Is this an accurate representation of the average v-tard?

Is this an accurate representation of the average v-tard?

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Pretty much.

This is an accurate representation of who everyone on Yea Forums thinks they are talking to.

This but replace nintendo with sony

That's an accurate description of a baiting faggot. Same as you, OP.

How can anyone like nintendo?

this has to be ironic

This is the most correct post in Yea Forums history.

Nah Yea Forums is Sony and PC central

Impressive turn of events

This is what people think Yea Forums is
There’s a Nintendo bias for sure though

>Twitter for iPhone

Figures he'd be in love with the Apple of video games.

Yes, that's correct. Nintentoddlers will cream themselves for decades straight over mediocre series like Golden Sun, Advance Wars, Star Fox, Pokemon, etc. As long as it's Nintendo, they'll hail anything as the greatest game ever.

They have monopoly on gameplay, and it's not even an enforced one, it's just that the other companies are too busy trying to make movies or virtual casinos to care.
So they just halfass it and people gobble it up.

Isn’t he gay?

and black too

Yes and?

Honestly I'm pretty much the same. I'll support Nintendo no matter what because they've built trust with me over decades of releasing fun games. It would take a lot for me to give up on them.

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at least he put his bias on the table, most of them can't at least fathom a negative opinion of a company.

Oh fuck, calm down man

It's an accurate representation of anyone who consumed pop media.

Good for him social norms need to be challenged

Sky Williams is an attention whore.

Thread should have ended right here.

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You can't find it because sony fans aren't a cult

As much as Yea Forums is filled with Nintendo cocksuckers, the typical Wii U line here is not that it was secretly the best console ever, but the easier to swallow, "Hey, Wii U actually had some pretty great games!"