Any good Ranma 1/2 games?

Any good Ranma 1/2 games?

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Other urls found in this thread:"ohkami ryosuke$" ryuugaku

Anime is for niggers

Its gay if you're aware of the fact he's a dude

I wanna ramma penis in that!

That's the part that makes ranma goat.

Liking trans/traps/dick girl or any form of genderbending is nothing but gay.

but that makes her the perfect woman

Ranma 1/2 Hard Battle

Ranma 1/2: Chōgi Ranbu-hen
Best fighting game ever

she's physically 100% female and capable of getting pregnant, unlike you tranny freaks

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Blah blah blah, there are several billion 2D women capable of doing that, you just pick Ranma because youre a gay ass fag in denial

Female Ranma was made to get BLACKED.

>Voiced by Megumi Hayabashiri
>100% female when transformed.

I think you're actually gay and just projecting.

That's dragon ball

Went for Shampoo
Stayed for Ukyo
Ended with Kodachi

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% female when transformed.
His brain isn't

Ah yes, because clearly all those specifics are something you require out of every 2D woman and you arent simply just skirting around the fact that its a DUDE

His...her mind is still male

her brain is physically 100% female

>Body chemicals don't alter when transformed.

Ranma has a female brain when a woman, as confirmed by Rumiko as well, you played yourself.

And I don't like male ranma.

>doesn't want a hot female with a male's mind
The fuck is wrong with you?

>being this obsessed about accusing people of being tranny lovers
what's wrong with these people

It's not otherwise he wouldn't have the same memories and personality as when he's a male

Based retard. So fucking a dude with the mind of a female is hetero but fucking a girl with the mind of a guy is gay? Jesus Christ you're stupid.


Who's the one with another man stuck in their mind when looking at a female?

never really watched the full thing but does ranma end back as a boy or as a girl?

I do not deny that at all. Females would be improved 100% if they were actually dudes that just happened to be hot females.

Nobody likes them or wants to fuck them, so their way of coping is to accuse people "hah, you're a tranny lover" in hopes that it's actually true.

the question is, if she get pregnant, and you threw hot water at her...
Would she kept the pregnancy on her female body, or you make her abort and vanish the kid?


You, when fapping to Ranma


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oh whoops

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It ends literally the same way it started

cool, thank god I didn't waste my time

In the manga Ranma is still cursed by the end of the series.

We never got official respond to that because Rumiko didn't think that far or didn't want to. All she did say was that Ranma is less likely to get periods because whatever cycle resets every time transformation happens.

The kid would get aborted and/or vanish. No the fem body wouldn't keep the baby, that's why the pail of preservation exists

The anime doesn't even have an ending, the Manga has a final boss, but is still open ended.

The Ranma anime is mostly garbage anyhow. If you want to check out Ranma 1/2, the best bet is to read the manga. Heck, the anime flat-out omits some of the best parts of the manga

Yeah, fans hated the endings in her previous works so she didn't even bother this time.

Nah it's directly addressed in the manga

I don't like male Ranma and I was always disappointed when he was on screen.

What trannys think they look like.

t. tranny


It literally isn't. Rumiko was even directly asked that in an interview and she basically gave a "I've never thought of that and neither should you" response

And the vast majority of Ranma porn is exclusively Ranma getting fucked by dudes. It aggravates my dick.

>no periods if she switches back every once and a while

I've literally never seen a Ramna doujin where his male form dicks anything. Fanart, sure. But no fan comics

Probably the best possible response desu.

>male protagonist turns female
>since he's usually a boy he's only wearing boy clother, aka no bra or any of that shit
>since he turns in contact with water he always ends up getting wet clothes
>some of the biggest knockers in the series
Rumiko is a damn genius

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"Women come from semen and that used to be a part of a man which is gay" logic.

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Best pairing.

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The SNES RPG one is mediocre, but you will like it if you like Ranma. Changing forms is an ingame mechanic. It was translated ages ago.

There is an arc about a pail used to preserve the cursed form of a cursed thing, made by a civilization that used the spring to turn animals into girls so they could impregnate them.

Just read the manga user. It's clear she did think about it she just didnt want to invite or entertain stupid shit at the interview.

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i want to transform into a sexy cute anime girl

God I wish that were me.

>to turn animals into girls so they could impregnate them.
That's completely different thing

those lines..........
is mogudan drawing ranma stuff now?

>Just read the manga user.
user, if it literally says it right there in the manga then show the evidence. I've read this manga a number of times, it's never brought up.
>It's clear she did think about it she just didnt want to invite or entertain stupid shit at the interview.
So it's clear because... there's absolutely no evidence. Gotcha.

he draws a lot of stuff

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There was an arc where a guy was changing animals into women to make a harem and impregnated them after using a ladle that "locks" them into the female form. They brought children to term.

So, yes, Ranma CAN get pregnant, but he'd need to stay female, which would presumable require a "lock" of sorts to get a successful ovulation off.

He's been kind of branching out a bit lately from just exclusively Rei and OCs to Rei, OCs, and the occasional character from other IPs.
I like it, though I personally don't like how he gives Tatsumaki tits like in . Goddamn it, the slim chest is part of her appeal, you dumb jap waifufag!

This kind of stuff is the best.

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"god I wish that were me" the anime

That confirms the body resets every transformation so no it would not retain preg

You're really making me mad with your fucking stupidity user. How the fuck could you read the entire manga and miss an entire fucking arc about a device invented to keep the cursed form for the explicit purpose of impregnation?
You clearly haven't read it why would you even lie about something like this? Stupid fuck. You don't even deserve to see this page.

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So what you're saying is, they turn female animals into women, which is nothing like Ranma getting impregnated. In other words, this is still just your headcanon. Cool.
>Completely different scenarios are the same

Lum > Inuyasha > he one about ghosts I can't remember > Ranma 1/2

At least he's not making tatsu chubby looking like his rei, but instead just pumping a little more on her hips so it's not that bad

Is that the one with the girl who literally cannot see men's faces or something, she just sees a blur?
Because that was some weird shit.
>I wanna make a yuri series, but don't want to alienate otakus
>I know, I'll just make the protagonist a boy (female)!

That was to keep ANIMALS in human form while pregnant, smartass

I think it was about braclet that made you into girl and gave you super powers and then everyone fight or something?
I think it was "yuri" harem but it could also have been just ecchi


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Inuyasha would be so fucking good if it had better pacing and without fucking wasps.


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Mogudan turned Rei into a cow after a few doujins. His early Rei art was pretty much on model.
I hope he doesn't do that with Tatsumaki.

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Fetish humor the manga trumps everything. Ranma was the original tranny fetish beofre it even existed.

>without fucking wasps.
How else do you hinder something that can suck ANYTHING into it?

Inuyasha manga at least ended being an enjoyable jrpg kind of story

Reminder that even the straightest guy ever would fuck Ranma even knowing she was a guy.

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>trannies didn't exist before Ranma
Based retard

>I think it was about braclet that made you into girl and gave you super powers and then everyone fight or something?
Yeah, it's called Kampfer.
Ore Twintails ni Narimasu is yet another example of female transformation kino.

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>that midsection
I don't know what's worse, early Rei that had no internal organs and plastic bubble tits or modern Rei that's essentially a VD character with Rei's head on top.
But his Tatsumaki just makes me angry. Might have something to do with how his art improves upon Rei, but you'd have be an artist and a half to improve upon Murata's art.

Why does everyone always go for the "boy transforms into a girl and fucks guys" kink? It's so gay.
Why is there so little of the superior reverse of that situation?
Even when I google "girl transformed into boy" it still just gives me results of boys transforming into girls instead.

Is wanting to see a girl end up in a boy's body, and then have to share that new body with her best friends too much to ask for?

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Awful taste for an awful "human"

Where in rural America do you live?

>manga is a literal harem, full of attractive fuckable female characters
>majority of people only care about the one that happens to be a dude

Why the fuck is this series overrun by faggots? I honestly think that's why Takahashi said fuck it and never went back to Ranma.

What the fuck are you talking about? Not only does it not say female animal, that wouldn't fucking matter since the curse turns whatever falls into it into a girl.
You do realize its the same spring of drowned girl right?

Which literally doesnt matter, I dont know why you're pointing this out as of this matters to the conversation in the slightest other than proof that yes when something falls into the spring and turns into a girl it can get pregnant.

>wanting to see that gay shit
The only acceptable alternative to "boy transforms into a girl and fucks guys" is "boy transforms into a girl and fucks girls".

Because everyone wants to become cute anime girls. Boys are boring.

>other than proof that yes when something falls into the spring and turns into a girl it can get pregnant.
Because the whole discussion was about what happens WHEN THEY TURN BACK.

Fucking this.

>best girl
>ends up marrying miroku the monk
>have a bunch of kids, two or three girls and a boy

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>What the fuck are you talking about? Not only does it not say female animal, that wouldn't fucking matter since the curse turns whatever falls into it into a girl.
It does directly say female animal. Heck, the monkey that Herb throws into the spring is expressly female.
>You do realize its the same spring of drowned girl right?
...And how does that mean that a guy will get pregnant? That seems like a huge stretch, and it's still your headcanon.

>tfw in the mid 90s that I modded my PS1 with some chip to play an import Ranma 1/2 fighting game.

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Maybe Takahashi shouldn't have made the best boy also best girl then

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>good color scheme
>chinese martial arts girl
>long braid
>big breasts
>great bod
Anyone who wouldn't go for that is literally gay.

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Because all of the other girls have intentionally annoying quirks.

>other than proof that yes when something falls into the spring and turns into a girl it can get pregnant.
Moving goalposts means you NEVER have to be wrong as long as you change the argument

What about not wanting to see a guy turned into a cockslut makes me a woman?

Oh that's good too. But "girl grows a penis and gets lusted after by her straight friend" has some neat twists to it. The girlfriend is more realistically into it without having to be a lesbian, and the newly masculated one has to deal with sensations she never learned to control, and with the awkwardness of a girl turning her on.

What's wrong with Ukyo?

The fact that you want to see a woman grow a penis. Fag.

Who wouldn't fuck a cute busty redhead in great shape?

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Is Inuyasha Takahashi's magnum opus still? I swear didn't she do something new?


Heck, and actual joke of the series was that the actual (realistically speaking) best girl and no doubts BEST wife was Kasumi, who also happens to be the most BORING character in the history of media. Ukyu was a close "second best" but she was also kind of boring on the long run.

No wonders Ranma is the best girl by default in the end, she just have the best qualities of all the other girls! She is knows how to be femenine, cute and hot as hell, actually interesting and she is not crazy!

She doesn't really exist.

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>without having to be a lesbian
What's the point then? Besides, there's nothing more gay than wanting more dicks and less tits in the world.

That is literal the part that makes it good. All the episodes where he messes with Ryoga as female ranma.


>...And how does that mean that a guy will get pregnant?
Because the spring of drowned girl, get this, turns the person into a fucking GIRL. The entire fucking premise of the series is my headcanon. Fucking hell you are absolutely fucking retarded. Please for the love of God slit your stupid throat, I seriously mean this. This is some really seriously advanced stupidity.

I'm not moving any goalposts. It's retards bringing up irrelevant animal shit when it's all the same spring of drowned girl.

wtf user stop spraying that water on me

It's the other dealing with wondering if she's a lesbian instead. In both scenarios there's still the same number of lesbians.
Actually while we're on this subject, Girl form Ranma/Akane is also an underrated pairing.

turning a man into a 100% biological female, and slowly turining him towards the path of taking dick and femininity is the most hetero thing that can be done.
ask the romans
or read boku girl and seitenkango shinyuu to

Physically the smallest with the with the best design. Red color also triggers arousal in both sexes.

Nobody cares about male Ranma.

By thinking forward a little bit when writing a story so not falling into plotholes then filling them up with bullcrap. Inuyasha is not bad, but it has a lot of problems, and it could have been improved a lot if it had less unnecessary shit, and a better pace. The setting is interesting so are the characters and the chemistry between them, but it becomes a chore after a while. I feel it could have been so much more, but whatever.

You're arguing that something we said from the start beginning was possible but that was not the issue. It was what would happen if Ranma turned male during pregnancy.

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Or any of the other thousands of comics and hentai about it.

eh, having them gradually fall in love is more interesting than reading 'OH DICK IS SO GOOD SEX AS A WOMAN IS THE BEST I WANNA BE LIKE THIS FOREVER'
former's a shitton more rare than the latter

Fuck it, not him, but if we follow the whole canon, the logic answer is that Ranma can get pregnant, but turning bat into a boy would abort the baby and Takashi doesn't want to got there.

The whole deal of sealing the female forms of the animals during pregnancy is as simple as: First, if the animal WAS female to begin with, if makes sure the baby remains human, of second, if it wasn't female, prevents abortion.

Is a really easy way to see it, it's obvious way Rumiko wouldn't want to discuss this, and it doesn't require that much debate. Is head canon for sure, but an easy one to follow!

I really didn't like Boku Girl much.

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Sekai no Hate is better, though it's major flaw is that is really easy to forget that the main character was a boy to begin with.

fair enough
sekainohate de aimashou was pretty good from what i remember of it.

Have you ever watched Ranma 1/2? Ranma uses his female form to manipulate dudes into doing stuff for him. I'd argue it inadvertently created the meme.

Altered Carbon got me thinking about this again.
Maybe a girl gets into an accident, and needs a new sleeve, but there's not much available so they put her stack into a male body. Cue fun times with her girlfriend when they try hanging out like normal.

I always enjoy autists defending their headcanons. I can't understand how hard is it to admit "i love this but it is true that the writer was fucking around with this part".

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You watch that series and this is your takeout? Maybe you need to get into an accident.

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no u

>having a 100% real and functional vagina and tits
>that's gay dude
Fuck off you shitstain.


>Can pick from gorillon of female anime characters
>he like Ranma but pretend it's not because is a male with the ability of genderbending

The Sega CD game. It's the best looking one out of all Ranma games yet as mediocre as the rest of the Ranma game

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Nabiki is best girl btw.

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I am to cheap for her.

There are only two possible outcomes:
A) the pregnancy is cancelled and the next time they turn into a girl they are not pregnant
B) the pregnancy is "paused" until they turn back into a girl again

Scenario A seems more likely.

Nabiki's voice is sexy as fuck

Any interest begins and ends at the female version. Nobody cares about male Ranma, they don't even look the same. Please stop overthinking cartoons.

She'd suck you dry financially and then dump you.

Outcome A, being indeed the most likely, has also two possible outcomes, with one being a "poof" there is no baby anymore, no matter how further in the pregnancy you were, or... a very horrific scenario in regards the current placement of the fetus in the body, the more developed the fetus was, the worst this one gets.

No wonder Rumiko doesn't want to think about this.

Misfits tried to answer this question. The pregnancy persists, and the guy gradually loses the ability to control his transformation as the pregnancy progresses, with the assumption that he would soon be stuck in female form until it was over.

And yet she's still one of maybe 2 characters in the entire franchise who isn't completely out of her goddamn mind.

lmao seething tranny
No it's not because "it's a male with the ability of genderbending", it's because girl Ranma is hot and interesting.
That's literally it. Nobody cares about male Ranma.

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I addressed that in the very first post. It's the animals guy that kept changing the subject to some waaah animals have to be female to get pregnant shit

First few seasons were great, even had a solid dub for it's time.
OAVs were good at the least.
I remember a fanfic that took Akane's jealous tendencies to their natural end, and when Ukyo tries to save Ranma from his miserable relationship, Akane kills them both.

Is she hooking up with Broly and stealing his bling?

Look up for all your haha needs.

I love me some big fat tiddies, but knowing he is in core a man ruins it completely for me. I just can't. Doesn't matter how hot. He's a man in mind. It's gay, period.

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Ranma is simply attractive.

I already do. Too many of the games are shit or never finished but fuck me some of them make me diamonds.

The first few seasons were great because it actually followed the manga. Later seasons just started making up their own plots. And yeah, at least the OVAs were good quality for the most part.
Also I think I read that fanfic. Back in the day I used to read shitloads of Ranma 1/2 fanfics.

This is kinda how I think of Ranma. I'm not quite on the same level as you, I can at least acknowledge that she's hot. But any doujin or whatever just comes across as vaguely uncomfortable, not hot

Thinking of men when looking at something with breasts and a vagina... user...

Not him but you do realize that's the entire point of the source material right

>OAV was solidified fanservice
>dat Ranma with long hair

user these people are not real.

Um ACKTUALLY that was from the second movie, not the OVAs.

>tfw no curse

I don't think I'll ever forget it.
The episode where Ryoga was learning the Bakusai Tenketsu technique was baller.

Got any recommendations?

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It still pisses me off that they never animated the Herb/Mint/Lime storyline. Not even in an OVA. Or the stuff with the Saotome secret arts. There were SO many good stories the anime skipped over

Think about alien that body must feel. I bet even the slightest touch from you would make him (her) shiver.

Cheerfully amended.

(S)he was made for cuddles

Intention doesn't always carry over to the audience. Nobody really watched Ranma to look at the male design.


Any good article/rundown/summary of manga storylines, differences between anime and manga, OVAs, etc.? Would be a fun read as someone who loved the anime as a kid but not enough to care about rewatching or reading the whole manga nowdays.

Mostly Press Switch versions 3-5(they're all different), Student Transfer plus some fan scenarios for it and Magical Camp.
Yeah Magical Camp is a RPG Maker but it's pretty good.

>Yea Forums wouldnt fuck this

Holy shit imagine being this fucking insecure.

>Intention doesn't always carry over to the audience.
It was the entire premise of the show from beginning to end
I guess if you're very dumb you might not pick it up. Yes, stupid people really would get fooled I guess

Late reply, but you're thinking of Kashimashi

These people can't dissociate fictional concepts from illustrations of fictional characters. It taxes one's mental agility. We're one step away from people claiming homosexuality is the only true form of straightness.

Are trannies real?


There might be something like that, but I don't believe so. Ranma 1/2, despite being pretty popular, has never really gotten a devoted analysis crew. Even something like Dragonball here in America doesn't have many people discussing the anime vs the manga

You sound like a tranny apologist

I want to fuck Ranma (female)

I miss old anime...

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The sound of your frail heterosexuality about to cumble is deafening.

Oh god let's not have any modern review do an analysis on Ranma they're overextend and try to tie into transgender stuff, and while there is an admittedly frightening overlap between Trannies and Ranma 1/2 I always felt Ranma was about poking fun not so much at sex but at arbitrary gender norms.

Ranma uses his female form to eat parfait because he can't imagine doing so as a guy even though he wants to, for example.

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Akane > Ukyo > Kasumi > Nabiki > Shampoo > Ranma > shit > Kodachi

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Is this an OVA?

>not absolute trash tier

Liking cutesy sweet deserts is pretty gay, so maybe Ranma is actually closeted gay and is secretly glad he can become a girl at will? Maybe he wants to get fucked by Ryoga.

I like all of them equally. I want to spend hours in a hot bath with all of them and hug semi sexually with absolutely zero shame or bad feelings.

Have you watched the show, user? He's originally a man. Through cursed well, he turns into a woman everytime He gets cold water over him. That means he's a man.

Not Yea Forums, fuck off you disgusting beaner.

Big steppy!

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In the anime he does grow to accept his curse as the borderline superpower it is.

In the manga he grows to not really give a shit about it, going all out against that fucking faggot Saffron and not caring about hot or cold war in the fight.

But Ranma has an avid interest in fighting, so even though Ranma can be both a man and a woman, he doesn't let his sexual preference and literal gender fluidity define him.

>ranma 1/2
>500 episodes
>doesnt even kiss Akane

why do japs do this?

I have never in my life wanted to fuck ranma, is like a turn off in my brain and inmediatelly consider him a bro, same way i get turned off by the gf/wife of a friend, a lesbian or a very ugly woman
I wouldnt have problems being around him though, but you zoomers act like is burning you alive, which makes me think you are a bunch of insecure beta faggots that lust dick and will end up sucking on male ranma's asshole instead of girl ranma's tits.

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Ok, well... Good for him then?

That's a Takahashi special and it makes sense. Story ends if you get the couple together.

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I tough the mentality of Ranma changed a little when on female form so she acts feminine, after all the change is full so his brain becomes the one of a girl.

I need source right now. Can't find it by the supposed name in the image.
留学 as the only word doesn't help either.

>which makes me think you are a bunch of insecure beta faggots that lust dick and will end up sucking on male ranma's asshole instead of girl ranma's tits
Nice proyection, it also makes perfect sense with the rest of your post. Enjoy having your first buttfuck in your middle crisis at the age of 55 because you're too chickenshit.

>one of the most iconic bulma's designs
>never used in canon
what did toriyama meant by this.


>be 12
>come home form school
>turn on RTL2
>ranam 1/2 just starting

i want to go back bros ;_;

The concept of genderbending as portrayed in Ranma 1/2 is fiction.

Sorry moot


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Nevermind, found it."ohkami ryosuke$" ryuugaku

>I wouldnt have problems being around him though
You realize such a mentality would force you into almost exclusively sexual tension situations with the female variant, correct?

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Because if Ranma actually gets with Akane then every future episode would be either shonen or Happosai

>no u
>being this mad

Literally not at all, exactly the same mentality. Well, except when he bumped his head and he really thought he was a real girl.
That episode was hot.

i have never had sexual tension with someone im not interested in.

It changes a bit. Ranma as a girl tends to act like Bugs Bunny. But there's always circumstances that explain the wackiness besides just brain chemistry. For example, when Ranma fights Mousse, he's locked into his girl form more or less, but still has to pretend he's a guy. So he(she) dresses up in a chinese outfit like Mousse's complete with sunglasses, and when that outfit is shredded reveals that she's wearing a bunny suit, because "hahah see I Ranma can even cross-dress as a girl to embarass you Mousse!", when really Ranma is just bluffing wildly.

Besides of course cute girls being more appealing than guys, Girl Ranma tends to be more fun to watch because she will use SHENANIGANS to a greater deal than Guy Ranma will(Guy Ranma still will use shenanigans, though)

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Thank you.

What episode was it where he flashes his tits as a battle tactic?

Nope. The baby only exists in the female body because it's attached to it by the umbilical cord. There are no implications, you edgy kid.

what would happen if you fucking female Ranma streight IN THE PUSSY and then spash her with hot water to turn into a man?

In the hypothetical, you'd change your tune quick once the physical attraction took hold

After season 2, 80% of the episodes are already Happosai. So basically nothing changes. Don't understand why Takahashi is so obsessed with the little old man trope. She did the same crap in Urusei Yatsura and ruined that.

If by Bugs Bunny you mean that awful paint drawing of him saying that he dresses as a girl and kisses the guys who try to troll him that's not really Bugs Bunny.

really kinky urethra insertion

You get pushed out I imagine.

Not a knock against you, but you really shouldn't concern youself so much with what a bunch of people who fetishizse a man turning into a girl tell you. No shit they're going to say that they're in the right and you're in the wrong.
You wouldn't concern yourself with or try to reason with a bunch of homosexuals telling you that being gay is normal and being straight is weird, right? Its like trying to convince a thoroughly insane person that they're wrong and crazy.

goodbye penis-type

It cuts clean your dick off, it basically gets telefragged without the teleportation.

Female Ranma do exactly what a guy would do if they could magically turn into a girl, I too would wear all kinds of ridiculous and sexy outfits.

I wonder if he gets turned on by his female self, I would

>leaking out
holy fuck that's hot

ranma is literally a girl when he changes, it's not the same as cutting off your dick tranny
it's fucking magic

No I mean when Ranma uses blatantly obvious disguises to fuck with her rivals. Bugs Bunny does the same stuff, like, the actual Bugs Bunny.

TGT Bugs Bunny is autism incarnate but the original Bugs does Cross-Dress and wear disguises to mess with Elmer, Yosammity Sam, and others.

Attached: Ranma Disguise.jpg (385x450, 24K)

Ever present Happosai is an anime filler invention though.
Also Cherry didnt ruin UY, he barely got focus outside of popping up randomly in the episode only to get told hes ugly or get beat up most of the time.

This is how fucking insecure you sound you fucking faggot.

Finally a thread to post my drawing in

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my nigga

>wear disguises to mess with Elmer, Yosammity Sam, and others

What a waste of a ban. :/

I will proceed to cum to your drawing.
How does this make you feel?

Have you never watched the OG Merry Melodies cartoons?
How young are you?

I'm not sure I like this.

Reminder: Anybody that denies sexual tension between Ranma and Ryoga is in denial. Female Ranma wanted his Ryoga D.


Yup. I'd mess around a lot more if I had Ranma's curse. Not because of repressed sexual identity, but because of hijinks.

Yes I've seen them, I wanted to name that drawing because it's so stupid and retarded and it still cracks me up.

Something's wrong about the anatomy.

>a legit 100% biological female should not be found attractive because they are affected by a magic curse
You seems an odd hill to die on, user.
All of your real life arguments that you are hedging on fall apart.
It's like saying in D&D, a man that was cursed to be a woman (a highlight gag in OG D&D) couldn't be an attractive woman because your real life logic says so.

Nobody is fetishizing a man turning into anything. The female design is sexy and that's it.

>Not because of repressed sexual identity, but because of hijinks
You'd suck like 20 dicks on the first day.

learn how to draw human bodies next time.

>There is an arc about a pail used to preserve the cursed form of a cursed thing, made by a civilization that used the spring to turn animals into girls so they could impregnate them.
That's not addressing it, we still don't know what happens to a non fixed person if they get hot water.

Basically this, highly insecure closet faggots like this
Are way, way too easy to single out with something like Ranma discussion.

>Ever present Happosai is an anime filler invention though.
Him and Hawaiian dude are in the second half of the manga. They're the most used characters besides Akane and Ranma. And clearly were just used as filler.

>Also Cherry didnt ruin UY, he barely got focus outside of popping up randomly in the episode only to get told hes ugly or get beat up most of the time.
He's used as a device to deliver exposition or whenever the writers needed to have someone trigger an event. In that way yes, he is a little better than Happosai. Still, they used him so much he got old. To the point that they started to mock him in the way you described. Every character, including Sakura, started dreading his appearance, voicing the response of the audience. They could have easily used other characters to do what he did 90% of the time. Or introduced a new character in various episodes.

But yes, he's still better than Happosai, who has literally no purpose.

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nigga i dont want to fuck ranma when girls like shampoo and ukyo exist. Dont be so thirsty.

Not unless I'm in a Shindol manga I wouldn't.

Honestly gender swap mindbreak and impregnation is pretty great.

what is there to talk about? im surprised the ranma spark is still alive after so many decades.

Attached: Saotome.Ranma.(Girl).png (932x1407, 791K)

Happosai's purpose is to ruin the fucking series.

FemRanma,in my mind, is just entirely different person. I just don't care at all.And before you ask Trannies can go kill themselves.

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This user gets it.

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By 'Ranma discussion' I meant the posting of videos and pics of female Ranma and Ranma female characters and fap to them.

>But yes, he's still better than Happosai, who has literally no purpose.
Not that guy but I'm straight-up gonna disagree that Happosai has no purpose. I'm not saying he's the best character ever from an anime/manga, but he is the master of Soun and Genma. He's there to be mostly an antagonist (since he's a pervert and gropes Ranma as much as anyone else) but also an antagonist who's actually competent at some level and can often beat Ranma. Basically, it's an excuse to have new crazy martial arts shit, and occasionally some supernatural shit too

That sounds pretty gay

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People always underestimate how strong Ranma is, the guy could go as far as the end of DB saga in terms of power level.

No way you could overpower him/her.

And that has been acknowledged, user.
Get on track with the convo versus a tangent.


Might be controversial to say, but it's because people still find "boy turns into girl" to be very hot even if they don't admit it considering how bowsette exploded.

I saw a chart from the end of the manga series that said Ranma could lift 15 tons, Ryoga 13, Shampoo 8.

I learned to stop thinking about that because doujin are there to write porn since 100% of the time the reasoning the dick win is nonsense.

But women are top tier.
Why fuck dudes when they exist?

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>a legit 100% biological female should not be found attractive because they are affected by a magic curse
I never said this. Not the orginal guy but that isn't even what the argument was about as far as I can tell.

And all that is used in the story about 1% of the time. 99% of the time, his only purpose is to be lewd. Which is funny the first time you see him, and then old the other 100 times he shows up.

You do know what Ranma is fictional character?

omg no way

there really isnt much difference, is still selfinserting as a guy feeling what a girl is feeling, is like a vanilla version of the concept for people scared to go all the way.

Wow holy shit man! I remember that channel! From 14-18 almost every day I watched most of the animes aired. One piece, dragon ball, detective conan, yu-gi-oh, pokémon, ranma ½, beyblade, inuyasha, power stone, monster rancher etc. It was fucking great man. Their openings and endings were awsome too

>And all that is used in the story about 1% of the time.
Once again, I disagree. If we're going by the anime then maybe, the anime is mostly garbage. But in the manga that really isn't true Mostly when he does show up he has a purpose in the story.

it's not gay if you can impregnate it

You retarded? Theres like 50 posts in here explicitly talking about looking for and fapping boys turning into girls and girls turning into boys and shit.

bowsette was more about monster girls really, half of the fanart completelly missed the point.

Attached: genderswap-fan-art-04.jpg (500x647, 152K)

You can totally impregnate traps, I saw that on some doujins, ergo, traps aren't gay.

For me, gender bender is only hot if a guy turns into a chick and fucks another girl.
There was a Ranma doujin from back in the day where girl Ranma and Shampoo fuck each other, that was the only Ranma porn I ever fapped to

You sound even gayer when you're bitching about it you faggy cunt.

UY was too aware about the situation the characters were living. It's not a surprise they start to consider Cherry appearing more obnoxious as time goes by.

Would you hop in the spring?

There's entire arcs in the manga where he's just filler. The noodle delivery chapter, the (multiple) panty stealing chapters, the chesnut chapter, etc. Every time, Takahashi tries to explain he's there to "train" Ranma. But the only event that ever trains him is the chesnut one. All the others, it's just an excuse to see Happosai go around groping the girls. Because Takahashi just can't get enough of the perverted old man trope.

>monster girl
Absolutely retarded, shit tier fetish

only if i can revert it, i dont want to hide from water 24/7.

>i dont want to hide from water 24/7
You're on Yea Forums so you hide from water 24/7 anyway so whatever.

Why would you want to overpower Ranma? Just try and woo her normally, you'd probably succeed if you don't act like his/her other fiancees and go full lunatic.

>monster girl
She's even more disappointing on that end also this dragon ball z opening beats that shitty american version of it

What posts?
The argument is that female Ranma isn't fuckable because he was a guy, despite that being based on a real life argument that doesn't hold weight when magic gets into it.

I actually wonder this myself.
If this is true then I assume the child, being part of her embryo, transforms into a sperm in Man Ranma's ballsack and goes back to the ovary when she becomes girl ranma. At which point because the menstraul cycle is reset, she begins the pregnancy again from day one which gives her a shot at taking an emergency pill. Interestingly enough, even with the same partner, by this way of 'resetting' the child girl ranma is able to change the genetic makeup of the said child multiple times.

Even if Ranma can go female he is male by default and prefers to stay that way, he is straight, the only way to make him go female is by forcing him in a way or another but that would also mean that he/she will kick your ass for forcing him to go female.

>But the only event that ever trains him is the chesnut one.
I know this is bullshit, because Happosai is the reason Ranma learns the Hiryū Shōten Ha. And the whole reason the character of Panyhose Taro even... exists. Plus there's not exactly a lot of chapters where they just steal panties and nothing else. I think you need to re-read the series

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Why isn't there any comfy martial arts RPG games?

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Well, it's translated but I don't know about comfy...

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>its a retards think 2d=3d episode

He trains him in the one where he takes Ranma's strength and he learns that tornado move. Which is his strongest move too.

which ranma was you guys' favorite.
mine was ryoga' sister

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Are trannies real?

Thought that was his ki blast, the Lion's Roar or somesuch?

When you get cursed water gets attracted to you. Not even kidding, it's said as a reason why every character that happens to have a curse cant avoid getting splashed by water in the most ridiculous of circumstances.
Trying to avoid water is probably like trying to cheat death in final destination.

There's a doujin about that...

Yeah, the American version of Head Cha La sucked, which makes it that much better when they use Rock the Dragon instead.

Except, unlike tranniefags, Female Ranma can get pregnant

kek, fucking last one.

Yes, they are the new gays. I wonder what degenerate shit will be pushed for acceptance next

Just do what the French family did, but make the contest of his freedom about video games

Intereseting like reading scientific journal. I feel like this might be a step forward in genetic engineering in the upcoming future.

gunshitter thread dead, now for this one.

My Gunbuster thread got taken down by the gay mods.
Fuck :(

Was confirmed during beastclan saga that pregnancy locks transformation in place

get permabanned you off topic spamming weeb.

>twatter screencap
Why should I trust what a literal who says? Where's the proofs?

fuck you user. I hope you die of a heart attack

>pail of preservation


Nah, it's always his last resort move used against all the major antagonists. Lions Roar dont even remember being used outside of the inital appearance with Ryoga.

Tornado move is kinda situational though.

Fucking lel

I mean, Katsumi had plenty of suitors. The rest however were annoyingly female or annoying tsundere.

She is factually the best. But she's also a lie.

>don't know anything about ranma, but want to get into it since it's such a classic series
>mangadex is missing almost half of it
>the scans that are floating around are ancient so the quality is shit
>scanlations are also very old so it's lacking the standards of professionalism, for lack of a better phrase, that most translation groups have today
I just wanna read the granddaddy of genderbender, is that really so much to ask

Yeah, but that one sucks.
The english version has good voice acting though. Bruce falconeer made some good stuff

Or what if, imagine this, the cum is hot that when he creampies he turns into a man and dude ranma like drips HIS cum out of his dick?


oh. ok then

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Everyday We Stray Further From God's Light and this

Yeah the scanslations are complete ass
They're even fucking flipped so it reads left to right

It was like my 3rd or 4th manga though so I didn't really notice how ass it was.

I am afflicted with a severe intellectual disability that causes me to contest opposing viewpoints on a 2003 Xerxian tidal wave sipping forum.

I am contesting the assertion that being interested in the anatomically female Ranma is homosexual. This notion is mistaken, and seems to be founded upon the idea that there must be an underlying attraction to the male character, which isn't the case. That is all.

You know, most times the jannies are good at getting Yea Forums threads deleted.

I guess they're preoccupied with their vaginal width.

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Attached: traps.png (1775x1139, 1015K)

remember me?

trannies btfo

>still bald
I hope this isnt advocating trannyisim

Is this what delusional trannies think will happen?

Traps are always 100% gay

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somebody made this shit. Just the thought man.

>Not Futa on female but just Futa
See that's gay, futa is just a alternate guy and when you just have a picture of a guy without anyone else that's gay. If its futa on female its okay but futa alone is fucking gay dude.
That's literally just a tranny, what is this chart

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>confuses futanari for dickgirls
>confuses dickgirls for shemales (trannies)
You're the one that doesn't know what you're talking about

>I went to college for this

Gender Bender is irrelevant
Futa/Dickgirl depends on what is going in what hole. Literally the perfect partner for a 3 way, but the fact they could go for your ass makes it playing with fire.

Played the SFC game, it was utter shit. Yes the one that was brought to america as Street Combat.

ranma thread?
if you don't enjoy genderbender doujins where the MC gets corrupted/succumbs to the pleasure and realizes the pleasures of having a female body, you're a giant faggot

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What happens to cum stored in his balls? Does it get ejected when he/she transforms?

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>Confuses dick girls for shemales
First off, your wrong. dick girls are shemales, deny it all you want they are females but instead of vagina they have dicks.
Second, why would the chart differentiate dick girls and futa if they were the same thing? Obviously it's talking about shemales, they were already letting actual gay traps off because they passed so its safe to assume they are using the dick girls as shemales definition. Not only that but they said feminine dick girls too, as in their are masculine dickgirls, unpassable trannys.
>Confuses futa for dick girls
Futa's are hermaphrodites and is commonly used as such, just because you have a extremely specific definition for it doesn't mean everyone else does, but explain to me why futas aren't hermaphrodites since you seem well versed in the science of cocks.

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Is a magical transformation, all the natural biological stuff of each gender simply fades from existence when the change is done and gets replaced by the natural biological stuff of the other gender.

>tfw no dating sim 18+ with and/or as Ranma
why live

What did he mean by this?