In a perfect timeline, she got in Smash and the games never left Nintendo consoles...

In a perfect timeline, she got in Smash and the games never left Nintendo consoles, thus never causing Snoy to censor and Takaki to leave Marvelous.

And she'd have an actually good 3D model

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Too bad sony made the Vita, huh?

I love my high functioning autistic gf

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Takaki came crawling back to Marvelous.

In a perfect timeline, he would've made it into smash.

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>No one ever draws Asuka with a pudgy tummy
It hurts

Even Sony agrees and would rather you forgot

shinovi versus save the series

In a perfect timeline, I would actually have friends and they'd want to hang out with me.

Here you go

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>not wanting Miyabi in Smash instead
you filthy casul

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This is great and I already have it but it is really the only example (that I know of)

Nah, this shit series dying is the perfect timeline.

post her feet

asuka, the girl who saved smash
in another timeline

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How pudgy are you looking for?

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>still growing
to the sides by the look of it

Onwards and outwards

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In a perfect world the Senran Kagura games would actually be good

Im just waiting on arc sys to confirm all the Senrans for BBTag. You cant just have all the anouncer voices for them and not use any of em.
Plus you dont get a ton of lewd sprite work nowadays. Last one I can think of is vanguard princess.

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Does Yumi exist in this perfect timeline? I can't see the Japs allowing Asuka over Yumi to represent the series in Smash.

Just anything that obviously shows the softness/belly bump

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Is this edited?



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Not until Renewal iirc.

Yet another positive if SK stayed on Nintendo platforms


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What a fatass.

Got you covered on the fatass thing

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>ass crack starts halfway up her back

>playing smash
you filthy casul