Vidya Tiddy Thread

Post em big and stuff.

Does anyone have the picture of Zelda saying "You said you'd fuck my tits" because I seemed to have forgotten to save it

Attached: 1558732024997.png (611x655, 439K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1553524097772.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

a deals a deal user...

>flooding /e/ with soft core shit because you literally cant go to the other porn boards to masturbate

Unironically you are all worse than twitter screen cap and wojak posters

Attached: __princess_king_boo_new_super_mario_bros_u_deluxe_and_etc_drawn_by_yukito_dreamrider__af563297ef44ea (912x1374, 576K)

Attached: 1557815653694.jpg (1100x1181, 122K)

I feel like you didn't mean to say /e/


Lmaoing @ ur lyfe RN homo

>those faintly visible veins
This should be more common.

I really feel princesses shouldn’t say this kind of stuff

tits or no tits that was cool as shit, whats this from?

Cant remember which but she's from Darksiders 1 or 2

Any porns boards with this?

Attached: 802d0c704845e6524bb8fb3ce0849bf4-imagejpeg.jpg (1466x1100, 110K)

Those tits are BUILT for the

Attached: 2017-12-11_031209.webm (640x368, 2.09M)

camilla is such a slut

Attached: 6a55f58d6859799f3f31f330ce42769e.png (852x1280, 1.01M)

Thank you based user

I disagree, at least thinly veiled /e/ threads are pleasant to look at. Wojak and twitter cancer has no redeeming qualities whatsoever

Attached: 887cc40485e10672089da868a07bfdcd.jpg (2800x3990, 2.4M)

Sorry Camilla, but there's two better FE mommies now.

Attached: FEH MOMMIES.png (2012x1920, 2.73M)

Attached: shiranui.gif (500x621, 278K)


Attached: 6540cbaa7217768608a07bf49d7d9322.jpg (857x900, 133K)

what game

Just like me.

Attached: 96486400b183fcdd138449bf2c0ee368.png (1200x1697, 1.58M)

Attached: ac67b4d12a592616b899a05e05e4cc5d.jpg (1102x1560, 203K)

princess boo is one of the best things that came out from that crown item

Attached: 1538109427638.jpg (680x538, 26K)

Attached: 1555970790617.jpg (721x1200, 121K)

post tits

Attached: 1531250692147.jpg (711x633, 43K)

Forever best pokegirl

Attached: 68394278_p0.jpg (1820x2500, 2.3M)


Attached: e41919b6642a7eca3feb8e1b9ca3d3d2c12a5a8177b9488d0d2bd54559a65d29.gif (273x145, 3M)


Attached: 1553631893841.webm (1920x1080, 1.36M)

I don't have any

Attached: 1547405817714.jpg (2048x1152, 304K)

>no plant titties

Attached: 1559837370250m.jpg (1024x1024, 85K)

jeanette who?

Post soft boi chest

is that!?

Attached: 1559840402266.jpg (720x1080, 97K)

Attached: 1536369475351.png (500x605, 163K)

even better

Attached: 1533479719071.jpg (657x527, 29K)

Attached: Monstrous size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue..png (859x604, 607K)

she's so cute

Attached: 1559825594682.png (992x953, 641K)

Look at those absolute units.

I feel like I have played this game. Is it Valkyrie Drive or something?

Attached: 1447193756046.png (923x1168, 1.56M)

>those veins

Attached: 8e31521b61c03d85caf95b0a7e7199301530572256_large.png (200x200, 59K)



Attached: 2018-02-10_104218.webm (640x368, 514K)

Subtle veins on huge saggers are the best though

Reco Love

fat and disgusting

>those veins

Attached: sweat.jpg (600x480, 52K)

/trash/ unironically

>all the doujins for this are NTR garbage

Fag and degenerate.

Wish there was more of this with Ultimate Zelda.

I'm still amazed they made her tits this big. This seems like something from a mod.

Attached: 1477984827145.jpg (1920x1080, 215K)


Post the edits

Attached: Increase.jpg (443x791, 46K)

Attached: 1777.19.png (1024x1170, 1.02M)

Attached: 1558677413839.jpg (643x900, 152K)

ok woman fetishist

>the absolute state of modern gaming

I get to post this again

Attached: 3e74346a3865ec8857b7c21b8036df85.gif (725x572, 1.57M)

based and bluepilled

I want to grope that belly

Same girl from the first game.

Attached: Patty-Steelbeard.png (650x650, 387K)

This shit is fan art and not from vidya. Fuck off and have sex, you retarded incels.

You could hug it with your entire body.

Big meaty tits need a lot of energy to grow.

Attached: ming.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

>telling an incel to have sex

Why are we never allowed vidya tummy threads?

Attached: 5230.1.jpg (900x1200, 99K)

please take a name so I can filter you

God I wish I was her

I feel like they should

why are armpits so sexy

im beggin ya, have sex

Have sex

Is that traced from the Queen's Blade Rebellion pre-TV series OVA?

>responding to some that aren't fanart
Don't care either way

Attached: Flash.jpg (1091x1200, 148K)

Attached: mommy.jpg (480x360, 8K)


>OP starts the thread with fan art and doesn't mention that pics have to be official
>user gets angry because he's a retard

Kys fag

Why must you blueball me like this?

Attached: IMG_20190602_122856.jpg (216x128, 8K)

You should contact hiro and demand that anything that's not a screenshot from a game be a bannable offense.

>Incel calling incels incels
Get a load of this fuckin guy

At least three of those aren't fan art, one of which is even a direct uneditted video capture from the game itself

Attached: Pajama Tits.jpg (1920x1080, 144K)

>Post official FEH art

Cringe and retardpilled.

Does it look so? Something has always looked off about it but Mei Fang has so little I never questioned it

Attached: c6467f016d14596a6b251c89ffdcbc68.png (956x1200, 812K)

Just don't get scared when you hear a low growl coming from beneath you.

What can we do to stop these incels objectifying women on Yea Forums? This is going too far...


by sucking their dicks and streaming it on twitch

Attached: Fuck.jpg (909x991, 516K)

fucking this. any suggestions, brothers?

Attached: asuka naked covered.jpg (2480x3508, 2.25M)

I stopped playing a few months ago. Who's the green haired one?

We get them occasionally, usually under the title of 'Vidya Midriffs' or something like that.

by closing ur eyes or your tab, either one will work

I'm not sure. Part of it looks like that but I don't have a clip handy.

Attached: e0a1c7985dba189a8adb94aa4e81d7c93f6598d7_00.gif (320x178, 248K)

Posting more of them?

Attached: Jam's Jams.png (1920x1080, 1.22M)

All I see are people making women into objects of adoration and idolization.

higher, I said!

Those Fire Emblem portraits are official user. As is this.

Attached: Full_Injured_Loki.png (1000x950, 753K)

Are you sure those aren't from Tamainin instead?

Attached: 2017-01-05_145605.webm (640x368, 2.49M)

Based & Jampilled

Attached: 1559008083121.jpg (850x1303, 292K)

Give more vidya girls dicks!

you think it's going to work?

Attached: madeleine clevage.jpg (512x512, 110K)

Attached: Swimsuit.gif (758x1080, 1.35M)

sauce for op pic?

Only if we post enough of them

Attached: Jam Cloudberry.jpg (1032x1457, 875K)

Attached: shahdee.jpg (1000x1200, 163K)


dresses like this are officially my biggest weakness

Im tempted to just drop my pants right now but that'd be wrong on a blue board, right?

damn, doctor's orders i guess

Attached: lulu clevage 3.jpg (921x1000, 134K)

>dyke haircut
>germanic fridge-frame body

Girls stretching is some good stuff though, thanks for giving me something new to look for specifically

Shut up with the faggy ERP'ing already. Go join the trannies on discord if that's what you're here for.

Who's gonna stop you?

Attached: Poor Chef with glasses.jpg (850x1202, 144K)

Why couldn't she be Tidus's romantic interest?

Attached: Queen of Cats n Tats.webm (600x250, 1.85M)

Attached: 1560106760320.png (1920x1080, 2.25M)

Attached: Pantsu.png (1280x720, 329K)

cant stop me if I already did it

Attached: 1454367904997.gif (170x200, 1.33M)

FFXIV modding is so fun.

Ninja tits

Attached: Kunoichi.png (1295x831, 1.41M)

I'm always red-dee!

Have a transparent version just because

Attached: zelda tits.png (931x1000, 925K)

She looks like she fucks dogs

armour tits

Attached: ivy armour.jpg (831x1176, 277K)

Not big enough tits really

>Loki's Spring Alt was drawn by the Starless artist


Attached: 19 - GPVnADt.png (1600x1920, 447K)


Attached: 18 is still better.jpg (740x1024, 88K)

Humans are supposed to be into other humans. If anything this is less about objectifying women, and more about personifying pixels. We're tricking our brains into thinking we are seeing a human and person we are attracted to, and that's pretty much the opposite of objectifying someone.

>dyke haircut
I like short hair
Nothing wrong with Germans, except the shitskins and the cunt in charge of ruining my other homeland
wat? She's tall but not fridge sized fat
Literally my big tiddy goth waifu

Attached: Xana.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Jesus christ, I downloaded a porn game and basically had a 4 hour fap session, my dick going limp multiple times in between where I kinda needed rest. I came so hard, the sock was oozing cum. Felt absolutely worn out for hours after this, I'm not doing something like that ever again.
But here I am. Big, fucking TITS.

not video games
get this fucking garbage out of my sight

darksiders 2

I agree sir. 4channel is better than this!!

Attached: Witch tits.webm (1280x720, 609K)

Attached: GD4pqul.png (700x990, 442K)

Attached: 1387580065045.jpg (292x365, 35K)

Call on meeeeeeeeeee

Attached: 1555090095705.jpg (720x1024, 74K)

oooon meeee

Attached: samus exercise.gif (600x450, 2.27M)

Cat tats

Attached: 1560187512938.png (1026x775, 933K)

Not chubby enough. VGErotica made a better model

>my other homeland

Germans are a plague on Europe as much as the darkies and have been since Rome.

Titties are nice but they are even better in a nice sundress

Attached: 62461243_p1_master1200.jpg (928x1200, 805K)

Attached: 1.png (2400x1350, 2.96M)

Anyone got that "genki childhood tomboy elf sundress etc etc" image?

Best girl.

Imagine being this gay

>no one has posted the queen of titty threads

Attached: sample_fa405e546147043ea9d3860999895bea.jpg (850x909, 181K)


We are saving our tifas for the square conference.

Attached: 1541955070160.jpg (849x1200, 699K)

erotic games ruined porn for me desu

Not even close.

Sei shoujo art is pretty fucking obvious.

Attached: 38899.jpg (256x397, 59K)

Attached: 1554783998677.jpg (607x582, 18K)

What's this particular Mei from?

>Viddya tiddy

Every time

It's almost like developers need to try harder.

Attached: D2XtjlKUcAAehbH.jpg (768x1080, 78K)

So you want a even more mobage dominated thread?

Attached: 1542826158675.png (751x1014, 380K)

Attached: 1559493741886.jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

Now with brown hair. Get it before the thread is gone.

Attached: zelda with brown hair.png (931x1000, 813K)

Attached: Dj-oZnNU4AEHNst.jpg (650x997, 122K)

Attached: 1540774071783.jpg (1154x1617, 193K)

>be big titty artist
>admire how this guy draws big titties
>start working to try and get as good him
>turns out he's just referencing porn/models
>feel somehow cheated
I know using references is the secret to drawing better art, but man... feels bad.

Attached: leanne-crow-hd-wallpaper-widescreen_3348049.jpg (2048x1536, 265K)

I miss TP Zelda, thanks

Attached: DJJ9yEAVYAA_h-b.jpg (536x836, 84K)

85 files and maybe 4 or 5 screenshots. Cartoons arent videogames.

Post something instead. Contribute.

Attached: Torpedo.png (1280x720, 280K)

Good taste my man


Art referencing art will usually lead to mediocrity.

Attached: 1518082844890.gif (580x850, 840K)

Who is OP semen demon?

Lmao you’ve got good attention to detail

>Create another selvaria just to kill her again.

What is the fucking point?

Attached: __brunhild_aoki_kakumei_no_valkyria_and_senjou_no_valkyria_drawn_by_takayama_toshiaki__sample-342291 (850x1168, 274K)


Yes they are

Attached: 1542929153802.png (851x1071, 1.85M)

Oh fuck, I fucking love tits guys. I hope we all get to be with someone with big tits someday

Attached: D2u-iNKU0AApUrv.jpg (999x963, 81K)

Best maid

Attached: 1559992260741.jpg (2480x3508, 3.3M)

They are subtle and perfect. Tumblr artists who draw bright fat blue lines all over tits should die.

Attached: 468px-XC2-Mikumari.jpg (468x455, 37K)


>swimsuit tanlines brown loli
Holy fuck bros why is this so hot

Attached: 1450973305772.gif (500x400, 3.09M)

Attached: Big Tiddie Girls.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

Does Lionela have the biggest tits in the series? Pamela is pretty big too, I guess.

Attached: A11_Lionela_Event.jpg (1280x720, 627K)

God I love leanne

Ive posted every screenshot I have multiple times on these threads.

Attached: 47810_20180211183431_1.png (1920x1080, 1.19M)


Attached: 1553127758079.png (1680x2048, 1.93M)

I've got some time to spare. Now in purple.

Attached: zelda but shade of purple.png (931x1000, 724K)

Attached: 1558329630142.jpg (1050x1400, 725K)

Same, post some more

Attached: Sisterly Love01.gif (435x250, 1.93M)

Whoops I missed some spots. Hopefully that fixed it.

Attached: zelda but shade of purple.png (931x1000, 724K)

I like it, thanks user.

needs purple lipstick

Why doesn't he want to draw faces anymore?

Attached: D6beAE8VUAE5M1o.jpg large.jpg (965x1027, 90K)

I would like that very much myself but I'm slightly too jaded into thinking that if I ever make a mistake with a girl they'll uppercut me with verbal abuse and I'll have no reason to stick around. Being a snarky person by nature only makes things worse. Ther's GOTTA be a bigg tiddy monsterr somewhere out there for me right? Pic slightly unrelated, I think.

Attached: HITOMI SANS.jpg (2048x2048, 271K)

Holy shit, this.

Why bother when everyone's just going to look below them?

Dammit Yea Forums, where the BIG tiddy?

Attached: 1559863867690.jpg (480x480, 31K)

got any other examples like this?
i love seeing when artists have their references/tracing found out

Looks like a man.

Attached: 1555140202276.jpg (1355x2031, 300K)

Just make do, she was originally a washboard.

Attached: 02-02-19_4-58-32 AM.png (1920x1018, 1.21M)

At least fucking name it holy shit.
Anyone got any good recommendations?

Attached: 1469686054047.jpg (800x1132, 1.1M)

>recoloring zelda pics to suit your needs
I feel you

Attached: file.png (753x648, 481K)

Attached: 1542711152978.jpg (1000x1023, 830K)

There was an attempt

Attached: zelda but shade of purple and lipstick.png (931x1000, 726K)

t. will never ever touch a tit

Don't got the posts with it, but I got this

Attached: 1397342464211.png (800x793, 353K)

>hating on a girl with a working circulatory system

imagine the smearmarks

usually prefer flat but sometime need that big tiddy fix
anyone know this feel?

Attached: 3b4.png (500x314, 16K)

n i c e

Almost everything that the guy who drew OP's pic does is referenced from Leanne Crow.
Take this one for example.

Attached: CmILOjJXIAAU-i1.jpg (1200x800, 126K)

i'm with ya, big titties are a like a lil treat


Attached: 1559495460876.jpg (882x960, 76K)

I like flatties as well as cows with huge udders desu. Just anything inbetween I am not really interested in

Depends on my mood. I flip flop a lot.

I'm the exact opposite.

Attached: 1550982430163.jpg (506x539, 23K)

Attached: tr2_render24.jpg (1727x3000, 262K)

Itt: pre-op trannies and literal niggers who can only think with their dicks. Porn addiction is a genuine mental illness.

Have sex. Just once in your pathetic weebcel existences, have sex.

Bend over.

provide the female to have sex with us and we will
otherwise stfu

Right there with ya
love me some lolis and mommies

>Tits that big
>Low body fat for abs and muscle definition
Is this even possible?

Attached: 1548901385356.jpg (1348x2048, 323K)


Attached: 1559358778564.png (824x624, 29K)

i have had sex i just still like boobs

Attached: 1559106054592.jpg (995x1270, 281K)

I never got this meme
How is someone objectifying women if he likes looking at them? Is art objectified? Are movies objectified?

Also cute tummies>tiddies

Attached: 1559566055019.jpg (1200x1826, 255K)

what is this from?

Attached: 1539628564128.png (2508x3501, 3.7M)

Attached: tumblr_oeisuy01r81uwqut9o1_1280.jpg (1080x1261, 335K)

With some lucky genetics or plastic surgery sure

Now I'm feeling really conflicted about this artist.

Attached: 1549924498882.jpg (453x576, 69K)

if you're gonna use someone as a model for huge weighty tits, you can't go wrong with leanne desu

i never cared that much for skullgirls but every gal that resembles jessica rabbit is a+ in my book

Attached: jessica going down.gif (495x383, 970K)

Attached: 1547762464173.jpg (1862x2233, 601K)

no which is why 2d is superior

Attached: kpzz1g60mm231.jpg (600x800, 86K)


Attached: 1432432344116.png (460x661, 442K)

fake as fuck

If anything objectifying women would just turn them into lamps or something right? Then all the moth girls can do lesbab things to them.

I'm also the opposite but the magic of boobs makes all sizes great. Flatties can be cute while there's nothing cute about a flat ass.

Attached: 00C897F0CED46074F5676D5740F19C477CA3F143.gif (353x462, 320K)

Giant tits x Flat chest is absolute KINO tier.
The bigger the tits the better, but the flat chest just amplifies their size significantly.

Attached: __lilith_aensland_and_morrigan_aensland_vampire_game_drawn_by_asanagi__f0fa0a360409de7a776f97bdf5248 (1250x1094, 897K)

This thread is made by incels
>t. r/smallbooblove

Bless you and all your future endeavors, you hero.

Attached: 1547729289395.jpg (982x1412, 805K)

Artists use references all the time, but usually it's considered respectful to be sneaky about it.
There's nothing inherrently wrong with using a reference, but usually you're expected to construct something further using your reference material.

huge x flat double paizuri

This user knows what he's talking about.

Attached: 1548137973296.jpg (835x816, 387K)

Literally nothing wrong with using references if you don't straight up trace, drawing is hard and drawing from scrach is even harder.

Attached: D8rSrpvV4AE4jA5.jpg large.jpg (589x984, 41K)


itt people learn that artists use references i guess? its was basically everyone does

best type of /u/
I have no content for this someone make a thread for it on a lewd board so i don't have to shitpost on Yea Forums about it aaaaaaaa

Attached: despair but also an erection.png (600x478, 243K)

That looks bad.

She swears it's not just a phase. This is who she is now.

Attached: zelda but edgy.png (931x1000, 550K)

>Giant tits x Flat chest is absolute KINO tier.

which is why Vert x Blanc is great

Attached: 1457070875962.jpg (800x912, 133K)

Maybe I'll do it when this thread 404's.

>no lipstick on this one
Come on, man.

God black hair with red eyes is best

Attached: 023ad542c25ccbc06a8481ef34e86052.png (1000x1000, 395K)

So thanks for the edit user.

Attached: DRYBONES ANGER.jpg (1150x1113, 92K)

looks like you better get started

because it's not finished yet you doofus

Attached: 1530148000008.gif (700x387, 2.48M)

He seems to be heavily relying on them too much.
This one looks more free handed and is pretty odd looking.

How could I possibly forget? Thanks user.

Attached: zelda but edgy.png (931x1000, 552K)

>tranny starts spamming gore, because he can't handle tits

do you know how I know you never touched a tit in your life?

Missed ya gore spammer.

People who complain about using references don't know how to draw.


Wew lad, that's a throwback.

Maybe just a hint of eye shadow if you can muster it, just to further accentuate the edgy goth

Attached: Juri Han.jpg (844x1024, 134K)

>unironically feeling nostalgic over gore
What the fuck is wrong with me?

So do these gurofags actually come from resetera secretly or something? I can't see why people who have shit like that saved on their PCs would even bother entering a thread like this if not to get offended willingly just to have an excuse to chimp out.

It makes sense that given how he chopped off his own balls and dick he'd be unable to tolerate a thread that is made for the purpose of making one's dick hard and balls churn.

Attached: lSNHp6E.jpg (1000x710, 146K)

No joke; how do you draw legit great big tits? As a aspiring drawfags, I wanna get it right.

Attached: 1525468402849.jpg (3556x2000, 1.85M)

do titfucks even feel good? doesn't seem like breasts would apply sufficient pressure to your dingus

do these cute yeyes count

Attached: __admiral_graf_spee_azur_lane_drawn_by_oshishio__a4a219394b1b6c13dd27ca1ff4aa3d98.jpg (898x1500, 330K)

For me it's the opposite


Attached: b44d9e17780df0e8fb5c55c20eba6bd5.jpg (800x800, 460K)

but that's hot user

There, now she's (hopefully) complete.

Attached: zelda but edgy.png (931x1000, 552K)

Goreposting long predates Resetera and Yea Forums's obsession with trannies.


Plenty of nsfw artists have guides out there.
You can always ask in a lewd board or /i/ or something

Attached: py.jpg (480x480, 34K)

I'm not even a boob man but this picture awakens some natural urge to lie in her arms and suck

>doesn't seem like breasts would apply sufficient pressure to your dingus
if the girl squeezes them together around your dick, then yeah they do. its more for the texture anyways
or you could always just titfuck a girl with a bra on

Attached: __pekoyama_peko_super_danganronpa_2_and_etc_drawn_by_kanata_loser51__c0c32ec580469d9baa991e2354dae35 (500x740, 206K)

That ought to do it

Attached: RXVliKT.jpg (768x1024, 338K)

first you nail down the shape according to size and weight, then the shading

I've heard a tale or two about while it's not that great, it's the feeling of intimacy you get from your partner that allows you to cum good. Or maybe huge tiddy makes it easier to do so

>bnha reaction pic
>abhorrent opinion on the thread topic
why i'm not surprised

Attached: palu medusa boob press.jpg (800x800, 108K)

Drawing the tiddy is great, but what really makes it work is waking the titty flow out of the bra/clothes to show how big it is, show it overflowing whatever piece of clothe it's stuck into.

Attached: __ahri_league_of_legends_drawn_by_kumiko_shiba__3d89047b90f3f13a71d65a6c6fedc8e3.jpg (1200x1600, 791K)

Did anyone save that Sorceress in the hot springs pic? The colored one?

Mods = Nu-Sony.

not pale enough

not white enough

It's part of a pretty nuanced topic about culture on women as a whole that I'm definitely not qualified to talk about. It's basically the idea of treating women like attractive props that exist for the opposite sex's pleasure, both in media and in the way people think about them, without caring or considering how the woman feels. In a vacuum, single instances, like this thread, are harmless, especially since these are fictional women, but the idea focuses on culture as a whole, including art and film.

Sounds like id need to work on gesture for that.

How pale is too pale?

Attached: zelda but edgy with pale skin.png (931x1000, 540K)

Thanks for being a cool user.

Attached: perfection.gif (245x153, 235K)

How to completely ruin a character with a single drawing.

Attached: __caligula_florence_nightingale_and_phantom_of_the_opera_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_r (512x875, 910K)


My ex gave me a couple and it felt alright. Nothing special though. It's mostly the concept that's hot.

always happy to help

Attached: mfw scientist life.jpg (692x566, 70K)

now I've seen some faggotry in my life but this takes the fucking cake

Just how far do you anons plan on taking this editing spree of yours?

>character integrity

Who cares?

Based edit user is based.


lmao too bad for you


I'm willing to find out if you are

there's no need to go any further, we have reached perfection

Really is a shame. Her normal clothes are great

Attached: 66492626_p0.png (769x1175, 1.8M)

Holy fuck

How can something so hot be so disgusting at the same time

>rants about degeneracy of porn
>demands we just have flings which are even more degenerate and detrimental
If your going to enter threads you don't like, you can at the very least keep your logic consistent

Attached: spilled.jpg (800x720, 660K)

thanks i hate it

The thing is that nobody cares about nightingale itself.

Just Condom nurse.


What triggered the gore posting?

seething trannies

Attached: god bless the usa.jpg (850x1265, 173K)

Autistic Yea Forumstard who wants attention.

Some upset user

Why do you keep posting dick mutilation then?

Oh boy here come the spergs trying to get kids to delete the thread.

You know, you losers have to be a special kind of psychotic to save these disturbing images to your PC, let alone look them up in the first place.

>Call people trannies for being attracted to the sexual characteristics of a woman.

What did she mean by this?

If you're gonna post gore, at least make it titty gore please?
We're trying to be on topic here...


What game gets titty physics the best?

Attached: 1530532805950.jpg (800x1349, 315K)

They can't get it up anymore, just imagine it. Can you tolerate being a eunuch on Yea Forums?


is the mentality of the shitposter


Probably an actual discordfag triggered about the fact that Yea Forums allows tiddies but not his trashy gay erp threads.

Soul Calibur 4 was pretty good.

Attached: if only.png (736x677, 564K)

>janitors are asleep
>co nunny threads

Let's post as much as we can until people become fed up with them.

Attached: 1528631629004.jpg (494x669, 397K)

this is literally photo hard copying, has nothing to do with uniqueness and expression, thus not actual art.

Well if for whatever reason you thought she wasn't pale enough, now she's extra pale just for you.

Attached: zelda but edgy and extra pale.png (931x1000, 399K)

Essentially it was on old way to either derail a thread or remove a thread you don't like

one of the few over-designed FGO girls I like. at least in porn

I wanna talk about rumble roses, ever think we'll get another game like that?

Attached: 1533160146148.jpg (3289x4800, 2.79M)

Goddamn nothing makes me squirm like a pair of tits

Don't pretend gravity doesn't exist, don't pretend physics doesn't exist, don't pretend breasts are anything but bags of fleshy fat.

Attached: 1557894911201.jpg (831x1176, 275K)

That's a little much, the previous pale was ideal

user you went from pale white to grey skin. She's a Dunmer now.

>Queen of tits
that's not morrigan

Attached: 1250636181406.png (992x1417, 750K)

Attached: 53278515_p0_.jpg (1014x1500, 150K)

Now she's just a vampire

sure in the form of pachinko

your pun game is weak OP

"viddy tiddy" or "vidya tidya"

you're welcome

Now she looks undead. We have to go back.

Referencing art is only good if you're actually using it to create something new, like making an outfit or adding a character to a scene you've already drawn.
Just copying something that already exists is just drawing exercise - except he's taking it to full render and publishing it as original art.
It's really scummy.

god i love big floppy saggin tits so much

not even memeing they're just fucking hot as fuck to me all the sudden

Attached: 1555246042534.jpg (1920x1080, 215K)

Welcome to real life.

where could one find more? reverse search leads to nothing


Based janny actually in thread deleting the gore poster's shit.

She needs some vampire fangs!

Are flatties welcome here?

Attached: 1559860886026.png (747x1200, 570K)

Now available in blue

Attached: zelda but blue.png (931x1000, 770K)

So this has a version where the baguette is extruded to an absurd degree right?

This. Good work Janny.

Attached: image.png (640x768, 785K)

i really hate gambling
Rumble Roses was a game I could play with my father

Attached: 1528828505654.jpg (636x900, 102K)

I come here to esca- avo- not deal with real life

Attached: 1554615466900.png (824x1335, 1.26M)

That palette is aesthetic as fuck.

Attached: 1535162667270.jpg (833x925, 157K)

DOA sets the standard. Sometimes other games may surpass it for a time, but everyone judges based on how the physics measure up to DOA's.

Attached: Hitomi VV physics.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

The madladdery continues.

Fuck yes. All tits are delicious and should be worshiped

I want to make orc babies with Ingrid

You just have to try and be more specific with word searching. I found the first image by looking up "Leanne Crow" and seeing if there was anything at the top of Google images. It wasn't specific, so I narrowed it down by describing her pose. Searching "Leanne Crow Yoga" gave me the result I wanted.
For the other one, it's obvious she's with another model - so I looked up models Leanne has posed with and found that Rachel Aldanna was the most likely canditate. Searched "Leanne Crow and Rachel Aldanna" and got results.

But obviously this only works because I know that the art is based off of Leanne Crow. Other than that, stumbling across someone's reference and making the connection is mostly down to chance.

you will never cum so much in her she balloons up

Which big tiddy vidya girl is the best at paizuri?

I wish.
All I do now is create women only leagues in WWE