>such a beeeeeg stage! makes me nervous!
Such a beeeeeg stage! makes me nervous!
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop posting this moon-faced gook you fucking weeb incel.
shes so fucking cute bros ive already masturbated to her presentation twice
Post your race, age, gender, biological sex, economical status, parents economical status, and race of your parents
haha imagine if she was so nervous she peed herself wouldnt that be weird
I want to hold her hand as she rests her head on my shoulder.
Alpha and Omega yikes.
shut the fuck up feminist bitch
Actually based
Nice marketing strategy
SEETHING white roastie detected.
She a cute
if I buy your game will you die?
post yt link
Those are some pretty nice clothes she wears
God bros why can't I be her bf... I'd literally worship the ground she walks on... I'd cook for her every day... I'd always clean the inbetweens of her toes before bedtime... It's not fair...
>>such a beeeeeg dick! makes me nervous!
yes, focus tested names are boring
Me on the left
La goblina de los orientes
She's beautiful!
cringe weeaboo posters don't know what a real woman looks like lmfao
gib nip mommy gf
so cute
Fucking hell, that's adorable.
She's such a nice old lady
just puked
Do you think she saw the lewd ones
So a fat butt and acting like a whore is a "real" woman for you?
I wouldn't have children with the jap lady because I'm against racemixing, but I'd prefer dating her.
she wouldn't dare you, you stupid otaku fuck
damn im melting
shut up verticel
This same cultural/language barrier is why anime cringe is a lot more tolerable than western or real life cringe. A lot of it gets lost in the "translation" and comes across as incompetent and helpless, and we find helpless things cute so we wouldn't abandon our babies.
What lewd ones? There are none and you can't prove otherwise.
>I'd literally worship the ground she walks on.
That’s your problem right there
This is why feminism is needed. You people don't care how hard she worked on this game or even the game itself. It's all about her body, she is literally a sex object to you and nothing else
That's because we're on Reddit.
>being interested in video games
lol fag
The biological drive to reproduce is much stronger than the biological drive to play games
i saw tits in an imgur link but that's about it
>Cute and gentle girls aren't woman
>Absolutsly used slut is a real woman
no, she's a sex object because she's a cute game developer
if she was just some stage model slut no one would give a fuck
>people are worshipping this ugly bitch just because she has a vagina
yeah feminism is totally needed
disgusting lardo whore
>it's all about her body
Her body is not even appealing. It's just how cute she looks.
So many cute girls at E3 so far and this is the one you fags pick to dilate over?
Post more of the gook
>Calling people on Yea Forums weeks
You're either underage, a nigger, or both.
Can you stop being ironic for once please? I used to falseflag just like you for shits and giggles and it does nothing good for the soul, it's all done to get a negative reaction out of everyone and too much irony will give you a jaded view of things. Be more genuine, it's for your own mental health.
not everyone is like you, autismo. have sex for once and you might understand that
such a beeeeeg amelican cock! makes me nervous!
>implying otaku and weeaboo are the same think
and you think others are underage
Thigh gaps are disgusting at the best of times, but especially when you're that thick.
>that stick figure
>"my treasures"
She looks like she fucks white dudes
>I'll never have a qt japanese gf like her
literally the exact opposite people are fawning over her personality first and her appearance second
feminism would deny her the benefits her god given gifts afford her
You are not entitled to other people's feelings. I am justified in caring about whatever the fuck I want.
>even being attracted to that
We belong to Asian goddesses, bro.
HOLY SHIT! How many died there?
Only soi-boy, anime-watching, pedo-freaks think some asian woman acting like a child is "cute" and "adorable UwU". Unironically neck it, autistic spergs. You virgins completely shat on this board.
I actually just got my eyes dilated at the eye doctor. I don't know why trannies like doing this so much it's annoying and I can't see shit.
>being a feminist
>You virgins completely shat on this board.
but user virgins ARE this board and have always been
All I gotta say is
It's a new genre
I'm just happy to see someone seemingly gain much-deserved praise. It isn't that she's simply a female. She's an industry veteran who has spent at least the better part of 2 decades working on projects which were critically praised. And she seems nice.
She says as she posts on Yea Forums - Virgins
>trying this hard
You have to be 18+ to post here
What if I like both her and her game?
>Her body is not even appealing.
Basically, if I had any input or choice I'd prefer less corporate razzmatazz and more devs just enthusiastically talking about their projects.
it isn't
Triggered weebcel
You're even projecting Asian women unto white women too. Fucking kill yourself.
I love her cuteness, you livid fat California roastie single mom.
Stop serializing women you disgusting fetishists
Her face is ugly and nobody in this thread will ever get a asian gf or have sex with a asian girl
are (you)'s really that good to you user?
Cope poster posting this in every thread.
>such a beeeeeg stage
Like my cock
I thought the couch was her leg for a second
Sick to my stomach.
Fuck off, it seems your the one who doesn’t belong.
so cute ;_;
>tfw no Anri mommy
The average person is ugly everywhere, user. And these girls you posted are actually below average.
>Concept artist on Okami
>make resetera niggers seethe
what an amazing person
I love it
Everybody's going to figure out cute women doing cute things sell games and SJWs are going to go down in flames
You pathetic fucks are still jerking your little tic tac peckers over this chick? Fucking hell.
Asian women are bizarre as fuck.
They look like Asian men, they're super feminists and they will jump on any foreign cock. That's why a lot of incels have an obsession with Asian women, because it takes no effort to fuck those ugly inspectoids and they believe it'll get them out of inceldom.
>Yea Forums - virgins
>not being a virgin on any board on this site
Gonna be a yikes from me dog.
Why do they have to do my nigga crowbcat like that, what did he ever do to anyone?
Asians are all ugly, "user".
Seriously, I know you're a spic.
>You people don't care how hard she worked on this game or even the game itself
You're fucking crazy. This is happening BECAUSE she's a developer for games that people already really liked
What a nice lady. What game was she presenting?
>tfw living in japan has ruined this stupid forced idolesque persona that 70% of japanese women put on
I would kill everyone on Yea Forums for the chance to impregnate her and anyone that wouldn't doesn't deserve to have their penis.
>Virginity ratio of unmarried Japanese women
age 18-19 74.5%
age 20-24 64.5%
age 25-29 32.6%
age 30-34 31.3%
age 35-39 33.4%
- You can teach English in Japan if you have any degree. It doesn't have to be an English degree.
- The average salary for full-time English teachers in Japan is ~$86,000/year. The part-timers drag the overall average down.
You're in every thread with this picture of posts by multiple people. Can you just kill yourself already.
Show the fucking tits already you whore!
Stretching the truth a bit there, she's cute. But, she's too old. I'm guessing she's late 40s or 50 something. That's my mom's age.
>tfw you're the only person not seething ITT
feels good brah
Actual incelposters.
where is the full pic
>teaching english
Everyone but the locals is discriminated against, I've seen white people crying because of how they're treated in Japan, no thanks.
Not a spic, but I live in a country with lots of nips and I know what I'm talking about. They don't usually mix with other races.
Bullshit, she just has charisma spunk and cute charm you do not have clearly. Cope with being hilariously out of touch with what people were going nuts over for.
You know women hate that shit right ? I sometimes treat my girlfriend like shit and talk her down because i know that if i don't she'll lose that look in her eyes she has for me. It's been 3 years and counting. She still gets wet when i choke her in the street. Shit's great
>those feet
holy fuck, that's disgusting
That will show those white men
It's because someone took a screenshot of WCK's autistic spam on Yea Forums and it infuriated him. WCK is Barneyfag with yellow fever.
Tell us more
desu I'm unironically considering doing this if my accounting and HR work doesn't pan out. I'm an autodidact so I think I could make nip land work.
Literally Bowsette 2.0 forced meme hype that day on wednessday.
You all are reddit and twitter as fuck. Go back.
english teachers over there are like toilet cleaners lmao. Just go to study in Japan or something.
>actual whore poster
Gross and subhuman.
I don't even feel offended like BLACKED desu. It's actually pretty pathetic desu
>tfw don't know what to study
>she's a whore because I don't like her
>they're super feminists
lolwat, they're literally the opposite
I don't know about you, fags. But I don't have a preference for race, because I'm not a race obsessed Amerilard. I've seen beautiful girls of every race and nationality.
imagine being so fucking triggered that you fund something like this with your money
Nothing more to tell. Move to Japan and the "occasional cute girl acting like an idol" you see online becomes a daily torrent of obnoxious repetitive and cloned behavior you encounter online, IRL, in all forms of media, etc.
If you think a Japanese girl saying some retarded phrase and making a kawaii pose / face is cute you are just hypnotized by otakubait media.
Send it to her
>No source
>No citations
>Retarded graph
>Race mixing dating site
lolwat, you're literally retarded and delusional aka a weeb
>her feet
Uhhh is she ok?
Cringe but redpilled
John Johanas that works at Tango Gameworks and who directed their previous game - The Evil Within 2, was studying Japanese literature there. Look up what he did (you can find his bio on their site) and just follow his steps.
Unironic question:
Why does half of Yea Forums hate asian women now?
We used to always adore them. Is the influx of jealous women/trannies? Is it a meme.
race preference is entirely natural though
>Ghost = Death
this except arabs and indians
this, also i'm a faggot weed smoker and japan doesn't really take kindly to that.
If she doesn't have a sassy personnality, she's good in my book
>Asian is china only
Below average iq, like pottery
White female/black male is the least likely pairing, but its the one we see constantly in jewish media
>We used to always adore them.
Literal mob mentality yellow fever. Simply epic.
Ghostwire Tokyo
>angry at a woman.
I think the incel here is you bud.
Nobody except for delusional retards "adore" these insectoids.
I love Asian women!
I dislike tranny/reddit tourists!
It's literally one guy
What the hell is Resetera's problem? It's just people showing their appreciation after Nakamura's time on stage? Why the fuck is it creepy now, just because it isn't gay or something along those lines? What the fuck is Asian fetishization? Is it something like girl fetishization? I swear some people need to be gassed and that's RetardERA.
How new are you?
the absolute state of asian """men"""
It didn't. I want to fuck the cancer out of Tak.
/pol/, trannies, mad fat bitches
poe's law and post election ironic shitposting as well as normal fag and mobile influx
>Noemi Bonazza
Like pottery
This Jake guy pays women to hang out with him btw
brazilians arent allowed to post here
why else do you think she was on stage and acted like that?
no one should be surprised about these reactions to her, it was planned from the start
>What the fuck is Asian fetishization?
It's when everyone gets tired of my "woke" personality and chooses the superior option and I can't handle the consequences of my actions.
> Below average iq, like pottery
Yes, clearly you are below average African IQ.
There's no difference among you ugly insects.
Excuse me but I have blue eyes blonde hair so I'm allowed to post here.
based, as a weab incel*
Asian women look like Asian men and why are you posting pictures of anime characters who look like whites?
What's your plan jew?
not even some programmers make that much in burgerland
Disgusting roastbeef
I like Asian women but I also realize that, just like with any other race, most of them are ugly and a lot of us yellow fever sufferes have been brainwashed by video games, JAV and Gravure.
> What the fuck is Asian fetishization
Yellow fever is a cope mechanism for ugly white beta males because it takes no effort to fuck these bugs.
I'd argue you aren't looking hard enough, girls of any race can be pretty
fix your own women
>shaking her ass and tits on instagram or whatever for followers/money
>not a whore
Sure thing bud
So no one's gonna respond to this?
>I like Asian women but I also realize that, just like with any other race, most of them are ugly
Asian women are statistically the most desired women. See and
Conflating. Think hard on that word and why what you're saying makes no sense at all.
Who the fuck is recording that
>slant-eyed yellow goblin
Downies downies
This entire story was false.
why does the left hate asian people so much
>stop fetishizing
wow not very liberal of you to kinkshame
An asian "male". He is too afraid to do anything, as you see. It was a video posted on Reddit's /r/AsianMasculinity, a forum for asian male incels who are angry at white men.
> Asian women are statistically the most desired women.
Proof? Autistic graps from race mixing dating sites is not proof.
what a pathetic faggot
>tfw she came on stage
I wonder how triggered everyone on both sides are going to get when you see asian chicks with white guys and that white chick with the asian guy. It's like racebait for both retarded sides of the same coin.
uh shut up I would buy a female as slave property if it was legal like in sharia dude.
Asians don't look like human beings
Literal roastbeef
almost puked
imagine how buttmad you have to be to actually go and record random people on streets
>aww yea bby look how thicc i am while i get drunk on this red wine at 1pm
th-that's illegal
look deformed as fuck
Yellow fever faggots are mentally ill.
have sex and dilate
I started playing a game specifically to meet asian girls, met an asian girl and am now dating her. It's the only thing in my life that's worked out exactly as I planned.
Everyone knows I'm right
The curly britbong a few minutes ago was really cute too.
I just wish I had any fucking idea what actually is going on here
They look more like humans then the trannies you keep company