.
But really how do you respond to "have sex" without sounding completely ass-blasted about it?
I'm Loopy Gerbilbuns