Emperor Naruhiro sues leakers, exspecially Nintendo leakers


Soo.. The Japanese government & royal family (mainly Naruhito himself) is started to crack down on leakers who leak out details about the country's details that are under NDAs, with Nintendo being the big one.

>I have been given a cease and desist from the emperor of Japan. They have my full name and everything. This means I'm not allowed to post any private trade secrets from the country of Japan, especially from Nintendo Co.,Ltd. This does not mean I cannot post things from other countries such as the US and Canada, but not Japan.

>They said that the Dite are aware of my activities on Discord, Twitter and the like, especially their PM Shinzo Abe who was the one who reported the events to the emperor.

>They would of done this last year but they were in the process of replacing the emperor and Abe did not want to startle Akihito due to his age.


>Yeah, I can back Sabi up on this. She shared a lot of details with me previously (including sources), and just showed me an email that threatens legal action. I looked up the firm and they worked with the royal family in the past (as far back as the Showa period, pre-Nanjing incident).

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Other urls found in this thread:


oh shit

Yea, the new emperor means business.


I guess no one told the emperor he's a figurehead

Smash Bros is serious shit

Does this mean he has a direct line to call the emperor a faggot?

Abe is trying to give the emperor more control over the country.
And it's working.

That will only make matters worse for him, much worse.

based, and dare I say Reipilled

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Its genuinely concerning that i haven't heard of this, shouldn't something like that be global news?

The emperor never had power though, that's a myth Japan has never stopped pushing since the Meiji Restoration.

What's even the point of leaking besides getting attention for it. I can understand if its something that'd never see the light of day and would go unannounced

Serves em right for being a reifag

In for a penny, in for a pound. This is his one shot to call him a faggot and he is already in shit creek anyway.

>Reiwa CHAD literally dabbing on Heisei virgins

>Transonyes have janitors backing them up.
>Nintenchads have the Emperor of Japan

Head and neck are too small and thin for her body.

>this guy leaked banjo

He's a religious figure. Not completely powerless.

nice one OP

You ascucks don't have the balls to stand up to anyone, much less the emperor of Japan.

Wait does this mean Reifags gained or lost points?

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>Japanese government makes a Cease and Desist against dozens of latin american town halls of 10k-50k towns, that wanted to show the ending of DBS for free in their public plazas.
>Latin American Mayors go and show DBS anyways for easy votes.

>religous figure
Not since the declaration of humanity post WW2

Based for leaking
Retarded for getting caught
It's a level field

Heres the national anthem to the Reiwa era.
Just replace "A Dinosaur" with "The Japanese" and you're good.
TBO, yes.
Abe is fixing that.

Reis always gain

Gained massive points. Reichads are so powerful that they caught the attention of an emperor.

Is this how you get replies on Yea Forums? Just make up bullshit?

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Japan: Literally does anything
Weeb incels: BASED XD

Says the child who can't handle a little fight from his women. Asuka is for chads who aren't scared of getting her to submit. You reifags don't even try to maintain your frame cause yall think you're entitled to some nihilistic girl's puss

Truly reipilled.

Japan is one of the most irreligious countries out there lmao

What the fuck can they do to him if he does call him a faggot? All he got is c&d, and insulting someone online eith private messages isn't illegal. Now, whether the emperor would see the message at all is a different story.

Abe however is fixing that.

He will get sent to Japanese prison for harassing the emperor.

Reifags pissed off an emperor. Points were gained my friend.

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Rei is built for wholesome hand-holding with her White husband.

fucking based emperor

Points were given obviously.

Anyway, Banjo is in. Get fucked, Chumperor.

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The Emperors name is Reiwa you troglodyte

i want to fuck this character

>Rei vs Asuka shitposting for 20+ more years
jesus christ

Are you retarded?

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Absolutely fucking based. Leakshitters eternally and honorably btfo


The emperor has some type of power again.

The Emperor gains the name of the era. Narujito is now Emperor Reiwa pretty much like his father was Emperor Heisei, his grandfather Emperor Showa and grand-grand father Emperor Taishou.

Many of them still believe that they have some sort of divinity. Hirohito still promoted the view that they were descendants of Amaterasu.
They still follow the traditions and many of them believe much of the actual religion. The idea that Japan is atheistic is based upon the Western ideas of religion which the Japanese do not follow.
Go ask /his/.

Sounds good to me a wish Queen Elizabeth had some power too. They could step in and stop the state from doing a suicidal decision.

Dumb Asukafag.

I've only been on Yea Forums for one month, and what is this epic new meme?

oh noooooooooooooo please chink-kun don't sue us

Taishou era anime beats Showa era anime.

ITT: Retards believe some other attention whore retard claiming shit on the internet

Lurk at least a decade before you post again.


Lizzy is too old and stupid. She's like my grandmother.
We need Chuck to do something.

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I don't get leakers like Sabi who like to leak stuff that is going to be released in like 12 hours time.
What's the fucking point?
I can understand leaking something in the far future or leaking information that would have stayed private or something but this just reeks of clout chasing

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user Queen Elizabeth still has power why do you think she does that speech thingy every year. Isn't it to order the parlament and such?

I'm sure that the British royal family is taking notes from this.

Take that Reifag.


Supposedly here source is/was a NoA brand ambassador, so they'd only have a few days/hours heads-up before the information became public.

>Find a small you tube channel of a masked Japanese guy making videos in English about how much he hates the royal family and how they're parasites, criminals, and whatever.
>New Emperor enters the throne
>Guy releases a video how he is no longer making videos and is going off the grid. Deleted his channel

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This is merely the beginning, dumb Asucuck

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It's just an excuse for monarchposting.
She gets to hear what they think and might give her opinion. But if she really opposed something, do you really think she could just come out with it?
If she exercised some of her legal powers, the media would explode. Even if true Britons supported her, all the faggots and leftists would throw fits.
Anyone who really thinks an old royal woman is anything but reactionary-level conservative is nuts. She doesn't support Britain's current state. But she's also a coward who won't publicly oppose anything.

Taishou-era msnga is peak manga. Perfect clothing style and Yamato Nadeshikos everywhere.

Also earthquakes.


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Post teh Rei already you fucking spineless cunt.

Did (((they))) get him?


>shinzo abe was the one who probably started the whole "have sex" meme

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>I have been given a cease and desist from the emperor of Japan.
So are we just falling for this shit ironically now? Is that the new "me me"?

You don't fuck with any government, it's best to do as they say.

My source told me they are looking for this guy.

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>the emperor is a Reifag

It put the Rei in Reiwa.

Everybody knows only trannies like Shitsuka.

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Have sex came from Disney marketers on Yea Forums defending Captain Marvel you dumb incel

>the joke
>your head

>true Britons
That would be the Welsh.
I doubt they'd be keen to support the Royalty that conquered them.

>hating on Mogudan Rei

My wife Rei is so cute.

sorry bro, it came from asp who got it from Arn Anderson.

>Liking Japanese Dobson

So... what did this guy leak?

> yall
nigger confirmed
opinion discarded

Enough to get sued.

I would be fine with his work if he'd plump up the face and neck some to match the body. Its fucking jarring to see a skinny neck and head on a plump body.

Might been a fake, but i seem a screenshot of him saying banjo on smash

James Bond in Smash.

There is nothing wrong with thinking someone is divine.


what, are you intimidated by a black man taking best girl? is that why you settle for rei, because you've internalized your inferiority, white boi?

>instead of hiring 3rd party company to teach you how to keep your video games secret
>you get the fucking emperor of Japan to write a letter

Is all of Japan this fucking stupid or is it just Nintendo?

We really hope.

Uhhh why would the emperor of a nation give a shit about vidya leaks?

Thats sorta embarrassing

Anime people usually don't draw wide faces

>look around hist twitter
>says FF8 remake to be showed later

how credible is this guy?

damn, this emperor seems pretty based for shitting on "leakers" and "leak culture."

ResetEra thinks it was Reggie who was leaking all of this stuff hence why Doug Bowser replaced him.


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>all of these people believing the OP
It takes TWO FUCKING SECONDS to check his actual twitter.
Kill yourselves zoomer faggots with no attention span

Those companies are in his country, thats why.
He is.

This is a blessed era.

based and asukapilled

I know.

They should fix that if they want to draw heavier girls.

There's little genetic difference between the Welsh, English, and Scottish. Do some actual research.

>Giving Twitter traffic

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There isn't much genetic difference among humans in general. Like house dogs have a bunch more variety than humans.

Its just you.
Emp of Japan didn't send any letter. OP replaced every instance of Nintendo with Emperor of Japan.

What's your point?
The English are 75% descended from pre-Anglo-Saxons, and even the Welsh have some Anglo-Saxon in them.

>There isn't much genetic difference among humans in general
>everyone has a unqiue face
>people are all different heights
Do i need to say anything else?

No, he did and Abe was the one who pointed the leaks to him hence why he sued the leaker.


*slow clap*

Do you have any evidence of your claim?

Look at OP.

Did you actually follow his links?

So what did he leak exactly?

I don't have a Twitter account.
He leaked enough to get sued.

>I don't have a Twitter account
Neither do I. You can still read twitter retard.

Yes I have read it, that how I copied and pasted it on here.

Then why does it not say anything about the emperor of Japan?
>I have been given a cease and desist from a lawyer representing Nintendo. They have my full name and everything. This means I'm not allowed to post any private trade secrets from Nintendo co ltd. This does not mean I cannot post things from other companies, but not Nintendo.

Thats not what it said though.
>I have been given a cease and desist from the emperor of Japan. They have my full name and everything. This means I'm not allowed to post any private trade secrets from the country of Japan, especially from Nintendo Co.,Ltd. This does not mean I cannot post things from other countries such as the US and Canada, but not Japan.

That is exactly what it said.

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Thats Photoshopped though.
>I knew you were going to do this by the way.

Prove it.
Post a screenshot of the tweet saying emp of Japan.

When smash bros is so important the muthafucking emporer of Japan threatens to sue you for leaking info

Japan might as well just change their name to Nintendo

>What's even the point of leaking besides getting attention for it
this, this is all leakers want. They have no other way to gain twitter followers so they resort to "leaking" and being "insiders" to gain a following. Leakers are literal attention whores.

It's not just Smash, since 2016 there have been leaks, they only stopped as of a few months ago.