So I think I might be looking to in deep into this, but at the SSBU world championship, Sakurai announced that a new DLC fighter would be revealed at E3, beside him was a glowing smash ball, and at the end of his announcement, he points out that the smash ball became a fake smash ball. And I'm sure you're all aware of the Banjo Kazooie leaks that have been surfacing, and frankly I believe this is Sakurai subtlety saying the leaks are fake. Now besides the smash ball, I don't any other forms of evidence, so really I could possibly be wrong, but I'll just have to wait. What do you guys think?
Super Smash Bros Ultimate E3
>What do you guys think?
I don't think, I just let Yea Forums control all my opinions and decide what's good and what's bad.
This. Erdrick and Banjo are the only options because Yea Forums said so.
>giving attention to shitty leakers
>buying a leak in any capacity after the Grinch and other hoards of fake leaks that have been flying around this week
No idea why you retards don't just ignore any and all """""""leaks""""""""" so we get less retarded fake leakers.
The Banjo rumors started up seriously around 5 days ago. I really, really doubt that they had a Smash Ball light made in less than a week to respond to that rumor specifically - I daresay that they had already prepared Sakurai's speech (with the Smash Ball included) before that. If it is supposed to be a reference to an existing leak, then it would have to be Erdrick, because that was the only one that was getting any significant coverage beforehand. Realistically, though, it's probably nothing, or hints at something no-one here is predicting.
What point would he have ti be vauge instead of just coming flat out and saying that the rumors flooding the internet are not correct and that people should reevaluate their expectations and trust in said leaks.
>muh colored chairs!
Shut up nerd
I think you’re mentally ill.
Sakurai doesn’t even look at fan polls.
Darkon and Galeem.
The room he was sitting in was a replica of isabelle's office. Complete with futon, bookshelf and the SAME potted plant.