What do you main Yea Forums?

What do you main Yea Forums?
Virgin dps?
Chad tank?

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I want to fuck this healer.
Post her feet

Whats the tank from?


Some porn cartoon, it's only good for a fap or two

Shiruka Bakaudon's creation

>inb4trannies start healslut posting

For me it's the berserker

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i used to tank but i became a tranny and now im a healslut

hybrid able to tank and heal

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For me, it's the Necromancer.

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Necromancer is healer being too late so you are still healslut.

Chad healer

>Melee DPS


>Ranged DPS


According to scientific research, this is your destined role

>cute girl
>bald ogroid male with a smegma cock and glasses
Why do doujins do this? Instantly ruins it.

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because the creators like to self insert and they know they can get away with it because people will still read their shit

Yeah but why wouldn’t you make yourself attractive in that case?

Instead of using the term DD...
"How much DPS does your DPS"

you're a bad person if you recognize these images

>because the creators like to self insert
Uhh, one of the artists who does that the most (including the Tank doujin in the OP) is a woman.

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I usually actually play ranged DPS
t. Leo

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A retard rapes a girl and the court case is dismissed because he's retarded

Damn, Adachi was right.

why are you covering the man chin then bitch

because they get off to the idea that they can get women as they are. Its like ronnie but with a delusion of self confidence

some also just have a fetish for ugly dudes, abuse, or the undesirables, not to mention those are a lot of times who reads this so it bennifits the type of people i mentioned above but who cant draw. thats just good business

This is why tards should be euthanized

gimma the pandas

Bitches and whores

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I-Is this an invitation for ugly tards to rape her?

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start with dps, switch to tank when you know the game. Never support (unless it's Mordhau)

You're welcome to try

>Melee DPS
I don't trust this research

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I love to heal.
I resubbed and bought BFA just because I was feeling like some nice ol' healing and they didn't break that aspect of the game toooo badly.

I'm not a slut tho, I'm only thirsty for one lucky guy.

I haven't read any one of those


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but retards are the biggest victims of rape


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Two birds one stone

bing bing bing bing

>not reading shadman

Attached: give me those shadmans.jpg (493x392, 52K)

You're awwright, user.


Tanking makes everyone else in your group feel like NPCs

I just roll whatever is the most difficult/engaging.
Usually tank, sometimes healer, sometimes melee dps, sometimes caster

I enjoy standing in the back and helping out my team even if I have to be sacrificed and get no recognition.

Now get on your knees and bark like a dog you worthless scum!

what's the name of the retard one?



I can't believe I used to main healer in my mmo days. I physically cringe when thinking back on that time... How was I such a beta cuck that I forfeited my own fun to further someone elses? Always taking the heat for wipes and arena loses... DPS chads making me feel like a tool... i hate it

I tank tho

Who Tsubaki Jushirou here

>Melee DPS
yeah nah
if I play DPS, I play caster DPS

It's like you are reading my mind.